466 resultados para Implante de vermes


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The concept of switching platform is the use of an implant by platform wider than the abutment. Recently, researches have shown that this type of dental implant design tends to offer a higher preservation of crestal bone when compared to the traditional pattern of bone loss. The present study aims to perform a critical review on the switching platform concept establishing possible advantages of the technique. A search was performed on Medline/Pubmed about the topic “dental implant” and “platform switching”, and after applying inclusion criteria 40 studies were selected. The literature on longevity present prospective studies that show less bone loss, studies in biomechanics exhibit better or similar stress distribution around the bone crest, however, is not yet defined the role of the biological width. Thus, studies of longevity, and randomized prospective studies are of a great relevance to be performed in order to confirm the benefits of this technique and to establish a protocol indication. It is possible, based on this literature review, to conclude that longitudinal and randomized studies show that the platform switching implants have longevity and less bone loss. Biomechanically, the technique is possible.


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Objective: The use of methods for tissue regeneration has been widely applied in Implantology, in clinical situations with disabilities or anatomical limitations that prevent the placement of osseointegrated dental implants. The evolution of the development of biomaterials revolutionized this therapeutic modality, facilitating the resolution of clinical cases with tissue deficiencies. Thus, this study aimed to describe a clinical case approaching the methods, techniques, and materials used in guided bone regeneration applied to Implantology. Case report: A clinical case of a patient who received a Morse taper dental implant (region 15) is described. The use of biomaterial and membrane on the buccal wall of the socket was required. After the osseointegration period, a reopening surgery was performed, and an immediate provisional implant was produced. After 2 months of follow-up, the final prosthesis was made involving other adjacent elements. Final considerations: The guided bone regeneration technique employed showed satisfactory performance. The patient was positive regarding esthetics and function. However, more controlled studies with longer follow-up period are needed for analyses of predictability


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The purpose of this revision was to explore the concept of Platform Switching in implantology and its acting in the clinical practice. The concept of platform switching will be considered together with a revision of pertinent literature, with the purpose of providing guidelines based on scientific evidences. The following databases were used: Pubmed, Library Cochrane and ISI in the last 17 years. The inclusion approaches were: clinical articles, laboratorials and of revision on the topic, in English language. 41 articles were selected, using the describers "platform switching dental implants", "platform shifting and dental implants", "expanded platform dental implant". In accordance with this revision, implant them platform switching they present a rate of more favorable bony remodeling that you implant them conventional. This fact seems to be resulting of a group of biological factors and mechanics. The concept of platform switching has important relevance in the aesthetic area.


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Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of occlusal veneering material in single fixed implant-supported crowns through the 3-D finite element method. Material and methods: Four models were fabricated using the Rhinoceros 4.0, SolidWorks, and InVesalius softwares. Each model represented a block of mandibular bone with an external hexagon implant of 5 mm x 10 mm and different veneering materials including NiCr (1), porcelain (2), composite resin (3), and acrylic resin (4). An axial load of 200 N and an oblique load of 100 N were applied. Results: model (2) with porcelain veneering presented a lower stress concentration for the NiCr framework, followed by the composite resin and acrylic resin. The stress distribution to the implant and bone tissue was similar for all models. Conclusions: there is no difference of stress distribution to the implant and supporting structures by varying the veneering material of a single implant-supported prosthesis.


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Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of occlusal veneering material in single fixed implant-supported crowns through the 3-D finite element method. Material and methods: Four models were fabricated using the Rhinoceros 4.0, SolidWorks, and InVesalius softwares. Each model represented a block of mandibular bone with an external hexagon implant of 5 mm x 10 mm and different veneering materials including NiCr (1), porcelain (2), composite resin (3), and acrylic resin (4). An axial load of 200 N and an oblique load of 100 N were applied. Results: model (2) with porcelain veneering presented a lower stress concentration for the NiCr framework, followed by the composite resin and acrylic resin. The stress distribution to the implant and bone tissue was similar for all models. Conclusions: there is no difference of stress distribution to the implant and supporting structures by varying the veneering material of a single implant-supported prosthesis.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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The aim of this study was to review the literature in order to discuss the main and the most effective therapeutic activities to control the nocturnal bruxism. To identify the studies included in this review, it was conducted a detailed and advanced search strategy in the PubMed and Medline databases. It was used as KEY WORDS: bruxism, therapeutics and drug therapy. Inclusion criteria were: case reports, randomized controlled trials, in vitro studies, literature reviews and systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis of the past 10 years that addressed the theme. Exclusion criteria were: articles without abstract, animal studies, articles whose first language was not English and articles from journals that do not belong to the dentario field. From a total of 83 articles, after an analysis according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 33 articles were selected. Despite the fact that there is a small number of prospective clinical studies with high degree of reliability and most studies that evaluated the alternative treatments effectiveness are isolated case reports, the current literature shows that the use of botulinum toxin has been shown to be effective in the control of nocturnal bruxism. On the other hand, important aspects such as transitory effect, safe dosage and application technique are still little discussed, then, further studies are needed to have these doubts clarified.


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Introduction: The oral rehabilitation with dental implants is a very viable treatment modality for patients. Therefore the discovery of osseointegration, dentistry has reached the trigger with respect to treatment with a high predictability of success. For this various principles, since the surgical protocols, the choice of material and even the technique for the manufacture of implant-supported prosthesis influence a good prognosis for treatment. Objective: Therefore, it is proposed this study a literature review of the fundamentals of osseointegration, explaining the historical and technical parameters of implantology, focusing in what the literature currently is studying with more intensity, the acceleration of osseointegration. Conclusion:well conducted procedures promotes the best aimed success in implantology. Rough surfaces shows great are for implant-bone contact and better mechanical results. The bone quality is fundamental in results foresigh.


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The purpose of current implantology is to ensure that implants maintain its state of full health, proper function and aesthetics. The aim of this paper is to discuss, through a literature review, the importance of keratinized mucosa in relation to cleaning, gingival maintenance, aesthetics involving dentistry implant and evaluating some options to provide a keratinized mucosa when it is insufficient. For the studies identification, it is included or considered in this review, Pubmed database with the following keywords: implant and mouth mucosa and, according to the criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 27 articles were selected. According to the reviewed articles, it was found that the keratinized tissue does not influence the survival of the implant, but it facilitates the cleaning, decreases the irritation of the peri-implant tissues and promotes aesthetics in anterior regions.


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When implants are installed immediately after tooth extraction may occur anchoring primary decreased, delay or failure of osseointegration process. This occurs because of the large interface between the surrounding walls of the socket and the surface of the implant. For reconstruction, replacement or filling of bone defects the solution can be obtained with the use of autogenous, heterogenous or allogeneic bone grafts. However, these grafts suffer certain drawbacks, particularly a high rate of donor site morbidity, limited amounts of available bone, and the additional operative time required for harvest. For these reasons, intensive efforts have been directed toward developing alternative substances for to either augment or substitute. In this paper, we will examine some of the commonly used materials : fibrin and calcium phosphate.


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Various surface treatments of dental implants have been developed in order to ensure anchorage to bone tissue, optimization of the determinants of electronic structure, crystallinity, composition and properties. Coating techniques have been proposed in order tocreate unionbiochemicalable to accelerate the early stages ofbone tissue, combining the positive properties of titanium and its alloys bioactivity of ceramic materials. This paper discusses protocol for handling the SBF coating of titanium alloys. The apatite phase nucleation occurs by immersing the substrate in synthetic solution simulating blood plasma (Simulated Body Fluid). The protocol allows manipulation of the SBF solution to establish guidelines regarding the usestreamlinedand organized to make practical application.


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The alveolar ridge shape plays an important role in predicting the demand on the support tooth and alveolar bone in the removable partial denture (RPD) treatment. However, these data are unclear when the RPD is associated with implants. This study evaluated the influence of the alveolar ridge shape on the stress distribution of a free-end saddle RPD partially supported by implant using 2-dimensioanl finite element analysis (FEA). Four mathematical models (M) of a mandibular hemiarch simulating various alveolar ridge shapes (1-distal desceding, 2- concave, 3-horizontal and 4-distal ascending) were built. Tooth 33 was placed as the abutment. Two RPDs, one supported by tooth and fibromucosa (MB) and other one supported by tooth and implant (MC) were simulated. MA was the control (no RPD). The load (50N) were applied simultaneously on each cusp. Appropriate boundary conditions were assigned on the border of alveolar bone. Ansys 10.0 software was used to calculate the stress fields and the von Mises equivalent stress criteria (σvM) was applied to analyze the results. The distal ascending shape showed the highest σvM for cortical and medullar bone. The alveolar ridge shape had little effect on changing the σvM based on the same prosthesis, mainly around the abutment tooth.


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Introdução: a ausência ou alterações da estrutura dentária, principalmente em áreas estéticas, compromete a aparência, as relações sociais, a autoestima e, consequentemente, a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Atualmente, avanços tecnológicos e científicos na Odontologia têm possibilitado várias opções de tratamentos reabilitadores e restauradores que oferecem resultados cada vez mais seguros e confiáveis. Objetivo: relatar, por meio de um caso clínico, a recuperação da harmonia dos dentes anteriores com a utilização de laminados de cerâmica e prótese sobre implante associada a recursos para recuperar a estética gengival. Conclusão: o planejamento adequado, associado aos conhecimentos de uma Odontologia integrada, possibilita resultados extremamente satisfatórios, resgatando a função e a estética, tanto dentária quanto gengival, proporcionando um sorriso harmonioso e o bem-estar social do paciente.


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The diagnosis of hearing loss (HL) in a child constitutes a crisis, includinga possible crash in parental narcissism, requiring an individual, matrimonial andfamiliar reorganization process. The mother is the main figure to devote herselfattending the baby and generally takes the most responsibilities in the processof habilitation or rehabilitation of the child, while still having to deal with her frustratedexpectations and narcissism. This study aims to investigate the effects of a deaf child’s birth on the mother’s narcissism. Here understood as a normal stage of psychosexual development of the human being, needed for life preservation, nota pathology. Five different clinical pratical studies were developed with mothers of deaf children that were diagnosed less than one year ago. The data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Based on these studies it was found that the birth of a deaf child makes it difficult to obtain the expected narcissist satisfaction. The mother, investing all her affection and longing almost only on her child, hopes to rebuild her dream obtaining the "cure" and "normality" of her baby by submitting him/her to a cochlear implant.


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A remodelação óssea é um processo contínuo, que possibilita a substituição de osso envelhecido e danificado por tecido novo. A reparação ao redor de implantes osseointegráveis e enxertos ósseos em situações desfavoráveis depende do estabelecimento de um adequado contato entre tecido ósseo e implante por meio da estabilidade primária. Tendo em vista a importância da estabilidade primária do implante na biomecânica e conseqüente osseointegração, a associação de biomateriais reabsorvíveis ao sítio de instalação dos implantes se torna relevante. Destes biomateriais, destaca-se o copolímero de ácido polilático/ poliglicólico (PLA/PGA), que poderia contribuir com a estabilidade temporária dos implantes.