85 resultados para native legumes


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The spatial dynamics of three blowfly species was investigated using a spatially extended model of density-dependent population growth and the results indicate an overall stabilizing effect. Introduction of diffusive dispersal induced a quantitative effect of damping variation in population size on the route to a one-fixed point equilibrium in the native species, Cochliomyia macellaria. On the other hand, diffusive dispersal caused qualitative shifts in the dynamics of two invading species, Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya putoria. In both species diffusive dispersal can produce a qualitative shift from a two-point limit cycle to a one fixed-point dynamics. Quantitatively, dispersal also has the effect of damping oscillations in population size in the invading species.


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The relationship between soil fungi and actinomycetes, with rhizobia that produce nodulation in Neonotonia wightii (perennial soybean) was studied in culture medium in order to obtain material to be used in mixed inoculations of this legume. A field experiment was designed to provide soil samples and isolate microorganisms belonging to these groups that are capable of interfering in the development of two selected rhizobium strains. Results show that the Bradyrhizobium strains used in the experiment, which are efficient in nodulation of Neonotonia wightii, are highly sensitive to substances produced in the culture medium by actinomycetes and fungi.


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Bioactivity-guided fractionation of several bioactive extracts obtained from Cerrado and Atlantic Forest plant species led to the isolation of potent DNA-damaging piperidine 1-5 and guanidine alkaloids 6-9 from Cassia leptophylla and Pterogyne nitens respectively, two common Leguminosae from Atlantic Forest. By means of biotechnological approach on Maytenus aquifolium, a species from Cerrado, moderate DNA-damaging sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloid 10-11 was isolated. Bioassay-guided fractionation on Casearia sylvestris, a medicinal plant species found in Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, led to the isolation of clerodane diterpenes 12-13 which showed effect on DNA. In addition, we have reported several interesting potent antifungal iridoids: 1β-hydroxy-dihydrocornin (14), 1α-hydroxy-dihydrocornin (15), α-gardiol (16), β-gardiol (17), plumericin (18), isoplumericin (19), 11-O-trans-caffeoylteucrein (20); ester derivative: 2-methyl-4-hydroxy-butyl-caffeoate (21), amide N-[7-(3'.4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2Z, 4Z-heptadienoyl] pyrrolidine (22) and triterpene viburgenin (23).


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The present study shows the distribution of alien fish species in tropical lakes in the middle Doce river basin, southeastern Brazil, obtained from a rapid assessment program. The causes for their introductions were sport-fishing improvement in some specific lakes and aquaculture in the studied basin. Presently, these species have a wide distribution occurring in 41 of the 54 lakes studied, representing an actual threat to regional native fish community. The natural connection among lakes and streams during the rainy season and the dispersal mediated by local people are the main invasion agents for alien fishes. The success of these invaders is probably due to absence of pre-existing effective competitors or top-predators in the invaded communities. We consider that the eradication of alien fishes by means of the available management tools may be very difficult due to the large number of lakes invaded and to the wide spectrum of lake conditions and resources exploited by these alien species. We recommend the use of environmental education as a tool to stop the human-mediated dispersion of aliens and to improve conservation of native fish community in lakes where these alien species are not present yet. © 2004 Instituto de Ciências Biológicas - UFMG.


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The aim of the study was to analyze the preferences of ant species visiting the trunks of eight species of Magnoliophyta, belonging to the families Fabaceae, Arecaceae, Myrtaceae, Melastomataceae and Euphorbiaceae, located in a fragment of the Atlantic Forest in southeastern Brazil. A total of 101 ant species, belonging to eight subfamilies and 32 genera, were sampled during the 12-month collection period. Close to 30% of the ant species can be considered arboreal, and the others are species that nest in the ground and use trees only for foraging, which can be occasional, as in the case of the Ecitoninae sampled in Arecaceae and Euphorbiaceae. Pachycondyla mesonotalis was the only species collected on all the Magnoliophyta, whereas Camponotus rufipes, Acromyrmex niger and Crematogaster spp., were found on 87.5% of the trees analyzed. No strong similarities were found, using the Jaccard Index, among plant species in the same family of Magnoliophyta based on the visiting ants, except for the Euphorbiaceae species. This result is probably related to the presence of extra-floral nectar, which is very attractive to ants and characteristic of this family.


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Neea theifera Oerted (Nyctaginaceae), Guapira noxia Linn. (Nyctaginaceae) and Hancornia speciosa Gomes (Apocynaceae) are plant species found in Brazilian Cerrado used popularly for the treatment of gastric ulcers. Here they are assessed for mutagenic activity by analysis of the reverse mutations induced in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100, TA98, TA102 and TA97a, by extracts of the plants, with and without metabolic activation. Methanol and chloroform extracts of N. theifera and G. noxia and methanolic and aqueous extracts of H. speciosa were tested at five different concentrations. It was found that only the methanolic extract of H. speciosa exhibited a positive mutagenic effect, on strains TA98 and TA100 in the absence of metabolic activation. The phytochemical analysis of the species suggested that condensed tannins are the main compounds responsible for the observed effect.


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It is well established that nitrate is a potent inhibitor of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in legumes. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the relative insensitivity of these processes to nitrate with Calopogonium mucunoides, a tropical South American perennial legume, native to the cerrado (savannah) region. It was found that nodule number was reduced by about half in the presence of high levels of nitrate (15 mM) but nodule growth (total nodule mass per plant) and nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction activity and xylem sap ureide levels) were not affected. Other sources of N (ammonium and urea) were also without effect at these concentrations. At even higher concentrations (30 mM), nitrate did promote significant inhibition (ca. 50%) of acetylene reduction activity, but no significant reduction in xylem sap ureides was found. The extraordinary insensitivity of nodulation and N2 fixation of C. mucunoides to nitrate suggests that this species should be useful in studies aimed at elucidating the mechanisms of nitrate inhibition of these processes. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of edible coating pre-treatments on the retention of provitamin A during pumpkin drying. The coatings used were based on native and modified maize and cassava starch. To evaluate the effects of these coatings, slices of 'Dry Rajada' pumpkin were dried at 70 °C both with and without starch coatings applied at 30 and 80-90 °C. Carotenoid content was determined through HPLC using a C 30 column. Significant losses (12-15%) of trans-α-carotene and trans-β-carotene were observed when slices were dried without the coating. Significant improvement of carotenoid content was observed for dehydrated slices that were previously coated with a native maize starch solution at 90 °C, as well as with a modified maize starch solution at 30 °C and also with a modified cassava starch solution at 90 °C. The application of these starch solutions probably produced a more uniform film that adhered to the slices, minimizing carotenoid degradation during pumpkin drying and, as a consequence, resulting in a product that can be considered a good source of provitamin A. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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This study presents new reports on frugivorous flies and their parasitoids associated with the fruits of Pouteria caimito Radlk. (Sapotaceae), a plant native to the Amazon region. In addition to the new reports, this study also presents the infestation and parasitism rates, for dipterous and hymenopteran parasitoids, respectively.


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Studies to determine mite species richness in natural environments are still scarce, and have been conducted mainly in tropical ecosystems. The aim of this study was to determine the species richness of mites on two common native plants in fragments of the semideciduous seasonal forest in the Northwest of São Paulo State, Brazil. In each of eight fragments, 10 specimens of Actinostemon communis (Euphorbiaceae) and 10 of Trichilia casaretti (Meliaceae) were selected and marked. In total, 124 species of mites belonging to 21 families were found on the two plants. Tarsonemidae had the highest diversity (34 species), followed by Phytoseiidae (31), Tetranychidae (9) and Tenuipalpidae (8). Species accumulation curves for the two sampled plants did not reach an asymptote, even with the large sampling effort. Hence, it is estimated that a greater sampling effort may lead to an increase in species richness compared with what was found in this study. The richness of this mite fauna suggests that preservation of these plant species is important to maintain the mite diversity in these forest fragments. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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Palm species native to Brazil such as Syagrus picrophylla and S. schizophylla have great ornamental value and for this reason are much demanded for use in landscape. Its propagation is by seeds and often presents considerable problems to nursery managers because their seed has a hard and impermeable shell. Temperature is one of the factors that influence the seed germination process; however, the information for these species is scarce. Thus, this work aimed to study the effects of temperature regimes on the germination of S. picrophylla and S. schizophylla seeds and develop some recommendations in which temperature will obtain high rates of seed germination. The experimental design was entirely randomized with six temperatures and four replications of 25 seeds for each species. Germination and germination rate were evaluated. Higher and faster germination of S. picrophylla and S. schizophylla seeds were verified at constant temperature of 30°C and 35°C; and alternated temperature at 25-35°C.


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Camptosema grandiflorum Benth., belonging to Fabaceae, is a voluble climber plant native to Brazil. Plants bloom in autumn-winter, producing long and hanging inflorescences with showy red flowers, which are much visited by hummingbirds. The leaves are also attractive, composed by three leaflets. It can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, but both seed germination and cutting rooting percentages are very low. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the effect of different temperatures on seed germination and of different indolebutyric acid (IBA) concentrations on the rooting of cuttings of C. grandiflorum. The experiment was set up at the São Paulo State University, located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. The germination study was conducted in an entirely randomized design with six different temperatures (constant at 20, 25, 30 and 35°C; and alternated at 20-30 and 25-35°C, with a photoperiod of 12 hours) and four replications of 25 seeds each, placed in plastic boxes with vermiculite. The percentage of germination and the speed germination index (SGI) were evaluated. An entirely randomized block design was adopted for the cutting rooting evaluation, with four IBA concentrations (0; 1,000; 2,000; and 3,000 mg kg-1) and five replications of ten cuttings each, comprising 200 cuttings. After 30 days from the beginning of the rooting experiment, data referring to rooting percentage, number and length of roots and dry weight of roots were collected. For the seed germination experiment, fastest germination and highest germination percentage (87%) were obtained when seeds were maintained under the constant temperature of 30°C. For the cutting experiment, the concentrations of 2,000 and 3,000 mg kg-1 of IBA promoted the highest rooting percentages (98.5 and 94.1%, respectively) and number of roots. There were no statistical differences among the IBA concentrations for length of roots and dry weight of roots.


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The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique has been applied for monitoring the biorecognition of ArtinM lectins at low horseradish peroxidase glycoprotein (HRP) concentrations, using a simple kinetic model based on Langmuir isotherm in previous work.18 The latter approach was consistent with the data at dilute conditions but it fails to explain the small differences existing in the jArtinM and rArtinM due to ligand binding concentration limit. Here we extend this analysis to differentiate sugar-binding event of recombinant (rArtinM) and native (jArtinM) ArtinM lectins beyond dilute conditions. Equivalently, functionalized quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) was used as real-time label-free technique but structural-dependent kinetic features of the interaction were detailed by using combined analysis of mass and dissipation factor variation. The stated kinetic model not only was able to predict the diluted conditions but also allowed to differentiate ArtinM avidities. For instance, it was found that rArtinM avidity is higher than jArtinM avidity whereas their conformational flexibility is lower. Additionally, it was possible to monitor the hydration shell of the binding complex with ArtinM lectins under dynamic conditions. Such information is key in understanding and differentiating protein binding avidity, biological functionality, and kinetics. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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Although many Brazilian sugar mills initiate the fermentation process by inoculating selected commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, the unsterile conditions of the industrial sugar cane ethanol fermentation process permit the constant entry of native yeast strains. Certain of those native strains are better adapted and tend to predominate over the initial strain, which may cause problems during fermentation. In the industrial fermentation process, yeast cells are often exposed to stressful environmental conditions, including prolonged cell recycling, ethanol toxicity and osmotic, oxidative or temperature stress. Little is known about these S. cerevisiae strains, although recent studies have demonstrated that heterogeneous genome architecture is exhibited by some selected well-adapted Brazilian indigenous yeast strains that display high performance in bioethanol fermentation. In this study, 11 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and population structure of the native autochthonous S. cerevisiae strains in various Brazilian sugar mills. The resulting multilocus data were used to build a similarity-based phenetic tree and to perform a Bayesian population structure analysis. The tree revealed the presence of great genetic diversity among the strains, which were arranged according to the place of origin and the collection year. The population structure analysis revealed genotypic differences among populations; in certain populations, these genotypic differences are combined to yield notably genotypically diverse individuals. The high yeast diversity observed among native S. cerevisiae strains provides new insights on the use of autochthonous high-fitness strains with industrial characteristics as starter cultures at bioethanol plants. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.