61 resultados para Companhia Colonial
A análise que ora apresentamos busca compreender a particularidade da social democracia brasileira no momento por nós identificado como o processo de sua consolidação. Ao discutirmos as determinações desta particularidade, analisamos a forma pela qual a autocracia burguesa se reproduz no país, desdobrando-se historicamente em uma forma específica de bonapartismo. Assim, compreendemos o período de 1995 a 2006 como o momento histórico de consolidação do projeto social democrata no Brasil, onde a legalidade burguesa se consolida sob a hegemonia da fração financeira do capital, reproduzindo o colonial bonapartismo no país.
O presente artigo procura analisar o posicionamento político-econômico da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo diante do processo de reestruturação do Estado Brasileiro na década de 1990, e a correspondente inserção do país na nova etapa de acumulação do capital. A principal entidade da fração industrial da burguesia brasileira elabora uma proposta para o “Brasil Moderno”, que se baseia no resgate dos pressupostos liberais como conditio sine qua non para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. Tais propostas fazem coro com as diretrizes dos organismos burgueses internacionais, explicitadas através do documento intitulado Consenso de Washington, e reafirmam a condição do país como economia periférica e subordinada aos pólos centrais do capitalismo mundial.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Não disponível
In the final decades of the nineteenth century, the growth of Italian emigration was constituted in a secure source of income for the shipping companies that operated in the Atlantic and played a major role in financing the replacement of old sailboats by modern steamers. Based on reports and balance exercises financial, besides newspapers related to mercantile marine, this article aims to present some results of the research about the importance of Italians emigrants’ transporting to the shipping company La Veloce, showing its economic trajectory and particularities.
The information technology and the increasing interest in the American Latin studies, especially about Brazil, are the objective of these reflections. In the research about the colonial period in Brazil, a group of works, systematized and divulged by electronic means, beyond the usual sources – Portuguese, Italian and Brazilian Universities and Institutes – are from Europe and North America, and its access is facilitated by the worldwide network. Platforms and collections such as Europeana and others less known constitute important sources to the studies of this field. We will comment here some fundamentals to contribute to the subject sources of colonial Brazil.
This paper wishes to reintroduce, in a brief manner, a subject which has been neglected in the recent past: the history of Classical Studies in colonial Brazil. As an introduction to this complex issue, it aims at a historical review of the ideal of humanitas in the Academias of the eighteenth century. The presence of this ideal in the Academias is seen as a result of the classical education of the Brazilian people, a process which begins with the arrival of Jesuit missionaries in 1549 and 1553. In our discussion, we shall use the ideas of Dante Tringali (1994), Fernando de Azevedo (1958), Antônio Cândido (1977), José Aderaldo Castello (1969), among others.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
For decades the Companhia Tróleibus de Araraquara was a national reference in public transportion, but in recent years it is in a process of bankruptcy and scrapping, characteristics of privatizing processes that has been occurring worldwide since the rise of neoliberal ideas. This monography is centered on the finance analysis of CTA to investigate what reasons led the public company to come in the current financial scenario, what are the interests that exist to privatize a public company and which consequences the sale of the of public companies have for a country of subordinate capitalism like Brazil. Most Brazilian cities are in an urban collapse due to the lack of public policies for public transportation and bulky incentives for private transportation. Furthermore, this monography aims to contribute for the study of urban mobility and point out if privatization is a way to improve life in the cities
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA