219 resultados para fracture and deformation concepts


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Objective:This study investigated the efficacy of different techniques for the union of fragments of a denture before repair and on the accuracy of the reposition.Materials and methods:For this study, 20 maxillary dentures made with Lucitone 550 heat-cured resin were used. Points were determined with a scanner on the cusp of the teeth, as a measurement of the segments. After digitisation, each model was exported to the AUTOCAD R 14 program and two-dimensional measurements of the distances between the marked points were made. After the initial analysis, the dentures were fractured into two segments using an impact test machine. For the repair, maxillary dentures were divided into two groups; in the first, the repair was carried out using Kerr's sticky wax and in the second group, Super Bonder was used to join the fragments, with subsequent inclusion of DENTSPLY((R)) Repair Material resin. After the repair, the points of the maxillary dentures were measured again. The numerical values obtained were tabulated to compare the measurements before fracture and after the repair. For statistical analysis, analysis of variance was employed, using a single factor and double factor, followed by the Tukey test with a reliability of 95%.Results:The results demonstrated a statistically significant difference between the materials used to join the dentures for repair, where the dentures were joined with sticky wax presented a larger variation in the distances between the points.Conclusion:The variation in distances between the points is influenced by the agent of repair.


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Intrusion of permanent teeth is one of the most severe types of traumatic injuries. Different treatment strategies have been proposed, and the best approach for each case depends on the stage of root development, severity of the intrusive luxation, presence of alveolar fracture and number of intruded teeth. The purpose of this paper is to describe the treatment management of 2 cases of severely intruded immature permanent maxillary central incisors in 71/2- and 8-year-old children. In case 1, the traumatized tooth was treated by surgical repositioning, while in case 2 watchful waiting for spontaneous re-eruption was the treatment of choice. Treatment strategies were successful in both cases, as demonstrated by the continuation of root development, maintenance of pulp vitality, and absence of signs of per/apical pathosis during the follow-up period. Regardless of the treatment strategy, traumatically intruded teeth should undergo periodical clinical and radiographic surveillance on a long-term basis to allow early detection of possible complications. (Pediotr Dent 2009;31:340-5) Received March 11, 2008 vertical bar Last Revision June 25, 2008 vertical bar Revision Accepted July 16, 2008


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OBJETIVO: Apresentar uma revisão de literatura sobre o bruxismo na infância, abordando os fatores etiológicos, as características clínicas, os sinais e sintomas, a importância do diagnóstico por parte dos pediatras e odontopediatras e o tratamento multidisciplinar desta condição parafuncional. FONTES DE DADOS: Foram selecionados os artigos mais relevantes sobre o tema publicados desde 1907 até 2007, com pesquisa realizada no Medline, na Bibliografia Brasileira de Odontologia (BBO) e em livros de Odontologia. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS: O bruxismo é definido como um hábito não funcional do sistema mastigatório, caracterizado pelo ato de ranger ou apertar os dentes, podendo ocorrer durante o dia e durante o sono. A etiologia é multifatorial e a literatura sugere vários fatores associados: dentário, fisiológico, psicológico e neurológico. As forças exercidas pelo bruxismo podem provocar distúrbios em diferentes graus nos dentes e nos tecidos de suporte, na musculatura e na articulação têmporo-mandibular. O sinal mais comum é o desgaste nas faces incisais dos dentes anteriores e oclusais nos posteriores, além de mobilidade e hipersensibilidade dentárias, fratura de cúspides e restaurações e hipertonicidade dos músculos mastigatórios. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento dos fatores etiológicos e das características clínicas do bruxismo na infância é fundamental para que o diagnóstico seja precoce, permitindo que pediatras, odontopediatras e psicólogos possam estabelecer um tratamento multidisciplinar e favoreçam o desenvolvimento integral da criança para a promoção de saúde e bem-estar individual.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido na Pista de Ensaios de Semeadura do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP/Jaboticabal - SP, para o estudo da ação da roda compactadora de semeadoras sob cargas verticais, na deformação do solo, com dois teores de água. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação de dois teores de água e seis cargas verticais, totalizando 12 tratamentos, com três repetições, em dois ensaios, analisando-se a resistência mecânica do solo à penetração e a deformação do solo provocada pela roda compactadora. A roda compactadora utilizada era de alumínio, com massa de 6,4 kg, 40 cm de diâmetro e 10 cm de largura, sob a ação de cargas verticais de 63; 161; 259; 357; 455 e 553 N, obtidas acoplando-se lastros de chumbo sobre a roda compactadora, sendo os teores de água do solo de 15,4 e 9,2%. Os resultados permitem concluir que o teor de água do solo tem grande influência na deformação e compactação do solo, que aumentam proporcionalmente com as cargas verticais sobre a roda compactadora, e que, quanto maior o teor de água do solo, mais suscetível o mesmo fica à compactação e deformação.


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Esse trabalho procura levantar e discutir algumas questões teóricas e metodológicas que surgem das relações entre História, música e a canção popular. As transformações teóricas, as novas concepções de material documental e a prática renovada do historiador determinaram a incorporação de novas linguagens pela História. Seguindo nessa trilha, o artigo pretende justamente mostrar, a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, como as relações entre história, cultura e música popular podem desvendar processos pouco conhecidos e raramente levantados pela historiografia. Para alcançar esse objetivo é necessário ultrapassar a tradicional concepção de história da música e, para isso, tenta-se refletir e organizar alguns elementos para compreender melhor as múltiplas relações entre a canção e o conhecimento histórico. A discussão aponta para a possibilidade e, principalmente, a viabilidade do historiador tratar a música e a canção popular como uma fonte documental importante para mapear e desvendar zonas obscuras da história, sobretudo aquelas relacionadas com os setores subalternos e populares.


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Este artigo trata dos pressupostos teóricos presentes na formação dos educadores ambientais nos cursos de graduação. Esses pressupostos definem um quadro teórico analisado a partir do referencial metodológico do materialismo histórico-dialético. Esse quadro teórico pode ser organizado em concepções naturais, racionais e históricas da relação homem-natureza e da educação e suas análises sugerem princípios metodológicos de organização curricular nesses cursos.


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The dynamic scale theory and fractal concepts are employed in the characterization of surface morphological properties of layer-by-layer (LBL) films from poly(o-methoxyaniline) (POMA) alternated with poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) (PVS). The fractal dimensions are found to depend on the procedures to fabricate the POMA/PVS multilayers, particularly with regard to the drying procedures. LBL films obtained via drying in ambient air show a more homogeneous surface, compared to films dried under vacuum or a flow of nitrogen, due to a uniform rearrangement of polymer molecules during solvent evaporation.


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The mafic/ultramafic Ipanema Layered Complex (ILC), Minas Gerais Brazil, consists of seven individual bodies. These units crosscut polyphase orthogneisses and interlayered paragneisses of the Paleoproterozoic Juiz de Fora Complex. Intrusive granitoids tectonically related to [lie Neoproterozoie Aracuai orogen are also present in the study area.A Sm-Nd whole-rock linear array for seven samples metapyoxenites, metaperidotiles, metagabbro. and meta-anorthosite) from the Santa Cruz massif, the largest body of the ILC. suggest that it was emplaced at 1104 +/- 78 Ma the original magma was derived from a depleted mantle source (epsilon(Ndt)= +3.8). U-Pb single-grain zircon stud of a meta-anorthosite yields all upper intercept age of 1719 +/- 4 Ma, which is interpreted to represent inheritance. The lower intercept at 630+/-3 Ma indicates (hat a Neoproterozoic tectonothermal episode overprinted the ILC, this event occurred under upper-amphiolite-, to granulite-facies conditions. The 630 Ma episode is consistent with the timing of regional metamorphism and deformation of the adjacent Aracuai orogen (Brasiliano collage). Emplacement of the ILC and other coeval metamafies and meta-ultramafics (of alkaline affinity) in the re, oil is attributed to early extension tectonics, accompanying accretion of the Rodinia super- continent during the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic time boundary.


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This study evaluated the influence of the cementation length of glass fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) on the fatigue resistance of bovine teeth restored with an adhesively cemented FRC. Thirty roots of single-rooted bovine teeth were allocated to 3 groups (n = 10), according to the ratio of crown length/root length (post cementation length): group 1 = 2/3, group 2 = 1/2, and group 3 = 1/1. The roots were prepared, the fiber posts (FRC Postec Plus) were cemented, and the specimens were submitted to 2 million mechanical cycles. After fatigue testing, a score was given based on the number of fatigue cycles until fracture, and data were submitted to statistical analysis. All specimens were resistant to fatigue. Taking into account the methodology and results of this study, the evaluated fiber posts can be cemented based on the ratio of crown/root at 1/1. Further clinical studies must be conducted to verify this ratio.


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The Vazante Group, located in the northwestern part of Minas Gerais, hosts the most important zinc mine in Brazil, the Vazante Mine, which represents a major known example of a hypogene nonsulfide zinc deposit. The main zinc ore is represented by willemite and differs substantially from other deposits of the Vazante-Paracatu region, which are sulfide-dominated zinc-lead ore. The age of the Vazante Group and the hosted mineralization is disputable. Metamorphosed mafic dikes (metabasites) that cut the metasedimentary sequence and are affected by hydrothermal processes recently were found and may shed light on the geochronology of this important geological unit. Zircon crystals recovered from the metabasites are xenocrystic grains that yield U-Pb conventional ages ranging from 2.1 to 2.4 Ga, so the basement of the Vazante Group is Paleoproterozoic or has metasedinientary rocks whose source area was Paleoproterozoic. Pb isotopes determined for titanite separated from the metabasites have common, nonradiogenic Ph compositions, which prevents determination of their crystallization age. However, the Pb signatures observed for the titanite crystals are in agreement with those determined for galena from the carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb deposits hosted by the Vazante Group, including galena from minor sulfide ore bodies of the Vazante deposit. These similarities suggest that the metalliferous fluids that affected the metabasites may have been those responsible for galena formation, which could imply a similar lead source for both nonsulfide and sulfide zinc deposits in the Vazante-Paracatu district. This common source could be related to deep-seated, basin-derived, metalliferous fluids associated with a long-lived hydrothermal system related to diagenesis and deformation of the Vazante Group during the Neoproterozoic. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work describes a ludic proposal for programming learning of industrial robots to be developed by groups of engineering students. Two projects are presented: Tic-tac-toe Opponent Robot and Environmentalist Robot. The first project use competitive search techniques of the Artificial Intelligence, computational vision, electronic and pneumatic concepts for ability decision making for a robotic agent on the tic-tae-toe game. The second project consists of a game that contains a questions and answers database about environmental themes. An algorithm selects the group of questions to be answered by the player, analyses the answers and sends the result to a industrial robot through serial port. According with the player performance, the robot makes congratulation movements and giving a gift to the winner player. Otherwise, the robot makes movements, disapproving the player performance.


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A historical chronology of smallpox vaccination in Brazil is presented, with emphasis on the State of Sao Paulo. We also present the scientific and philosophical concepts that influenced the regulation and practice of vaccination in Sao Paulo based on the historiographic bibliography, legislation about vaccination, and the debates in the state legislative body. Discovered by Jenner in 1796, the vaccine reached in Brazil in 1804 and was only used in the colonial capital, the city of Rio de Janeiro. In the 1890 decade, smallpox, side by side with yellow fever, typhoid fever and other pestilential diseases, was the major health problem in the State of Sao Paulo. There was also the fear that the vaccine might transmit syphilis, an Unfounded attitude since the product used in Sao Paulo (the 'animal vaccine') was elaborated from bovine serum. The immediate necessity to fight a highly lethal disease that threatened the State population and the coffee-growing business led to the abandonment of the fears and of the liberal principles in favor of the sanitary needs. The vaccine became compulsory in 1891 in the State of Sao Paulo and its application met no resistance on the part of the population, in contrast to the so-called 'Vaccine Revolt' that would occur in Rio de Janeiro in 1904.


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We suggest the possibility of observing and studying bright vortex solitons in attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in three dimensions with a radial trap. Such systems lie on the verge of critical stability and we discuss the conditions of their stability. We study the interaction between two such solitons. Unlike the text-book solitons in one dimension, the interaction between two radially trapped and axially free three-dimensional solitons is inelastic in nature and involves exchange of particles and deformation in shape. The interaction remains repulsive for all phase δ between them except for δ ≈ 0.


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Facial trauma has presented an increasing occurrence in the last four decades, due especially to the growth of accidents with automobiles as well as to the urban violence. Both of which continue being the main cause of such traumas. Aim: To evaluate the features of the population victim of facial trauma as to gender, age, occupation, origin, type of fracture and its cause. Design study: retrospective clinical with transversal cohort. Material and Method: Retrospective study consulting hospital registers of 513 patients victms of the facial trauma. Results: There was a higher incidence of facial trauma on men (84,9%), white (82,7) and with an average age of 29. Regarding occupation, the trauma was mostly occurred to students (16,6%) and Masons (11,2%). The jaw was the most affected place (35%), followed by zygoma (24%) and by the nose (23%), though most patients presented a single facial fracture (82,5%). Among the causes, accidents with automobiles (28,3%), aggressions (21%) and accidental fall s (19,5%) were the most common. Conclusions: Accidents with automobiles continue being the main cause of facial trauma, especially of multiple factures due to the great transmission of kinetic energy.


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Purpose: This study intends to evaluate BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) implant and BMP implant plus PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) in rabbit orbital fractures, searching for tissue reaction, by radiological and morfometrical analysis. Methods:Third six white rabbits were submitted to orbital floor fracture and distributed in three groups: G1, with rabbits receiving a plate containing decalcified bone matrix and BMP; G2, with rabbits receiving the implant with BMP wrapped by PRP; G3, the control group where it was made the fracture only. The animals were evaluated radiologically after surgery and at sacrifice time in 7, 30, 90 and 180th day after surgery. After sacrifice, a block containing the right orbital tissue was extracted and prepared to morphological and morphometrical analysis. Results: An intensive linfomononuclear inflammatory reaction was observed at 7th day in G1 e G2, witch decreased after the 30th day; mesenchimal cells, osteoblasts, new bone and progressive cavitation of the implant were also observed, besides signs of calcium deposition by radiological study. In the control group fibrosis at the site of fracture was identified only. Conclusion: BMP seemed a good orbital implant producing new bone at the implant site and correcting bone defect.There was not observed acceleration of osteoinduction when the implant was associated with PRP.