70 resultados para 749


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of immersion for varying periods in different concentrations of gibberellic acid and separate methods of scarification on the germination of seeds tucum. In the first trial, testing different soaking periods (24 and 48 hours), different forms of soaking (fast and slow) and different concentrations of gibberellic acid (0, 100 and 200 mg L-(1)) compared to the control (water) under completely randomized design in a factorial 2x2x3. The second experiment evaluated the different scarification treatments being: physical (seed coat removal in the hilar region with the aid of a scalpel), chemical (sulfuric acid 98 PA for 2:04 minutes) and thermal (hot water at approximately 98 degrees C and cold water at about 2 degrees C for 4 minutes). In the first trial were evaluated % of contaminated seeds (seeds infected by microorganisms) and hard seeds (who did not start the germination process, but not soiled), and in the second we assessed germination percentage (%) every two days for three months; germination Speed Index (GSI), time to occurrence of 50 % germination (T50) and Emergency Speed Index (ESI). The use of gibberellic acid was ineffective in promoting germination of Tucum (Astrocaryum Huaimi Mart.). Scarification treatments were effective in promoting germination and emergence of seedlings in the nursery and the most efficient physical removal scarification of the seed coat in the hilar region with the highest percentage of germination.


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A Geografia brasileira ainda carece de sua história. Nos anos mais recentes, numerosos artigos têm aparecido, tentando recuperar essa falha, mas nota-se, ainda, a falta de um documento mais abrangente, que recupere os momentos fundamentais, os acertos e os erros, os avanços e as crises no progresso do conhecimento geográfico desenvolvido entre nós. E a lacuna se faz sentir, também, em termos de informações precisas sobre pesquisas, eventos, trabalhos publicados e teses defendidas, sem as quais não se pode reconstruir, de forma segura, a trajetória da Geografia brasileira. (DINIZ et al., 1987, p. 3)


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This article is part of a master's degree dissertation that studied the way as stigmas and stereotypes regarding lesbianity influence the life, in the sphere of the sexuality, of women that denominate themselves as lesbians, resident in a city in the interior of the State of São Paulo. The stigma here analyzed is that lesbians are women that frustrated with men. We tried to show, through the narratives of the research s participants and basing on gender and feminist studies, how the heteronormativist system naturalizes the masculinity to the men and the sexuality in the masculinity, and how it legitimates speeches about lesbian woman through the heterosexual referential. Also, we tried to show some strategies of the biopoder for the maintenance of that system and, starting from interviews in depth, we presented how the participants of the research (lesbian women) make speeches on that stigma and how they re-significate it through their own narratives. That research was financed by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo FAPESP, and accomplished by the Pos-Graduation Program of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Campus of Assis-SP.Key words: Gender. Sexuality. Lesbianity. Heteronormativity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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1. 1. Oxygen consumption and its relationship to stepwise declining oxygen tension were examined in the common striped hermit crab, Clibanarius vittatus. 2. 2. Weight-specific oxygen consumption varied with body weight (W), according to the equation log V ̇o2 = 2.1639 + (-0.419 log W). 3. 3. Shell-less individuals of 1-2 g wet wt, where found to be oxygen conformers, since oxygen consumption ( V ̇o2) decreased with declining oxygen tensions. At ambient oxygen tensions below 35.4 mmHg, oxygen consumption remained constant, suggesting an increased ventilation. 4. 4. C. vittatus was found to survive in oxygen-free seawater for 5.5 hr, and no significant differences were found in oxygen consumption rates, for shelled and shell-less crabs, measured in water and air. 5. 5. The use of a K1 K2 index of oxygen independence, showed that larger animals were better able to maintain oxygen-independence during hypoxia than smaller individuals. 6. 6. C. vittatus displayed a pattern of no oxygen debt, once returned to normoxia. © 1983.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o potencial da técnica de MALDI-MS para caracterizar espécies de lipídios presentes em um único embrião equino e estudar algumas estruturas lipídicas detectadas por dissociação induzida por colisão (CID). No espectro de modo íon positivo, pudemos observar espécies, principalmente, protonadas e sodiadas de esfingomielinas (SM), fosfatidileolinas (PC) e triacilgliceróis (TAG). No modo negativo, observamos fosfatidiletanolaminas (PE) e fosfatidilinositos (PI). Espectros de íons de lípidos com maior intensidade foram utilizados para demonstrar o potencial da informação estrutural por MALDI-MS/MS. O espectro no modo positivo de m/z (massa sobre carga) 760,6 (atribuída como PC34:1) apresentou características de fragmentos PC de m/z 184,1 (denominada cabeça polar de colina), além de perda neutral (NL) de m/z 183 (fosforilcolina). Para o íon de m/z 766,6 (atribuída como PE38:5), observou-se a NL de 140, característica do PE. Para o íon de m/z 808,7 (38,5 atribuído como PC), além do fragmento m/z 184,1 na NL de 183, foi possível observar a perda de trimetilamina (íon de m/z 749,6) e o ciclofosfano (íon de m/z 147,0). Finalmente, para o modo de íon negativo, foram isolados e fragmentados o íon de m/z 863,6 que foi atribuído como PI36:1, devido à presença de m/z 153 (fosfato de glicerol – H2O-H ), 223 (inositol fosfo - 2H2O-H) , 241 (fosfoinositol – H2O-H), 281 (ácido oleico) e 581,3 (lisofosfoinositol – H2O+H). Concluímos que a MALDI - MS permite a detecção de uma ampla gama de espécies de PC, SM, PE, PI e TAG lipídicas, bem como a caracterização rápida e confiante de estruturas lipídicas a partir de um único embrião equino.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)