50 resultados para significado axiológico


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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This study aimed at understanding the meaning of leadership to undergraduate nursing students and the expectation related to their professional practice. Phenomenology was used as theoretical framework. Fifteen undergraduate nursing students were recruited as subjects and answered the following question: What do you understand by leadership, and how can it be applied in your professional practice? The topics which were revealed and analyzed, Leadership Styles and Leadership Exercise, enabled us to understand that the meaning attributed to leadership is unveiled as a dynamic process, and the style adopted is the form to lead a team; therefore, an ideal leadership style does not exist. In teaching, the leadership style began to be discussed when the participant forms of personnel management were approached. In leadership practice, the dissociation between leadership theory and practice is emphasized, pointing out that integration with practice is relevant for leadership learning.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This essay discusses the theme of poetics in teaching activity, and discusses its possible ability to think about the ethical-formative sense and its possible political use to propose alternatives to the educational praxis that is restricted, in actuality, a pragmatic teaching. From the point of view of aesthetics of existence, therefore, we proposes a particular notion of poetic, fairly close to what can be understood by the dramatic that underlies the pragmatic of you last Foucault, as well as analyzes your chances to problematize the current pragmatic teaching. Thus, we look forward to assist the educator thinking both the possibility of ethics (self) transformation as the meaning of formation of another in his educational activity.


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This article proposes a reflection on the relevance of Piaget’s work when it comes to inclusion. It presents the basic concepts of development and learning in the constructivist perspective. It also reflects upon the currently emphasized conceptual and practical aspects of school inclusion, which were already anticipated by Piaget.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar o significado da ética contida nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Para tal meta, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica de cunho epistemológico, que proporcionou o estudo dos significados da ética em uma perspectiva história – desde a Antiguidade, ao enfatizar os pensamentos de Aristóteles; na Modernidade com o filósofo Immanuel Kant para, posteriormente chegarmos à contemporaneidade e receber contudo, a contribuição de vários teóricos, dentre os quais destacamos: a visão construtivista de Yves de La Taille; e a ótica crítica de Pedro Goergen. Ao dar ênfase para a contemporaneidade, foi feita uma análise sobre a ética e a educação, contidas em seu contexto, em prol da realidade e da necessidade da ética, de acordo com diferentes percepções teóricas. Finalizamos esta pesquisa com a descrição do conteúdo da ética, presente nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) – Temas Transversais (TT) que, posteriormente analisou seu discurso baseado nos teóricos apresentados no transcorrer desta pesquisa. Neste momento, percebemos que a ética tem tido um papel histórico de propagação da moral existente na comunidade à qual se insere e esta, entretanto, sempre recebeu influências da classe pela qual é dominada. Na contemporaneidade, percebemos claramente esta realidade, sendo a ética hedonista moralmente propagada pelos meios de comunicação, pelos espaços públicos e privados, pela escola, etc. Com isso, ao pensar no campo educacional, os PCN, trazem a necessidade de uma educação moral na escola que inverta os valores morais existentes, para os valores referentes à justiça eqüitativa que está no discurso neoliberal atual. O qual visa solucionar os problemas advindos da modernidade desenfreada, porém sem modificar a lógica capitalista existente.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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In this paper, I focus on one type of grammatical change consisting of creating periphrastic junctures from nominal sources used in relative clause contexts. This is a periphrase production mechanism that has been increasing the unstable paradigm of junctures and helping delineate Portuguese language grammar. One construction resulting from this mechanism is (na) hora que, in relation to which I propose to investigate form, meaning and history. The central aim is to show the emergence of (na) hora que, a grammaticalization instance in course, in which it is possible to catch stages of the its gradual constitution process, concerning both the syntagmatic reorganization of items with consequent morphological losses, and the constitution of meanings, with the origin of polysemies, pointing to a directionality grounded on the increase of the cognitive complexity


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The concept of region raises two related historical problems. First of all, it concerns the epistemological accomplishment of regional history, since the need to provide a total history, one of the main challenges of the Annales movement, undergoes an impact with the notion of local, so that the overflight of the historic totality becomes nowadays an intensive totality. The historian who overflies the reality is replaced by the wanderer historian. In addition to this epistemological question, we can think about the historical feature of spaces. From an ontological point of view, according to the modes of its composition, as well as from the standpoint of its practical constitution, space can be either smooth or striated. These types of space belong to the Gilles Deleuze s nomadology and their definition might improve the characterization and description of historical spaces with regard to a certain contemporary historiographical movement known as the New Cultural History.Key Words: history;space;nomadism.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)