43 resultados para osmotic adjustment
The effect of time of exposure, solution concentration and temperature on the osmotic concentration of banana (slices of 11 mm thickness) was studied in aqueous sucrose solutions. The selectivity of the cellular tissues was reduced by steam blanching the banana slices before osmotic treatment. Effective diffusion coefficients for the loss of water and the increase in sucrose content were determined according to Fick's Law applied to a two-dimensional body; calculated on the basis of the concentration of various components in the liquid phase impenetrating the fruit. These coefficients revealed values similar to binary diffusion coefficients for pure sucrose solutions.
The effect of the concentration of sucrose solutions on the cellular structure of potato tissue in equilibrium at 27 degreesC was Studied. Two different methods of investigation were used to determine the volume of the different phases composing the cellular tissue of the potato when in equilibrium with the solutions. one based on data of the concentration itself and the overall volume of 2 mm slices after 48 h at equilibrium, and the other on microscopic images of cells in thin slices of fresh tissue stained with neutral red after an hour in equilibrium to show protoplasts, vacuoles and plasmolysis spaces. The results of these methods were compared with those obtained by a predictive thermodynamic approach considering the semipermeability of cell membranes. Phase volume data obtained from microscopic analysis were more similar to what was predicted by the theoretical model than those obtained by means of composition measurement. where the long equilibrium time apparently led to the loss of semi permeability of the cell membranes, since total volumes calculated without consideration of the cell membranes were similar to those measured. This suggests that the length of time of osmotic dehydration brings about a change in cell structure and the consequent involvement of a different mechanism in mass transfer. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a new methodology for the adjustment of fuzzy inference systems, which uses technique based on error back-propagation method. The free parameters of the fuzzy inference system, such as its intrinsic parameters of the membership function and the weights of the inference rules, are automatically adjusted. This methodology is interesting, not only for the results presented and obtained through computer simulations, but also for its generality concerning to the kind of fuzzy inference system used. Therefore, this methodology is expandable either to the Mandani architecture or also to that suggested by Takagi-Sugeno. The validation of the presented methodology is accomplished through estimation of time series and by a mathematical modeling problem. More specifically, the Mackey-Glass chaotic time series is used for the validation of the proposed methodology. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
Mass transfer was evaluated during osmotic dehydration of pineapple in solutions with until four components aiming to investigate the solutes concentration influence on impregnation. In the first step, the experimental trials for optimization of solution concentration were based on 23 factorial design. In the second step, effective diffusion coefficients were determined. Equations representing the influence of the concentration of sucrose, calcium lactate, and ascorbic acid in osmotic solutions on water loss and gains of sucrose, calcium, and vitamin C were found. Results showed that both calcium lactate and sucrose concentration affected calcium and sucrose gain. On the other hand, only vitamin C gain was significantly affected by the ascorbic acid concentration in the studied concentration range. However, when comparing diffusivities in pineapple immersed in sucrose solutions, with and without calcium lactate, with and without ascorbic acid, it was possible to verify that diffusivities of water, sugar, and calcium increased in presence of ascorbic acid in solution. Calcium in solution diminished the water and sucrose diffusivities. High calcium and vitamin C contents were obtained in 1 h immersion in the solutions studied. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
Aquaporins have important roles in various physiological processes in plants, including growth, development and adaptation to stress. In this study, a gene encoding a root-specific tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin (TIP) from Eucalyptus grandis (named EgTIP2) was investigated. The root-specific expression of EgTIP2 was validated over a panel of five eucalyptus organ/tissues. In eucalyptus roots, EgTIP2 expression was significantly induced by osmotic stress imposed by PEG treatment. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) harboring an EgTIP2 promoter:GUS reporter cassette revealed major GUS staining in the vasculature and in root tips. Consistent with its osmotic-stress inducible expression in eucalyptus, EgTIP2 promoter activity was up-regulated by mannitol treatment, but was down-regulated by abscisic acid. Taken together, these results suggest that EgTIP2 might be involved in eucalyptus response to drought. Additional searches in the eucalyptus genome revealed the presence of four additional putative TIP coding genes, which could be individually assigned to the classical TIP1-5 groups. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study investigated the osmotic dehydration (OD) of mangoes cv.Palmer, dehydrated in a sucrose solution with added ascorbic acid (AA), aiming toevaluate the influence of the process variables (sucrose concentration, AA concen-tration and time) on vitamin C, water, sugars and total phenolic compound (TPC)contents by way of an analysis of the effects and the variance of the factors. Thesucrose concentration did not affect the vitamin C content, but the AA concentra-tion in the solution and the process time exerted a positive influence on thisresponse. The addition of AA also presented a significant positive effect on theTPC contents because this vitamin interferes with the quantification of the TPC.On discounting the interferences, no losses of phenolic compounds were found.Impregnation with vitamin C during OD was shown to be effective in obtainingminimally processed mangoes with high nutritional value.
The effect of ultrasound and osmotic dehydration pretreatments on papaya drying kinetics was investigated. The ultrasound pretreatment was carried out in an ultrasonic bath at 30 A degrees C. The osmotic pretreatment in sucrose solution was carried out in an incubator at 34 A degrees C and agitation of 80 rpm for 210 min. The drying process was conducted in a fixed bed dryer at 70 A degrees C. Experimental data were fitted successfully using the Page model for dried fresh and pretreated fruits, with coefficient of determination greater than 0.9992 and average relative error lower that 14.4 %. The diffusional model was used to describe the moisture transfer, and the effective water diffusivity was identified in the order of 10(-9) m(2) s(-1). It was found that drying rates of osmosed fruits were the lowest due to the presence of infused solutes, while the ultrasound pretreatment contributed to faster drying rates. Evaluation of the dried fruit was performed by means of total carotenoids retention. Ultrasound treatments in distilled water prior to air-drying gave rise to dried papayas with retention of carotenoids in the range 30.4-39.8 % and the ultrasonic-assisted osmotic dehydration of papayas showed carotenoids retention values up to 64.9 %, whereas the dried fruit without pretreatment showed carotenoids retention lower than 24 %.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Most consumers consider the fat of chicken meat undesirable for a healthy diet, due to the high levels of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the influence of changes in dietary metabolizable energy level, associated with a proportional nutrient density variation, on broiler chickens performance and on the lipid composition of meat. Males and females Cobb 500 broilers were evaluated separately. Performance evaluation followed a completely randomized design with factorial 6x3 arrangement - six energy levels (2,800, 2,900, 3,000, 3,100, 3,200 and 3,300 kcal/kg) and three slaughter ages (42, 49 and 56 days). Response surface methodology was used to establish a mathematical model to explain live weight, feed intake and feed conversion behavior. Total lipids and cholesterol were determined in skinned breast meat and in thigh meat, with and without skin. For lipid composition analysis, a 3x3x2 factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design - three ration’s metabolizable energy levels (2,800, 3,000 and 3,300 kcal/kg), three slaughter ages (42, 49 and 56 days) and two sexes - was used. The reduction in the diet metabolizable energy up to close to 3,000 kcal/kg did not affect live weight but, below this value, the live weight decreased. Feed intake was lower when the dietary energy level was higher. Feed conversion was favored in a direct proportion to the increase of the energy level of the diet. The performance of all birds was within the range considered appropriate for the lineage. Breast meat had less total lipids and cholesterol than thigh meat. Thigh with skin had more than the double of total lipids of skinned thigh, but the cholesterol content did not differ with the removal of the skin, suggesting that cholesterol content is not associated with the subcutaneous fat. Intramuscular fat content was lower in the meat from birds fed diets with lower energy level. These results may help to define the most appropriate nutritional management. Despite the decrease in bird’s productive performance, the restriction of energy in broiler chickens feed may be a viable alternative, if the consumers are willing to pay more for meat with less fat.
Osmotic potentials on water uptake and germination of Guazuma Ulmifolia Lam. (Sterculiaceae) seeds. This work was carried out in the Germination Lab. of the Department of Botany, Institute of Biosciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The aims of this work were to determine the water uptake curve and to evaluate the germination of Guazuma ulmifolia seeds subjected to different water potentials. For the water uptake curve, seven replicates of 50 pre-scarified seeds were placed onto paper moistened with 15 mL PEG 6000 solution under the potentials 0 (control), -0.3 and -0.6 MPa at 25o C in the darkness. For the germination assay, four replicates of 50 seeds were subjected to the same above-described conditions; however, one lot of seeds was modified when there was variation in the refractometric index, whereas the remaining ones were kept in the same solutions until the end of the experiment. All three phases of water uptake were detected under 0 and -0.3 MPa; however, phase II was prolonged under -0.6 MPa and germination was not observed. For 0 and -0.3 MPa, the adopted statistical models consisted of asymptotic (phases I and II) and exponential (phase III) functions, y = a*[1 - b*exp (-c*t) + exp (-d + e*(t - t0)]. For -0.6MPa, only the asymptotic function y = a* [1 - b* exp (-c*t)] was used since there was no evidence of germination. The germination final percentage and speed index were lower under -0.3 MPa, mainly when solutions were not replaced; besides, germination was not detected under -0.6 MPa, with or without solution replacement.