70 resultados para lado sombrio das organizações
A aplicação de conceitos de Antonio Gramsciao temário internacional, os estudos relacionadosao desenvolvimento, às desigualdades globais e àsorganizações internacionais são alguns dos temasde pesquisa do Professor Craig N. Murphy,vinculado à Universidade Massachussets Boston.O único texto do autor traduzido no Brasil foiescrito a quatro mãos com o falecido diplomataitaliano de carreira Enrico Augelli (AUGELLI &MURPHY, 2007) e versa sobre uma interpretaçãode conceitos gramscianos voltados aos EstadosUnidos e sua política exterior recente com oTerceiro Mundo. Faz parte de uma coletâneareunida por Stephen Gill (GILL, 2007) dedicada aanálises que têm como tema articulador opensamento de Gramsci e as relaçõesinternacionais. Apresentar e avaliar criticamente olivro de Murphy informado acima é o objetivo destetexto.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
ISO 26000, published in 2010, focuses on corporate social responsibility. This study presents a systematic review conducted in ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) and Elsevier's Scopus databases to answer the following question: What are the barriers and motivators affecting the adoption of ISO 26000 by organizations? The articles were selected using filters that applied two inclusion criteria. The data were summarized in a table covering the concepts of ISO 26000, the motivators, and the barriers. The motivators were globalization or competition in international markets, congruence with management systems, reputation or image, relationship with employees and improvement of the organizational environment, improvement in the relationship with external stakeholders, competitive advantage and strategy, guide to corporate social responsibility (CSR), and reduction of business risks. The barriers were lack of alignment between CSR and organizational strategy; business (national and international); unfamiliarity with ISO 26000; lack of communication, tools and sensitivity to the subject; short-term focus; knowledge management; fear of not fulfilling the standard; and financial resources. Finally, an agenda for future studies was prepared.
This monograph deals with the participation of public relations professionals as a subject acting role in organizational communication in the face of new communication and informational technologies that have emerged in recent years and characterize the digital era. The present study begins with the cultural, economic and social changes that were triggered by the new communicational reality e how these changes affected the ways of acting and thinking of society. In this context, we look at how modern organizations are adapting to this new demand and how the public relations may participate in the development and management of communications strategies to relate to the new publics arising through the consolidation of digital media
The present production aims to approach environmental sustainability and communication to demonstrate that the public relations´s professional is capable of legitimation process´s assistance of ethics and coherent speechs and capable of sense´s construction´s assistance for environmental sustainability on contemporary organizations. This position shows that organization´s consistent speechs are connected with its institutional mission and effort besides, it is value and sensitive to interested parts that emphasis the environmental preservation and environmental project´s introduction, integrating organization with community. On this context it is constructed a discussion about Sustainability Report´s content and guidelines used for sustainability reporting framework, as where as main environmental organizational activities, analyzing three different companies and its respective Sustainability Reports on 2009. Thereby, it is pointed out relevance of efficient communication which deal with opposite interests between organizations and its stakeholders so that public relations focus on strategic management trying to include negotiation, dialogue, transparency and ethics to line up both interests
Although they are two distinct fields of social practices, football and carnival are components of national identity. According the academic research tradition, these two phenomenons are studied separately. However, by characteristics of the city of Sao Paulo, these two social practices are performed by the same social actors: the fans of teams in the city, and join organizations of supporters - the cheerleaders - created from these same institutions, schools samba and now also compete in the Carnival of Sao Paulo, as is the case of Torcida Organizada Gaviões da Fiel, used as an object of study for this work. The approach of these cultural events helped define the question that guided the research: the associations of football fans, when observed by an administrative perspective, can be characterized as diverse organizations? From this question, one tries to describe the way a fan club is organized through the division of tasks that takes, as well as explain the type of organizational structure appropriate to accomplish the two goals it is intended for: cheer for the favorite team and be a part of the carnival parade
This work aims to reflect on organizational communication and integrated communication, focusing on the performance of professional Public Relations and Marketing. As a case of study, we evaluated the communication in the BOM DIA journal, especially with regard to the implementation of the Project 50k, dedicated to reviving the journal, with shares of advertising, editorial and structural as well as marketing and sales. The goal is to evaluate the reality of a company, which represents an integrated communication, in which all professionals in various areas and departments within the organization are able to develop a more concise and to seek a common goal, working and developing its workforce which reflects his image and therefore in your external audience
The main purpose of this study is to show how internal communication can be allied to people management in the process of transformation of the organizations. It is known that the advent of new technologies and the information age, consequences of globalization, are provoking deep transformations in organizations and reaching people too. This way there is the human and the social issue that goes beyond the race for profit. The new forms of management are becoming increasingly concerned with the value of human being and communication professionals, more specifically public relations, can facilitate processes and significantly improve the relationships towards positive results
This paper aims to present the importance of public relations professional in the sustainability context at the organizations. For this, we discussed the sustainability issue, and the concepts that comprise the function of the professional of public relations and the importance of communication to make the sustainable practices a management tool of the company's image and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Were presented and discussed four cases of companies to discuss the pathway of sustainability practices in Brazil
This project aims to study and verify the importance of effective communication in contemporary organizations, considering current factors such as globalization, new technologies and market competition that make companies be always updated. The choice of the theme is due to the necessity to know that it is important to have an integrated communication between the employees and the customers, so that the established functions in the organizations occur positively. In this context, we present the concept of management, communication and organizational culture, focusing on the integration of business communication. The importance of the employee was also a focus of the study, involving the positioning of organizations. In this context, the case study is placed, considering that companies are characterized by carefully reading the feedback and reformulating the communication, making it effective as “Grendene” has done. Opposing to those ideas is “Terra” company. Thus, the project defends the importance to work on the communication, so that it becomes effective. During the project ways and means to manage communication are shown, so that it recognizes this need and become efficient, benefiting organizations and their audiences
This research has the purpose of highlighting one of the acting areas of the public relations' professional, ensuring that he has enough competence to develop his work within an organization, implementing actions and programs in pursuit of a sustainable growth. The study starts with an analysis of the organizations and their communication process to further expand the understanding of the concept of sustainable development and finally addressing the role of public relations and the scenario organizational that it is envolved. In the globalized world we live in, our relationships are mediated by the capitalism: economic system that is concerned with the higher production seeking only profits. Thus, some organizations - acting in accordance with this model, end up don't caring about the environment around them, using it only like an instrument for achieving their goals. However, because this type of action, the contemporary society is facing serious environmental problems, fact that arouses the attention of civil society members and international organs, concerned to combine progress with sustainable development. The public relations' professional, concerned about the concretization of a concept and favorable institutional identities, besides the obvious envolvement with environment, can act in defense of this, implementing policies and campaigns ecologically correct for sustainability
The environmental issue has been considered of fundamental importance for the well being of the present and future generations and is inserted into the commitment of political parties at federal, state and municipal government programs, into the interests of popular organizations and business planning. The Parque Ecológico Cidade da Criança is one of the most sought after places for visitation at Presidente Prudente – SP. Located outside the Raposo Tavares Highway, next to the exhibition grounds and beside the agricultural school, has more than 30 acres of area with an infrastructure designed for recreation and leisure activities for all ages and has received new investment of the public power. Given the importance of the ecological aspects, the objective of this work is to perform an environmental diagnosis in order to be able to submit proposals for solving the problems encountered and improve the use of the environmental resources. Therefore, the study was divided into three foci: sewage disposal, erosion process and control of the stormwater drainage system. It was checked the discharge of sewage from the restaurant on exposed soil, erosion processes that develop at the camel and llama cages ground and erosion processes resulting from the convergence of the stormwater in the highest region of the park. Based on these studies, proposals of solution were made for each case, having considered the effectiveness of the project
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as organizações esportivas brasileiras, comparando o modelo de gestão profissional implementado no vôlei a partir da década de 70, apresentando os resultados que este alcançou e o modelo baseado na cartolagem utilizado no futebol ainda hoje. Será enfoque do trabalho também a participação da mulher na gestão esportiva e as conquistas das mesma no mundo esportivos a partir do século XX
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