58 resultados para Previsión demográfica


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The increasing number of gyms and their patrons increasingly concerned about the health, appearance and aesthetics propagated by the media and the supply of ergogenic both food as hormonal some without proof of its effects generated interest for the study of consumption of such ergogenic goers by academies of Bauru/SP; objective was also to assess whether the Physical Education professionals are prepared to guide properly, such as the use of these goers ergogenic. To this end, a questionnaire specific to each category was used, to be answered voluntarily and anonymously, with closed and open questions divided into two parts: one for socio demographic characterization and another in which were discussed issues regarding the use/orientation ergogenic. The research involved a sample of 12 academies and 205 attendees, including 152 men (74.15%) and 53 (25.85) women. Among men, 61.18% (n=93) did use ergogenic(s) food(s), while among women, this percentage was 33.96% (n=18). Regarding the use of hormonal resources, only 4.61% (n=7) of men said they used; there were no cases of women using hormonal resources. Were also interviewed 19 assessors/trainers/teachers, two which fifteen (15) men and four (4) women. Most consumers of ergogenic: (1) is understood in the age group 21-30 years and the socioeconomic classification bands called B1 and B2; (2) practice bodybuilding and consumption ergogenic resources with purpose of muscular hypertrophy; (3) practicing bodybuilding for a period between 1 and 5 years, consumes ergogenic(s) for a period less than one year, and perhaps the most significant event, starts the consumption of ergogenic(s) in a period of less than one year after starting the practice of bodybuilding, and that there are consumers who start consuming ergogenic as soon begin the practice of bodybuilding; (4) has as its main source of indication for the use of ergogenic, the gym instructor, among which, some respondents reported...


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Issues concerning deforestation have become a crucial theme in the environmental world debate. In this picture, Mato Grosso State has become an unfavorable example because it represents 36% of the accumulated deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. In order to investigate the relationship between deforestation and income growth, this paper estimates an Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) for 139 cities of Mato Grosso through spatial econometrics. Using data for the year 2006, we estimate an EKC for the deforestation per capita against income per capita and other variables controlling the spatial effects. The preliminary results indicate that an EKC exists in a reversed U shape, i. e., the income growth reduces environmental effects from the maximum point. However, introducing a cubic term for the income, the economic growth would not reveal any relationship with the deforestation in the Mato Grosso State.


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Demographic census from the last decades of the twentieth century began to reveal a tendency concerning the increasing average age of the population. The Brazilian government began introducing ways to manage the effects and consequences of this trend, the most recent being the creation of the "Fundos do Idoso" (Funds for seniors) in the Federal, state and municipal spheres. That law allows transferring federal taxes from common citizens and companies to the funds. This article is specifically written as a critical examination of this governmental initiative towards the problem of an ageing population from the point of view as to how the law has been implemented. With the creation of the funds there will be the enlargement and improvement of services destined for seniors. However, the law mentioned above does not predict an active participation of the seniors in the management of this funds and policies that will come as result.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this work is to advance a new approach for estimating demographic density, through combining a Geographic Information System with GMDH Neural Networks. The model that is suggested parts the analyzed space into a rectangular grid formed by multiple cells measuring 0.01 km2 each. The forecasts are elaborated based on the demographic density in each cell and in its neighboring cells at a given time. Despite the limited availability of data during the modeling phase, the utilization of this method for studying a Brazilian medium-sized city presented promising results.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Since ancient times, it has been a huge challenge to all people around the world to manage to get their fresh water, keeping it clean and providing it to every human being, so that it can be used for their daily needs. This is especially true for small properties in the countryside and in isolated areas with low demographic density. Pumping the water in those regions is a solution that rationalizes its use in domestic chores, in animal rearing and in the irrigation systems of cultivated areas. Making feasible local, renewable and non-polluted energetic alternatives is the aim for those areas that are usually far away from the public electric network. Using photovoltaic solar energy is the alternative now proposed. For this objective was built a system with two monocrystalline panels, one pump, two water tanks, two level sensors and a solenoid valve to pump water, using a pump powered an array of monocrystalline solar panels. The main goal was to compare their rate of water flow and their energy consumption. The use of one data acquisition equipment allowed collecting meteorological, electrical and hydraulic values, and also serving for the control and activation of the pumping system. During four months in a row as from April 2009, arrangements with one or two panels were tested. Mathematics correlations and adjustment lines were used to interpret the behavior of obtained dataset. During the analyzed period the system followed the linear equations with great accuracy. The daily average amount of water pumped by the several tested arrays stayed between 1,100 and 2,500 liters, and that is enough to supply a small rural property. The pumping system with two panels effectively showed the major amount of water, but a system with one panel can be an economical solution until 1,500 liters on day. It did not characterize a direct relationship between power or quantity of photovoltaic panels and daily outflow of water pumping.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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A introdução de espécies exóticas traz severas consequências para o ambiente, sendo a perda de diversidade a mais notável. Espécies exóticas podem competir por recursos com as espécies nativas, podendo assim causar a extinção de muitas espécies. A demografia e o padrão espacial de populações naturais também podem ser afetados pela presença de uma espécie invasora, o que pode levar a significativos efeitos para todo o ecossistema. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar o impacto causado na demografia e no padrão de distribuição espacial da palmeira Euterpe edulis pelo pisoteio e herbivoria do javaporco, resultado do cruzamento do Sus scrofa com o Sus scrofa domesticus. Esta palmeira tem especial importância para o ecossistema por ser considerada uma espécie-chave no ambiente, fornecendo alimento para muitas espécies. Foi feita uma parcela de 25 x 50m e contabilizados todos os indivíduos da palmeira presentes. Para avaliar a estrutura demográfica as plantas foram categorizadas em seis estádios de acordo com a altura: plântula, jovem I, jovem II, imaturo I, imaturo II e adulto. Para a distribuição espacial as plantas foram divididas em quatro estádios de acordo com o potencial impacto do javaporco e importância para o recrutamento: plântula, jovem, imaturo e adulto. Os dados foram coletados antes (2008) e depois (2014) da invasão do javaporco em um fragmento de mata estacional semidecídua no interior do Estado de São Paulo. A invasão do javaporco não afetou drasticamente a estrutura demográfica como um todo, mas houve uma redução considerável na proporção de plantas jovens I. Para avaliar os impactos na distribuição espacial usamos uma análise espacial de padrões de pontos univariada (entre plantas dentro de cada estádio) e bivariada (entre plantas de dois estádios). O javaporco não influenciou a distribuição espacial de plantas em cada estádio e nem as relações espaciais entre as plantas...


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O Brasil tem passado por uma revolução demográfica importante e, com o crescente número de adultos e idosos, há também o aumento do aparecimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relacionadas ao envelhecimento. Um exemplo é a osteoartrite, uma doença degenerativa, que acomete diferentes articulações do corpo e atinge com mais frequência a população acima de 50 anos de idade. O tratamento farmacológico da doença visa aliviar os sintomas de dor e inflamação com a administração de anti-inflamatórios e analgésicos que apresentam muitos efeitos adversos. Como alternativa para auxiliar o tratamento da osteoartrite, podem ser utilizados compostos bioativos dos alimentos, também chamados nutracêuticos. É reconhecido cientificamente que alguns compostos bioativos presentes nos alimentos possuem, além de sua capacidade nutricional, um papel importante para a prevenção e tratamento de alguns estados clínicos. Este estudo busca analisar, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, os benefícios de quatro nutracêuticos, quando utilizados no tratamento da osteoartrite. Dentre os nutracêuticos pesquisados, estão o ácido ascórbico, os insaponificáveis de abacate e soja, a vitamina D e o ômega 3, que auxiliam no tratamento do quadro inflamatório e na reparação da cartilagem danificada. Uma nova perspectiva no auxílio do tratamento da osteoartrite impõe ao farmacêutico adquirir um conhecimento interdisciplinar que possa contribuir para a orientação e informação de pacientes no exercício da atenção farmacêutica, a fim de sanar possíveis dúvidas dos pacientes sobre tais compostos e melhorar o aproveitamento do tratamento na melhoria de sua qualidade de vida.