80 resultados para paucibacillary leprosy
Prevention of repeated episodes of type 2 reaction of leprosy with the use of thalidomide 100 mg/day
BACKGROUND: Leprosy can have its course interrupted by type 1 and 2 reactional episodes, the last named of erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL). Thalidomide has been the medication of choice for the control of ENL episodes since 1965. OBJECTIVES: These episodes can repeat and cause damages to the patient. In order to prevent these episodes, an extra dose of 100 mg/day thalidomide was used during six months, followed by a follow-up period of six more months after thalidomide discontinuation. METHODS: We included 42 patients with multibacillary (MB) leprosy who had episodes of ENL. They were male and female patients aged between 18 and 84 years. RESULTS: Of the 42 patients, 39 (92.85%) had the lepromatous form and three (7.15%) had the borderline form. We found that 100% of patients had no reactional episode during the use of the drug. During the follow-up period after thalidomide discontinuation, 33 (78.57%) patients had no reactional episode and nine (21.43%), all of them with the lepromatous form, had mild episodes, which were controlled using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. There were no thalidomide-related side effects. CONCLUSION: A maintenance dose of 100 mg/day of thalidomide showed to be effective to prevent repeated type 2 reactional episodes of ENL.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, a microorganism that usually affects skin and nerves. Although it is usually well-controlled by multidrug therapy (MDT), the disease may be aggravated by acute inflammatory reaction episodes that cause permanent tissue damage particularly to peripheral nerves. Tuberculosis is predominantly a disease of the lungs; however, it may spread to other organs and cause an extrapulmonary infection. Both mycobacterial infections are endemic in developing countries including Brazil, and cases of coinfection have been reported in the last decade. Nevertheless, simultaneous occurrence of perianal cutaneous tuberculosis and erythema nodosum leprosum is very rare, even in countries where both mycobacterial infections are endemic.
This study aimed at evaluating the perception of leprosy patients, the disease, with regard to its concept and self-care practice, as well as their knowledge concerning drug therapy. Fifteen patients participated in the study, of whom 11 were classified as multibacillary and 04 as paucibacillary. Semi-structure interviews containing six guiding questions were used for data collection, and the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was utilized as a theoretical framework. Analysis was performed based on the Theory of Complexity. It showed that patients suffer pain, a fact that is reflected on the need to change habits and prevent disability. It also showed that patients have doubts and feel insecure about treatment and prognosis, and that they are also the target of social prejudice even thought the term leprosy has been replaced by Hansen‟s disease. As regards self-care, the subjects showed lack of autonomy, limitations and subjection to instructions from health care professionals, who, according to the discourse that emerged, are mostly responsible for transmitting the knowledge concerning self-care practice. This fact can be explained by evidence of self-knowledge deficit by the the subjects. Concerning polychemotherapy treatment, which is recommended by the Ministry of Health, it was observed that the knowledge concerning its action and adverse effects is precarious. This information is provided during consultation; however, CSD showed that the subjects do not apprehend it. Therefore, health care professionals must instruct their clients not only as regards conventional treatment practices, but they must also help them to know themselves and to improve their critical judgment so that they can choose the best form of living after being diagnosed with the disease, thus guiding self-care by taking such choice into account
Exacerbation of the immune response against Mycobacterium leprae can lead to neuritis, which is commonly treated via immunosuppression with corticosteroids. Early neurolysis may be performed concurrently, especially in young patients with a risk of functional sequelae. We report the case of a young patient experienced intense pain in the left elbow one year after the treatment of tuberculoid-tuberculoid leprosy. The pain was associated with paresthesias in the ulnar edge and left ulnar claw. After evaluation, the diagnosis was changed to borderline tuberculoid leprosy accompanied with neuritis of the left ulnar nerve. Early neurolysis resulted in rapid reduction of the pain and recovery of motor function.
Introduction: To analyze the knowledge, feelings and perceptions involving patients affected by leprosy, as a better understanding of these factors may be useful to decrease the stigma and prejudice associated with the condition. Methods: The study cohort consisted of 94 patients who underwent treatment for leprosy at the Health Units in the City of Cuiaba, Mato Grosso (MT), Brazil. The study questionnaire included items to collect information on socio-demographic data, knowledge about the disease, stigma, prejudice, self-esteem and quality of life of leprosy patients. Bivariate analyses were used to assess the data based on the chi-square test with a 5% significance threshold. Results: The results revealed that the study population consisted predominantly of males (55.3%) with an income between 1 and 3 times the minimum wage (67%). The survey respondents reported that the most significant difficulties related to the treatment were the side effects (44.7%) and the duration of the treatment (28.7%). A total of 72.3% of the subjects were knowledgeable about the disease, of whom 26.6% had the leprosy reaction. Stigma and prejudice were cited by 93.6% of the participants. Based on the responses, 40.4% of patients reported being depressed and sad, and 69.1% of the subjects encountered problems at work after being diagnosed. A total of 45.7% of the patients rated their quality of life between bad and very bad. Conclusions: Our results suggest that leprosy causes suffering in patients beyond pain and discomfort and greatly influences social participation.
Summary: Neuropathic pain (NP) is a well-recognized feature of leprosy neuropathy. However, the diagnosis of NP is difficult using only clinical criteria. In the study reported here, by means of conventional nerve conduction studies, the authors sought for an association between long-latency responses and NP complaints in leprosy patients with type 1 and 2 reactions. Of the 27 ulnar nerves of leprosy patients, 18 with type 1 reaction (T1R) and 9 with type 2 reaction (T2R) were followed-up for 6 months before and after steroid treatment. Clinical characteristics of pain complaints and clinical function were assessed, as well as the presence of F- and A-waves of the ulnar nerve using nerve conduction studies. The clinical and the neurophysiologic findings were compared to note positive concordances (presence of NP and A-waves together) and negative concordances (absence of NP and A-waves together) before and after treatment. Both reactions presented a high frequency of A-waves (61.1% in T1R and 66.7% in T2R, P < 0.05) and prolonged F-waves (69.4% in T1R and 65.8% in T2R, P = 0.4). No concordances were seen between pain complaints and F-waves. However, significant concordances between NP and A-waves were observed, although restricted to the T2R group ([chi]2 = 5.65, P = 0.04). After treatment, there was a significant reduction in pain complaints, as well as the presence of F- and A-waves in both groups (P < 0.05 for all comparisons). In conclusion, the presence of A-waves correlates well with pain complaints of neuropathic characteristics in leprosy patients, especially in those with type 2 reaction. Probably, such response shares similar mechanisms with the small-fiber dysfunction seen in these patients with NP, such as demyelination, intraneural edema, and axonal sprouting. Further studies using specific tools for small-fiber assessment are warranted to confirm our findings.
A hanseníase no Brasil ainda é um problema a ser equacionado e, no Estado de São Paulo, há varias regiões com altas taxas de detecção. O presente estudo objetivou analisar a distribuição e quantificar a dependência espacial das taxas médias de detecção da hanseníase no Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1991-2002, empregando técnicas geoestatísticas. Verificou-se tendência levemente decrescente das taxas médias de detecção para o Estado de São Paulo. Altos índices do indicador podem ser visualizados nas regiões oeste e noroeste de São Paulo. A dependência espacial encontrada foi de aproximadamente 30 km. Com os resultados encontrados, conclui-se que a análise de superfície das taxas médias de detecção pode auxiliar na escolha de áreas prioritárias visando aos exames de coletividade e ao incremento dos exames nos contatos dos casos detectados.
A bolsa jugal do hamster (BJH) é uma invaginação da mucosa oral, caracterizada histologicamente como semelhante a pele. Nesse estudo nós descrevemos algumas de suas características anatômicas, histológicas e embriológicas e comentamos sobre sua propriedade como local imunologicamente privilegiado, considerando a ausência de drenagem linfática e o reduzido número de células de Langerhans. Apresentamos também os resultados obtidos quando da inoculação de micobacterias (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis e Mycobacterium leprae) e do fungo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis na bolsa jugal. Comparada com as lesões provocadas em outras localizações e, à exceção do BCG, as lesões induzidas na bolsa são menores e de maior duração e, mesmo quando granulomatosas, incapazes de controlar a multiplicação do agente; nos casos em que houve o desenvolvimento da resposta imune, ele se fez tardiamente e foi acompanhado pela redução do número de parasitas nas lesões. Essas observações apontam a bolsa jugal do hamster como um local de escolha para o estudo sobre a participação da resposta imune no desenvolvimento e modulação das doenças infecciosas e dos granulomas.
Objetivou-se analisar instrumento de consulta de enfermagem utilizado no atendimento de portadores de hanseníase e identificar as principais necessidades de saúde e as ações de enfermagem propostas. Fizeram parte desta pesquisa 37 usuários, sendo 27 em poliquimioterapia e 10 em seguimento pós-alta medicamentosa. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de dezembro de 2003 a dezembro de 2006, por meio dos instrumentos de consulta de enfermagem - Caso Novo e Consulta de Seguimento, baseados no processo de enfermagem proposto por Horta com adaptações. Fez-se uso da estatística descritiva para a análise dos mesmos. Conclui-se que o instrumento foi potente na identificação de necessidades das diversas esferas que se relacionam ao processo saúde-doença, facilitando intervenções conjuntas com a equipe multiprofissional, contribuindo para a prevenção de agravos, especialmente das incapacidades físicas, com a melhoria da saúde dos indivíduos, bem como com a educação em saúde destes e de seus familiares.
Os testes sorológicos para diagnóstico de hanseníase, usando o glicolipídeo-fenólico-1 (PGL-1), considerado antígeno específico do M. leprae, têm aberto algumas possibilidades de estudo do comportamento epidemiológico desta doença. Algumas questões, como tempo de latência da doença, infecção subclínica e importância do contato intra-domiciliar (contatos) no controle da endemia, puderam ser melhor analisadas usando este instrumental. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar a existência de associação entre a situação sorológica e a ocorrência de hanseníase. Foram seguidas, durante 4 anos, 6.520 pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 5 anos, submetidas no início do seguimento ao teste sorológico Anti PGL-1, pertencentes ao universo de 7.416 habitantes da área urbana de um município paulista caracterizado por elevada endemicidade de hanseníase. Foi identificado um grupo de 590 indivíduos soropositivos (9,0 %). Foram diagnosticados, no período, 82 casos novos de hanseníase, 26 no grupo de soropositivos (441 casos novos/10.000 indivíduos) e 48 no de soronegativos (81/10.000). Entre os que não fizeram sorologia, surgiram 8 casos novos (89/10.000). Procurou-se controlar, na análise, a condição de contato, dado que a taxa de soropositividade padronizada por idade e sexo era de 9,61% no grupo de contatos e 7,65% no de não-contatos. Tomando-se os não-contatos soronegativos como o grupo de não expostos, foram calculados os riscos relativos de adoecimento no período, a partir das taxas de detecção padronizadas por idade, resultando no seguinte: os contatos ID soropositivos apresentaram a taxa de 1.704/10.000, 27 vezes maior que a dos não-expostos, igual a 63/10.000; os não-contatos soropositivos e os contatos soronegativos apresentaram taxas, respectivamente, de 274 e 198/10.000, ambas maiores que as dos não-expostos e iguais entre si. A soropositividade associou-se à elevação de 8,6 vezes do risco de hanseníase entre os contatos e de 4,4 entre os não-contatos. Na situação epidemiológica estudada, caracterizada por elevada endemicidade de hanseníase, 50% dos casos novos surgiram entre os não-contatos soronegativos, ou seja, sem fonte de infecção conhecida. Portanto, o teste anti-PGL-1 usado revela-se, na prática, de pouca aplicabilidade. Resta estudar ainda o comportamento da sorologia anti-PGL-1 em áreas de média e baixa endemicidade para que se possa tirar conclusões mais consubstanciadas sobre sua utilidade no controle da endemia. Recomenda-se o aprofundamento das pesquisas sorológicas e de outras que aprimorem o diagnóstico precoce da infecção subclínica, inclusive para detecção de formas paucibacilares, para se ampliar as possibilidades de influir no controle endêmico.
Mutilation of extremities was very frequent in patients affected by leprosy in the past; although it is now much less common, it is still seen, mainly in patients with long-term disease. In general, mutilation of the nose and ears is caused by the bacillus and mutilation of the hands and feet a consequence of chronic trauma. Leprosy must be chronically treated and any decision to interrupt therapy is based on laboratory tests and biopsy. Scintigraphy is a non-invasive procedure which could be of great value in to determining disease activity. We studied eight patients (five males and three females, aged 64-73 years) who presented with mutilation of the nose (2), ear (1), feet (3) or foot and hand (2), Conventional three-phase bone scintigraphy (750 MBq) and X-ray examinations of the affected areas were performed in all patients. Bone scintigraphy was abnormal in four patients (the presence of bacilli was confirmed by biopsy in two of them), and normal in the other four. In all patients except for the one with ear mutilation, radiography only showed the absence of bone. We conclude that bone scintigraphy is very useful to determine disease activity in cases of mutilation caused by leprosy. It seems to be superior to conventional radiography and may enable bone biopsies to be avoided.
Leprosy is still a worldwide public health problem. Brazil and India show the highest prevalence rates of the disease. Natural infection of armadillos Dasypus novemcinctus with Mycobacterium leprae has been reported in some regions of the United States. Identification of bacilli is difficult, particularly due to its inability to grow in vitro. The use of molecular tools represents a fast and sensitive alternative method for diagnosis of mycobacteriosis. In the present study, the diagnostic methods used were bacilloscopy, histopathology, microbiology, and PCR using specific primers for M. leprae repetitive sequences. PCR were performed using genomic DNA extracted from 138 samples of liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and skin of 44 D. novemcinctus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Cabassous unicinctus, and C. tatouay armadillos from the Middle Western region of the state of São Paulo and from the experimental station of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Pantanal, located in Pantanal da Nhecolândia of Mato Grosso do Sul state. Also, the molecular analysis of 19 samples from internal organs of other road killed species of wild animals, such as Nasua nasua (ring-tailed coati), Procyon cancrivoros (hand-skinned), Cerdocyon thous (dog-pity-bush), Cavia aperea (restless cavy), Didelphis albiventris (skunk), Sphigurrus spinosus (hedgehog), and Gallictis vittata (ferret) showed PCR negative data. None of the 157 analyzed samples had shown natural mycobacterial infection. Only the armadillo inoculated with material collected from untreated multibacillary leprosy patient presented PCR positive and its genomic sequencing revealed 100% identity with M. leprae. According to these preliminary studies, based on the used methodology, it is possible to conclude that wild mammals seem not to play an important role in the epidemiology of leprosy in the Middle Western region of the São Paulo state and in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state.
A padronização internacional de doenças é um processo complexo que necessita de uma equipe especializada. Esta comunicação visa a esclarecer e sugerir correções de um provável equívoco na tradução, para o português da CID-10, do código A30, no qual os termos borderline e dimorfo são utilizados como subcategorias distintas e não como sinônimos, assim como substituir a designação lepromatosa por virchoviana pois, no Brasil, o vocábulo lepra foi abolido dos textos oficiais, por uma lei federal em 1995.
OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão espacial da ocorrência dos casos de hanseníase para identificar áreas com probabilidade de riscos de transmissão da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico, tendo como unidade de análise os municípios do Estado de São Paulo georreferenciados em seus centróides. A fonte de dados utilizada foi o banco informatizado dos casos de hanseníase notificados do Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica do Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1991 a 2002. Utilizou-se de técnicas de geoestatística para a detecção das áreas de probabilidade de risco para hanseníase e quantificação da dependência espacial dos casos. RESULTADOS: Detectou-se o alcance de dependência espacial de 0,55 graus de coordenadas georreferenciadas, correspondendo aproximadamente a 60 km. As principais áreas de probabilidade de risco encontradas foram as regiões nordeste, norte e noroeste do Estado. CONCLUSÕES: A verificação de áreas com probabilidades de riscos de casos de hanseníase, utilizando-se a análise da dependência espacial, pode ser ferramenta útil para avaliar a situação de saúde e planejar alocação de recursos.