179 resultados para chois modal


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this study, we investigate the possibility of mode localization occurrence in a non-periodic Pfluger's column model of a rocket with an intermediate concentrated mass at its middle point. We discuss the effects of varying the intermediate mass magnitude and its position and the resulting energy confinement for two cases. Free vibration analysis and the severity of mode localization are appraised, without decoupling the system, by considering as a solution basis the fundamental free response or dynamical solution. This allows for the reduction of the dimension of the algebraic modal equation that arises from satisfying the boundary and continuity conditions. By using the same methodology, we also consider the case of a cantilevered Pluger's column with rotational stiffness at the middle support instead of an intermediate concentrated mass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Groundwater and sandstone samples were analyzed for radon in Guarany aquifer, Parana sedimentary basin, South America. The dissolved radon ranged between 3 and 3303 pCi/l, being lognormally distributed, with a modal value of 1315 pCi/l, and a median value of 330 pCi/l. Rn-222 leakage experiments for sandstones yielded a theoretical value of 1390 pCi/l for Rn-222 in water, showing that theoretical modeling can reliably be used to interpret laboratory and field data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Direct-sampling and remote-sensing measurements were made at the crater rim of Masaya volcano (Nicaragua) to sample the aerosol plume emanating from the active vent. We report the first measurements of the size distribution of fine silicate particles (d <10 mu m) in Masaya's plume, by automated scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) analysis of a particle filter. The particle size distribution was approximately lognormal with modal d similar to 1.15 mu m. The majority of these particles were found to be spherical. These particles are interpreted to be droplets of quenched magma produced by a spattering process. Compositional analyses confirm earlier reports that the fine silicate particles show a range of compositions between that of the degassing magma and nearly pure silica and that the extent of compositional variability decreases with increasing particle size. These results indicate that fine silicate particles are altered owing to reactions with acidic droplets in the plume. The emission flux of fine silicate particles was estimated as similar to 10(11) s(-1), equivalent to similar to 55 kg d(-1). Sun photometry, aerosol spectrometry, and thermal precipitation were used to determine the overall particle size distribution of the plume (0.01 < d(mu m) < 10). Sun photometry and aerosol spectrometry measurements indicate the presence of a large number of particles (assumed to be aqueous) with d similar to 1 mu m. Aerosol spectrometry measurements further show an increase in particle size as the nighttime approached. The emission flux of particles from Masaya was estimated as similar to 10(17) s(-1), equivalent to similar to 5.5 Mg d(-1) where d < 4 mu m.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Laboratory time scale experiments were conducted on soils from the Mendip Hills area, England, with the purpose of evaluating the release of Rn-222 and their parent nuclides U-238 and U-234 to the water phase and to determine the influence of parameters that can affect the geochemical behaviour of these nuclides in natural systems. The specific surface area of the samples ranged from 43.8 to 52.5 cm(2) g(-1), where the particle size for all soil horizons is lognormally distributed, with modal values of the particle radius undersize ranging from 107 up to 203 mu m. The values for the released radon were between 26 and 194 pCi, which allowed to estimate emanation coefficients for these materials between 0.1 and 0.2, within the context of other values reported elsewhere. Soils derived from Carboniferous limestone and characterized by higher pH, exchangeable calcium, and the presence of U, but with a lower U-231/U-238 activity ratio, yielded the highest values for released Rn; however, this trend was not observed for dissolved U and its respective U-234/U-238 activity ratio, when considering the less aggressive etchant. Uranium is mobilized from rock matrix to A and B horizons in the analysed soil profiles, where its enrichment is about 10 times higher in soils derived from Carboniferous limestone. These data also permitted an evaluation of a theoretical model for the generation of Rn in soils and its transfer to water, in order to interpret the radioactivity due to this gas in groundwaters from the Mendip Hills district, England. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All lights reserved.


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M. Manoel and I. Stewart 0101) classify Z(2) circle plus Z(2)-equivariant bifurcation problems up to codimension 3 and 1 modal parameter, using the classical techniques of singularity theory of Golubistky and Schaeffer [8]. In this paper we classify these same problems using an alternative form: the path formulation (Theorem 6.1). One of the advantages of this method is that the calculates to obtain the normal forms are easier. Furthermore, in our classification we observe the presence of only one modal parameter in the generic core. It differs from the classical classification where the core has 2 modal parameters. We finish this work comparing our classification to the one obtained in [10].


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A new concept of fault detection and isolation using robust observation for systems with random noises is presented. The method selects the parameters from components that may fault during the process and constructs well conditioned robust observers, considering sensors faults. To isolate component failures via robust observation, a bank of detection observers is constructed, where each observer is only sensitive to one specified component failure while robust to all other component failures.


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In this article some considerations obtained during the utilization of rotor response analysis techniques in hydraulic powerplants are discussed. An applied research work was carried out in two hydraulic turbines analysing the rotor response both theoretically and experimentally. A developed mathematical model was used to simulate the rotordynamic behaviour of Francis and Kaplan turbines. The main dynamical effects that appear during the operation of the machines are discussed too. A series of measurements were carried out in the turbines using impact hammers to determine the modal behaviour of the units. The tests were carried out with the machine still and in operation. Some results and the comparison with the theory is presented in this article. The improved theoretical model was used for a sensitivity analysis of the different bearings to the main excitations that fake place during the machine operation. From this analysis, the best measuring points for condition monitoring were determined.


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Titanium oxide (TiO2) is a good candidate for support of hydrotreating catalysts but has the disadvantage of presenting a low surface area and a poor thermal stability when compared with Al2O3. A mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support was proposed as an alternative that is expected to be free from these drawbacks. The variation during firing of the nanoporous texture of supports composed of TiO2-Al2O3, TiO2 and Al2O3 was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The supports were prepared by the sol-gel route using Ti and Al isopropoxides. We have particularly analyzed the effects of acid and basic hydrolysis on the nanostructural features of catalyst supports fired at different temperatures. The nanopore radius distribution functions were determined from SAXS results assuming a simple model of spherical nanopores embedded in a homogeneous solid matrix. The modal pore radius in both pure TiO2 and pure Al2O3 supports grows from 1.3 to 2.2 nm as the firing temperature increases from 673 to 973 K. on the other hand, the modal pore radius in the mixed TiO2-Al2O3 support remains below 1.2 nm over the same range of firing temperatures. These results demonstrate the good thermal stability of the nanoporous texture of mixed TiO2-Al2O3 supports.


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This study was carried out to investigate the voice characteristics of 40 healthy females with no voice disorders, ranging in age from 60 to 84 years ((X) over bar = 68.2 +/- 5.74 years). Measurements over all the entire phonational range were obtained by phonetography. The subjects were asked to sustain the vowel /a/ in modal register for a minimum of 5 seconds in the highest and lowest intensities after hearing the semitones C, E, G, and A, over all phonational ranges. The results indicated expansion of the low and reduction of high ends of the pitch range, decrease of the pitch numbers of the vocal range, restriction of the lowest and highest limits of the intensity, and reduction of either the maximum phonational range and the phonetogram area. The phonetography technique has shown efficacy to investigate the voice characteristics of elderly females.