190 resultados para Córrego Barracão (SP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Os sistemas convencionais de produção agropecuária são considerados grandes causadores de impactos ambientais, tais como degradação do solo, poluição e assoreamento dos rios, destruição da vegetação nativa, perda de biodiversidade e contaminação dos alimentos, o que conseqüentemente induz o aparecimento de problemas sociais, econômicos e ambientais. Os sistemas naturais em bom estado de conservação oferecem serviços ambientais que são vitais para o ser humano. Diante disso, torna-se necessário compatibilizar a preservação dos recursos naturais com a produção agropecuária. Para a manutenção da saúde ambiental de uma microbacia hidrográfica submetida à produção agrícola, as matas ciliares, encontradas ao longo das margens da rede de drenagem e ao redor das nascentes, exerce importantes funções do ponto de vista hidrológico, ecológico e geomorfológico. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo geral propor medidas de adequação ambiental para a microbacia da cabeceira do córrego do Taquari (3.260 ha) no município de Leme/SP. Como objetivos específicos teve-se: a) delimitar as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APP’s) e Reserva Legal (RL), conforme a legislação ambiental vigente e b) realizar uma proposta de adequação ambiental para a microbacia, considerando a sua estrutura fundiária. Através de estudo de caso realizado nesta microbacia, que faz parte do Programa Estadual de Microbacias Hidrográficas do Estado de São Paulo, procurou-se por meio de um banco de dados cartográfico, gerar no final, um mapa de adequação ambiental. A microbacia possui 62,5% de sua área ocupada por cultura de canade- açúcar e 16,6% por culturas anuais, com maior destaque para milho e algodão. Na microbacia existem 71 propriedades rurais, sendo que 51 (71,8%) delas apresentam áreas menores que 30 hectares, se encaixando como...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
A mata ciliar é de extrema importância para a boa qualidade da água assim como evita a erosão do solo das margens dos corpos d´água. No entanto, grande parte das matas ciliares estão em processo de degradação, sendo sua restauração ou recomposição uma emergência. Para isso torna-se necessário saber qual é a composição florística da mata ciliar a ser recuperada. O presente trabalho analisa a composição florística de um trecho da mata ciliar do córrego dos Antunes, situado no município de Jau/SP, a qual está muito degradada. Foram feitas coletas quinzenais entre os meses de abril a setembro de 2008, nas quais foram coletadas amostras (parte reprodutivas ou ramos com folhas) das espécies arbóreas com lenho e DAP igual ou superior a 5 cm. Foram encontradas espécies exóticas, de mata de brejo, xerófitas e espécies que de fato ocorrem em matas ciliares e entre essas ultimas espécies que não foram relatadas em matas ciliares da região.
The present study was concerned with checking the water quality, the recovery of the riparian vegetation and vegetation around the springhead of stream Bandeirantes, such as the inadequate disposal of waste along this stream, which is located in Rio Claro, SP, in the period from March to July of 2010. Aiming to propose mitigation measures to reverse the degradation processes and develop activities to help a better awareness of the population directly related to this water resource. The water quality was analyzed by performing monthly sampling in three different points along the stream. The first point of sampling is in the spring of the stream, the second at the region called estradão and the third near its mouth, when it flows into the Ribeirão Claro, a tributary of the right bank of the Corumbataí river. It was calculated from the Water Quality Index (WQI) developed by Cetesb. The results were compared with current law. The riparian vegetation, which is responsible for the protection of rivers and streams, was observed and examined during the field work. The results indicated the stream as class 2 and the WQI has been classified, in the most of the analysis, such as a water of good quality. However, some parameters showed a worrying situation and highlighted the current situation, with waste deposits, furniture and animal waste into the pit of the stream studied
Despite the current Environmental Legislation resolution, concerning the protection of the Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), be quite rigid, in practice, is observed noncompliance with the minimum limits of protection, especially in urban areas where, historically, the urbanization processes have been executed without compliance with the minimum standards of urban and environmental planning. Given the above, the present study aimed to analyze the urban sprawl evolution at the Olinda stream APP, located in the city of Rio Claro - SP. By means of the visual interpretation of aerial photographs in the GIS/ARCGIS environment, thematic maps of the urban sprawl of the years 1972, 1995 and 2010, as well as the Olinda Stream APP surroundings, were prepared. From the maps, it was possible to measure the occupation density for each scenario and indicate from which period the urbanization process has intensified. It was also possible to quantify the loss of vegetation area and indicate the major environmental problems in the basin of the Olinda stream. Therefore, the development of this research shows its importance, considering that its results can support the public administration, assisting in proper planning of land use and occupation in urban watersheds
In the last 60 years, many Brazilian cities practically doubled their population contingent. As a result of this process, there was an increase on the occupation level on unstable areas, from a physical point of view, and on the anthropogenic interventions at the natural ambient, reorganizing the existent process and forms. Thus, this work shows the results of the analysis of geomorphological changes deriving from urbanization processes at the Lavapés Stream watershed, located at Rio Claro county (SP). The goal of this work was reached by means of historical-evolutionary geomorphological cartography. To achieve this result, it had been prepared geomorphological and land usage charts for the years of 1962, 1988 and 2010, and a declivity chart. Those scenarios have been analyzed from the point of view of the General Systems Theory. The results were attached into an urban use restrictions chart, which allowed identifying the areas that should not be occupied, by geomorphological view and by environmental law restrictions
Man can transform the nature according to their needs through technique which enables agriculture, cattle raising, constructions of buildings for housing, transport routes, etc. This action has brought significant transformations to the environment, and relief is one of the most changed elements, mainly at urban areas, which concentrates most of the Brazilian population. In these areas geomorphologic systems have undergone alterations in their flow of matter and energy by the action of man. Thus, it is possible o understand the action of man as geomorphologic action, nowadays, the tecnógeno, since the human action can interfere qualitatively and quantitatively in the input and output of these systems. The anthropic geomorphology has contributed to the analyses of the effects due to the urbanization at the form and at the geomorphologic process in the urban watersheds, indicating the transformations at the shape of the relief and the alterations due to the acceleration of the flow of matter and energy. From these questions, this study had the main diagnose the anthropogenic changes of the relief at the basin of Corrego do Jardim São João, Araras (SP), comparing two scenes, 1997 and 2006, through geomorphological mapping evolutionary in the area. The geomorphological feature altered at the basin are directly linked to the use of soil, mainly at the urban use, which caused effects in the relief at the studied area, making possible to define periods of the urban evolution and impacts caused by the urbanization. Among the changes it was found the decrease of the topographic breaks and at the riverbed channels, as the increase of the accumulation of the plain and riverbed terrace. The elaboration of a letter of the legal restrictions of the basin make possible to evaluate some of the environmental urban problems that occur, which are due to the occupation of the relief in the areas of permanent preservation that brings significant impacts to...
This study aimed to simulate and evaluate the sediment transport in Upper Basin Stream Cachoeirinha in Rio Claro, SP, and compare the results with previous studies performed in the same basin. The modeling software used in this study was Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), which is a very comprehensive tool that discusses many physical processes. In this work, the hydrosedimentological processes were treated, aiming to understand the sediment production and transport. The Basin Stream Cachoeirinha has an area with predominantly agricultural use, especially sugar cane. The database for inclusion in software was constructed from the following elements: climatic, topographical, soil type and use and land cover of the area, also including the parameters of Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE). The analysis was conducted for a period of 16 years (1994-2010), which is the range of data available from CEAPLA. The results were analyzed in terms of annual runoff and sediment yield. The average sediment delivery in the simulation was 0.94 t/ha/year, while the maximum annual contribution was 7.28 t/ha/year
With the accelerated urbanization process of Brazil from the 50s, there was a disorderly occupation of spaces and consequent soil sealing. Unlike this growth, the support capacity of urban environments has not evolved in the same way, generating negative environmental impacts to the citizens. Among these impacts are the effects of flooding. In order to minimize the negative effects of extreme precipitation over cities, the government invests in corrective measures, like compensatory techniques on urban drainage, which have as a basic principle the retention and infiltration of the rainfall, dampening the peak flow and runoff. An example of applying these techniques in urban areas are the detention basins, commonly called large pools. The hydraulic design of these structures is dependent of complex data and variables, and projects involving small areas generally use simplified methods for defining the reservoirs volume of the storage (Tassi, 2005). One of these methods is presented in this study, which relates to the percentage of soil sealing to the specific storage volume (m³/ha) in combination by applying the hydrological model of the Rational Method and analyzing regional rainfall and soil occupation over the basin. Within this context, the basin of the Wenzel stream, which is located amidst the urban area of Rio Claro/SP, also presents the problems related to human occupation in its valley. Thus, by the method presented has been adjusted a curve correlating the percentage of impermeable area and the specific volume of a detention basin. For the current situation of Wenzel Basin with 82% of impermeable area, and return period of 10 years, the specific volume is 262.1 m³/ha. The presented method is consistent with the results of other studies in the area, and the expression obtained allows estimating the volume of storage required to match hydrograph pre and post-occupancy. It presents itself as a useful tool in the planning stage of...
This paper focuses on the implementation of a geological and geotechnical mapping to the planning of the region stream Bertini, territorial expansion area of the municipality of Americana (SP), a medium-sized city in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, with great potential for growth industrial and residential. To this end, based on the methodology established by the Institute for Technological Research, the charters geological and geotechnical aimed at exposing the capabilities and limitations of the soil. The analysis of similar soil characteristics such as geology, geomorphology, slope, geotechnical testing and the current use and land cover was possible to recognize four geotechinical units. The units I and III are related to areas of top and concave and convex parts of the study area, shown to be sites of low occupancy restriction. However the units II and IV, respectively allocated in the floodplain of the Piracicaba River and the banks of the stream Bertini and some of its drainage, showed a more restricted area due to proximity to water bodies and drainages that offer higher slopes.
Interessada em atividades com foco conservacionista, a Ong SOS Cuesta Botucatu foi selecionada pelo programa Petrobrás Ambiental para desenvolver o Projeto Córrego da Cascata no município de Botucatu. Este projeto é uma proposta de mobilização e educação ambiental para envolver a sociedade, principalmente a população ribeirinha, na gestão e no planejamento estratégico de recuperação e conservação ambiental da Microbacia Hidrográfica do Córrego da Cascata. O foco do projeto é promover a reversão dos processos de degradação e planejar ações estratégicas integradas e participativas de manejo e de gestão para a preservação da qualidade ambiental desse córrego urbano, por meio de uma caracterização socioambiental da referida Microbacia. Em relação à caracterização ambiental, o presente estudo refere-se ao levantamento da mastofauna em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica situados na área da Microbacia. O levantamento dos mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte foi realizado no período de abril de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012, com a utilização de dois métodos: parcelas de areia e câmeras trap. Outros dois métodos complementares também foram utilizados na tentativa de conseguir resultados que, invariavelmente, não seriam obtidos com as metodologias acima, como entrevistas e registro de atropelamentos. O objetivo é avaliar a riqueza da mastofauna da região comparando com trabalhos anteriores feitos em fragmentos com características semelhantes aos inseridos na Microbacia do Córrego da Cascata, Botucatu, São Paulo. Foram registradas 14 espécies de mamíferos pertencentes a sete Ordens distintas, sendo duas espécies consideradas ameaçadas. Houve predominância de registros de animais generalistas/oportunistas em áreas com menor diversidade de mastofauna
This study aimed to survey and analyze the geomorphological aspects of watershed stream Wenzel in Rio Claro, as well as anthropogenic incidents about which he eventually causing serious environmental impacts. All these changes in the natural environment are generated from the constant development of the urban environment, which ends up leaving aside factors relevant to the natural order and that over time they become problems to humans. As various forms of environmental degradation occurring on some form of relief, geomorphology can make a major contribution in this field, since the analysis of the hydrographic network can lead to understanding and explanation of numerous geomorphological issues because the waterways are process morphogenetic the most active in the terrestrial landscape sculpture. The research with a systems approach and vision interrelated aspects in question may even serve as a basis for practical planning and urban management, in addition to detailed study of the area, which is of paramount importance to the local society
Environmental diagnosis fits in analysis social-spatial organization insofar it contributes to understanding past and present aspects of how a territory works as well as enables the creation of statements for future ordainment. In this context, the present study aims at contributing with data for creating recovery and environmental preservation projects for the basin of Macacos‟ stream‟s headwaters, located in the north of Álvares Machado county in São Paulo state. To achieve this purpose, the main characteristics and existing uses in the basin have been analyzed and its main environmental problems were identified in the data and information collected in journals, field work and interviews with dwellers from the interested area and local government authorities. On this way, a diagnosis of the environmental state of the studied area was performed considering its specific issues regarding the natural and physical process as well as human influences. From the analysis carried out it was possible to identify environmental impacts on different levels resulting from the conflictuous relation between uses and occupations and the natural dynamics of the studied basin.