66 resultados para Celeste de Chabrillan


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os mistérios que permeiam a Educação de Jovens e Adultos são capazes de fazer com que as pessoas que possuem contato com esse tipo de educação se envolvam em suas questões mais profundas, buscando compreender a relação que se estabelece entre as mesmas e a educação. Dessa forma, ao entrar no projeto EJA/PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Incentivo à Docência) como estagiária-bolsista, projeto este que visa atuar em uma sala de EJA que esteja vinculada a uma escola periférica do município, com alunos alfabetizados ou semi-alfabetizados, que vem sendo desenvolvido no Campus da UNESP de Rio Claro, juntamente com a Escola Municipal Celeste Calil localizada no bairro Jardim Novo Wenzel. Composta também de alunos da comunidade do entorno, a classe define-se como multiseriada e funciona no período vespertino.Dos problemas que norteiam a Educação de Jovens e Adultos, principalmente aqueles que atingem as camadas mais populares da sociedade, optou-se por trabalhar com o tema na busca de reflexões a duas questões centrais: os motivos que levaram as pessoas matriculadas na EJA nas referidas escolas a desistir de seus estudos e quais são os fatores motivadores que as levaram a retornar à educação escolarizada, ainda que tardiamente. As reflexões pautadas por essas duas questões serão discutidas a partir de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa que tem como técnica de coleta de dados um questionário, elaborado para as turmas de EJA. A análise desses dados pode contribuir para levantar e entender a trajetória escolar desses alunos e os impactos que a vivência da exclusão escolar e o da reinserção escolar trouxeram a eles, tendo como base de estudo de fatores históricosociais/ políticos da EJA, teóricos como: Paulo Freire, Vanilda Paiva, Álvaro Pinto, Sérgio Haddad, etc


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Foi no quarto ano de minha graduação que passei a integrar o Projeto de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA): práticas e desafios, da UNESP – Rio Claro. No projeto desenvolvi algumas atividades que despertaram minha curiosidade por esta modalidade de ensino. Eu tinha um interesse em desenvolver uma atividade de leitura com o livro “Poemas Completos de Alberto Caeiro” no PEJA, quando surgiu a possibilidade de realizá-la em uma sala de Educação de Jovens e Adultos na Escola Estadual Celeste Calil. Por essa época conheci uma atividade cultural e educativa chamada Tertúlia Literária Dialógica, desenvolvida pelo Núcleo NIASE da UFSCAR. Enquanto estudava sobre as tertúlias, a turma da sétima série da EJA da escola Celeste Calil aceitou o convite de ler, em quatro encontros, poemas de Alberto Caeiro. Assim, foi proposta uma atividade de leitura na qual as pessoas pudessem dialogar umas com as outras e expressar suas ideias, percepções e conhecimentos. Os registros das tertúlias foram gerados a partir de uma câmera filmadora e da transcrição das leituras e discussões de cada encontro. Nesse material de registro, procurei atentar para temas que remetessem a leituras de mundo e, nesses temas, as percepções de si mesmos nas relações com o mundo. Ao final, foram levantadas algumas primeiras reflexões a respeito dessas percepções com os processos educativos


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In this work we study some topics of Celestial Mechanics, namely the problem of rigid body rotation and “spin-orbit” resonances. Emphasis is placed on the problem formulation and applications to some exoplanets with physical parameters (e.g. mass and radius) compatible with a terrestrial type constitution (e.g. rock) belonging to multiple planetary systems. The approach is both analytical and numerical. The analytical part consists of: i) the deduction of the equation of motion for the rotation problem of a spherical body with no symmetry, disturbed by a central body; ii) modeling the same problem by including a third-body in the planet-star system; iii) formulation of the concept of “spin-orbit” resonance in which the orbital period of the planet is an integer multiple of the rotation’s period. Topics of dynamical systems (e.g. equilibrium points, chaos, surface sections, etc.) will be included at this stage. In the numerical part simulations are performed with numerical models developed in the previous analytical section. As a first step we consider the orbit of the planet not perturbed by a third-body in the star-planet system. In this case the eccentricity and orbital semi-major axis of the planet are constants. Here the technique of surface sections, widely used in dynamical systems are applied. Next, we consider the action of a third body, developing a more realistic model for planetary rotation. The results in both cases are compared. Since the technique of disturbed surface sections is no longer applicable, we quantitatively evaluate the evolution of the characteristic angles of rotation (e.g. physical libration) by studying the evolution of individual orbits in the dynamically important regions of phase space, the latter obtained in the undisturbed case


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A matemática está presente nas mais diversas atividades do nosso cotidiano. O interesse em realizar o Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso no âmbito da Educação de Jovens e Adultos/EJA, surgiu a partir do meu ingresso no Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID no início do ano de 2010. O PIBID vem sendo desenvolvido em vários campi da Unesp, somente nos cursos de licenciatura e tem como financiadora a CAPES/MEC. No curso de licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia, o Programa EJA/PIBID Rio Claro atua na escola Municipal Celeste Calil, localizada em um bairro periférico, que tem como público alvo pessoas de baixa renda, alfabetizadas ou não. O trabalho que a cada dia vem sendo construído com as educandas me despertou muito interesse, principalmente com relação ao ensino da matemática, uma vez que a mesma está presente nas diversas esferas do cotidiano. Podemos acompanhar (observar) que as alunas já trazem consigo uma experiência de vida muito grandiosa com relação à solução de questões pertinentes a matemática. Para auxiliar na aprendizagem, recursos matemáticos vêm sendo introduzidos nas aulas, entre eles jogos, onde as educandas podem reviver situações cotidianas que, à primeira vista, facilita o processo de aprendizagem e resolução de problemas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivos fazer um levantamento de jogos matemáticos que poderão ser utilizados nas aulas da EJA, e também analisar o caderno de registros matemáticos do PIBID, no ano de 2010. Quanto à metodologia, buscam-se elementos na pesquisa qualitativa, bem como análise bibliográfica de jogos que foram levantados e também análise documental do caderno de registros do PIBID 2010, construído conjuntamente, pelo grupo de educandas e bolsistaseducadores


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The work Homer, Iliad, by Italian writer Alessandro Baricco (be borned in 1958, in Italy), published in 2004, arose of a project of retelling of Homer’s work, aimed at the theater and which excluded the direct participation of the gods. But until which point the act of not focusing on the gods excluded the relationship between the literary with the mythological? It’s possible return to the classics excluding the presence of pagan gods? Which tripolar relationship could trace among the mythological, the literary and the theatrical in this Italian work? These are the questions that guide the undertaken study, aiming to check the sense that the elements taken from Classical Mythology engender in the produced text and in the artistic context in which it is inserted.


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The award-winning and controversial movie by Pedro Almodóvar “The skin I live” (2011) is an adaptation of Mygale’s novel (1984), the French writer Thierry Jonquet (1954-2009), translated into Portuguese in 2005 as Tarântula. It is a horror story, full of suspense, in which a renowned surgeon, Robert Ledgard, played by Antonio Banderas, switches, without any scruples, the sex of the young Vincent. What it shown to the viewer since the first images of the movie is, therefore, Vicente/Vera in her new and perfect female body. Flashbacks clarify during the movie the events that culminated in the opening scene that is presented to us, surprising us and, of course, shocking us. References to myths and symbols can be noticed in the movie. They bring with them, to be recognized by the viewer, issues related to the creation or metamorphosis, among others, as the Pygmalion and Galatea myth, which binds to artistic creation. Artistic metamorphosis operated equally by the filmmaker in his modern version of the doctor and the monster, for example, but, especially, in the rereading of the Jonquet’s novel. This study seeks to highlight some of the major myths and symbols inserted in Almódovar’s movie and what interpretations such insertions may ensue.


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There is a consensus among scholars that the chorus in Menander’s time had become totally detached from stage-action; its performances, marked in the Greek text by the word ΧΟΡΟΥ, separated like interludes the acts from each other within the plays; the chorus had a technical function: provide a break in the action to cover certain off-stage events and indicate the passing of time. This paper, however, examines in Dyskolos, one of Menander’s early comedies, the relation between the chorus and Cnemon present in the old man’s words that makes generalizations about human relationships, and shows that in this comedy the chorus of the followers of the god Pan was exploited by the poet as a source of achieving various dramatic effects.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper intends to reflect on the search, in the process of teaching formation, of pre-defined contents for the teaching of Geography and History in the series of primary school. This desire for clarity about the appropriated contents for the various series often overshadows the real need to clarify what is the goal of teaching this or that content. It is necessary, in the teacher training, resume and historically contextualize this search for curriculum contents. The risk of prioritizing the discussion about contents is transforming the contents itself into the content goals of education. Reifying the contents contributes to the common process of disconnect teaching from learning. In this case, the educational process becomes a contest of teaching contents, not bothering if these contents were or not learned by the students, which makes education extremely conservative. This phenomenon has it origins in the 1970s, during the curriculum discussions of the various areas of school knowledge. Since then, the concept of didactic transposition has been questioned progressively, in which the curricula were designed as adapted teaching to lower levels of scientific knowledge produced in universities – the place for higher education. The school knowledge, since the 1970s, is considered as autonomous. In other words, knowledge in dialogue with university science, but with typical characteristics of education in school systems. If the curriculum of primary and secondary educations is not the result of the didactic transposition, what content it should be made of? The current paper touches this issue, but subordinates it to most relevant questions about the purposes of learning in inseparable connection with teaching.


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In the Brazilian public archives,it is not unusual to find photographs recording the daily school educational institutions since at least the early twentieth century. The historian often has conceptual difficulties in dealing with the photographic documentation as a research source. The current workproposes to present the debate over the use of photographyas a privileged source for research on Education History. Photography can be an instrument of knowledge and information for observers awayfrom the place and time in which the images originated. Its contents have been tentativelyused in researchfor the Historyof Education. The methodologyof this studywill approach the ideas proposed byBoris Kossoyand Susan Sontag on photographyas a record of realityand its use in historical research. As interlocutors with the ideas of these three authors will be presented photographs of reports from the Regional O ffice of Education in the 1930s,preserved in the Public Archives of São Paulo. It is the purpose of this study to help researchers in History of Education in methodological reflection on the use of photographs as documentarysource of research.