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This study was performed to characterize the beta-adrenoceptor population in rabbit isolated corpus cavernosum (RbCC) by using nonselective and selective beta-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists in functional assays. Metaproterenol, ritodrine, fenoterol, and 8-hydroxy-5-[(1R)-1-hydroxy-2-[N-[(1R)-2-(rho-methoxy-phenyl)1-methylethyl] amino] ethyl] carbostyril (TA 2005) (3-100 nmol each) dose dependently relaxed the RbCC preparations. These relaxations were markedly reduced by N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 10 muM) and 1H-[1,2,4]-oxadiazolo-[4,3,-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) (10 muM), whereas the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor SQ 22,536 [9-(2-tetrahydrofuryl)adenine] (10 muM) had no effect. In contrast, neither L-NAME nor ODQ affected the isoproterenol-induced RbCC relaxations, but SQ 22,536 abolished this response. Sildenafil (1 muM) significantly potentiated the relaxations induced by beta(2)-agonists without affecting the isoproterenol-evoked relaxations. Rolipram (10 muM) enhanced the relaxations elicited by isoproterenol but had no effect on those induced by the selective beta(2) agonists. Propranolol and (+/-)-1-[2,3-(dihydro-7-methyl-1H-inden-4-yl)oxy]-3-[(1-methylethyl)amino]-2-butanolhydrochloride (ICI 118,551) determined a rightward shift in the concentration-response curves to isoproterenol in a noncompetitive manner with a reduction of maximum response at the highest antagonist concentration, with the slope values significantly different from unity. Propranolol and ICI 118,551 had no effect on the relaxations elicited by fenoterol, TA 2005, metaproterenol, and ritodrine. Atenolol and 1-[2-((3-carbamoyl-4-hydroxy)phenoxy) ethylamino]-3-[4-(1-methyl-4-trifluoromethyl-2-imidazolyl)-phenoxy]2-propanol methanesulfonate (CGP 20712A) (0.1-10 muM) failed to affect the relaxations induced by all tested beta-adrenoceptor agonists. Our study revealed the existence of two atypical beta-adrenoceptors in the rabbit erectile tissue. Isoproterenol relaxes the rabbit cavernosal tissue by activating atypical beta-adrenoceptors coupled to adenylyl cyclase pathway, whereas the selective beta2-adrenoceptor agonists relax the RbCC tissue through another atypical beta-adrenoceptor subtype coupled to nitric oxide release from the sinusoidal endothelium.


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Background. Despite advances in immunosuppressive therapy in the past decade, allograft rejection remains an important cause of kidney graft failure. Cytokines play a major role in the inflammatory and immune responses that mediate allograft outcomes. Several studies have shown that the production of cytokines varies among individuals. These variations are determined by genetic polymorphisms, most commonly within the regulatory region of cytokine genes. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of allelic variation on acute rejection episodes (ARE) or chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) after kidney transplantation.Methods. To determine a possible correlation between the interferon (INF)-gamma +874 polymorphism and kidney allograft outcome, we isolated genomic DNA from 74 patients who underwent isolated kidney allografts and were classified into 2 groups-a rejection and a nonrejection group-for comparison with a control group of 163 healthy subjects.Results. We genotyped INF-gamma +874 polymorphisms in all groups. The transplant group showed a significantly increased homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0118) compared with healthy controls. Similarly, considering only patients with CAN, the homozygous genotype T/T (P = .0067) was significantly increased compared with the healthy controls. The rejection group indicated a significant increased homozygous genotype Tic compared with the control group (P = .0061).Conclusion. Homozygous genotype T/T was associated with increased levels of INF-gamma and greater numbers among the rejection and CAN cohorts.


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1. Although several species of Peucetia (Oxyopidae) live strictly in association with plants bearing glandular trichomes worldwide, to date little is known about whether these associations are mutualistic.2. In this study we manipulated the presence of Peucetia flava on the glandular plant Rhynchanthera dichotoma in the rainy and post-rain season, to test the strength of its effects on leaf, bud, and flower damage and plant reproductive output. In addition, we ran independent field experiments to examine whether these sticky structures improve spider fidelity to plants.3. Peucetia suppressed some species of foliar phytophages, but not others. Although spiders have reduced levels of leaf herbivory, this phenomenon was temporally conditional, i.e. occurred only in the post-rain but not in the rainy season. Floral herbivory was also reduced in the presence of spiders, but these predators did not affect plant fitness components.4. Plants that had their glandular trichomes removed retained fewer insects than those bearing such structures. Spiders remained longer on plants with glandular trichomes than on plants in which these structures had been removed. Isotopic analyses showed that spiders that fed on live and dead labelled flies adhered to the glandular hairs in similar proportions.5. Spiders incurred no costs to the plants, but can potentially increase individual plant fitness by reducing damage to reproductive tissues. Temporal conditionality probably occurred because plant productivity exceeded herbivore consumption, thus dampening top-down effects. Specialisation to live on glandular plants may have favoured scavenging behaviour in Peucetia, possibly an adaptation to periods of food scarcity.


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The discovery of participation of astrocytes as active elements in glutamatergic tripartite synapses (composed by functional units of two neurons and one astrocyte) has led to the construction of models of cognitive functioning in the human brain, focusing on associative learning, sensory integration, conscious processing and memory formation/retrieval. We have modelled human cognitive functions by means of an ensemble of functional units (tripartite synapses) connected by gap junctions that link distributed astrocytes, allowing the formation of intra- and intercellular calcium waves that putatively mediate large-scale cognitive information processing. The model contains a diagram of molecular mechanisms present in tripartite synapses and contributes to explain the physiological bases of cognitive functions. It can be potentially expanded to explain emotional functions and psychiatric phenomena. © MSM 2011.


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High systolic blood pressure caused by endothelial dysfunction is a comorbidity of metabolic syndrome that is mediated by local inflammatory signals. Insulin-induced vasorelaxation due to endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation is highly dependent on the activation of the upstream insulin-stimulated serine/threonine kinase (AKT) and is severely impaired in obese, hypertensive rodents and humans. Neutralisation of circulating tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) with infliximab improves glucose homeostasis, but the consequences of this pharmacological strategy on systolic blood pressure and eNOS activation are unknown. To address this issue, we assessed the temporal changes in the systolic pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) treated with infliximab. We also assessed the activation of critical proteins that mediate insulin activity and TNFα-mediated insulin resistance in the aorta and cardiac left ventricle. Our data demonstrate that infliximab prevents the upregulation of both systolic pressure and left ventricle hypertrophy in SHR. These effects paralleled an increase in AKT/eNOS phosphorylation and a reduction in the phosphorylation of inhibitor of nuclear factor-κB (Iκβ) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in the aorta. Overall, our study revealed the cardiovascular benefits of infliximab in SHR. In addition, the present findings further suggested that the reduction of systolic pressure and left ventricle hypertrophy by infliximab are secondary effects to the reduction of endothelial inflammation and the recovery of AKT/eNOS pathway activation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Objectives: To examine the independent and combined association of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) on both systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in adolescents from two observational studies. Methods: Participants from two cross-sectional studies, one conducted in Europe (n = 3,308; HELENA study) and the other in Brazil (n = 991; BRACAH study), were selected by complex sampling. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (outcomes), PA and SB, both independently and combined, and potential confounders were analyzed. Associations were examined by multilevel linear regression. Results: Performing the recommended amount of PA (≥60 min/d) attenuated the effect of SB on DBP in BRACAH study girls and in boys from both studies. In contrast, PA did not attenuate the effects of SB on the SBP of girls in the HELENA study. The combination of less than recommended levels of PA with 2-4 h/d of sedentary behavior was found to be associated with increased SBP in boys from both studies. Conclusions: Meeting current PA recommendations could mediate the association between SB and DBP in both sexes. In boys, the joint effect of low levels of PA and excessive sedentary activity increases SBP levels. Longitudinal studies are required to confirm these findings. © 2013 de Moraes et al.


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Dynamic exercise evokes sustained cardiovascular responses, which are characterized by arterial pressure and heart rate increases. Although it is well accepted that there is central nervous system mediation of cardiovascular adjustments during exercise, information on the role of neural pathways and signaling mechanisms is limited. It has been reported that glutamate, by acting on NMDA receptors, evokes the release of nitric oxide through activation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) in the brain. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that NMDA receptors and nNOS are involved in cardiovascular responses evoked by an acute bout of exercise on a rodent treadmill. Moreover, we investigated possible central sites mediating control of responses to exercise through the NMDA receptor-nitric oxide pathway. Intraperitoneal administration of the selective NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist dizocilpine maleate (MK-801) reduced both the arterial pressure and heart rate increase evoked by dynamic exercise. Intraperitoneal treatment with the preferential nNOS inhibitor 7-nitroindazole reduced exercise-evoked tachycardiac response without affecting the pressor response. Moreover, treadmill running increased NO formation in the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), bed nucleus of the stria teminalis (BNST) and periaqueductal gray (PAG), and this effect was inhibited by systemic pretreatment with MK-801. Our findings demonstrate that NMDA receptors and nNOS mediate the tachycardiac response to dynamic exercise, possibly through an NMDA receptor-NO signaling mechanism. However, NMDA receptors, but not nNOS, mediate the exercise-evoked pressor response. The present results also provide evidence that MPFC, BNST and PAG may modulate physiological adjustments during dynamic exercise through NMDA receptor-NO signaling. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Communication contributes to mediate the interactions between plants and the animals that disperse their genes. As yet, seasonal patterns in plant-animal communication are unknown, even though many habitats display pronounced seasonality e.g. when leaves senescence. We thus hypothesized that the contrast between fruit displays and their background vary throughout the year in a seasonal habitat. If this variation is adaptive, we predicted higher contrasts between fruits and foliage during the fruiting season in a cerrado-savanna vegetation, southeastern Brazil. Based on a six-year data base of fruit ripening and a one-year data set of fruit biomass, we used reflectance measurements and contrast analysis to show that fruits with distinct colors differed in the beginning of ripening and the peak of fruit biomass. Black, and particularly red fruits, that have a high contrast against the leaf background, were highly seasonal, peaking in the wet season. Multicolored and yellow fruits were less seasonal, not limited to one season, with a bimodal pattern for yellow ones, represented by two peaks, one in each season. We further supported the hypothesis that seasonal changes in fruit contrasts can be adaptive because fruits contrasted more strongly against their own foliage in the wet season, when most fruits are ripe. Hence, the seasonal variation in fruit colors observed in the cerrado-savanna may be, at least partly, explicable as an adaptation to ensure high conspicuousness to seed dispersers. © 2013 The Authors.


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HLA-G has a relevant role in immune response regulation. The overall structure of the HLA-G coding region has been maintained during the evolution process, in which most of its variable sites are synonymous mutations or coincide with introns, preserving major functional HLA-G properties. The HLA-G promoter region is different from the classical class I promoters, mainly because (i) it lacks regulatory responsive elements for IFN-gamma and NF-kappa B, (ii) the proximal promoter region (within 200 bases from the first translated ATG) does not mediate transactivation by the principal HLA class I transactivation mechanisms, and (iii) the presence of identified alternative regulatory elements (heat shock, progesterone and hypoxia-responsive elements) and unidentified responsive elements for IL-10, glucocorticoids, and other transcription factors is evident. At least three variable sites in the 3' untranslated region have been studied that may influence HLA-G expression by modifying mRNA stability or microRNA binding sites, including the 14-base pair insertion/deletion, +3142C/G and +3187A/G polymorphisms. Other polymorphic sites have been described, but there are no functional studies on them. The HLA-G coding region polymorphisms might influence isoform production and at least two null alleles with premature stop codons have been described. We reviewed the structure of the HLA-G promoter region and its implication in transcriptional gene control, the structure of the HLA-G 3' UTR and the major actors of the posttranscriptional gene control, and, finally, the presence of regulatory elements in the coding region.


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Streptococcus mutans, the predominant bacterial species associated with dental caries, can enter the bloodstream and cause infective endocarditis. The aim of this study was to investigate S. mutans biofilm formation and adherence to endothelial cells induced by human fibrinogen. The putative mechanism by which biofilm formation is induced as well as the impact of fibrinogen on S. mutans resistance to penicillin was also evaluated. Bovine plasma dose dependently induced biofilm formation by S. mutans. Of the various plasma proteins tested, only fibrinogen promoted the formation of biofilm in a dose-dependent manner. Scanning electron microscopy observations revealed the presence of complex aggregates of bacterial cells firmly attached to the polystyrene support. S. mutans in biofilms induced by the presence of fibrinogen was markedly resistant to the bactericidal effect of penicillin. Fibrinogen also significantly increased the adherence of S. mutans to endothelial cells. Neither S. mutans cells nor culture supernatants converted fibrinogen into fibrin. However, fibrinogen is specifically bound to the cell surface of S. mutans and may act as a bridging molecule to mediate biofilm formation. In conclusion, our study identified a new mechanism promoting S. mutans biofilm formation and adherence to endothelial cells which may contribute to infective endocarditis.


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Although angiotensin II-induced venoconstriction has been demonstrated in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, the angiotensin II receptor subtypes (AT1 or AT2) that mediate this phenomenon have not been precisely characterized. Therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the pharmacological receptors involved in the angiotensin II-induced constriction of rat venae cavae and femoral veins, as well as the opposing effects exerted by locally produced prostanoids and NO upon induction of these vasomotorresponses. The obtained results suggest that both AT1 and AT2 angiotensin II receptors are expressed in both veins. Angiotensin II concentration–response curves were shifted toward the right by losartan but not by PD 123319 in both the vena cava and femoral vein. Moreover, it was observed that both 10−5 Mindomethacin and 10−4 M L-NAME improve the angiotensin II responses in the vena cava and femoral vein. In conclusion, in the rat vena cava and femoral vein, angiotensin II stimulates AT1 but not AT2 to induce venoconstriction, which is blunted by vasodilator prostanoids and NO.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)