177 resultados para História e literatura
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Literatura e história distinguem-se tanto pelo discurso quanto pelas diferentes formas de abordagem e compreensão do ser social e do processo histórico. Não obstante serem de natureza e modalidades distintas, ambas produzem conhecimento, além de representações aproximativas, confluentes e complementares. Exemplos dessa aproximação são as obras de A. Gramsci (Il Risorgimento) e de G. di Lampedusa (Il Gattopardo); a primeira, de análise histórico-política e a segunda, de ficção. Ambas tratam do mesmo período e processo histórico: o Risorgimento ou a construção do moderno estado–nacional italiano desencadeada em 1860. Palavras-chave: Literatura; história; revolução passiva; estado-nacional italiano; aristocracia; burguesia; transformismo.
Serão problematizadas as relações entre literatura e ensino, com ênfase na história recente do ensino da literatura (infantil) na educação escolar brasileira. O objetivo é discutir a importância da leitura (literária) da configuração de textos literários para o processo de formação de leitores, assim como as implicações para a formação de professores para a educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.
In the last decades of the 20th Century, the History of the Education, as well as that of Mathematical Education have used the background of the New History and Cultural History. It has changed its objects, methods and sources. Despite the diversification of sources, some of them have still not been used systematically in research. This is the situation with regard to fiction texts. According to Lajolo (1997), literature is the radar and mirror of the values, emotions, feelings and point of view of societies. Therefore we can pose questions to literary texts to seek historical narratives. In this paper, parts of the literary texts Novelas Paulistanas and Memórias de um Sargento de Milícias have led us to historical research in secondary sources. We aim to contribute to understanding of the Brazilian Empire's process of school education, in Rio de Janeiro, and of the FirstRepublic's educational process, in São Paulo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Departing from Ariovaldo Vidal’s statement, in his foreword to the Brazilian translation of The Castle of Otranto, that the Gothic sources were spread upon literary and social history waiting for someone (Horace Walpole) to collect them in order to create a new literary genre, and connecting imagination to such statement, my purpose in this paper is to make some notes on what would possibly be these sources referred by Vidal. By the means of thinking on the Darkness as a semi-concept, a perspective largely inspired in Fred Botting’s Gothic (2014), I intend to look for the origins of Gothic fiction in texts by Homer, Virgil, Dante, and Milton.
This work is set in the context of the Hispanic-American literature of the twentieth century (in particular, Alejo Carpentier) viewed in a historical perspective. For this task, we focus on a specific writer’s work: the novel Baroque Concert (1974). The text is divided into three parts: the first deals with some topics concerning the intersection between sui generis Literature and History. Next, we focus on the Hispanic-American literary context, discussing it in an analytical perspective, with regard to its connections with the historical discourse. Finally, we analyze the novel Baroque Concert, by means of the basic concepts of the theory of historiographic metafiction.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Historiography shows that the historical moment is inscribed in the culture of every time and place. Thus, it allows us to identify within the different modes of cultural production - therefore in the literature of a particular time, our research object - expressions of historical aspects. Furthermore, it is important that we know our own history, so that such knowledge help us to learn how to build, individually and collectively, more equitable societies. The objective of this bibliographic research nature was to identify historical aspects of the nineteenth century Brazilian education printed in O Ateneu (The Athenaeum), written in 1888 by Raul Pompéia. We sought for narrative passages that could reveal usual educational practices in the time context of our work in order to better understand a historical period that contributed to the establishment of our current education
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)