115 resultados para Códigos de sinais (Matemática)


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This paper presents some results of a study on the Centre for Mathematics Education (Centro de Educação Matemática, CEM), a group of mathematics educators from the city of São Paulo-SP (Brazil), active mainly during the years 1984 to 1997. To establish a position on the process of identity constitution of CEM, we bring forth the method of Oral History and theories of identity. In this essay, an exercise in constituting the identity of CEM from the characterisation of this community's publications within its practice, we assume that the processes of identity constitution do not refer to what CEM is or was, but rather to a set of possibilities for apprehending it on the basis of strategies and initiatives set in given historical conditions and times. We make explicit three aspects that are present as their practice is converted into a source of coherence (mutual commitment, joint enterprise and shared repertoire), which allow one to reveal actions and production in the history of mathematics teacher education in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.


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The aim of this paper is initially to consider some issues related to the relationship between humanization and alienation in the process of historical social development of human gender. These considerations are fundamental for understanding the concept of classical in Dermeval Saviani and the consequences for research about the historical development of Mathematics currently found in school curriculums. The intention is to value the appropriation of school mathematics as a humanizing element that becomes accessible through the activity of teaching.


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At this time, diverse views on deafness are present in society. Such views, in general, arecharacterized by theoretical disputes between communicative possibilities - either oral or gestural - based onthe importance of having appropriated oneself of a language code for the development of language, which isessential in the constitution of subjectivity of human beings. Thus, this study aimed to identify the conceptionsof deaf people had about their condition. To collect the data we used semi-structured interviews, applied toten participants who were deaf adult users of the Brazilian Sign Language - Libras. The interviews were taped,transcribed and subjected to content analysis. The results indicate that the conceptions of deafness constitute amultifaceted view on this condition, infl uenced by social relations throughout each person's life trajectories. Theresearchers perceived that learning Libras enabled deaf persons to constitute their own assertiveness as someonewho is different, with different needs.


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The present article, which is one study among others, seeks to understand practices and tactics of day-to-day school, spanning and being spanned by three studies in Mathematics education. The diversity of scenes, people and strategies used by actors in everyday school, considered from the theoretical perspectives of Foucault and Deleuze, shed light on the ways Mathematic alphabetization takes place and evidence regarding what is present in the black box of school culture, in a constant problematization about what a school can do. Maps are presented that establish cartographies, revealing smooth and striated territories, on a path created by the research done in those schools, where life is always invented.


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In this paper, we present GPIMEM, a group that has been developing research in Mathematics Education related to computers and other media since 1993 to understand how mathematical knowledge can be produced with these technological resources, in face-to-face as well as online distance education. Members of the group dialogue with different fields of knowledge such as philosophy, history, psychology, anthropology, sociology, arts and technology, among others, to inform their research. The research addresses various topics relevant to Mathematics Education, including methodological and epistemological aspects of teaching and learning, of mathematical modeling and teacher education, always within a qualitative research perspective. We begin with the historical presentation of the group, revealing its dynamics and organization of work, followed by reflections on qualitative research methodology and description of research conducted over the past five years. Finally, we present a synthesis of the theories developed by the group and expectations for the future.


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Excessive specialization and the fascinating advances of technology and the sciences, particularly of mathematics, cause a false dichotomy between the sciences and technology and the arts and humanities. The survival of civilization is threatened. Clearly, the fragility of the current social organization allows for the exclusion of the larger part of the population from the benefits of progress. We need to revert this scenario, moving into a civilization without inequity, without uncontrolled consumerism and with respect for social and environmental conditions. In this paper, we discuss these issues and we illustrate with some examples how this can be achieved. We discuss the development of mathematics in Brazil, environmental crimes and its prevention through mathematical education, and a proposal for alternative educational models, using as an example the Waldorf Educational System.


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This paper outlines the formation, dynamics and some of the paths taken by the Research and Study Group on Ethnomathematics and its relationship with the Graduation Program in Mathematics Education, presenting a history of its formation, its knowing, its doing and its way of being together, and presenting an overview of the research carried out by its members. This paper also addresses the relationship between the group itself with themes within ethnomathematics, highlighting that the group is a space for collective education and cooperative self-education, which takes place through exchange of experiences, sharing of knowledge and in debates and discussions, from being in a group, respecting the reciprocity and valuing alterity, key aspects of ethnomathematics education.


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In this article we tried to show the paths outlined during the past years by the Research Group on History of Mathematics and/or its relations with Mathematics Education (GPHM) at UNESP in Rio Claro - Brazil, as well as the contributions we believe we have made to Mathematics Education. The group's production has focused on issues that address the history of institutions and characters, linked to the history of disciplines, concepts and learning materials. Also, in broader terms of mathematics education, this article presents results from research that supports the understanding of teachers' conceptions about the use of History of Mathematics in the classroom; material on the history of mathematics accessible to the teacher; the presence of the history of mathematics in textbooks; proposed introductions of real numbers; and the subject of Analysis in teacher education and training.


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This text presents some reflections about the educational and virtual processes of mathematics teachers drawing on research on the theme. Thus, in this text, considering our experiences with the development of online courses, we discuss issues such as collaboration in virtual environments, which contributes to more effective results in collaborative learning and reduces the potential of isolation of student/teacher that can occur in virtual environments. Through collaborative learning in a virtual community, students/teachers have the opportunity to practice and think in-depth about their learning experiences by sharing new ideas with the group and receiving critical and constructive feedback. Moreover, the virtuality formed by the environment of online courses supports educational spaces for teachers who teach mathematics. Thus, collaboration emerges as an essential element for construction of meanings and for sharing experiences on the practice of teaching.


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This paper presents some outcomes from research based on classroom experiences. The main themes are the use of mirrors, kaleidoscopes, dynamic geometry software, and manipulative material considering their possibilities for the teaching and learning of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.


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In this research we present a meta-comprehension about the research on Mathematics Education developed in Brazil through an hermeneutical analysis of the texts presented and discussed on the III SIPEM - International Seminar on Mathematics Education occurred on 2006. We present the trends that were identified in the research and emphasize the interrogations, questions and problems they address as well as their scientific, philosophical, and methodological rigor. We present the nucleus of ideas present in Mathematics Education research in Brazil as we transcend the individual production of research, focusing on the references of national and international authors. We conclude that the research analyzed has been clearly designed, introducing conceptions of and ways of working with Mathematics that address issues related to education, society, culture, teaching, learning, and history of Mathematics Education.


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As if aesthetics were not content. But as we are faced with some other language (frequently called incorrect), our inclination is to correct it or to want to correct it: not luv, boy! But that's what we hear, not what should be. This essay is, based on aesthetics, a testimony about not being ashamed of its contribution to the field (Mathematics Education) - as a contribution and not 'only' style. The usual parametres for research papers are kept on check.


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In a large metropolis, students from different neighbourhoods can experience very different life opportunities. This can influence their attitude towards schooling and learning, including the learning of mathematics. We interviewed a group of six students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. We invited the students to look into their future and explore whether or not there could be learning motives that linked mathematics in school to possible out-of-school practices, either in terms of possible future jobs or further studies. We identified some themes in the students' descriptions of their experiences. The first theme is discrimination. The students feel discriminated against due to the fact that they come from a poor neighbourhood. They fear being trapped in some stereotypes. The second theme is escape. There is a strong motivation to begin a new life away from the favela. A third theme concerns the obscurity of mathematics. It seems clear to everybody that education is relevant to ensure a change in life. However, the mathematics lessons do not provide any clues regarding how mathematics might function is this respect. The fourth theme is uncertainty with respect to the future. The students could easily formulate almost unattainable aspirations, while reality might impose some very heavy limitations. In this article we introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students' life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. Students' intentions for learning are related to their foregrounds, that is, how they perceive their future possibilities, as made evident to them by their social environment. Students in a favela could experience what we call a borderland position, a relational space where individuals meet their social environment and come to terms with the multiple choices that cultural and economic diversity make available to them.


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The primary objective of this article is to analyze situations with discursive interactions in math classrooms, which may prompt student's understanding of teacher's speech. To analyze the situations with discursive interactions, this study used elements from Bakhtin's theory of language, mainly its concept of comprehension, and introduces the new concept of intermediate comprehension . The data used in a qualitative approach were collected from class observation through video-recorded lessons. The results showed three situations with discursive interactions that contribute to understanding of the school teacher's speech: 1) speech referring to everyday situations; 2) the teacher's speech math in a less rigorous way 3) teacher comparing different mathematical objects.


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Initial steps are taken towards an interpretation of the discourse of mathematics, by showing that a mathematical model does not represent, but re-present; that it is not objective, but that it invents its objects; and that it is not descriptive, but performative. Mathematics-based discursive acts become identified, as crucial elements in an interpretation of mathematics as discourse. The discursive acts are: (1) technological imagination, (2) hypothetical reasoning, (3) legitimation or justification, (4) realisation, and (5) dissolution of responsibility. Through such acts, mathematics exercises symbolic power and makes possible new forms of symbolic violence.