57 resultados para congenital nasolacrimal obstruction


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Let f: M -> M be a fiber-preserving map where S -> M -> B is a bundle and S is a closed surface. We study the abelianized obstruction, which is a cohomology class in dimension 2, to deform f to a fixed point free map by a fiber-preserving homotopy. The vanishing of this obstruction is only a necessary condition in order to have such deformation, but in some cases it is sufficient. We describe this obstruction and we prove that the vanishing of this class is equivalent to the existence of solution of a system of equations over a certain group ring with coefficients given by Fox derivatives.


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A estenose congênita da abertura piriforme é uma rara causa de obstrução nasal que pode ocorrer no recém-nascido. É provocada pelo crescimento excessivo do processo nasal medial da maxila causando um estreitamento do terço anterior da fossa nasal. Inicialmente foi relatada uma deformidade isolada, posteriormente a estenose congênita da abertura piriforme foi considerada como apresentação de forma menor da holoprosencefalia. Neste artigo relatamos um caso de recém-nascido do sexo masculino que apresentava desde o parto dispnéia, cianose e episódios de apnéia. O paciente foi submetido a cirurgia com alargamento da abertura piriforme por acesso sublabial. No seguimento apresentou boa evolução durante o acompanhamento. O relato desta deformidade mostra sua importância como causa de obstrução nasal congênita e diagnóstico diferencial de atresia coanal. A estenose congênita da abertura piriforme pode ser reparada adequadamente, quando necessário, através de procedimento cirúrgico.


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Atendeu-se uma cadela, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente cinco meses de idade, apresentando anamnese com queixa de apatia e hiporexia associadas a vômitos e emagrecimento progressivo com início incerto. Ao exame físico era evidente distensão abdominal com dilatação intestinal e aumento de peristaltismo. O animal apresentava-se emaciado e subdesenvolvido, com acentuado grau de desidratação, pulso filiforme e nível de consciência reduzido. Minutos após o início do atendimento a cadela foi a óbito. À necropsia, pôde-se observar um segmento do intestino delgado atravessando o púbis e com lúmen reduzido. Tal apresentação se faz relevante por se tratar de um caso nunca antes descrito na literatura veterinária.


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The effects of partial urethral obstruction on the detrusor muscle of rabbit urinary bladder were investigated using stereological sampling and estimation tools. Twelve female Norfolk rabbits (2.5-3.0 kg body weight) were divided into four groups: 3, 7 and 12 weeks after surgical intervention to produce a standard partial obstruction and unobstructed controls. Following removal, bladder axes (craniocaudal, dorsoventral and laterolateral) and organ weights were recorded. Bladders were prepared for light microscopy by multistage random sampling procedures. Stereological methods were used to estimate the volume of muscle and the packing density and total number of myocyte nuclei in each bladder. We also estimated mean myocyte volume and the mean cross-sectional area and length of myocytes. Group comparisons were made by one-way analysis of variance. Changes in bladder axes were mainly laterolateral and craniocaudal. Mean bladder weight increased roughly six-fold by 3 weeks and 17-fold by 12 weeks and was accompanied, on average, by 12- and 33-fold increases in total muscle volume. These variables did not differ at 3 and 7 weeks post-obstruction. Increases in muscle content were not accompanied by changes in packing densities but were associated with increases in the total numbers of myocyte nuclei (13-fold by 3 weeks, 28-fold by 12 weeks). Mean myocyte volume did not vary significantly between groups but cells in obstructed groups were shorter and wider. These findings support the notion that partial outflow obstruction leads to an increase in the number, but not mean volume, of myocytes. If due solely to myocyte mitosis, the total of 43 x 10(8) cells found at 12 weeks could be generated by the original complement of 15 x 10(7) cells if an average of only 2.1 x 10(6) new cells was produced every hour. In reality, even this modest proliferation rate is unlikely to be achieved because myocyte proliferation rates are very low and it is possible that new myocytes can arise by differentiation of mesenchymal or other precursor cells.


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In this article we show that for corank 1, quasi-homogeneous and finitely determined map germs f : (C-n, 0)-> (C-3, 0), n >= 3 one can obtain formulae for the polar multiplicities defined on the following stable types of f, f(Delta(f) and f(Sigma(n-2,1)(f), in terms of the weights and degrees of f. As a consequence we show how to compute the Euler obstruction of such stable types, also in terms of the weights and degrees of f.


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Extrahepatic obstruction in cat,can be caused by cholelithiasis, inspissated bile, pancreatic inflammation or fibrosis, duodenal inflammation, bile duct carcinoma or liver fluke infection (Amphimerus pseudofelineus e Platynosomurn concinum). A three-year-old, female neutered siames cat was present with a two-month history of progressive letargy, anorexia and emaciation. She had severe icterus of the mucous membranes, skin, and sclerae. A diagnosis of extrahepataic biliary obstruction was made based on the increased levels of conjugated bilirubin in the serum and the ultrasonography. Hepatic fluke eggs were not diagnosed in the feces because the fibrotic bile ducts were occluded and no eggs were shed into the intestine. Cholecystoduodenostomy was done to relieve posthepatic-biliary obstruction.


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Background: The aim of this report was to describe the clinical signs, diagnostic approach, treatment and outcome in the case of a tiger with a deformity of the paw.Case presentation: A 1.5-year-old tiger (Panthera tigris) was presented with lameness of the left thoracic limb. A deformity involving the first and second metacarpal bones, and a soft tissue separation between the second and third metacarpal bones of the left front paw were observed. The second digit constantly struck the ground during locomotion. Based on the physical and radiographic evaluations, a diagnosis of ectrodactyly was made. A soft tissue reconstruction of the cleft with excision of both the second digit and distal portion of the second metacarpal bone was performed. Marked improvement of the locomotion was observed after surgical treatment, although the tiger showed a low degree of lameness probably associated with the discrepancy in length between the thoracic limbs.Conclusion: This report shows a rare deformity in an exotic feline that it is compatible to ectrodactyly. Reconstructive surgery of the cleft resulted in significant improvement of limb function.


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A 7-month-old boy had a giant pigmented lesion involving the trunk and thighs that exhibited many hyperpigmented hairy and verrucous nevi. One of the nevi ulcerated and on histological examination consisted of pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma cells that stained for muscle-specific actin (HHF-35), desmin, and myoglobin. Around the tumor, in the dermis, benign pigmented nevus cells were observed. The occurrence of malignant tumors, other than malignant melanoma, in pigmented nevi is rarely described.


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Two auxiliary methods of diagnosing nasopharyngeal airway obstruction were compared. Cephalometric radiography and nasopharyngeal videoendoscopy were evaluated for efficacy in terms of reproducibility and validity. Thirty orthodontic patients (7 to 12 years of age) seeking otorhinolaryngologic treatment for mouth breathing, or mouth and nose breathing, had nasopharyngeal endoscopy and radiographic examinations performed on the same day. Two otorhinolaryngologists analyzed the results. Nasopharyngeal endoscopy was more reliable in identifying all the obstructive nasopharyngeal processes. Endoscopy obtained kappa index scores of almost perfect agreement for diagnosis of posterior nasal septum deviation, of substantial agreement for anterior nasal septum deviation and lower turbinate hypertrophy, and of moderate agreement for middle turbinate hypertrophy. Lateral cephalometric radiography obtained scores of perfect agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the middle turbinate, of almost perfect agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the posterior portion of the inferior turbinate, and of substantial agreement for imaging hypertrophy of the inferior turbinate. Radiographic diagnoses of hypertrophy of the middle and lower turbinates exhibited high sensitivity and low specificity when compared with diagnoses by nasopharyngeal endoscopy.


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The purpose of this study was to report a case of bilateral swelling on the floor of the mouth of a 7-month-old patient. The lesion was congenital and had started to cause feeding problems. After the clinical diagnosis of ranula was made, the lesion was marsupialized. The obtained specimen was submitted for histopathological examination, which revealed an epithelial-lined cystic lesion. These results led to the final diagnosis of mucus retention cyst. After an 8-year follow-up period, the patient is in good general health with no recurrences.


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Congenital epulis (CE) of the newborn is a rare benign soft tissue tumor that presents at birth. It occurs usually as a single mass with various sizes, although some multiple lesions have also been reported. The lesion is more common in female neonates and normally affects the maxillary alveolar ridge. Rare recurrence and no malignant alteration have also been reported. This condition may interfere with respiration, feeding or adequate closure of the mouth. A decisive diagnosis is made by histopathologic analysis as other newborn lesions can be incorrectly diagnosed as CE. This article presents a case report of a female infant who presented a fibrotic mass in the primary lateral incisor and canine region of the maxillary alveolar ridge. The lesion was not causing feeding or respiratory problems. After a watchful waiting procedure and no spontaneous regression, the lesion was excised under local anesthesia and confirmed by histopathologic analysis as CE.


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Congenital diaphragmatic Bochdaleck hernia is an anatomical defect of the diaphragm, which allows protrusion of abdominal viscera into the chest, causing serious pulmonary and cardiac complications in the neonate. In this study we aimed to present a case of congenital Bochdaleck hernia. We investigated a 40 weeks old child, with a pregnancy carried out in a public hospital in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We suggest that if diagnosis occurs in the prenatal period, the prognosis of this disease improves. As a consequence, it allows the parity of the fetus to occur in a higher complexity center, optimizing the chances of survival. © 2012 Lava et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.