66 resultados para alteridade


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Fishing is a very important activity in terms of economic and social development throughout the Amazon region. Text reading this topic revealed the presence of a terminology not yet systematized and record little research and scientific publications on the terminology of this activity. This article aims at analyzing the key terms of fishing. At first, we present a brief history of this activity in Western Amazonia, particularly in Rondônia. The theoretical support was guided by Cabré (1999), with her Communicative Theory of Terminology, Aubert (1996), Barbosa (2002), Barros (2004), Biderman (2006), Babini (2006) and linguists as Baldinger (1966) and Pottier (1974) that reveal the details of linguistic analysis terminology. The creation of an electronic corpus, from texts of technical and documental discourse, theses and websites, composed the first stage of our work. Afterwards, collect the terms and fill the terminological records in our database. The terms were organized into a conceptual system with three notional fields: riverside community, type of fishing, gillnet fishing. Early results show that the set of terms collected is characterized by the strong presence of simple and complex terms, and less compound terms.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Building on some core concepts of dialogic discourse analysis, this article aims to discuss, through an examination of the bestseller lists in Brazil during the years 2000 to 2010, the central features of contemporary mass literature. By the evidence of the prevalence of self-help books, we examine how the phenomenon is consisting. The conclusion that we get is that self-help can be seen both as a discourse genre and as style.


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Bakhtin, during the development of his theories, focused matters concerned to language, also taking account of the vital importance of its role in the formation of men. Thus, he was concerned in treating language not only as a simple mean of communication among people, but also as a social and crucial activity for the development of human beings. According to that and regarding the Bakhtinian concepts of alterity and dialogism in this paper, we intend to verify some aspects related to Macabéa, the protagonist of the novel entitled A Hora da Estrela, by Clarice Lispector, as well as her communication with the outside world, via language, trying to clarify, into that process, elucidative elements which attest her diffi culty in interacting with the world that surrounds her, besides the consequent de(constitution) of her own identity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho buscará verificar a noção (ou as noções) de brasilidade no jornalismo de revista nacional - e como essas noções contribuem para a construção (e a reafirmação) de determinados discursos acerca da cultura e da identidade brasileira. Analisaremos os discursos das revistas Veja e Época em textos (veiculados entre novembro de 2013 e novembro de 2014) a respeito da Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014. A pesquisa partirá de fundamentos da Análise do Discurso (AD) Francesa e de uma concepção intercultural de sociedade (que enxerga as relações sociais como processos de negociação de conflitos culturais entre os grupos sociais). Pretende-se mostrar de que forma os discursos das revistas repercutiram a noção de brasilidade -se de maneira homogeneizadora, ou se de maneira plural- nos textos a respeito da organização do país para o megaevento, bem como nas reportagens a respeito do desenvolvimento do torneio em si. Indicaremos a influência da ideologia na produção discursiva (textual e imagética) dessas revistas quando abordam aspectos da cultura e da identidade brasileira nos textos sobre o Mundial - especialmente, quando tratam de nossa alteridade, a partir de uma perspectiva hegeliana de inferioridade da cultura latina em relação à cultura europeia. Ademais, indicar-se-ão algumas noções de brasilidade construídas pelos principais nomes da historiografia nacional do século XX - noções, essas, que revivem no discurso jornalístico sobre o Brasil e os brasileiros


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The objetive of this article is discuss the question of difference and alterity presents in analyzes of contemporary society conducted by the polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. The author observed that human relations are guided by a logic of cost-benefit connected with values of present in the discardability of consumer society. At the same time, it has built ways of eliminating difference through the construction of a politics of expulsion of those considered strangers. For the author, the cities are the materialization of the ambivalence of live with the other people in contemporary times, being the locus of experience approach and retraction to the other expressed by fear of the difference. The result of this process is the impoverishment relational, the feeling of loneliness and an ethical-political crisis seen that could be seen from the primacy of the private/intimate rather than the public dimention/action.


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This intervention research was developed with adolescents of an establishment of care for children and adolescents considered at personal and social risk, in a city located in the state of São Paulo. The care practices found in the mentioned establishment are aimed at “prevention” of children and adolescents who could become offenders or future criminals, since they are selected from the poorest families in the outskirts of the city where the institution is located. Our psychological practice reported here, however, was conceived and put into practice from the discussion on Human Rights and Citizenship which aims to afirm what is considered deviation from the norm, opening spaces for the difference in relation to otherness and to the policy statement of these bodies in the urban setting within which they are inserted.


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Participei do projeto de extensão Grupo de Formação: Diálogo e Alteridade, constituído por graduandos do curso de Pedagogia. Esse projeto está articulado a um curso de extensão, oferecido para professoras coordenadoras, vice-diretoras e coordenadoras pedagógicas do município de Rio Claro, e do qual também participam os graduandos. O curso, ao longo de dois anos (2011-2012), teve a pretensão de promover a sensibilização do olhar através do uso dos filmes. Em virtude das experiências vividas durante o curso e da grande presença das tecnologias em nossa sociedade, a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender quais as contribuições das mídias e dos filmes no ambiente escolar, tanto em relação ao trabalho pedagógico com os alunos como nos processos de formação continuada de professores e gestores. A partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica realizada nos Anais da ANPEd (Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação) e do ENDIPE (Encontro Nacional de Didática e Prática de Ensino) sistematizei a produção científica que trata dos filmes no contexto educacional. Na busca por compreender quais as contribuições dos filmes para a formação das educadoras que participaram do referido curso, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa documental a partir dos registros da pesquisadora e das escritas produzidas pelas participantes do referido curso. A pesquisa pretende contribuir para a ampliação e socialização das produções científicas acerca da temática


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This paper focuses on the practice of writing in the initial training. The research was conducted from an autobiographical perspective. The instruments used for data collection were the writings produced by me during my participation in the Institutional Scholarship Project Introduction to Teaching (Pibid) and my participation in the extension project Training Group: Dialogue and Otherness, those writings that bring my formative experience as a future teacher. The objectives was to analyze the writings produced by me in these contexts and through this analysis, understand what the issues that I problematized and what knowledge I was building from the experiences lived in the school context and in the university context. In view of understand the writing practices promoted in initial training, I have developed a literature search in the Annals of ENDIPE (National Meeting of Teaching and Teaching Practice) 2008, 2010 and 2012. This research seeks to contribute to the recognition of the training capability of autobiographical teaching writing


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Article presents the concept of subjectivity in the theory of Jean Laplanche from his questioning of metapsychology´s drive theory which led to the proposal of the theory of generalized seduction. The objective is to show how in this conception otherness is presented in a traumatic way in the primary constitution of subjectivity, endorsing certain positions in the psychoanalytic literature that advocate symbolic violence as a fundamental aspect of the subject of psychoanalysis.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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This research focuses on the practice of writing in the initial formation of teachers. My interest for this thematic arose from my participation in the extension project Formation Group: Dialog and Otherness and the extension course School: local for teacher formation, both coordinated by my supervisor. After all, I had the possibility of experimenting the exercise of writing and acknowledging the relevance of it in these contexts, in my condition of teacher-in-training. This thematic has involved me, which is why I conducted an autobiographical investigation. As data gathering tools, I used papers that I produced, as participant of the aforementioned extension project and extension course. Those papers were file records I made from the meetings, monthly papers produced from a thematic that was chosen by the graduating students that attended the extension project and, furthermore, I bring a self-assessments I developed inspired by the experiences I had in these two formative gaps. All these experiences provided pieces of my formative experience as a future teacher. The research aimed to understand which act of writing mobilized knowledge and triggered reflections in the aforementioned contexts, based on paper analysis, seeking to legitimate the importance of this practice in my formative process. Furthermore, a bibliographical research of qualitative nature was developed, achieved from the statement and analysis of articles located in the Annals of International Congress of (Auto) Biography Research (CIPA, in Portuguese acronym), from 2006 to 2012, and in the Annals of National Conference of Didactic and Teaching Techniques (ENDIPE, in Portuguese acronym), in the period from 2006 to 2012. This bibliographical research aimed to increase the understanding of the formative dimension of the practice of writing in the initial training in Pedagogy. I sought to distinguish the writing practices promoted in the context of initial...


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The purpose of the study was to understand the experience of nursing professionals on the care provided to adult patients and relatives who experience the dying process in an emergency room. Statements of 12 nursing professionals, being 8 technicians and 4 registered nurses of the emergency room of a high-complexity university hospital were analyzed. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and evaluated according to Bardin’s content analysis. As a result, the theme entitled the relative’s mourning process emerged with two categories: alterity as an opening and suffering as a limit. when subjectivity, which was revealed under the principle of alterity, permeated the subjects’ actions, the nursing practices were targeted at the patients and their relative’s needs, but suffering as a limit imposed distancing by the professionals during care provision, even when it was perceived as necessary.