105 resultados para crustacean larviculture


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Predation of zoeas by megalopae of Ucides cordatus is frequently observed in the laboratory during larval rearing, a phenomenon that could considerably reduce the output of larviculture. Experiments were carried out in the present study to assess how the survivorship of larvae at the end of the larviculture is influenced by cannibalism by megalopae on the larvae of earlier stages, as well as on other megalopae. In addition, tests were performed to assess whether the adoption of different feeding protocols can decrease cannibalism rates. Experiments were carried out in plastic vials containing ocean water (salinity 25 g L-1) under controlled environmental conditions (26 degrees C and 16:8 h LD photoperiod). An ensemble analysis of all the developmental stages indicated that zoeal mortality rates were significantly higher in the presence of megalopae, a result that is consistent with cannibalism by megalopae. However, separate analysis for each developmental stage indicated that only zoea IV, V and VI show reduced survivorship. No cannibalism was detected among megalopae. Food supplementation using Artemia sp. at a density of 6 nauplii mL(-1) proved to be successful in reducing cannibalism rates, whereas supplementation at a lower density (0.3 nauplii mL(-1)) failed to show such an effect. The implications of these results for the larviculture of U. cordatus are discussed.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Our objective was to evaluate the impacts caused on pond water quality by maintenance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii broodstock. During eight weeks we determined pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, turbidity, particulate suspended material (PSM), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), all in inlet and effluent water. All variables presented higher values in the effluent, except OD. N-ammoniacal concentration (0.013 mg L(-1)) was 2.7 times higher in the effluent pond; NO(2)-N (0.019 mg L(-1)), 2.3; NO(3)-N (0.139 mu g L(-1)), 1.8; PO(4)-P (0.065 mg L(-1)), 7.2; and DP (0,104 mg L(-1)), 4.9 times higher. For TKN (0.67 mg L(-1)) and TP (0.235 mg L(-1)) the values in the pond effluent represent an increase of 0.27 mg L(-1) and 0.175 mg L(-1), respectively. The maintenance of M. rosenbergii broodstock increase the nutrient concentrations, mainly TP, prevent effluent pond released into receiving water bodies on 1, 2 and 3 classes of the CONAMA N degrees 357 Resolution.


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The crustacean species composition in the intertidal zones of 13 sheltered unconsolidated marine beaches in south-eastern Brazil is described. Fifty-three crustacean species were collected, adding 46 species to the total reported by previous studies in the same region. Decapods dominated the community, in contrast to exposed sandy beaches where peracarids normally predominate. The species were distributed irregularly among the beaches. Richness varied markedly among sites, and was positively related to a combination of factors such as fine sand grains, high organic matter content, and relatively low silt-clay content. The presence of rock fragments enabled both rocky shore and sandy beach crustaceans to occur oil the same beaches. Richness and abundance of crustaceans showed no clear relationship to sediment grain size and slope, in contrast to the norm for exposed sandy beaches. The dominance of the tanaid Kalliapseudes schubarti in sonic areas may be a result of organic matter pollution in the region. These beaches showed higher species richness than typical sheltered and exposed sandy beaches, indicating that this sheltered, highly heterogeneous seascape is an important area for conservation.


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A pesca de arrasto é o método mais comum de captura de camarão. Esta técnica causa impactos negativos na fauna demersal devido ao grande número de animais que são capturados acidentalmente e que geralmente são devolvidos mortos ao mar. As conseqüências desta metodologia de pesca e os aspectos biológicos das espécies envolvidas são pouco estudados, especialmente no Nordeste do Brasil. Este estudo tem como objetivo mostrar aspectos biológicos de Isopisthus parvipinnis (tortinha) capturada como fauna acompanhante da pesca do camarão sete barbas (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) na região de Ilhéus, no estado da Bahia, Brasil. Um total de 1290 indivíduos foram capturados em coletas mensais, em três pontos de coleta distintos, de março de 2003 a fevereiro de 2005. O índice de dispersão de Morisita padronizado sugere que a espécie, na área analisada, apresenta uma distribuição agregada. O número de indivíduos variou significativamente entre as estações do ano (p < 0,0001), sendo maior durante o inverno. O comprimento estimado de primeira maturação (L50) foi de 159 mm, sendo que 95% dos indivíduos capturados estavam abaixo deste valor. A razão sexual encontrada foi de 1,5 machos para cada fêmea. Quanto à dieta, foram identificadas 10 categorias alimentares, sendo que Decapoda Dendobranchiata foi a mais importante em freqüência numérica e de ocorrência. Este fato sugere que Isopisthus parvipinnis é uma espécie carnívora, com tendência a carcinofagia, ao menos nos indivíduos jovens.


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de desenvolver técnicas de manejo durante a larvicultura de trairão, realizando cultivos em água doce ou ligeiramente salinizada, utilizando náuplios de Artemia como alimento vivo. No início da alimentação exógena, oito dias após a eclosão, as larvas foram contadas e estocadas em 12 recipientes com volume útil de 1,5 L cada, dotados de sistema de aeração, numa densidade de 10 larvas/L, distribuídos dentro de três tanques de 130 L, contendo água com temperatura controlada (29,5ºC). Os tanques foram totalmente cobertos com lona plástica preta, mantendo o ambiente interno escuro, e descobertos somente para os manejos diários. As larvas foram submetidas a três tratamentos: cultivo em água doce; em água a 2 de salinidade; e em água a 4 de salinidade. Cada tratamento teve quatro repetições. A alimentação foi fornecida nas proporções diárias de 300 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do primeiro ao quinto dia, de 600 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do sexto ao décimo dia e de 900 náuplios de Artemia/larva, do décimo primeiro ao décimo quinto dia, divididos em três refeições. Ao final do experimento, foram avaliadas a sobrevivência, o crescimento (comprimento e peso), a taxa de crescimento específico e a taxa de resistência ao estresse. Após 15 dias de tratamento, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os resultados das variáveis analisadas. As condições de cultivo mostraram-se eficientes, possibilitando altas taxas de sobrevivência (valores médios superiores a 91,6%), sendo a Artemia um alimento atrativo. Os níveis de salinidade utilizados não afetaram o desenvolvimento das larvas e alevinos.


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Neste experimento, utilizaram-se cinco aquários cilíndricos com relevo no fundo (em forma de anel) e cinco retangulares com fundo liso para estudo da influência do formato do aquário na sobrevivência e no desenvolvimento de larvas de matrinxã Brycon cephalus. Observou-se melhor eficiência dos aquários retangulares, confirmada pela maior sobrevivência e biomassa. Os valores de temperatura, pH, condutividade e oxigênio dissolvido foram similares entre os tipos de aquários, sugerindo que esses parâmetros não influenciaram os resultados. O relevo no fundo dos aquários cilíndricos afetou negativamente o cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, pela criação de zonas com pequena capacidade da água em suspender partículas, o que resultou em acúmulo de dejetos, predadores, competidores e alimento. Aquários retangulares com fundo liso são mais adequados ao cultivo de larvas de matrinxã, por promover melhor circulação da água.


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The relative growth of U. thayeri was studied for a subtropical mangrove population in the estuary of the Comprido and Escuro rivers, Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil. The evaluation of the morphological sexual maturity of U. thayeri was performed using the allometric technique. Remarkable ontogenetic changes were observed in the allometric growth of the male major cheliped and the female abdomen, indicating that these structures are closely connected to the timing of sexual maturity. For males, the relative-growth analysis of cheliped propodus length rendered an estimate of 13.8 mm of carapace width for the size at onset of sexual maturity. A distinct growth pattern was observed for the abdomen of U. thayeri females. It has a wide puberty size range (from 10.7 to 16.8 mm of CW) compared to other brachyurans previously studied. Thus, the females' abdominal growth can be represented by three growth phases: immature, transitional, and mature. The major cheliped is the fight one in 50% of males. The median length of the male major cheliped did not differ between right- and left-handed crabs.


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Macrobrachium petronioi, a native Brazilian fresh-water shrimp, was captured along the coast of Rio Branco, Cananeia, São Paulo State, Brazil. The eggs were green-black in early development and the average size was 1.21 mm by 0.98 mm. Macrobrachium petronioi has no free-swimming larval phase. However, newly hatched larvae possessed several zoea I characters. Therefore, they were clearly more developed than newly hatched larvae of other species of Macrobrachium with prolonged larval development. The average duration of larval development in M. petronioi was 5.5 days. During early development, the larvae subsisted on stored yolk. After the third molt, the postlarvae accepted food. The three zoeal stages prior to the postlarval stage were described and characterized, with detailed morphological analyses. This species has a partially abbreviated type of development. The larval development of M. petronioi is distinguished from that of M. potiuna.


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To investigate the feeding habit of Macrobrachium amazonicum, three experiments were carried out assessing the stage at which larvae start exogenous feeding, the acceptance of inert food by different larval stages and the ratio between live and inert diet ingested by larvae at each larval stage. In the first experiment, newly hatched larvae were kept in 500-mL beakers and fed from stages I, II or III onward. Larval survival was not affected by the larval stage at which exogenous feeding started, but mean weight gain was lower when food was offered from stage III onward. In the second experiment, 60 larvae from each stage (I to IX) were fasted for 2 h and then fed on inert diet in excess. Only larvae from stage IV onward accepted this inert diet. In the last experiment, newly hatched larvae were stocked in a larviculture tank and fed daily on both Artemia nauplii and inert diet. After 15 min, food content in the digestive tract of individual larvae was analyzed under stereomicroscopy. Larvae in stage I did not feed, while live food was accepted from stage II onward and inert food from stage III onward. Larvae in stages IV, V and VI accepted both foods with no preference, while inert food was predominant in stages VII to IX In conclusion, to feed M amazonicum larvae on Artemia before stage II or on inert diet before stage IV is unnecessary. It increases production costs and may impair water quality. From stages IV to VI, feeding on Artemia and inert diet is probably necessary, while inert diet should be the main food item from stage VII onward. This schedule may optimize feeding management and production costs. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All lights reserved.


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Population structure and reproductive season of the portunid crab Callinectes ornatus were studied in animals collected from the Ubatuba bays, Sao Paulo, Brazil (23°20' to 23°35' S and 44°50' to 45°14' W). The samples were taken in three trawls performed every other month from January 1991 to May 1993. A total of 3,829 specimens of C. ornatus were obtained. Their size ranged from 9.3 to 84.6 mm (carapace width). Their median size based on their cephalothoracic width and their size frequency were determined as well. Their reproduction was continuous, with variable proportions of ovigerous females. The highest incidence of ovigerous females occurred in January 1991, 1992 and 1993 and March and November 1992. The oscillations of the environmental factors between the seasons are not so intense in subtropical regions, therefore allowing the continuity of the physiological process of growth and reproduction throughout the year.


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The effects of veratrine have been investigated in mammalian, amphibian, and crustacean muscle, but not in fish. In this work, the action of veratrine was studied in the lateral muscle of the freshwater teleost Oreochromis niloticus after intramuscular injection. Histoenzymological typing and electron microscopy of muscle fibers before and 15, 30, and 60 min after veratrine injection (10 ng/kg fish) were used to indirectly assess the morphological changes and the oxidative and m-ATPase activities. In some cases, muscles were pretreated with tetrodotoxin to determine whether the ultrastructural changes were the result of Na+ channel activation by veratrine. Veratrine altered the metabolism of fibers mainly after 30 min. Oxidative fibers showed decreased NADH-TR activity, whereas that of glycolytic and oxidative-glycolytic type fibers increased. There was no change in the m-ATPase activity of the three fiber types, except at 60 min postveratrine, when a novel fiber type, which showed no reversal after acidic and alkaline preincubations, appeared. Ultrastructural damage involved sarcomeres, myofibrils, and mitochondria, but the T-tubules remained intact. Pretreatment with tetrodotoxin (1 ng/ml) prevented the ultrastructural changes caused by veratrine. These results show that in fish skeletal muscle veratrine produces some effects that are not seen in mammalian muscle.


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The effect of nitrate concentration on giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, larvae was investigated. Survival rate, weight gain, and larval development were evaluated for different concentrations of nitrate in three experiments. The experiments were divided i n to two phases. In the first phase, larvae from stages I through VIII were analysed, while in the second phase larvae from stage VIII through post-larvae metamorphosis were analysed. Oxygen consumption was also determined for zoea I, II, and VIII exposed to 0, 700, and 1,000 mg/L of nitrate-N. No effect was observed for concentrations up to 180 mg/L NO3-N (experiments I and II), and nitrate levels as 1,000 mg/L NO3-N did not affect survival in the first phase of the third experiment. On the other hand, larval stage index (LSI) and weight gain decreased as nitrate-N concentration increased from 0 to 1,000 mg/L. In the second phase, survival and metamorphosis rate decreased as nitrate concentration increased, according to a linear model. The effect of nitrate levels on weight gain followed a curvilinear pattern. Larval respiration decreased in the water where nitrate was added, but only during stage II. The results demonstrated that nitrate presents extremely low toxicity for giant river prawn larvae, and data were related to the levels of nitrate that usually occur in larviculture systems also discussed. Therefore, nitrate is not a limiting factor for giant river prawn larviculture. © 2003 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Growth and survival rates of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus, larvae fed prepared diets containing different animal protein sources were evaluated. Four diets with the same level of crude protein (CP) (36%) and calories (4.02 kcal gross energy/g of diet) were fed to the larvae. Diets were formulated to contain one of four protein sources: (1) fish meal (FM), (2) tilapia residue silage (TS), (3) protein hydrolysate from tilapia residue (HT), and (4) eviscerated tilapia residue (HET). Larvae were fed Artemia nauplii for six days, prior to the start of the study, and the prepared diet was supplied from day 7 until the study concluded. Variance analysis showed no significant differences (P > 0.05) for survival rates and larval final lengths among treatments. However, final average weights were significantly different (P < 0.05 for larvae fed FM and HT. Average survival rates were relatively high and ranged from 68.1% to 73.9%. After the live food was replaced by prepared diets, no larval growth was observed for any treatment. Fish protein hydrolysate (HT and HET) and fish silage showed potential to be used as ingredients in the diet of pacu larvae. However, hydrolysate inclusion levels, processing methods to minimize nutrient lixiviation, and the best moment to replace live food with an inert diet (weaning) need further investigation. © 2003 by The Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved.