244 resultados para Nylon-1010


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background The clinical efficacy of intense pulsed light (IPL) in the treatment of poikiloderma of Civatte (PC) is well documented, but little is known about microscopic changes. Objective To analyze histopathologic findings on the necks of individuals with PC after IPL therapy. Materials and Methods Fourteen patients with PC on the neck underwent three monthly sessions of IPL. Biopsies and clinical photographs were taken before and 60 similar to days after treatment. A dermatopathologist analyzed histopathologic slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, Verhoeff-van Gieson and Fontana-Masson or processed for CD-34 immunohistochemistry. The slides also underwent digital image analysis. Clinical results were based on the analysis of the pictures by three dermatologists and on patient satisfaction. Results Intense pulsed light treatment resulted in more-homogeneous melanin distribution; a greater number of fibroblasts and nonfragmented elastic fibers; and greater density (p similar to=similar to.01), color intensity (p similar to=similar to.02), number and thickness of the collagen bundles. No significant changes in vessels number or diameters were observed. Clinical results were positive in 92.9% of the cases. Conclusion IPL treatment of PC induced a more-homogeneous distribution of melanin and increased nonfragmented elastic fibers, collagen density, and intensity. These changes were related to clinical improvement.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar dois novos métodos com o método tradicional da neurorrafia término-lateral. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram separados em quatro grupos. No grupo A-E o nervo peroneal foi seccionado e o coto distal foi suturado à lateral do nervo tibial com dois pontos de nylon 10-0. No grupo A-D duas abas de epi-perineuro abraçaram o nervo doador. No grupo B-D foi realizada sutura com um único ponto abraçando o nervo doador. O grupo B-E foi o controle. Após seis meses foram observados massa do músculo tibial cranial e morfometria do coto distal do nervo peroneal. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada menor massa muscular nos grupos A-D, A-E e B-D quando comparados com o grupo B-E (p<0.0001) e mesma massa quando comparados entre si (p>0,05). Os grupos A-D, A-E e B-D apresentaram menor número de fibras nervosas quando comparados ao grupo B-E (p=0,0155; p=0,016; p=0,0021) e mesmo número quando comparados entre si. CONCLUSÃO: Os três tipos de neurorrafia não apresentaram diferenças relacionadas à massa muscular e número de fibras nervosas sugerindo que a sutura abraçante com apenas um ponto apresente grande potencial em áreas cirúrgicas mais profundas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida pelo delineamento em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se viabilizar os indicadores internos indigestíveis, FDNi e FDAi, obtidas pelas técnicas in situ nos bovinos e in vivo nos equinos por meio do saco de náilon móvel (SNM). Os tratamentos consistiram de digestibilidade determinada por método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso de FDNi e FDAi obtidos pelas técnicas in situ (IS) na cavidade ruminal de bovinos e in vivo (IV) nos equinos por meio do SNM. As FDNi-IV e FDAi-IV promoveram a melhor taxa de recuperação (TR) do indicador, igualando-se ao grupo CT, em 91,50%, enquanto a técnica in situ resultou nas piores taxas, na média 86,50%, para ambos os indicadores indigestíveis (p < 0,05). As estimativas dos CD dos nutrientes foram adequadamente preditos pela FDAi-IV, para equinos alimentados com feno, no qual os valores observados foram de 46,41; 48,16; 47,92 e 45,51% para MS, MO, FDN e EB, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o SNM em equinos pode ser usado para obter a FDAi em equinos alimentados exclusivamente com feno de coast-cross e para cavalos consumindo dieta mista, as FDNi e FDAi foram eleitas para predizer CD de nutrientes.


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Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida, distribuídos em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se estudar a viabilização dos indicadores internos, celulose (CELi) e lignina indigestíveis (LIGi), para predizer a digestibilidade em cavalos. Os tratamentos consistiram na determinação da digestibilidade por método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso CELi e LIGi obtidos pelas técnicas in situ (IS) na cavidade ruminal de bovinos e in vivo (IV) nos equinos por meio do saco de náilon móvel (SNM). A produção fecal e taxa de recuperação (p > 0,05) médios encontrados foram de 2,80 kg na MS e 101%, respectivamente. As estimativas dos CD dos nutrientes (p > 0,05) foram adequadamente preditos pela CELi e LIGi, obtidos in situ e in vivo, no qual os valores médios observados foram de 52,63, 54,17, 64,90, 43,73 e 98,28% para MS, MO, PB, FDN e Amido, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a CELi e LIGi podem ser obtidas in vivo por meio do SNM em equinos, para predizer os coeficientes de digestibilidade de nutrientes, consumindo dieta mista.


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Purpose: To verify if uterine cerclage can induce craniosynostosis or any cranial deformity in new born Wistar rats. Methods: One pregnant female Wistar rat underwent laparotomy on day 18 of gestation and the uterus cervix was closed with a 3-0 nylon suture to avoid delivery, that occurs normally on the 21 day. The suture was released after 48 hours beyond the normal gestation period. The female rat delivered 11 pups. Six surviving rats from the delivery (group A - constrained group). Two rats were born from another mother and in the same age were used as control group (group B - 2 nonconstrained controls) were allowed to grow. They were sacrificed 1.2 years after their birth all the eight animals. Linear measurement, routine histology and computed tomography of the skull were performed at the time of their death to evaluate the cranial asymmetries by mesurements of the anatomical landmarks of the craniofacial skeleton of the rats on the two groups and compared then. Results: We did not observe statistically significant differences in any of the compared measurements (p>0.05) obtained through the morphologic and radiologic methods. Histologic examinations did not reveal any sign of premature fusion or suture imbrications. Critical decrease in longitudinal body size was noticed as the limbs too in all the animals of group A. Conclusion: Constriction of uterine cervix leads to fetus suffering, even death for a few animals, associated to small body size, but not to craniosynostosis.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the postoperative complications of bicoronal flaps used to treat facial fractures. One hundred and thirty two patients that received bicoronal flaps for the treatment of upper and middle third facial fractures were called for clinical and radiographic examination. Minimum follow-up was 1 year and all patients had charts with adequate information about their perioperative care pertinent to the study. Results showed as complications hypoesthesia (17%), partial unilateral frontal motor deficit (11%), infection (3%), hypertrophic scars (3%), varying degrees of alopecia (18%), seroma or hematoma in the immediate postoperative period (5%). The flap provided wide surgical access to the upper and middle facial thirds with very few serious complications, most frequently allowing good aesthetic results. (C) 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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Purpose: Numerous "in vitro" investigations have been conducted to evaluate the role of screw size and pattern in determining optimal resistance to deformation, often these have been controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of screw size and insertion technique on the stability of sagittal split osteotomies.Materials and methods: This study used twenty polyurethane replicas of human hemimandibles with a prefabricated sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO). The hemimandibles were stabilized with 1.5 mm and 2.0 mm titanium screws inserted in an inverted L configuration. All specimens were tested to determine the strength and stability of the fixation.Results: In all cases there was failure of the synthetic bone before there was any evidence of screw failure. There were no significant differences in the load necessary to make the construct fail between the 1.5 or 2.0 mm screw sizes.Conclusion: There was no statistically significant difference between the strengths achieved with screws of 1.5 and 2.0 mm diameters for fixation of SSRO performed in synthetic mandibles. There was no fracture of the 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm diameter screws in any of the tests. 1.5 mm diameter screws in an inverted L pattern have as much stability and mechanical resistance as a 2.0 mm screw, may be safely used for this procedure. (C) 2010 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.


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Objective: To assess the setting time (ST), flow (FL), radiopacity (RD), solubility (SB) and dimensional change following setting (DC) of different sealers (AH Plus (R), Polifil, Apexit Plus (R), Sealapex (R), Endomethasone (R) and Endofill (R)) according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association (ANSI/ADA) Specification 57. Material and methods: Five samples of each material were used for each test. For ST, cast rings were filled with sealers and tested with a Gillmore needle. For FL, the sealer was placed on a glass plate. After 180 s, another plate with 20 g and a load of 100 g were applied on the material, and the diameters of the discs formed were measured. In RD, circular molds were filled with the sealers, radiographed and analyzed using Digora software. For SB, circular molds were filled with the sealers, a nylon thread was placed inside the material and another glass plate was positioned on the set, pressed and stored at 37 degrees C. Samples were weighed, placed in water, dried and reweighed. The water used for SB was analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry. For DC, circular molds were filled with the sealers, covered by glass plates and stored at 37 degrees C. Samples were measured and stored in water for 30 days. After this period, they were dryed and measured again. Results: Regarding ST, AH Plus (R), Apexit (R) and Endofil (R) sealers are in accordance with ANSI/ADA standards. Endomethasone's manufacturer did not mention the ST; Polifil is an experimental sealer and Sealapex (R) did not set. Considering RD, SB and DC, all sealers were in accordance with ANSI/ADA. The spectrometric analysis showed that a significant amount of K+ and Zn2(+) ions was released from Apexit Plus (R) and Endofill (R), respectively. Conclusion: Except for DC, all other physicochemical properties of the tested sealers conformed to ANSI/ADA requirements.


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Desequilíbrio é um dos muitos fatores de risco que aumenta a susceptibilidade de um idoso a quedas. O equilíbrio pode ser avaliado mediante testes posturais e de sensibilidade plantar. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a ocorrência de desequilíbrio e perda de sensibilidade cutânea plantar em idosos da comunidade e verificar a existência de associação entre ambas as alterações. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo envolvendo 45 idosos submetidos à escala de equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e ao teste de sensibilidade plantar com monofilamento de nylon. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher e elaboradas curvas ROC para estudo da sensibilidade e especificidade da EEB. RESULTADOS: Idosos com alteração do equilíbrio e da sensibilidade cutânea foram em número de 2 e 4, respectivamente. Houve associação significativa entre queixa de desequilíbrio e perda da sensibilidade (p = 0,047) e ocorreu concordância razoável (Kappa: 0,6457) entre a EEB e o teste da sensibilidade. Verificou-se também associação significativa entre 6 dos 14 tarefas da EEB e o teste sensorial. CONCLUSÃO: Idosos vivendo com independência na comunidade, em sua maioria, apresentam equilíbrio e sensibilidade cutânea plantar normais. Quando alteradas estas funções mostram-se associadas de forma que, se os testes forem realizados conjuntamente, a precisão da avaliação do equilíbrio idoso aumenta.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)