45 resultados para colapso interno
This paper addresses the issue of internal communication, especially with regard to its function formative and not merely informative. The objective of the research is to analyze to what purposes the organizations use their internal communication, as well as the viewpoint of communication professionals about building character and training of these means. As exploratory research method was used with a questionnaire to communications professionals who work or have worked in the area of internal communication in organizations. The issues addressed were aimed at verifying whether the communication is commonly fostered with other goals besides informing, which the media more used and is performed in an integrated manner with other departments. It was concluded that, although the internal communication is used most often to inform and ensure a good organizational climate, communication professionals understand the necessity of its use for the formation of the internal public and try to use it for this purpose
The world is an environment in constant process of globalization, where physical boundaries are no longer limits. The competitiveness has also evolved, forcing companies to adopt efficient practices in order to increase productivity gains, reduce losses and improve quality. Nowadays, the supply chain management and its element, including the internal logistics, is regarded as a key element for gaining competitiveness. Thus, this study focused on identifying and implementing improvements in the internal raw materials transport operations of a consumer goods company, based on concepts and tools of the lean thinking. The results showed considerable gains in productivity with consequent cost reduction, proving the efficiency of the methodology lean even in support areas of an organization.
Durabilidade da argamassa mista de revestimento interno contendo dregs-grits em substituição à areia
This paper concerns about the durability of new material in construction. It is noteworthy the fact that increases increasingly searching for alternative materials that do not depend only of natural resources and at the same time be an alternative for reuse of industrial waste. Since the construction materials have a long life and a high cost of civil works and maintenance, it is crucial to estimate the behavior of a new product. Thus , this work discuss the durability of mixed mortar lining , made with waste from the process Kraft pulp production , known as dregs and grits , in partial replacement of sand. Tests were conducted to simulate conditions as adverse environments of constant heat and fire, with the aim of analyzing the behavior of mortar mixed matched the behavior of standard mortar
Being the corrosion one of the great problems facing the industry today, specifically the internal corrosion of pipes in chemical and petrochemical industries, hence this work proposes a new type of internal coating in order to avoid fouling and decrease the pressure loss in the flow. For this, we use a composition of vinyl ester resins and manometric loads, which after cleaning and preparation of the internal surface of the tube will be applied through a process of centrifugation, adjusted by a lathe. After curing the resin, a test of roughness will be realized in order to analyze the reduction of friction factor and thus be able to conclude whether there was a significant decrease in pressure drop. With test results in hand, we hope to obtain a coating that meets most of the properties required by the industry and to provide a reduction in operating costs and a visible improvement in the conditions of use of the pipe
The objective of this in vitro study was quantify the micro strain development around the internal hexagon implants, varying the type of prosthetic coping. For This reason, three implants of internal hexagon were inserted into one polyurethane block in line placement. Microunit abutments were screwed onto the implants. Tangentially the implants were bonded the strain gauges, two to the center implant. Ten structures, each one containing three copings were cast in Co-Cr alloy, that were divided into groups in the first group, plastic copings were used, and in the second group machined copings were used. The superstructure’s occlusal screws were tightened onto Microunit abutments with 10 Ncm torque, the magnitude of micro strain was recorded. The mean values of each strain gauge of each plastic copings were 363,37 ± 237,66 and the machined copings were 338,12 ± 223,01. The data were analyzed statistically by t- Student test. No statistically significant difference was found between the prosthetic copings (p= 0,867). It was concluded that to internal hexagon implants in line placement, the type of copings presented similar magnitude of micro strain after prosthetic occlusal screw was tightened
The article presents a brief panorama of the relations between the government of Alvaro Uribe and the governments of Rafael Correa and Hugo Chavez of the impacts of the Columbian conflict on the Colombia- Equator-Venezuela borders.
Clareamento interno em dentes despolpados como alternativa a procedimentos invasivos: relato de caso
The increasing interest of patients for a better aesthetic appearance of their smile, associated with the development of new materials and techniques, encouraged by media couverage of this concept of beauty, provided an important evolution of cosmetic dentistry. As the darkness of a single anterior tooth or a group of teeth, in most cases, impairs the appearance of the smile and there is growing appreciation of the less invasive procedures, the technique of tooth bleaching is an important option for aesthetic treatment. To have success in the bleaching treatment, it is important to have knowledge of the origin, nature and composition of the stain. Among the causes of color changes acquired post-eruptive, dental trauma, with or without pulp necrosis, is one of the most commonly encountered etiologies, characterized by a reddish-brown color. Current techniques of bleaching for teeth treated endodontically employ oxidative agent hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this paper is to describe the immediate technique of bleaching non-vital tooth by presenting a clinical case.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ever more interconnected and competitive markets have contributed to the increase in the number of companies seeking mergers and acquisitions, as they undergo significant cultural dimensions that can influence the success of an organization. This study analyses how the process of change can happen, considering the importance of culture, the complexities of the internal public and the interaction between professionals, with the aid of Public Relations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning intercultural communication and the role of the professional as a manager of communicational barriers. It also recommends the application of storytelling as an organizational strategy in order to mediate potentially conflicting changes that could be facilitated with the work of Public Relations
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The exercise-induced collapse (EIC) is a hereditary disease characterized by muscle weakness, impaired locomotion and collapse after intense exercise. This autossomic recessive disorder affects mainly Labrador Retriever presenting the mutation c.767G>T in the dynamin 1 (DNM1) gene. The objective of this study is to report the first case of exercise-induced collapse in Labrador Retriever in Brazil. The molecular test detected the specific genetic mutation and confirmed the clinical diagnosis in a Labrador Retriever with clinical history of weakness and collapse after exercise. It is important to include this disease as part of the differential diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases in Labrador Retriever and use the molecular test to guide matings.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Este artigo apresenta um caso histórico de colapso dos solos que ocorreu durante e após o enchimento do reservatório da UHE Três Irmãos na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo. A construção desta barragem e o subseqüente enchimento do reservatório elevaram significativamente o lençol freático, causando uma série de problemas em algumas . Trabalhos de campo e de laboratório foram realizados para determinar o potencial de risco associado às edificações existentes no local. A elevação do lençol freático foi monitorada especialmente para o estudo de recalques de edificações. São apresentados os aspectos principais do processo de colapso deflagrado na região e as conseqüências advindas de sua ocorrência, bem como, a importância da colapsibilidade na elaboração de projetos de engenharia, visando minimizar impactos em áreas urbanas.
Objective To compare hospital indicators before and after implementing an Internal Bed Regulation Committee at a reference hospital. Methods It is an quantitative, evaluation, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional research. The data was gathered from the hospital administrative reports for the period 2008-2013, provided by the Information Technology Center of the Complexo FAMEMA. Results The indicators improved after implementation of the Internal Bed Regulation Committee. Conclusion The individuals involved in the process acknowledged the improvement. It is necessary to carry on the regulatory actions, especially in a comprehensive and complex healthcare system, such as the brazilian Sistema Único de Saúde.