219 resultados para Brasil [Estatuto da criança e do adolescente (1990)]


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A notificao da violncia domstica pelos profissionais de sade contribui para o dimensionamento epidemiolgico do problema, permitindo o desenvolvimento de programas e aes especficas. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a responsabilidade desses profissionais em notificar a violncia, especialmente a domstica e as possveis implicaes legais e ticas a que esto sujeitos. Assim, foi realizada pesquisa na legislao brasileira e cdigos de tica da medicina, odontologia, enfermagem e psicologia. Quanto legislao, as sanes esto dispostas na Lei das Contravenes Penais, Estatuto da Criana e Adolescente, Estatuto do Idoso e na lei que trata da notificao compulsria de violncia contra a mulher. Tambm existem penalidades em todos os cdigos de tica analisados. Conclui-se que o profissional de sade tem o dever de notificar os casos de violncia que tiver conhecimento, podendo inclusive responder pela omisso.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This conclusion of course work aims to investigate the city of Limerick / SP, in order to question whether there are and what public policies developed by local, if there are training places for young people and targeting the job market or even partnerships between the city and local businesses seeking to supply the concrete conditions of preparation and targeting young people for the labor market. All changes in education accompanied the need to provide skilled labor to contribute to the country's economic development. The work is divided into several chapters. The first chapter is about the whole historical development of professional education in Brazil and new challenges. The second chapter discusses the reality of the world of work changes and their consequences, and the issue of working children and adolescents. The third chapter is about the difficulty of insertion of the poor youth in the current job market. The fourth chapter presents the city of Limerick to the needs of professional schools to meet the large number of trades and industries, which are currently listed by the educational institutions of the city and programs signed between the Municipal bodies and institutions such as SENAC (National Service of Commercial Learning) and Senai (National Service of Industrial Learning). The fifth chapter presents an interview with the CAMPL the city of Limerick, whose goal and give professional training to teens to get the first employee. Readings were taken from several authors who treat on the subject


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The article searches to launch some analyses and investigations on the historical reach of produced participative processes in Spain and Brazil. Evidently, both the processes if had uncurled in historical, social, economic contexts and distinct politicians, but, exactly thus, keep some approaches that we intend to give prominence in the present article. For example, the popular mobilization in the two presented cases after occurred a long period of not attendance of social demands socials. In the same way, the processes of democratic renewal of both are related with historical landmarksend of the cold warand the dismantlement of the State of well-being that introduced new rationalists in the relation between governing and governed dynamic, over all in the coinage and offer of public politics. How much to the dismantlement of the State of social welfare, we present, still, that in the case of Spain occurred a decentralization of its formulator power to decide arrangement of public politics that started to count on the participation of social actors in the called relational city (BECERRA, 2011). In the case of Brazil, the dictatorial period (1964-1985), the fast urban growth and the generation of precarious peripheries in the main cities, the distension and the Constituent (1986-1988) had generated the enough forces of pressure so that, gradually, if it incorporated the participative arrangement in the power to decide process. We identify that in both the cases, kept the had ratios, the instauration of a critical scene of suppression/absence of formulated public politics from an interface with the social movements were the propeller spring of the transformations in the power to decide mechanisms of formularization and implementation of public politics.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Buscou-se cartografar as instituies de assistncia social que atendem infncia e adolescncia consideradas em situao de risco pessoal e social, em um municpio do interior do estado de So Paulo, utilizando o instrumental da anlise institucional. O papel de membro do Conselho Municipal dos Direitos da Criana e do Adolescente e do Conselho Municipal de Assistncia Social facultou a realizao de uma anlise documental nos arquivos desses Conselhos, relativa s entidades assistenciais cadastradas, tais como organizaes governamentais, organizaes no-governamentais e outros estabelecimentos filantrpicos. Os resultados indicam que, no universo da Assistncia Social, a constelao criana/adolescente orbita em torno do astro-rei socioeducativo. Todas as atividades desenvolvidas nas entidades parecem recobertas por esse significantemestre, que conota dimenses pedaggicas e teraputicas, educativas e corretivas, de vigilncia e de preveno, promovendo controle e normalizao.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Pediatria - FMB


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Ps-graduao em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Ps-graduao em Servio Social - FCHS


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)