71 resultados para Oração subordinada


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Erotilde Goreti Pezatti e Michel Gustavo Fonte tratam, nesta obra, de questões avançadas do campo da Linguística. Eles investigam aqui o uso e a estrutura morfossintática de sentenças interrogativas do português brasileiro, especificamente de sentenças interrogativas diretas que contêm um pronome ou advérbio interrogativo, que neste trabalho foram denominadas Interrogativas de Conteúdo. Durante a pesquisa eles analisaram, com base no funcionalismo de linha holandesa, a estrutura das Interrogativas de Conteúdo na história do português brasileiro, por meio de textos de peças de teatro e cartas pessoais de duas diferentes épocas: séculos 19 e 20. A investigação foi orientada pelo objetivo principal de averiguar e demonstrar os condicionamentos discursivo-pragmáticos envolvidos na estruturação morfossintática das Interrogativas de Conteúdo. Os autores avaliaram especificamente a ordenação do constituinte interrogativo e do sujeito, já que ambos os constituintes podem ocupar ora a posição inicial, ora a posição final da oração. E se voltaram ainda para a separação do constituinte interrogativo em posição inicial por meio dos expletivos é que e que


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Este estudo tem como base o trabalho sobre a tipologia linguística desenvolvida pelos linguistas Edward L. Keenan e Bernard Comrie, formuladores de estratégias de formação da oração relativa e da Hierarquia de Acessibilidade. Em suas análises, os autores buscam evidências que confirmem a proposta de revisão feita pelo linguista Simon Cornelis Dik à Hierarquia de Acessibilidade. Na obra, eles salientam que uma pesquisa de base tipológico-funcional não se pode fiar em critérios puramente morfossintáticos e procuram determinar em que medida as funções semânticas têm influência na construção de orações relativas. Apesar de se dedicar ao estudo de línguas indígenas, esta obra não é voltada para a Linguística Indígena, uma vez que seu foco principal é a caracterização tipológico-funcional da oração relativa. No entanto, os autores optaram por tomar como base de dados da análise as línguas indígenas brasileiras pelo fato de haver poucos estudos tipológicos dedicados a elas. Dessa forma, acreditam poder contribuir também para o desenvolvimento da linguística aplicada às línguas nativas do país


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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O presente trabalho busca compreender o processo de reformas políticas e econômicas que se concretizaram durante a década de 1990 no Brasil. Tais reformas foram fundamentais à implementação do projeto político de “modernização conservadora” que inseriu o país no novo momento de internacionalização capitalista, denominado mundialização do capital. À frente da aliança política que comandou o país durante oito anos (1995-2003), estava Fernando Henrique Cardoso, intelectual de projeção internacional, cuja obra em parceria com Enzo Faletto, Dependência e desenvolvimento na América Latina, pode ser caracterizada como a referência teórica deste projeto. O que procuraremos demonstrar é que a concretização das “reformas” no Brasil, durante a década de 1990, é uma revitalização – em novo momento histórico – da tese central de Dependência e desenvolvimento, qual seja, devido às características sócio-políticas das economias periféricas, a única forma de estas alcançarem um patamar mínimo de desenvolvimento, é através da inserção dependente e subordinada nos processos de internacionalização do mercado mundial.


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O presente artigo procura analisar o posicionamento político-econômico da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo diante do processo de reestruturação do Estado Brasileiro na década de 1990, e a correspondente inserção do país na nova etapa de acumulação do capital. A principal entidade da fração industrial da burguesia brasileira elabora uma proposta para o “Brasil Moderno”, que se baseia no resgate dos pressupostos liberais como conditio sine qua non para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. Tais propostas fazem coro com as diretrizes dos organismos burgueses internacionais, explicitadas através do documento intitulado Consenso de Washington, e reafirmam a condição do país como economia periférica e subordinada aos pólos centrais do capitalismo mundial.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work deals with the distinction between embedded questions and headless relatives, that was already pointed out as problematic in several studies based on generative approach. The purpose is to examine to what extent functional aspects, as proposed by the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008) to describe the two types of clauses can contribute to the explanation of the differences and similarities between them. Based on representative occurrences of spoken Brazilian Portuguese, we demonstrated that the approach of Functional Discourse Grammar provides important parameters for defining the nature of these two types of clauses, in both formal and functional (semantic-discursive) terms, contributing thus to the existing proposals for the distinction between these clauses.


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As a more extensive issue, this paper deals with the polysemy attested in all Romance languages between interrogative pronouns and subordination markers in complex sentences. It investigates, specifically, the behavior of objective complement clauses introduced by “como” (“how”) in constructions in which they occur as equivalent to the meaning of prototypical declarative complement clause introduced by the conjunction “que” (“that”). It analyzes complement clauses introduced by “como” and “que” occurring in representative Portuguese texts from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries. The results of the comparative analysis between the two forms of clausal complement show that in archaic Portuguese “como” was used primarily to introduce complement clauses of factive verbs. When the complement clause is introduced by “como”, the content that is presupposed as true due to the meaning of matrix verb has reinforced this factuality. In the passage from the archaic to the modern period, there was a drastic decrease in the frequency of occurrences of complement clauses with “como”, which are replaced by the form of completive introduced by the conjunction “que” in the context of factual constructions. In contemporary Portuguese, this replacement is fully established. Complement clauses with “como” remain rare and limited to specific contexts in which “como” maintains its reinforcement function of factual meaning.


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In this paper, I focus on one type of grammatical change consisting of creating periphrastic junctures from nominal sources used in relative clause contexts. This is a periphrase production mechanism that has been increasing the unstable paradigm of junctures and helping delineate Portuguese language grammar. One construction resulting from this mechanism is (na) hora que, in relation to which I propose to investigate form, meaning and history. The central aim is to show the emergence of (na) hora que, a grammaticalization instance in course, in which it is possible to catch stages of the its gradual constitution process, concerning both the syntagmatic reorganization of items with consequent morphological losses, and the constitution of meanings, with the origin of polysemies, pointing to a directionality grounded on the increase of the cognitive complexity


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This work investigates the variance and invariance of subject clauses patterns in spoken and written contemporary Brazilian Portuguese. I analyze four parameters (category and semantic class of matrix predicate, form of embedded clause and mood-tense correlation between matrix and embedded clauses) and show that there is less variance in speech patterns.


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This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.


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This paper attempts to answer how the descriptive analysis of the substantive subordination clauses made within the realm of academic research can contribute to the effective teaching of those structures in the Elementary School. After showing how the subordination has been treated in grammar school and textbooks and pointing at some recurring problems in the presentation of the subject, we present the treatment of subordinate clauses with the function of subject in two descriptive grammars of Portuguese, in order to ascertain to what extent the relevant aspects of the description of those clauses are related to the traditional way of teaching. From those descriptive works, we selected some functional features considered to be essential for the treatment of the subject in the Elementary School.


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The main goal of this paper is to demonstrate the relevance of adopting a functionalist model which integrates aspects of both the main and completive clause to describe the phenomenon of clausal complementation. It is adopted the Functional Discourse Grammar theoretical framework which, unlike most approaches to the theme, focusing only on properties of the main clause, allows the analysis to combine functional aspects of both the main and the complement clauses. As a result of the discussions, the study highlights the importance of integrated analysis like this one for a broader comprehension about the formfunction relations in Portuguese complement constructions.


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In this paper, we investigate the grammatical construction “é claro (que)”, which is characterized as a matrix clause. As it is produced, an argumentative clause is added to the matrix clause in subject position. We analyze oral speech and writing data of contemporary Portuguese and show that the grammatical construction undergoes processes of change, which are identified by desentencialization clauses and grammaticalization process. In addition, by analyzing parameters such as the position of grammatical construction, the presence of copulation and the use of a complementizer, we show that the absence of copulation and a complementizer in the matrix leads to a reduced clause, i.e., a monoclause, and a categorical change of the matrix adjective, which plays the role of functioning adverb.