457 resultados para Silvio Berlusconi


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The emphasis in this research is to evaluate the spatial distribution of the precipitation using a geostatistics approach. Seasonal time scales records considering DJF, MAM, JJA e SON periods performed the analysis. Procedures to evaluate the variogram selection and to produce kriging maps were performed in a GIS environment (ArcGIS®). The results showed that kriging method was very suitable to detect both large changes in the whole area as those local small and subtle changes. Kriging demonstrated be a powerful statistical interpolation method that might be very useful in regions with great complexity in climatology and geomorphology.


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The improper disposal of industrial waste and exploitation of natural resources has resulted in the scarcity of river sand and environmental degradation, such as river erosions and pollution. This study aimed to assess the durability of mixed mortar lining walls and ceilings, containing 0 (default), 10 and 20% of dregs-grits compounds-waste of the pulp industry-in substitution with river sand. This was done with tests that simulated both natural and artificial conditions: Direct solar incidence (testing ultraviolet radiation), attack by spraying solution (salt spray test), natural warming of the walls and ceilings incidence by indirect solar (thermal degradation) and residential fires (thermogravimetric test), in compliance with both national and/or international standards. The grout containing dregs-grits compounds showed similarity to standard (0%) for testing thermal degradability, thermogravimetric and ultraviolet radiation, but shows significantly less durability when exposed to salty environments.


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This work presents the results of the efficiency of three protection methods of roads slopes, against the development of erosion processes.The methods anlyzed were: (1) grass planting "San Carlos" (Axonopus compressus), (2) litter, composed of remains of branches and leaves of eucalyptus E. Grandis, and (3) Compacted soil cover with a local soil with properties more resistant to erosion processes.The experiment consisted of assembly of four rectangular cells with 6 meters, three for protection systems in study and one was kept unprotected to evaluate the efficiency of the methods in study.The determination of the amount of eroded sediment was based on the sum of the solids in suspension and stored sediments in the geotextile bags.The results showed that, compared to the unprotected cell, the litter obtained a reduction of soil loss of 90%, while the grass enveloped and reduced 80% and 65% respectively.


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The purpose of this research was to present the principles for the implementation of a future water body classification program at the UGRHI-1 (Management Unit of Water Resources-1/São Paulo, Brazil) using qualitative and quantitative water modeling. Our study area was in Campos do Jordão, a city in the state of São Paulo, specifically in the Perdizes river watershed, which is included in the UGRHI-1. The water quality assessment used a modeling mehtodology that can support a future study for the classification of water bodies in the region. The behavior of DO and BOD parameters was assessed in the water quality scenarios, considering the variations of flows, loads, reductions in withdrawals and different efficiencies in sewage treatment. The model used was QUAL2E developed by USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) that received a new graphic interface named QUAL2R model. The reference flows Q7,10, Q95% and Qm used were obtained through the DAEE (Department of Water and Electric Energy) hydrologic regionalization method. It was noted that of the 9 proposed scenarios, only scenario 6 that was predicted in the flow regime Qm with the existence of a treatment system capable of removing 93% of the BOD, in the Perdizes River remained 67.5% of the time in class 2. Scenario 8 predicted a 50% reduction in In scenario 8 a reduction of 50% in the flow captured in CA-04, associated with the efficiency of 93% of BOD removal keeping the river in class 2. In scenario 9 the minimum required efficiency in sewage treatment in the flow regime Q95% for keeping the river in class 2 was also calculated and the value of 94.7% was obtained.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Interactive whiteboards (IWB) consist of a set of technological equipment organized in order to fulfill a specific task, enabling the development of didactic activities. Because they are associated to computers’ potentiality, interactive whiteboards can provide bigger interactivity between: teacher and students, students and content, and among students. This work’s main objective is to present some of the results yielded from a research related to the way students perceive interactive whiteboards in the classroom. In order to analyze the IWB usage dynamics, some educational applications in the field of mathematics were applied in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Aside from observation, video recordings were made and students were interviewed about the interactive whiteboard, in order to understand how these students observe and engage with the technological tool. IWB do not transform classroom’s reality by themselves, however, their physical presence and usage amount to external reinforcement can change student’s behavior positively.


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Contexto: A síndrome de Gorlin ou síndrome do nevo basocelular é desordem autossômica dominante causada por mutação no gene Patched, que faz parte da via de sinalização Hedgehog. Descrição do caso: O paciente descrito tem 67 anos, apresenta múltiplos carcinomas basocelulares com início desde os 17 anos, além de cistos odontogênicos, escoliose dorsal, pits palmoplantares, hipertelorismo e macrocefalia. Discussão: A síndrome é manifestada pela tríade de múltiplos carcinomas basocelulares, tumores odontogênicos ceratocísticos e anomalias esqueléticas. Outras alterações orgânicas podem estar presentes, sendo o meduloblastoma, tumor maligno da fossa posterior, causa potencial de morte. Conclusão: O diagnóstico precoce é importante para que terapias menos agressivas sejam realizadas. O tratamento envolve equipe multidisciplinar e o aconselhamento genético é mandatório.


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Introdução: Hanseníase e Tuberculose são enfermidades associadas à supressão da imunidade celular do tipo TH1. As manifestações clínicas da hanseníase são usualmente cutâneas e da tuberculose (Tbc) tegumento-pulmonares. O objetivo é demonstrar a presença de ambas as enfermidades no mesmo paciente. Relato do caso: Paciente masculino, 59 anos, em uso de prednisona 40mg/d há 6 meses devido a um quadro “alérgico”, com queixa de úlcera peri-anal dolorosa e sangrante. Ao exame apresentava úlcera fagedênica peri-anal e inguinal fistulizado e pápulas normocrômicas no antebraço. Histopatológico de lesão nodular e da úlcera mostra infiltrado granulomatoso com BAAR +,interpretado como hanseníase multibacilar. O tratamento não resultou em melhora das lesões inguinais e perianal. Novos exames demonstraram serem as lesões ulceradas causadas pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis, por cultura, e as lesões pápulo-nodulares serem Mycobacterium leprae, por PCR. Tratamento para ambas foi eficaz. O M.leprae e M.tuberculosis são patógenos intracelulares obrigatórios e a defesa do hospedeiro está diretamente associada à imunidade celular. Mesmo em países endêmicos para ambas as enfermidades a associação das duas doenças é de ocorrência excepcional. O uso da corticoterapia utilizada para quadro alérgico (ENH) facilitou a ocorrência da Tbc. O caso relata a importância dos métodos auxiliares diagnósticos em caso de difícil interpretação clínica.


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Paciente feminino 36 anos, com queixa de febre noturna, astenia, parestesia de membros inferiores, artralgia, hepatoesplenomegalia, lesões cutâneas, anemia hipocrômica, microcítica e linfopenia. Sorologia negativa para Hepatite B,C e HIV; FAN e anti-DNA também negativos. Histopatologia da medula óssea mostrou-se discretamente hipercelular, com presença de focos de histiócitos com citoplasma vacuolado (células pseudo-gaucher-like),aspecto megaloblástico, linfoplasmocitico e lipogranulomatoso. A coloração Ziehl- -Nielsen positivo; diagnóstico morfológico: micobacteriose de medula óssea. A cultura do sangue e do aspirado de medula óssea foi negativo para M.tuberculosis. Biópsia das lesões cutâneas máculas e pápulas hipercrômicas dos membros inferiores e superiores revelou hanseníase de padrão Vichowiana. A pesquisa BAAR pela Faraco demonstrou numerosos bacilos, sendo a maioria de padrão granuloso. Pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana tem acometimento cutâneo em 100% dos casos, o baço é o órgão mais frequentemente acometido com disseminação através do sangue periférico. O quadro anêmico e a linfopenia provavelmente se deve à cronicidade da infecção, levando a infiltração medular. A ocorrência do comprometimento medular em paciente com hanseníase Virchowiana é excepcional, mesmo em países endêmicos, e pode indicar necessidade de tratamento mais prolongado.


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This study was carried out at Campo Experimental do Cerrado in Embrapa Amapá, Brazil, aiming to select, based on the agronomic characteristics of productivity, dry matter and nutritional quality of the forage, the accesses of species from the genus Paspalum that possess potentiality of use as forage plants. During the years 2000, 2001 and 2002, 21 accesses of grasses were evaluated, including 18 of Paspalum and three control species: Brachiaria decumbens, Andropogon gayanus cv. Baetí and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú. The experimental design was complete randomized block with three replications. The variables studied were: production of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber on the dry matter, in vitro digestibility of dry matter and crude protein content in the dry matter. All the accesses showed marked reduction in productivity and quality of produced forage, when the climatic conditions became unfavorable, showing that Paspalum as the other tropical grasses have high seasonal production. Based on the variables studied, the selected accesses were P. guenoarum (BRA-014851), P. atratum (BRA-9661) and Paspalum sp. (BRA- 009407).


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Se condujeron dos experimentos para determinar el comportamiento de cerdos en crecimiento, comparando la dieta de maíz-soya con otra de raíz de yuca ensilada con agua o vinaza. Se utilizaron 16 cerdos de cruce comercial alojados en corrales individuales, mediante clasificación simple y dos tratamientos con ocho repeticiones/ tratamiento. En el segundo trabajo se utilizaron 16 animales en similares condiciones, con vinaza para ensilar. No fueron encontradas diferencias significativas para la ganancia diaria (g) y conversión alimentaria (kg kg-1). Se concluye que la raíz de yuca ensilada con agua y yogurt o vinaza, puede sustituir totalmente la energía del maíz para cerdos en crecimiento.