450 resultados para Literatura portuguesa História e crítica
In this article, we analyze the works of Pero de Magalh��es G��ndavo in what we name colonial writings. They are texts written between the late 16 th century and the early 17th century. G��ndavo���s intention, as with the other colonial writers, is to defend the interests of the settlers. With that, we counter historiography in general and Brazilian historiography in particular, which sees them as authors identified with metropolitan interests.
Funda����o de Amparo �� Pesquisa do Estado de S��o Paulo (FAPESP)
Les premi��res pi��ces de Victor Hugo ont ��t�� les responsables d'une v��ritable r��volution dans l'histoire de las Litterature Fran��aise, mais elles n'ont pas eu une acceptation imm��diate de la part de la critique, qui s'est partag��e entre les partidaires des romantiques et, par cons��quent, de nouvelles id��es diffus��es par le C��nacle et les classiques, les adversaires des jeunes ��crivains qui ont embrass�� les concepts hugoliens, Au Br��sil, la r��acrion a ��t�� post��rieure, mais identique. Qualqu'on ne trouve pas dans les journaux des discussions �� propos de la nouvelle ��cole, des nouvelles id��es ont ��t��, au d��but, rejet��es par les intellectuels br��siliens et, quelque temps plus tard, adopt��es par les ��crivains d��sirant cr��er un th����tre national bas�� sur les prinipes d��fendus par Victor Hugo, le porte-parole du mouvement romantique.
Coordena����o de Aperfei��oamento de Pessoal de N��vel Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient��fico e Tecnol��gico (CNPq)
Nous comprenons que la litt��rature, quelle que soit l'adjectif qui accompagne - enfant, adolescent ou adulte - est l'art. L'art de la parole qui cr��e des mondes possibles, pas r��el, �� travers un langage tr��s ��labor�� et complexe qui permet la compr��hension de toute la l'exp��rience humaine. D'autre part, la r��alit�� de l'��ducation br��silienne nous montre que nos ��tudiants ont de la difficult�� �� comprendre des textes ��crits, ce que compromettre l'apprentissage de toutes les mati��res du programme. Dans ce sens, cette ��tude a eu l'��bjective �� �� souligner les possibilit��s que nous avons d'incorporer la literature br��silienne pour les enfants e les jeunes - appropri��e aux ��tudiants de l'enseignement de base, les enfants et les jeunes - comme um ��l��ment transdisciplinaire, associant toutes les disciplines du programme scolaire de l'��cole ��l��mentaire, notre d��coupure. Ainsi, nous le signalons dans Cacoete, d' Eva Furnari (2005), des ��l��ments de toutes les mati��res du programme d'��tudes de cette ��tape scolaire Br��silienne, afin de montrer aux les enseignants de tous les domaines qui le travail avec la litt��rature conduit n��cessairement �� la compr��hension de toutes la connaissance. Notre ��tude a ��t�� r��alis��e sous une approche qualitative de caract��re bibliographique. Pour l'embasement th��orique nous utilisons de auteurs qui recherche le concept et les sp��cificit��s du texte litt��raire, selon Rolland Barthes (2007) et Tzvetan Todorov (2009) aussi que des auteurs qui l'��tudient sp��cifiquement de la litt��rature pour les enfants, selon Nelly Novaes Coelho (2006) et Fanny Abramovich (1983; 1999). Ils ont ��t�� ��galement consult��es des auteurs qui recherche sur la lecture, la litt��rature et l'��cole, selon John Wanderley Geraldi (2006), Marisa Lajolo (1997), Ana Maria Machado (2011), Iara Concei����o Bitencourt Neves et al (2003), Roxane Rojo (2002), Ezequiel Theodoro da Silva (1988)...
The concept of switching platform is the use of an implant by platform wider than the abutment. Recently, researches have shown that this type of dental implant design tends to offer a higher preservation of crestal bone when compared to the traditional pattern of bone loss. The present study aims to perform a critical review on the switching platform concept establishing possible advantages of the technique. A search was performed on Medline/Pubmed about the topic ���dental implant��� and ���platform switching���, and after applying inclusion criteria 40 studies were selected. The literature on longevity present prospective studies that show less bone loss, studies in biomechanics exhibit better or similar stress distribution around the bone crest, however, is not yet defined the role of the biological width. Thus, studies of longevity, and randomized prospective studies are of a great relevance to be performed in order to confirm the benefits of this technique and to establish a protocol indication. It is possible, based on this literature review, to conclude that longitudinal and randomized studies show that the platform switching implants have longevity and less bone loss. Biomechanically, the technique is possible.
The root resorption is one of the possible sequels of greater complexity to the orthodontist, the difficulty of detection and be asymptomatic. The presence, during the orthodontic treatment, is linked to a multifactorial origin, a complex combination of biological activities, anatomical, physiological, genetic variables and mechanical forces. Thus, the aim of this study was perform to critical literature review related to root resorption in orthodontic movement. Were included articles published between 2004 to 2014, indexed in the PUBMED database. Used descriptors contained in the Mesh, being adopted as inclusion criteria: clinical trials in humans, only articles that had clear ideas and objective, articles with English language. The search strategy used resulted in 24 articles and after applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles remained. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that heavy forces of intrusion, inclination and torque leads to a greater degree of root resorption; its etiology is multifactorial, the periodic radiographic control during treatment is needed and further studies are suggested to identify more specifically the causes and risk factors for root resorption.
P��s-gradua����o em História - FCHS
The storytelling is central to the early literacy of children, part of the objectives for the entire kindergarten. The story circle or storytelling is important and helpful in cognitive and emotional development of children, including the ones with disabilities. Seeking communicational accessibility, the aim of this work is to make the book "O Penuginha" by Luiz Vitor Martinello available in LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language). To facilitate the achievement of this objective, it was considered appropriate to develop a descriptive study following the methodology of qualitative research, to search for literature on how learning takes place in the Portuguese language by deaf students. This study resulted in a DVD with video recordings, the translation of the book "O Penuginha" in LIBRAS and the narration of the book in Portuguese. Therefore, this research is relevant because the paradigm of the twenty first century is the inclusion of all people in different scenarios and the school is one of the first places where the removal of barriers is essential.
Coordena����o de Aperfei��oamento de Pessoal de N��vel Superior (CAPES)
Coordena����o de Aperfei��oamento de Pessoal de N��vel Superior (CAPES)
Historiography shows that the historical moment is inscribed in the culture of every time and place. Thus, it allows us to identify within the different modes of cultural production - therefore in the literature of a particular time, our research object - expressions of historical aspects. Furthermore, it is important that we know our own history, so that such knowledge help us to learn how to build, individually and collectively, more equitable societies. The objective of this bibliographic research nature was to identify historical aspects of the nineteenth century Brazilian education printed in O Ateneu (The Athenaeum), written in 1888 by Raul Pomp��ia. We sought for narrative passages that could reveal usual educational practices in the time context of our work in order to better understand a historical period that contributed to the establishment of our current education