481 resultados para Formação de professores e pesquisadores em biologia
Os “professores eventuais” são figuras conhecidas dos alunos do sistema de ensino público do Estado de São Paulo devido à freqüência com que aparecem nas salas de aula. As aulas eventuais são atribuídas a professores chamados a substituírem os regulares, ou titulares de turmas, nas escolas públicas estaduais do Estado de São Paulo. Tais aulas aparecem como uma incógnita para os profissionais que são colocados a enfrentar uma situação nova, dar aulas em tempos fragmentados, desconhecendo o desenvolvimento das atividades do professor titular, o conteúdo em andamento e as práticas comumente adotadas. Estes são profissionais, licenciados ou estudantes de graduação, que substituem os professores titulares da sala quando da ausência destes por um período inferior a quinze dias, trabalham geralmente em situação precária, seja no que diz respeito à legislação, aos horários, aos conteúdos, ou mesmo em relação a outros membros da comunidade escolar. Além disso, tomando como base os relatos presentes na bibliografia, nos depoimentos colhidos pela pesquisa e nossa experiência pessoal, percebemos que tal situação vem sendo ignorada nos meios acadêmicos e políticos, tornando-se uma chaga oculta na já defasada educação pública paulista. O presente Trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as aulas eventuais e professores e estudantes que atuam nas aulas da área de Geografia,com vistas a compreender a forma pela qual são oferecidas tais aulas e as conseqüências que podem ter na formação destes profissionais. Assim, propomos registrar os questionamentos dos profissionais que possuem algumas experiências com esta modalidade de aula. Ao fazermos isso, buscamos discutir o tema com o intuito de tornar tais experiências mais positivas uma vez que temos um levantamento preliminar com uma série de relatos extremamente contundentes envolvendo as aulas eventuais
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Neste artigo, temos por objetivo apresentar resultados parciais de um projeto de pesquisa institucional em Linguística Aplicada, no qual se busca compreender como ocorre a prática inicial docente em contextos diversamente configurados de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (presencial e virtual), bem como de que maneira esses contextos podem se favorecer mutuamente e favorecer a formação reflexiva e crítica do professor de línguas, em/para um mundo contemporâneo. É possível perceber a atitude reflexiva de uma professora de língua estrangeira em formação inicial, especialmente quanto a ensinar e aprender línguas tipologicamente próximas como o português e o espanhol. Os resultados indicam que a experiência de vivenciar a dinâmica de um contexto didático convencional de ensino de línguas (sala de aula), ao lado da experiência de ensinar sua língua materna em um contexto de configurações didáticas inovadoras (teletandem), foi especialmente importante para a formação crítica da futura professora de línguas e para a conscientização sobre a prática de ensinar línguas irmãs em tempos de inovação tecnológica.
With the development of cognition studies and the awareness that teachers’ previous experiences, knowledge acquired in language teacher education programs and classroom experiences in different contexts shape the ways teachers think and construct their teaching practices, teacher education programs start to understand, from a sociocultural perspective, teachers’ learning as a dialogic process of knowledge co-construction, which is situated and emerges from practices and sociocultural contexts. Considering the relevance of this new perception, this article aims at presenting such theoretical perspective as well as its contributions to language teacher education research and teaching.
We present herein an experience report, followed by the analysis of some of its aspects. We discuss teacher’s education for the integration of Digital Technologies for Information and Communication (DTIC) in the teaching-learning process in public schools, based on actual practices experienced in extension projects developed at the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). We aimed at providing a reflection on possible means for training of initial teachers in Basic Education for the use of technology, by assuming that it represents unique opportunity to investigate the process of learning the teaching process. The relevance of this discussion is not only to consider that teachers are essential for any novelty expected in education, but also as a reflection on the knowledge that teachers and initial teachers should have and need to overcome an old technology-mediated education.
This article aims to show the results of an institutional research in Applied Linguistics, which tries to comprehend how the initial teaching practice occurs in diversely figured contexts of foreign language teaching-learning (on-site and virtual), as well as how such contexts may mutually favor and encourage reflective and critical training of the language teacher in/for a contemporary world. It´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (Spanish, English and Italian) teachers in initial training, especially regarding some aspects related to the teaching-learning languages process, such as roles of the participants; relevance of meaningful interaction; engaged cultures; teaching of a foreign language and mother tongue teaching as foreign one; teaching and learning typologically similar languages; constitution of the place to learn-teachIt´s possible to notice a reflective attitude of four Brazilian foreign language (English, Italian and Spanish) teachers in pre-service education, especially about some aspects of language teaching and learning process, such as the role of the participants; the relevance of significant interactions; the involved cultures; the teaching of a foreign language and the teaching of the mother tongue as a foreign language; the teaching of similar languages as Portuguese and Spanish; and the constitution of the place of teaching and learning languages. The results indicate that the experience of experiencing the dynamics of a conventional didactic context of language teaching (classroom), alongside to the experience of teaching and learning in a context of virtual educational settings (teletandem), it was especially important for the critical training of the future language teachers and to the awareness about the practice of teaching languages in times of technological innovation.
This article chiefly aims at discussing issues concerning reflective teacher education for and in virtual environments for language learning. Given the need for research on reflective practice in new virtual environments, we present the experience of pedagogical supervision through mediation in the virtual context for collaborative learning in teletandem. Some research results in this context, such as in Salomão (2008), Kfouri-Kaneoya (2008), Cândido (2010) and Silva (2010), show how favorable and conducive to the development of reflective pre-service teacher education it seems to be, as it emphasizes the co-construction of knowledge in a dynamic relationship between theory and practice.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
This paper presents the perceptions of participating teachers and technicians who produced and ministered courses in the Project of Continuing Education of teachers of Amapá State, called Pedagogical Encounter of Municipalities and is based on research results of the Master Degree in Education that was aimed to analyze and describe the referred project as well as studying the impact that it had on educational context of the municipalities. It was conducted a study of the Project’s trajectory including its theoretical basics, implementation and, mainly, a number of Project’s results. The methodology consisted of acquiring and analyzing official papers and interviewing 14 teachers and technicians. The statements obtained make it clear that the Pedagogical Encounter had a major impact on the educational reality of the municipalities, with more positive than negative results not only for teachers but also for instructors and coordinators. The statements can also be concluded that the continuing education actions will not achieve its objectives if they are not accompanied by public policies direct to improve living and job conditions of the teachers.