69 resultados para Brasil Política Econômica


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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A autora analisa as interpretaes construdas por parte da imprensa brasileira sobre os Estados Unidos e a Argentina nos ltimos anos de vigncia do regime monrquico, focando particularmente os jornais A Provncia de So Paulo, que representava a elite política, econômica e cultural associada campanha republicana, e o Jornal do Commercio, peridico monrquico-conservador, sediado no Rio de Janeiro, a capital imperial, que gozava de grande prestgio. A autora optou por analisar esses pases porque, no conjunto de pases americanos, ambos tiveram especial destaque nos peridicos analisados. Ela observa que a cobertura dos Estados Unidos se justificava por ser aquele pas um parceiro comercial importante do Brasil, que representava consistente mercado consumidor para seu principal produto, o caf, e, ainda, em consequncia da admirao que vrios setores da sociedade brasileira expressavam por seu crescimento acelerado. A Argentina era acompanhada de perto porque interessava enormemente ao Brasil entender os fatos que se desencadeavam no territrio vizinho, em especial no mbito poltico e militar. A imprensa do perodo, porm, tambm enfatizou o crescimento econmico argentino. A imprensa refletiu as posies de grupos polticos distintos a respeito dos Estados Unidos e da Argentina, muitas vezes antagnicas. E acabaria por divulgar o debate de suas propostas sobre o lugar que o Brasil deveria ocupar na Amrica e sobre a forma ideal de governo para o pas


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This article is about the measures that were taken against the inflation in the final period of Estado Novo. Characterized by an inflationary pressure increasing in the end of World War II and the regime crisis. We stand for the idea that the measures concerning the end of the inflation were subordinate to the economic development. The struggle against inflation was mainly based on the control of the prices and measures to extend the supply. The anti-inflationary policy of Vargas mandate was directly conditioned by political disputes around the transition and the direction of the economy.


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Principalmente a partir do final da dcada de 1990, com as crises internacionais que afetaram especialmente os pases em desenvolvimento, passou-se a designar maior importncia a temas como dvida pblica, sua gesto e o desenvolvimento do mercado de ttulos pblicos. Nos ltimos dezesseis anos da economia brasileira observamos diferentes momentos da situao do endividamento pblico. O crescimento da relao dvida pblica/PIB e a piora da sua composio (em relao aos indexadores) so caractersticas do perodo de governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002), enquanto o decrscimo da dvida pblica em relao ao PIB, assim como a melhora de seu perfil, foram caractersticas presentes durante o governo de Luis Incio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). importante destacar que o cenrio da economia mundial, em cada um dos perodos citados, influenciou diretamente na execuo da política econômica, e, portanto, na gesto da dvida pblica


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A indstria de transformao considerada de suma importncia para o desenvolvimento do pas tanto em termos econmicos como sociais, visto que responsvel por encadeamentos produtivos e efeitos multiplicadores no emprego e na renda do pas. Entre os anos de 2000 e 2011 ainda que haja indcios de desindustrializao da economia brasileira, devido queda da participao do valor adicionado da indstria de transformao no Produto Interno Bruto e deteriorao da indstria de transformao frente ao comrcio exterior, no que concerne ao emprego, em termos absolutos e relativos, no h suspeitas de que esteja em curso no Brasil um processo de desindustrializao. Paralelamente, ressalta-se que embora se faam presentes sintomas da chamada doena holandesa no Brasil, ou seja, balana comercial superavitria em commodities acompanhada de dficits da indstria de transformao e de taxa de cmbio valorizada; o Brasil no parece sofrer da doena


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The present work aims to define and characterize the main concept of deindustrialization and its causes, and in particular, investigate whether there are evidences of deindustrialization in the Brazilian economy. If the process of deindustrialization is confirmed, we will analyze the industrial sectors most affected


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This paper analyzes the Real Plan and its effects on two administrations of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), a period which extends from 1995 to 2002. To this end, the study includes a brief review of the problems faced by previous plans, especially the Cruzado Plan and the reasons for the belief that it has been successfull in relation to inflation control. Additionally, seeking to describe the process of moving to the new currency towards stabilization, the paper describes the theoretical foundations of the Plan. In sequence, it defines the backround of both international and domestic monetary reform which was one important part of the Plan and therefore the reasons for the implementation of the monetary reform. Subsequently the paper deals with the effects of the Plan on the economy as a whole, covering also the way the economic measures were taken concerning the Mexican and Asian crisis, the policies used fot the exchange rate, interest rate, fiscal accounts, balance of payments, among other factors and the relationship between them. Hence, it describes the immediate and the long-term consequences of stabilization program in terms of output, employment, public deficit and debt. Therefore, it is important to note the various junctures to which the economy was exposed, and also to point out the challenges and obstacles arising from these changes for growth, which was sometimes fast, sometimes slowing down - the so-called stop and go. Of course, facts as the moving to floating exchange rate regime, the adoption of inflation targeting regime and the adoption of fiscal responsibility law along with the primary surplus policy were able to create a new economic environment and to contribute to later success of the Cardoso years


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In the decade of 1950, the economic policies almost in their entirety, are aimed at promoting domestic industry, culminating finally in the most consistent action planned in favor of industrialization in the economic history of Brazil: the Plano de Metas (Goals Plan). This study aims to analyze the Brazilian planning at this moment studying the proposals in the economic thought of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and Roberto de Oliveira Campos, divergent, but both connected to important reports of the Brazilian economy developed in the period, which served as the basis for policies at the period and even Goals Plan, and with enormous influence on the decisions of the 50s. The first one was the most important school of thought in the Third World. Campos was one of the most important thinkers of the economy in the period, one of the most consistent critics of ECLAC, and their proposals were very close to what was actually executed. The paper concludes that, despite the importance of ECLAC thought, this encountered difficulties applying workable solutions to economic growth. The eclectic tone of Roberto Campos brought clarity to his proposals, and these, when applied, have led to growth


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Based on investment strategies, the history of the BNDES and the economic policy current between the years 2006 and 2010, this paper presents an analysis of the support given by the Bank in the state of So Paulo, trying to see how these influenced the territorial structure and development of this state in the period


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)