139 resultados para interleukin 2 receptor beta


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Local anesthetics (LA) belong to a class of pharmacological compounds that attenuate or eliminate pain by binding to the sodium channel of excitable membranes, blocking the influx of sodium ions and the propagation of the nerve impulse. S (-) bupivacaine (S(-) bvc) is a local anesthetic of amino-amide type, widely used in surgery and obstetrics for sustained peripheral and central nerve blockade. This article focuses on the characterization of an inclusion complex of S(-) bvc in 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD). Differential scanning calorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and X-Ray diffraction analysis showed structural changes in the complex. In preliminary toxicity studies, the cell viability tests revealed that the inclusion complex decreased the toxic effect (p<0.001) produced by S(-) bvc. These results suggest that the S(-) bvc:HP-β-CD inclusion complex represents a promising agent for the treatment of regional pain.


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Introduction: Venous thrombosis (VT) and inflammation are two closely related entities. In the present investigation we assessed whether there is a relation between genetic modifiers of the inflammatory response and the risk of VT. Materials and methods: 420 consecutive and unrelated patients with an objective diagnosis of deep VT and 420 matched controls were investigated. The frequencies of the following gene polymorphisms were determined in all subjects: TNF-α- 308 G/A, LT-α+ 252 A/G, IL-6-174 G/C, IL1-ra 86 bp VNTR, IL-10-1082 A/G and CD-31 125 C/G. Results: Overall odds ratio (OR) for VT related to TNF-α- 308 G/A, LT-α+ 252 A/G, IL-6-174 G/C, A1 allele (4 bp repeat) of the IL1-ra 86 bp VNTR, IL-10-1082 A/G and CD-31 125 C/G were respectively: 1.0 (CI95: 0.8-1.5), 1.3 (CI95: 1.0-1.7), 1.1 (CI95: 0.9-1.5), 1.6 (CI95: 1-2.5), 1.2 (CI95: 0.8-1.7) and 0.8 (CI95: 0.6-1.1). A possible interaction between polymorphisms was observed only for the co-inheritance of the mutant alleles of the LT-α+ 252 A/G and IL-10-1082 G/A polymorphisms (OR = 2; CI95: 1.1-3.8). The risk of VT conferred by factor V Leiden and FII G20210A was not substantially altered by co-inheritance with any of the cytokine gene polymorphisms. Conclusions: Cytokine gene polymorphisms here investigated did not significantly influence venous thrombotic risk. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Nitrofurazone (NF), 5-nitro-2-furaldehyde semicarbazone, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, has reported toxic effects and low solubility in water. It would be of great interest to form inclusion complexes between NF and a cyclodextrin, to develop more effective and safer antibiotic formulations. This paper focuses on the preparation of inclusion complexes of NF with 2-hydroxypropyl-β- cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and their initial characterization by evaluating rates of complex formation, photostability, solubility isotherms, release rate profiles, stoichiometry of the complexes and their morphology, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy. The kinetic tests of complex formation revealed that 17,3 h is enough for stabilization of the NF-cyclodextrin complex. The solubility isotherm studies showed that the isotherm changes from type A to type B, as a function of temperature. The photostability experiments showed that the insertion of the NF in the HP-β-CD cavity protects the drug from photodecomposition. The release kinetic tests showed that the profile of NF release from the complex is altered by the presence of HP-β-CD in the medium. A Job's plot indicated that the stoichiometry of the complex was 1:1 NF:HP-β-CD. The scanning electron micrographs showed changes in the crystal structure of NF in the complex. This study focused on the physicochemical properties of drug-delivery formulations that could potentially be developed into a novel type of therapy with NF.


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West syndrome is a severe epilepsy, occurring in infancy, that comprises epileptic seizures known as spasms, in clusters, and a unique EEG pattern, hypsarrhythmia, with psychomotor regression. Maturation of the brain is a crucial component. The onset is within the first year of life, before 12 months of age. Patients are classified as cryptogenic (10 to 20%), when there are no known or diagnosed previous cerebral insults, and symptomatic (80 to 90%), when associated with pre-existing cerebral damages. The time interval from a brain insult to infantile spasms onset ranged from 6 weeks to 11 months. West syndrome has a time-limited natural evolutive course, usually disappearing by 3 or 4 years of age. In 62% of patients, there are transitions to another age-related epileptic encephalopathies, the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and severe epilepsy with multiple independent foci. Spontaneous remission and remission after viral infections may occur. Therapy with ACTH and corticosteroids are the most effective. Reports about intravenous immunoglobulins action deserve attention. There is also immune dysfunction, characterized mainly by anergy, impaired cell-mediated immunity, presence of immature thymocytes in peripheral blood, functional impairment of T lymphocytes induced by plasma inhibitory factors, and altered levels of immunoglobulins. Changes in B lymphocytes frequencies and increased levels of activated B cells have been reported. Sensitized lymphocytes to brain extract were also described. Infectious diseases are frequent and may, sometimes, cause fatal outcomes. Increase of pro-inflamatory cytokines in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of epileptic patients were reported. Association with specific HLA antigens was described by several authors (HLA-DR7, HLA-A7, HLA-DRw52, and HLA-DR5). Auto-antibodies to brain antigens, of several natures (N-methyl-d-aspartate glutamate receptor, gangliosides, brain tissue extract, synaptic membrane, and others), were described in epileptic patients and in epileptic syndromes. Experimental epilepsy studies with anti-brain antibodies demonstrated that epileptiform discharges can be obtained, producing hyperexcitability leading to epilepsy. We speculate that in genetically prone individuals, previous cerebral lesions may sensitize immune system and trigger an autoimmune disease. Antibody to brain antigens may be responsible for impairment of T cell function, due to plasma inhibitory effect and also cause epilepsy in immature brains. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Objectives: To examine the effects of triiodothyronine (T3), 17β-estradiol (E2), and tamoxifen (TAM) on transforming growth factor (TGF)-α gene expression in primary breast cancer cell cultures and interactions between the different treatments. Methods and results: Patients included in the study (no.=12) had been newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Fresh human breast carcinoma tissue was cut into 0.3-mm slices. These slices were placed in six 35-mm dishes on 2-ml organ culture medium. Dishes received the following treatments: dish 1: ethanol; dish 2: T3; dish 3: T3+TAM; dish 4: TAM; dish 5: E2; dish 6: E2+TAM. TGF-α mRNA content was normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA levels. All tissues included in this study were positive for estrogen receptor (ER) and thyroid hormone receptor expression. Treatment with T3 for 48 h significantly increased TGF-α mRNA levels compared to controls (15-fold), and concomitant treatment with TAM reduced expression to 3.4-fold compared to controls. When only TAM was added to the culture medium, TGF-α mRNA expression increased 5.3-fold, significantly higher than with all other treatment modalities. Conclusion: We demonstrate that TGF-α mRNA expression is more efficiently upregulated by T3 than E2. Concomitant treatment with TAM had a mitigating effect on the T3 effect, while E2 induced TGF-α upregulation. Our findings show some similarities between primary culture and breast cancer cell lines, but also some important differences: a) induction of TGF-α, a mitogenic protein, by TAM; b) a differential effect of TAM that may depend on relative expression of ER α and β; and c) supraphysiological doses of T3 may induce mitogenic signals in breast cancer tissue under conditions of low circulating E2. ©2008, Editrice Kurtis.


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Chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy is a leading cause of heart failure in Latin American countries. About 30% of Trypanosoma cruzi-infected individuals develop this severe symptomatic form of the disease, characterized by intense inflammatory response accompanied by fibrosis in the heart.We performed an extensive microarray analysis of hearts from a mouse model of this disease and identified significant alterations in expression of ~12% of the sampled genes. Extensive up-regulations were associated with immune-inflammatory responses (chemokines, adhesion molecules, cathepsins, and major histocompatibility complex molecules) and fibrosis (extracellular matrix components, lysyl oxidase, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1). Our results indicate potentially relevant factors involved in the pathogenesis of the disease that may provide newtherapeutic targets in chronic Chagas disease. © 2010 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America.


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Excessive and chronic alcohol intake leads to a lower hepatic vitamin A status by interfering with vitamin A metabolism. Dietary provitamin A carotenoids can be converted into vitamin A mainly by carotenoid 15,15′-monooxygenase 1 (CMO1) and, to a lesser degree, carotenoid 9′10′-monooxygenase 2 (CMO2). CMO1 has been shown to be regulated by several transcription factors, such as the PPAR, retinoid X receptor, and thyroid receptor (TR). The regulation of CMO2 has yet to be identified. The impact of chronic alcohol intake on hepatic expressions of CMO1 and CMO2 and their related transcription factors are unknown. In this study, Fischer 344 rats were pair-fed either a liquid ethanol Lieber-DeCarli diet (n = 10) or a control diet (n = 10) for 11 wk. Hepatic retinoid concentration and expressions of CMO1, CMO2, PPARγ, PPARα, and TRβ as well as plasma thyroid hormones levels were analyzed. We observed that administering alcohol decreased hepatic retinoid levels but increased mRNA concentrations of CMO1, CMO2, PPARγ, PPARα, and TRβ and upregulated protein levels of CMO2, PPARγ, and PPARα. There was a positive correlation of PPARγ with CMO1(r = 0.89; P<0.0001) and both PPARγ and PPARα with CMO2 (r = 0.72, P< 0.001 and r = 0.62, P< 0.01, respectively). Plasma thyroid hormone concentrations did not differ between the control rats and alcohol-fed rats. This study suggests that chronic alcohol intake significantly upregulates hepatic expression of CMO1 and, to a much lesser extent, CMO2. This process may be due to alcohol-induced PPARγ expression and lower vitamin A status in the liver. © 2010 American Society for Nutrition.


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Over the last decade, several studies were conducted on the gastrointestinal changes associated to chronic heart failure. This article presents a literature review on the physiopathology and clinical consequences of pathological digestive changes of heart failure patients. Structural and functional abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, such as edema of absorptive mucosa and intestinal bacterial overgrowth, have been leading to serious clinical consequences. Some of these consequences are cardiac cachexia, systemic inflammatory activation and anemia. These conditions, alone or in combination, may lead to worsening of the pre-existing ventricular dysfunction. Although currently there is no therapy specifically earmarked for gastrointestinal changes associated to heart failure, the understanding of digestive abnormalities is germane for the prevention and management of systemic consequences.


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Resistant hypertension (RH) is characterized by blood pressure above 140 × 90 mm Hg, despite the use, in appropriate doses, of three antihypertensive drug classes, including a diuretic, or the need of four classes to control blood pressure. Resistant hypertension patients are under a greater risk of presenting secondary causes of hypertension and may be benefited by therapeutical approach for this diagnosis. However, the RH is currently little studied, and more knowledge of this clinical condition is necessary. In addition, few studies had evaluated this issue in emergent countries. Therefore, we proposed the analysis of specific causes of RH by using a standardized protocol in Brazilian patients diagnosed in a center for the evaluation and treatment of hypertension. The management of these patients was conducted with the application of a preformulated protocol which aimed at the identification of the causes of resistant hypertension in each patient through management standardization. The data obtained suggest that among patients with resistant hypertension there is a higher prevalence of secondary hypertension, than that observed in general hypertensive ones and a higher prevalence of sleep apnea as well. But there are a predominance of obesity, noncompliance with diet, and frequent use of hypertensive drugs. These latter factors are likely approachable at primary level health care, since that detailed anamneses directed to the causes of resistant hypertension are applied. © 2012 Livia Beatriz Santos Limonta et al.


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In vertebrate species, testosterone seems to inhibit spermatogonial differentiation and proliferation. However, this androgen can also be converted, via aromatase, into estrogen which stimulates spermatogonial differentiation and mitotic activity. During seasonal spermatogenesis of adult bullfrogs Lithobates catesbeianus, primordial germ cells (PGCs) show enhanced testosterone cytoplasm immunoexpression in winter; however, in summer, weak or no testosterone immunolabelling was observed. The aim of this study was to confirm if PGCs express stem cell markers-alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and GFRα1 (glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor)-and verify whether testosterone is maintained in these cells by androgen receptors (ARs) and/or sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in winter. Furthermore, regarding the possibility that testosterone is converted into estrogen by PGCs in summer, the immunoexpression of estrogen receptor (ER)β was investigated. Bullfrog testes were collected in winter and in summer and were embedded in glycol methacrylate for morphological analyses or in paraffin for the histochemical detection of AP activity. GFRα1, AR, SHBG and ERβ expression were detected by Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses. The expression of AP activity and GFRα1 in the PGCs suggest that these cells are spermatogonial stem cells. In winter, the cytoplasmic immunoexpression of ARs and SHBG in the PGCs indicates that testosterone is maintained by these proteins in these cells. The cytoplasmic immunoexpression of ERβ, in summer, also points to an ER-mediated action of estrogen in PGCs. The results indicate a participation of testosterone and estrogen in the control of the primordial spermatogonia during the seasonal spermatogenesis of L. catesbeianus. © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Bullfrog stem spermatogonia, also named primordial germ cells (PGCs), show strong testosterone immunolabeling in winter, but no or weak testosterone immunoexpression in summer. Thus, the role of testosterone in these cells needs to be clarified. In this study, we proposed to evaluate whether PGCs express aromatase and estrogen receptors, and verify a possible role of estrogen in PGCs seasonal proliferation. Testes of male adult bullfrogs, collected in winter (WG) and summer (SG), were fixed and embedded in historesin, for quantitative analysis, or paraffin for immunohistochemistry (IHC). The number of haematoxylin/eosin stained PGCs/lobular area was obtained. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), aromatase, estrogen receptor β (ERβ) and PCNA/ERβ double immunolabeling were detected by IHC. The number of PCNA-positive PGCs and the histological score (HSCORE) of aromatase and ERβ immunolabeled PGCs were obtained. Although the number of PGCs increased significantly in WG, a high number of PCNA-positive PGCs was observed in summer. Moreover, aromatase and ERβ HSCORE was higher in SG than WG. The results indicate that PGCs express a seasonal proliferative activity; the low mitotic activity in winter is related to the maximal limit of germ cells which can be supported in the large lobules. In SG, the increased ERβ and aromatase HSCORE suggests that testosterone is converted into estrogen from winter to summer. Moreover, the parallelism between the high PGCs mitotic activity and ERβ immunoexpression suggest a participation of estrogen in the control of the PGCs seasonal proliferative activity which guarantee the formation of new germ cysts from summer to next autumn. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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It is now commonly accepted that chronic inflammation associated with obesity during aging induces insulin resistance in the liver. In the present study, we investigated whether the improvement in insulin sensitivity and insulin signaling, mediated by acute exercise, could be associated with modulation of protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) in the liver of old rats. Aging rats were subjected to swimming for two 1.5-h long bouts, separated by a 45 min rest period. Sixteen hours after the exercise, the rats were sacrificed and proteins from the insulin signaling pathway were analyzed by immunoblotting. Our results show that the fat mass was increased in old rats. The reduction in glucose disappearance rate (Kitt) observed in aged rats was restored 16 h after exercise. Aging increased the content of PTP-1B and attenuated insulin signaling in the liver of rats, a phenomenon that was reversed by exercise. Aging rats also increased the IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association in the liver when compared with young rats. Conversely, in the liver of exercised old rats, IRβ/PTP-1B and IRS-1/PTP-1B association was markedly decreased. Moreover, in the hepatic tissue of old rats, the insulin signalling was decreased and PEPCK and G6Pase levels were increased when compared with young rats. Interestingly, 16 h after acute exercise, the PEPCK and G6Pase protein level were decreased in the old exercised group. These results provide new insights into the mechanisms by which exercise restores insulin signalling in liver during aging. © 2013 Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Background: Chronic inflammation and gastric carcinogenesis show a close association, so gene polymorphisms that modify the intensity of the inflammatory response may contribute to variations in gastric cancer risk. Aims: The purpose of this study was to investigate the combined effect of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and toll-like receptors polymorphisms on the chronic gastritis and gastric cancer risk in a Brazilian population sample. Methods: We evaluated 669 DNA samples (200 of gastric cancer [GC], 229 of chronic gastritis [CG], and 240 of healthy individuals [C]). Ten polymorphisms were genotyped: IL-1RN and TLR2 -196 to -174 del using the allele-specific PCR method and TNF-A (rs1800629; rs1799724), TNF-B (rs909253), IL-8 (rs4073; rs2227532), IL-10 (rs1800872) and TLR4 (rs4986790; rs4986791) using PCR-RFLP. Results: Polymorphisms TNF-A-308G/A, IL-8-251A/T, TNF-B + 252A/G and TLR4 + 1196C/T were not associated with risk of any gastric lesion. However, an association with increased risk for GC was observed for polymorphisms IL-1RNL/2 (p < 0.001), TNF-A-857C/T (p = 0.022), IL-8-845T/C (p < 0.001), IL-10-592C/A (p < 0.001), TLR2ins/del (p < 0.001), and TLR4 + 896A/G (p = 0.033). In CG, an association was observed only with polymorphisms IL-1RNL/2 and IL-10-592A/C (p < 0.001 for both). A combined analysis of these six polymorphisms associated with GC revealed a profile with two to four combined genotypes which confer a higher risk of gastric carcinogenesis, with an OR increased 2.95-fold to 50.4-fold, highlighting the combinations IL-1RN2/TNF-A-857T/IL-8-845C, IL-1RN2/IL-8-845C/TLR2del, IL-1RN2/IL-10-592A/TLR4 + 896G, IL-10-592A/TLR2del/ TLR4 + 896G, and IL-1RN2/TNFA-857T/IL8-845C/TLR2del. Conclusions: Our findings evidenced that the combined effect of polymorphisms in genes involved in the inflammatory process may potentiate the risk of gastric cancer, thus emphasizing the importance of evaluating multiple polymorphisms together. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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The goal of the present study was to determine if nitric oxide (NO) acting on the brain of bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) is involved in arterial pressure and heart rate (HR) control by influencing sympathetic activity. We investigated the effect of intracerebroventricular injections of l-NMMA (a nonselective NO synthase inhibitor) on mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), HR and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) of pelvic skin after intravenous injection of α or β adrenergic blockers, prazosin or sotalol, respectively. Arterial pressure was directly measured by a telemetry sensor inserted in the aortic arch of animals. l-NMMA increased MAP, but did not change HR. This hypertensive response was inhibited by the pre-treatment with prazosin, but accentuated by sotalol. The effect of l-NMMA on MAP was also inhibited by i.v. injections of the ganglionic blocker, hexamethonium. Thus, NO acting on the brain of bullfrog seems to present a hypotensive effect influencing the sympathetic activity dependent on α and β adrenergic receptors in the periphery. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.