619 resultados para rótese dentária


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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The study of the dental pulp can be extended from factors related to its aggression to those related to new concepts of regeneration. The purpose of this compilation of studies is to present the evolution of a research subject from damage to repair. Innitially, studies will demonstrate the ability of dental procedures to generate heat and consequently affect the dental pulp. In sequence, studies will also present some effects of different pulp capping materials on dental pulp cells, related to the cytotoxicity of these materials and inflammatory potential. Finally, as the subject is emmerging and gaining importance in the literature, this compilation will present data from recent studies on the role of dental pulp progenitor cells in the regeneration and repair of dental pulp, as well as an alternative for a scaffold that could be used for clinical translation of research in the field. In summary, dentists must be aware of these different aspects and that the knowledge on factors and mechanisms involved in the aggression of the dental pulp can also serve as basis for understanding aspects for regeneration.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Odontológicas - FOAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research presents the results of a cephalometric radiography study, in frontal norm, that was used to measure the possible linear correlations between several linear dimensions of the face, in a sample of a 140 caucasian brazilians, with an average age of 20 years, who were distributed in 2 groups as follows: Control group - formed of 35 males and 35 females, with no apparent facial deformities and with dental oclusion, not necessarily, in Angle's Class I; Unilateral cleft lip and palate group - formed of 35 males and 35 females with surgical correction of the up in the first year and of the palate until the third year of life, without orthodontic treatment. ln each teleradiography, the following parameters were measured using a computer: - Lateral orbit width or external orbit width (LOe) - Medial orbit width or internal orbit width (LOI) - Zygomatic width or facial width (LZI) - Mastold width (LMa) - Maxilar width (LMx) - Nasal width (LNa) - Condilar width (LCo) - Antigonial width (LGa) The values obtained were treated statistically using quantitative analysis (arithmetic mean, standard deviation, standard mean error, Person's variation factor and Pearson factor linear correlation). Theirs significance was established by Student's t test. The Pearson factor linear correlations determined between transverse linear cephalometric width dimensions of face in frontal norm for individuals of both groups and sex, with an average age of 20 years, were: ...


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The understanding of the etiology and the determination of the position of the unerupted teeth turn safer the surgical planning of the cases. By the number of techniques proposed to the orthodontic traction of unerupted teeth, the particularities of each one must be understood to select the most appropriate technique and control the unwanted effects. Based on literature and comparing results obtained with the most used surgical techniques, this article describes different ways of accesses for the orthodontic traction of unerupted teeth, detailing interest aspects to the orthodontist. The authors concluded that the surgical techniques present particularities worthy of the orthodontists´ knowledge - once they will be executed in agreement with the preference or experience of the involved professionals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O tratamento endodôntico é uma etapa importante do protocolo de atendimento do reimplante dentário e tem uma relação direta com o aparecimento das reabsorções radiculares, maior causa de perda dos dentes reimplantados. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparo no reimplante tardio de dente de macaco, utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2) e o MTA como materiais obturadores de canal. Cinco macacos Cebus apella adultos tiveram seus incisivos laterais superiores e inferiores, direito e esquerdo, extraídos e deixados em meio ambiente por 60 minutos. Decorrido esse período, foi realizado o preparo biomecânico dos canais e os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo I - canal preenchido com pasta de Ca(OH)2 e grupo II - canal preenchido com MTA (Angelus®). Após o selamento da abertura coronária com ionômero de vidro, o ligamento periodontal foi removido e os dentes imersos em solução de fluoreto de sódio 2%, pH 5,5, por 10 minutos. Em seguida, os alvéolos foram irrigados com soro fisiológico e os dentes reimplantados e contidos por 30 dias com fio de aço e resina composta. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada 60 dias após o reimplante. Os espécimes de ambos os grupos apresentaram reabsorção por substituição e pontos de anquilose ao longo dos três terços radiculares e ausência de reabsorção inflamatória. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos com relação à reabsorção por substituição, porém a quantidade de anquilose foi significativamente maior no grupo do Ca(OH)2. Baseado nesses resultados conclui-se que o MTA pode ser uma opção clínica viável para a obturação de dentes tardiamente reimplantados que necessitam de um longo período de curativo com hidróxido de cálcio.