84 resultados para Aprendizado do computador
The use of computers in childhood education makes it possible for them to acquire knowledge in a fun way through games. This paper describes the experience of implementing the course “Computers for Children”, which is part of a University Extension Program at the School of Dentistry at UNESP - Araraquara. This course is offered to children aged 5-7 years old and it aims, not only, to offer children, via computer, a direct contact with new teaching technologies, but also, to help them develop both their motor and logical thinking abilities through educational games. The children that participated in this course are from the Children’s Center “Casinha de Abelha” at the UNESP -Araraquara and also from the Municipal Recreation and Educational Centers also in Araraquara, SP, Brazil. The software resources used in this course to teach computer skills are the educational games “Coelho Sabido Maternal”, “A Estrela Cintilante” and “Festa dos Dentinhos”. The children’s learning and the level of difficulty in using the computer as a tool were evaluated. It was possible to conclude that the course has been contributing to the digital inclusion of children aged 5-7 years old, in addition to training their visual and audio perception, their motor coordination and memorization, hence developing skills that are essential to the children’s literacy process.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In universities, in any type of faculty or research institute, it is possible to observe innumerable informatics applications: database management, organization of catalogues, expediting diagnoses and many other applications. Within this context, distance learning could facilitate the learning of various professions. Distance education is the process of teaching-learning and the professional has to be prepared to deal with the new tools that are made available, using them to his/her benefit, and consequently in his/her professional capacity, to guarantee greater productivity and interaction with the various spheres in the work field. Methods: The aim of this research is to develop a course on the use of the Dentistry software application EasyDental, using the teaching at a distance methodology by means of the Moodle platform. The proposed course was composed of 14 modules, in order to enable a progressive and a rational learning. Conclusion: It could be concluded that this platform allowed the preparation of the proposed distance course, in a practical and versatile manner, considering the resources and activities it has. However, to use this platform, one must have dominion of the basic concepts of informatics, and the tools of the Moodle platform.
In this paper we discuss the various ways of fighting for freedom developed mainly by women during the final period of slavery in the region of Campinas, State of Sao Paulo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The work shows the importance of process modeling in industrial flat field fashion design. This was achieved by a qualitative study identifying vision of modelers, students and teachers about this stage of development and production clothing product in the regional center of Londrina – PR. This research allowed the development of methodological guidelines for the teaching and preparation Modeling Industrial flat clothing.
Animais idosos podem mostrar dificuldades de aprendizagem e queda no desempenho de atividades que exigem a memória. O declínio no aprendizado e na memória pode ser demonstrado em cães já aos 7 anos de idade, usando uma variedade de testes neuropsicológicos. Diferentes testes vêm sendo desenvolvidos para avaliar o aprendizado e os diferentes sistemas de memória em cães, os quais são uma medida mais objetiva e mais sensível que a avaliação do dono, já que mensuram o aprendizado e a memória ao invés de observações clínicas. Por meio do uso destas provas, muitos avanços têm sido realizados no entendimento da disfunção cognitiva em animais de companhia e no desenvolvimento de agentes terapêuticos que sejam efetivos no aperfeiçoamento do aprendizado e da memória e no tratamento da síndrome da disfunção cognitiva em cães idosos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo dissertar acerca da execução de diferentes testes cognitivos que vêm sendo realizados em cães, o tipo de memória avaliada por estes e expor alguns resultados obtidos com experimentos prévios.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The use of technologies called computedassisted, such as CAD - (Computed Aided Design), CAM - (Computed Aided Manufacturing) and CNC - (Computed Numerical Control), increasingly demanded by the market, are needed in the teaching of subjects technical drawing and design courses for engineering and design. However its use findl barriers in the more conservative wing of the academy, who advocate the use of traditional drawing, for the settling of the concepts and the development of spatial reasoning. This study aimed to show the results obtained with the design and production of an apparatus for measuring a three-dimensional computer-aided milling machine, interaction, integration and consolidation of concepts, fully demonstrating that the learning of computer-assisted technology is possible, and its use is most appropriate, meaningful and productive, than the use of instruments in the classic design.
The present article aims to discuss a process of continuing education which was focused on Science teaching and computer use considering the school as the locus of training. This process was intended for teachers who taught in the first years of Primary School. The research was developed with a qualitative approach, focusing on participant observation. It was aimed to characterize the educational practices, considering the elaboration of scientific knowledge, the development of experimental activities and the educational possibilities of the Information and Communication Technologies. The results reveal the involvement of the group in an attitude of research and reflection, and the utilization of collective spaces for constant discussion regarding the issues of classroom and teaching action.
As demonstrações experimentais são atividades de grande tradição na História da Ciência, sendo realizadas desde 1660 na Royal Society, por grandes expoentes da Física, com o objetivo de promover a divulgação dos conhecimentos científicos desenvolvidos.Com o objetivo de contribuir com a melhoria e o interesse dos alunos pelos estudos das Ciências Exatas, bem como a conscientização destes sobre conceitos relacionados à Energia e seu impacto sobre a sociedade e sobre o meio ambiente, temos realizado atividades de demonstrações experimentais, denominadas de “Show de Energia”, nas escolas públicas de Ensino Médio de cidades da Região de Guaratinguetá, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Em cada um dos shows realizados entrevistamos os alunos, através de um questionário estruturado, buscando avaliar o impacto dessa atividade na motivação dos estudantes para o aprendizado de conceitos científicos. Os resultados apontam para a grande influência que a realização dos shows tem exercido sobre a motivação dos estudantes.
Performance of cyclical and discrete movements executed in Fitts’ task simulated by computer Abstract This study compared the performance of cyclical and discrete movements in Fitts’ task simulated by a computer. Twenty male adults, between 25 and 30 years old, participated as volunteers in the study. The software Discrete Aiming Task (v.2.0) simulated the Fitts’ task, in the discrete and cyclical conditions, and provided the movement time (TM). It was manipulated 4 target widths and 3 distances between the targets to provide index of difficulties (ID) from 1 to 6 bits. The ANOVA TWO WAY, 3 (Conditions) x 6 (ID), with repeated measures in the last factor, compared the TM in the different conditions. Regression analysis verified the relationship between TM x ID. There were no significant differences between the conditions; the virtual environment and the mouse were used to explain such results. All movement conditions showed a straight relationship between TM x ID with R²>0.990. Therefore, Fitts’ law showed to be consistent, independently of the movement strategy performed.
The use of computer-assisted technologies such as CAD - Computed Aided Design, CAM - Computed Aided Manufacturing, CAE - Computed Aided Engineering and CNC - Computed Numerical Control, are priorities in engineering and product designers. However, the dimensional measurement between the virtual and the real product design requires research, and dissemination procedures among its users. This work aims to use these technologies, through analysis and measurement of a CNC milling machine, designed and assembled in the university. Through the use of 3D scanning, and analyzing images of the machined samples, and its original virtual files, it was possible to compare the sizes of these samples in counterposition to the original virtual dimensions, we can state that the distortions between the real and virtual, are within acceptable limits for this type of equipment. As a secondary objective, this work seeks to disseminate and make more accessible the use of these technologies.
With the advancement of computer technology and the availability of technology computer aided design (CAD) errors in the designs are getting smaller. To this end the project aims to assess the reliability of the machine (CNC), which was designed by students of mechanical engineering college engineering - UNESP Bauru, by designing, modeling, simulation and machining an airfoil automotive. The profile template selected for the study will be a NACA 0012 machined plates in medium density fiberboard (MDF) and will be performed with a structural analysis simulation using finite elements and a software CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), and test the real scale model in a wind tunnel. The results obtained in the wind tunnel and CFD software will be compared to see the error in the machining process.