173 resultados para zinc 65


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fertilization with zinc or boron on the growth and dry matter production, nutritional value and accumulation of nutrients in white oats. The study comprised two experiments conducted in glasshouses, the first consisting of the application of four doses of zinc (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/dm³) in the form of zinc sulphate (20% Zn), and the second consisting of the application of four doses of boron (0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/dm³) in the form of Borax (11% B). The experimental design in each case was a randomized block design, with five replicates. Fertilization with zinc and boron increased the growth of white oats, but had no significant effect on the nutritional value of the forage. Higher levels of absorption and accumulation of nutrients in plant tissues were observed following the application of boron and zinc at rates of up to 0.60 mg/dm³ of soil.


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A sample of 471 pre-school children who frequented schools and creches in a poor district of Manaus (Amazonas), Brazil, were randomly submitted to faecal parasitological tests. Two-hundred-and-forty children from both sexes between the ages of 3 and 7 years with Ascaris lumbricoides and/or Giardia lamblia were selected. The objective of the study was to determine the possible influence of these two intestinal parasites and vitamin A and/or zinc supplementation on the serum retinol levels of primary school children. The children were submitted to clinical and anthropometric examinations, dietary interviews and biochemical examinations of retinol and carotene in the serum and of zinc in the hair. The parasitic incidence was 85.0% and about 54% of the children were polyparasitic. During the pretreatment phase, the retinol and carotene serum levels were 36% and 57%, respectively, below the normal levels. Using the Waterlow classification, the anthropometric analyses revealed that 88% of the children showed normal growth. A significant effect was observed of the anti-parasitic medicine on the serum retinol levels.


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The ZnO luminescent properties are strongly influenced by the preparation method and they are principally related to electronic and crystalline structures. This work reports about the correlation among luminescence properties of ZnO, obtained from zinc hydroxycarbonate, and crystalline lattice defects, microstrain, as function of thermal treatment. The crystallite size increase and the qualitative microstrain, obtained by Williamson-Hall plots, decrease as function of temperature. The evolution of electronic defects is analyzed by luminescence spectroscopy based on energy of the electronic transitions. From excitation spectrum, it is verified two bands around 377 nm and 405 nm attributed to the transitions between valence-conduction bands and valence band to interstitial zinc level, respectively. The emission spectra of sample treated at 600 degreesC shows large band at 670 nm. However, the green emission around 530 nm is observed for samples treated at 900 degreesC. The intensities of excitation and emission bands are associated with the increase of the electronic defects that depend on the strain lattice decrease. The lowest strain lattice results on the best green luminescent properties of zinc oxide. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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ZrTiO4 (ZT), obtained by the Pechini method, was used as precursor for obtaining PLZT (lead lanthanum zirconium titanate). An aqueous solution of oxalic acid was prepared with particles of ZT, Pb(NO3)(2) and La2O3. After the PbC2O4 and La2O3 precipitate on ZT particles, the materials were calcined and X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed the cubic phase of PLZT. This material was sintered, in two steps, and a density of about 8.0 g/cm(3) was obtained. After the second sintering the XRD pattern showed the occurrence of tetragonal and rhombohedral phases. This was caused by a stoichiometric deviation and the material showed a high optical transparency. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zinc status was evaluated in 12 hyperthyroid and in 7 hypothyroid patients in comparison with 8 euthyroid individuals by the oral zinc tolerance test and by the determination of urinary zinc excretion. Hyperthyroid patients presented a basal serum concentration similar to that of euthyroid individuals but greater urinary zinc excretion, indicating the occurrence of zinc depletion from tissues to the blood stream caused by the catabolism inherent in the hyperthyroid state. Hyperthyroidism also caused lower zinc assimilation by tissues after zinc ingestion. Hypothyroid individuals present lower basal zinc levels in serum than euthyroid and hyperthyroid individuals and urinary zinc excretion similar to that of euthyroid individuals. No changes in the parameters measured were observed after zinc load, suggesting reduced or delayed intestinal absorption and zinc assimilation by tissues. The present data are indicative of zinc deficiency, the lower intestinal zinc absorption probably being one of the contributing factors.


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We present first-principles calculations of the thermodynamic and electronic properties of the zinc-blende ternary InxGa1-xN. InxAl1-xN, BxGa1-xN, and BxAl1-xN alloys. They are based on a generalized quasi-chemical approximation and a pseudopotential-plane-wave method. T-x phase diagrams for the alloys are obtained, We show that due to the large difference in interatomic distances between the binary compounds a significant phase miscibility gap for the alloys is found. In particular for the InxGa1-xN alloy, we show also experimental results obtained from X-ray and resonant Raman scattering measurements, which indicate the presence of an In-rich phase with x approximate to 0.8. For the boron-containing alloy layers we found a very high value for the critical temperature for miscibility. similar to9000 K. providing an explanation for the difficulties encountered to grow these materials with higher boron content. The influence of a biaxial strain on phase diagrams, energy gaps and gap bowing of these alloys is also discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study was designed to determine the optimum dietary zinc supplementation to Nile tilapia juveniles (13.3 +/- 1.13 g), by using vegetable-based diets supplemented with increasing levels of zinc from commercial-grade zinc sulfate monohydrate, a previously determined zinc source of higher bioavailability. The basal diet was supplemented with 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, or 400 mg/kg Zn. The experiment was conducted in forty 250-l tanks arranged in a recirculating water system. The experimental period was divided in two phases. For the first 10-week experimental phase, fish were fed satiation diets supplemented with increasing levels of zinc. For the second 5-week experimental phase, fish that were fed diets supplemented with 0-300 mg/kg Zn during the first phase were fed the 400 mg/kg Zn-supplemented diet; fish fed the diet supplemented with 400 mg/kg Zn (first phase) were fed the nonzinc-supplemented diet (second phase). Broken-line analysis showed that the optimum dietary zinc supplementation ((ZnSO4H2O)-H-.) to Nile tilapia juveniles, using weight gain and bone zinc saturation as response criteria, was 44.50 and 79.51 mg/kg Zn, respectively. When challenged by a zinc-deficient diet, tilapia mobilized stored bone zinc to preserve its zinc status. By considering that bone zinc saturation is a more accurate response criterion than weight gain, it was concluded that the optimum dietary zinc supplementation ((ZnSO4H2O)-H-.) in vegetable-based diets to Nile tilapia juveniles is 79.51 mg/kg Zn. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new, versatile, and simple method for quantitative analysis of zinc, copper, lead, and cadmium in fuel ethanol by anodic stripping voltammetry is described. These metals can be quantified by direct dissolution of fuel ethanol in water and subsequent voltammetric measurement after the accumulation step. A maximum limit of 20% (v/v) ethanol in water solution was obtained for voltammetric measurements without loss of sensitivity for metal species. Chemical and operational optimum conditions were analyzed in this study; the values obtained were pH 2.9, a 4.7-mum thickness mercury film, a 1,000-rpm rotation frequency of the working electrode, and a 600-s pre-concentration time. Voltammetric measurements were obtained using linear scan (LSV), differential pulse (DPV), and square wave (SWV) modes and detection limits were in the range 10(-9)-10(-8) mol L-1 for these metal species. The proposed method was compared with a traditional analytical technique, flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), for quantification of these metal species in commercial fuel ethanol samples.


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The physicochemical electronic characteristics of SnO2 render it useful in many technical applications, including ceramic varistors, stable electrodes used in electric glass-melting furnaces and electrometallurgy of aluminum, transparent windows and chemical sensors. The use of ZnO as a sintering aid was explored in this study to obtain SnO2 as a dense ceramic. Compacts were obtained by mechanical mixing of oxides, isostatic pressing at 210 MPa and sintering in situ inside a dilatometer at heating rates of 10degreesC/min. The grain size and microstructure were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). The phases and chemical composition were analyzed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results indicated that ZnO acts as a densification aid for SnO2, improving its grain growth with additions of up to 2 mol%. ZnO forms a solid solution with SnO2 UP to 1 mol%, above which SnZnO3 precipitates in the grain boundary, potentially inhibiting shrinkage and grain growth. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers


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Zinc plays a very important role in animal and human metabolism. Nowadays, it is one of the most extensively studied trace element, since its sphere of action has been demonstrated to be very broad. From the biochemical standpoint, it controls more than 300 different enzymes, many of them involved with intermediary metabolism, DNA and RNA synthesis, gene expression, and immunocompetence. It also plays a significant role in hormonal homeostasis, since it can interact with almost all hormones. Zn2+ is closely related to the thyroid and steroid hormones, insulin, parathormone, and pituitary hormones, particularly prolactin (PRL). Zn2+ can inhibit PRL secretion within a range of physiologically and pharmacologically relevant concentrations. This property has raised the possibility of clinical applications of zinc. In this article, we review the Literature on the subject in an attempt to provide a comprehensible general view.


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The purpose of this study was to examine in rats the histologic alterations of the submandibular glands and testicles induced by soy diets and zinc deficients diet. The zinc deficiency produced testicles alterations including seminiferous tubulus atrophy, germinative epithelium degeneration, spermatogenesis alterations and a significant atrophy of the submandibular glands which presented no much delimitated acines. The soy diet without complementations also compromised the spermatogenesis by showing seminiferous tubulus atrophied and a reduction of the germinative epithelium. The soy diet complemented by saline and vitaminic mixtures didn't produced testicles alterations but its induced in the submandibular glands a hypertrophy of the ductal component mainly in relation to the granular component.