309 resultados para Educação em Ciências


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this research work we verified the interaction between teacher and students through the use of reading an alternative text, the use of an experimental activity demonstration and presentation of videos involving the concept of resonance in a room on the 3rd year of teaching medium, led to meaningful learning of that concept. The instruments for the creation of data were based on audio and video records, taken during the lecture and the written evaluations performed by the students two weeks later. The results showed that this interaction, mediated by the use of these resources, led to meaningful learning of the concept of resonance. It was also possible to observe the students' motivation to participate actively in class.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Based on the assumption that the exchange of knowledge can support a process of self-organized interactions of the involved in the process, we present the results of a study about how happen the dialogue between physics teachers involved in a group of study of Modern and Contemporary Physics. With the support of the propositions of Bakhtin about the potential of the discourse and discursive interactions studies, we identified interesting regularities in how organize discussions among teachers, identifying a scheme that allows us to infer the effectiveness of the enforcement of this form of lead and mediate the discussions in groups of continuous formation of physics teachers to other topics, as well as adding arguments in defense of the groups of discussion as a strategy for continuing formation of teachers.


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This article presents part of a PhD research that investigated what are the limiting factors to be overcome by an initial training program for teachers of physics in order to achieve the identity profile of your proposed course on Pedagogical Project Course (PPC). From the survey of the intended ideal, the actions taken by professors, coordinators and managers seeking its implementation were analyzed. Data were collected from official documents, field notes taken during meetings between professors and interviews with the subjects belonging to the faculty of the course. This is a research in action grounded in Habermas principles. For data analysis, we used analytical devices of discourse analysis, using the French perspective of Pêcheux. The outline presented here seeks to highlight the intentions identified through the analysis of discourses present in the texts, in the speech of different subjects involved and the actions undertaken by them during this process. What one can conclude is that the intentions of the involved professors are permeated of contractions, since in some aspects they intend to give the program teacher's an identity (licenciature) and in other ones they try to maintain the status quo, that means, a teachers program which a bachelor’s profile.


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The aim of this study is to investigate aspects that influenced students of Physics at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) to choose that course and the influence that their own teachers had on their decision. In order to do that, a questionnaire was prepared and answered by forty-five students of Physics (bachelor's course or teacher's course). In the results we highlighted that those students developed affinities with physics knowledge before choosing the course. The analysis suggests that the teacher, although not predominant in these choices, is an important catalyst, thus influencing students to choose a career in science co-operating.


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This article presents part of a broader research and seeks to elucidate the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue in a group of teachers at a public school. Assuming that a Socioscientific Issue must aggregate those involved in the educational process in situations of dialogue, argumentation and construction of a positioning, we understand that the recognition of the controversy or of the legitimacy of the theme in the context at stake is crucial to achieving the desired goals. Thus, starting from subsidies from the Critical Theory of Society, we characterize the process of setting up a Socio-scientific Issue among teachers as an exercise of unveiling the concrete reality, listing problematic, controversial and open to criticism aspects of Science and Technology. Thus, the Socio-scientific Issue is listed out in the group as soon as it is established a polyphonic dialogue where all participants stand, recognize the fertility of the themefor the intendededucational context and can speak of it with propriety.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We present here a qualitative analysis of a sample of papers published in Brazilian science education journals, which expresses researchers discourses related to Astronomy Education. Within this analytical universe, we sought for discursive excerpts about their justifications for the teaching of this subject, which made the basis for the production of a collective discourse, which identity is socially represented by the researchers authors set. Setting up articulations with discourse analysis, the procedures of the collective subject discourse show to be an important methodological tool to answer to the central question of this study: what do the Brazilian researchers assert as justifications for teaching Astronomy? In other words: why teach Astronomy? Outcomes point to the retaking of reflections about the importance of matters like as Astronomy in formal education, catalyzing teachers work innovative articulations.


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We present in this paper parts of the results of a research that had the intention to promote a space of communicative interaction among teachers of an undergraduate Course of Physics Teaching so they could plan their courses together. From the theoretical recommendations of the Theory of Communicative Action , by Jürgen Habermas , it was possible to draw a way of rationality crisis in training degree in physics in Brazil and then propose the creation of a Joint Planning Group (JPG) with teachers of specific nature disciplines of physics and disciplines about physics teaching. They start a joint discussion about the relationship among the disciplines in delivering of a project for future high school teachers' training. All meetings developed over a school year in the GPC were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with a part of a methodological analysis feature of the intersubjective interactions. This methodology was developed specifically for the research. The conclusions are related to the joint constructions developed by the JPG, its local contexts and the possibility of extension of this group. The joint constructions undertaken in the group point to the defense of the formation of JPG in the formation of the professors who teach these courses.


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Os valores têm sido considerados importante conteúdo de ensino, sobretudo ao tratarmos de certas temáticas, como a ambiental. Procurando analisar o tratamento dado à dimensão valorativa da temática ambiental em três coleções de Ciências Naturais voltadas às séries finais do Ensino Fundamental verificamos a predominância da visão antropocêntrica, sendo a natureza valorizada em função de sua utilidade para o ser humano. O predomínio da valorização do conhecimento científico em detrimento de outras formas de conhecimento, da ação humana individual em detrimento da coletiva e a simples apresentação de leis ambientais foram outros aspectos problemáticos encontrados. Uma das coleções, entretanto, além de valorizar o trabalho coletivo dos alunos, também se destacou pela maior ênfase dada à dimensão estética, implicando uma visão de mundo menos utilitarista e um tratamento mais adequado do conteúdo valorativo da temática ambiental.


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The study analyzes how middle-school students view Hansen's disease, which constitutes a public health problem in Brazil. A questionnaire was presented to 159 8th-grade students at three schools, two state and one private. Responses were analyzed by category, with results organized according to knowledge, prejudice about the disease, and the importance of health-education campaigns. The students displayed no scientific knowledge of the disease, although they also showed little prejudice. In terms of educational campaigns, it was concluded that more information of an up-to-date nature should be offered at schools as a way of reaching most of the population.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)