250 resultados para acute renal failure


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis have been recognized as important lesions in acute renal rejection (AR). We studied glomerulitis and peritubular capillaritis in AR by 2 methods and investigated associations with C4d, type/grade of AR, and allograft survival time. Glomerulitis was measured according to Banff scores (glomerulitis by Banff Method [gBM]) and by counting the number of intraglomerular inflammatory cells (glomerulitis by Quantitative Method [gQM]). Capillaritis was classified by the Banff scoring system (peritubular capillaritis by Banff Method [ptcBM]) and by counting the number of cells in peritubular capillaries in 10 high-power fields (hpf; peritubular capillaritis by Quantitative Method [ptcQM]). These quantitative analyses were performed in an attempt to improve our understanding of the role played by glomerulitis and capillaritis in AR. The g0 + g1 group (gBM) associated with negative C4d (P = .02). In peritubular capillaritis, a larger number of cells per 10 hpf in peritubular capillaries (ptcQM) were observed in positive C4d cases (P = .03). The group g2 + g3 (gBM) correlated with graft loss (P = .01). Peritubular capillaritis was not significantly related to graft survival time. Our study showed that the Banff scoring system is the best method to study glomerulitis and observed that the evaluation of capillaritis in routine biopsies is difficult and additional studies are required for a better understanding of its meaning in AR biopsy specimens of renal allografts.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The pets, mostly dogs and cats are susceptible to a variety of situations that can lead to acute kidney failure, such as infection and intoxication, besides other common causes such as dehydration or other pre-existing diseases. The abrupt decrease in renal function in these animals characterizes a severe clinical condition and requires specialized veterinary medical care since it increases the death. Early diagnosis is an important factor for the survival of these animals and so is the appropriate treatment. New technologies on diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases in veterinary medicine have made acute renal failure successfully reversed by hemodialysis in cases where conventional therapy may not be effective. In cases like that, hemodialysis treatment may be the only chance of survival for the animals, which makes this therapy more and more important and necessary, especially in referral centers of veterinary assistance


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Background/aims: Cardiovascular diseases are major causes of mortality in chronic renal failure patients before and after renal transplantation. Among them, coronary disease presents a particular risk; however, risk predictors have been used to diagnose coronary heart disease. This study evaluated the frequency and importance of clinical predictors of coronary artery disease in chronic renal failure patients undergoing dialysis who were renal transplant candidates, and assessed a previously developed scoring system. Methods: Coronary angiographies conducted between March 2008 and April 2013 from 99 candidates for renal transplantation from two transplant centers in Sao Paulo state were analyzed for associations between significant coronary artery diseases (>= 70% stenosis in one or more epicardial coronary arteries or >= 50% in the left main coronary artery) and clinical parameters. Results: Univariate logistic regression analysis identified diabetes, angina, and/or previous infarction, clinical peripheral arterial disease and dyslipidemia as predictors of coronary artery disease. Multiple logistic regression analysis identified only diabetes and angina and/or previous infarction as independent predictors. Conclusion: The results corroborate previous studies demonstrating the importance of these factors when selecting patients for coronary angiography in clinical pretransplant evaluation.


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Acute renal failure (ARF) may be defined as a subtle loss of renal function, leading to accumulation of nitrogenated substances. Several causes may lead to the development of ARF in an animal, including severe shock, intense blood loss, hypotension, dehydration, hypovolemia, deep anesthesia and nephrotoxins. Fluid therapy remains the basis of ARF treatment in animals. Thee therapeutic objective is to normalize fluid balance, solve hemodynamic problems and promote urine production. The objective of the present study is to review the procedures to manage acute renal failure in dogs and cats.


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A plasmaféresis é a técnica de tratamento de escolha para pacientes com anemia hemolítica grave. Uma de suas conseqüências é a depleção de colinesterase plasmática, o que interfere na metabolização de alguns bloqueadores neuromusculares de uso corrente na prática anestesiológica. RELATO do CASO: Paciente com 26 anos, estado físico ASA IV, gestação de 30 semanas e 3 dias, portadora de anemia falciforme, traço talassêmico e alo-imunização para antígenos de alta freqüência. Apresentou crise de falcização, sendo transfundida com derivado sangüíneo incompatível. Evoluiu com hemólise maciça, sendo admitida com hemoglobina de 3 g/dL e hematócrito de 10%, icterícia intensa, taquicardia, apatia e descoramento. Na avaliação hematológica concluiu-se ser situação de inexistência de sangue compatível para transfusão. Foi tratada com corticoterapia, imunoglobulinas e plasmaféresis. No segundo dia de internação, evoluiu com insuficiência renal aguda e edema pulmonar agudo, piora do estado geral e instabilidade hemodinâmica. Indicada a resolução da gestação em decorrência do quadro clínico da paciente e do sofrimento fetal agudo que se sobrepôs. A paciente foi admitida na sala de operações consciente, dispnéica, pálida, ictérica, SpO2 de 91% em ar ambiente, freqüência cardíaca de 110 bpm e pressão arterial de 110 x 70 mmHg, em uso de dopamina (1 µg.kg-1.min-1) e dobutamina (10 µg.kg-1.min-1). Optou-se por anestesia geral balanceada, com alfentanil (2,5 mg), etomidato (14 mg) e atracúrio (35 mg) e isoflurano. Não se observou intercorrências anestésico-cirúrgicas. Ao final, a paciente foi encaminhada à UTI, sob intubação orotraqueal, e em uso de drogas vasoativas, tendo sido extubada após 3 horas. CONCLUSÕES: Este caso mostrou-se um desafio para a equipe, visto que a paciente apresentava instabilidade hemodinâmica e alteração do coagulograma, condições que contra-indicam a anestesia regional; além disto, a plasmaféresis potencialmente depleta os estoques de colinesterases plasmáticas, o que interfere na anestesia. Entretanto, o arsenal medicamentoso disponível permitiu o manuseio seguro desta situação.


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Os autores relatam dois casos de glomerulonefrite difusa aguda pós-infecciosa com evolução clinicomorfológica incomum. As biópsias renais mostraram alterações características de glomerulonefrite difusa aguda associada à extensa necrose fibrinóide e infiltrado inflamatório leucocitário na parede de arteríolas e artérias interlobulares. Foram também observadas crescentes. Ambos os pacientes cursaram com insuficiência renal aguda severa, sendo que um dos pacientes recuperou a função renal e outro evoluiu para insuficiência renal crônica e óbito.


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Envenomations caused by Loxosceles (brown spider) have been reported throughout the world. Clinical signs associated to bites of these spiders involve dermonecrotic lesions and intense local inflammatory response, besides systemic manifestations such as intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute renal failure. The present study aimed to report and to describe dermonecrotic lesions probably caused by a Loxosceles envenomation in a four year-old poodle female dog, treated at the Dermatology Service of the Veterinary Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry School, São Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil. Initially, the animal presented two skin lesions with blackish aspect that evolved into ulcerative crusts. The owner reported the presence of a brown spider near the place where the animal spent most of the time. Histological examination of lesions revealed necrosis of the epidermis extending to adnexa and panniculi, which is compatible with Loxosceles bite reaction. The animal was treated with systemic antibiotic and local curatives. Lesions healed by second intention in two months.


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Sphingomyelinases D (SMases D) from Loxosceles spider venom are the principal toxins responsible for the manifestation of dermonecrosis, intravascular hemolysis, and acute renal failure, which can result in death. These enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of sphingomyelin, resulting in the formation of ceramide 1-phosphate and choline or the hydrolysis of lysophosphatidyl choline, generating the lipid mediator lysophosphatidic acid. This report represents the first crystal structure of a member of the sphingomyelinase D family from Loxosceles laeta (SMase I), which has been determined at 1.75-angstrom resolution using the quick cryo-soaking technique and phases obtained from a single iodine derivative and data collected from a conventional rotating anode x-ray source. SMase I folds as an (alpha/beta)(8) barrel, the interfacial and catalytic sites encompass hydrophobic loops and a negatively charged surface. Substrate binding and/or the transition state are stabilized by a Mg2+ ion, which is coordinated by Glu(32), Asp(34), Asp(91), and solvent molecules. In the proposed acid base catalytic mechanism, His(12) and His(47) play key roles and are supported by a network of hydrogen bonds between Asp(34), Asp(52), Trp(230), Asp(233), and Asn(252).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Trata-se de paciente do sexo feminino, com 59 anos de idade, procedente de Itaporanga (SP), diabética e nefropata crônica, internada em virtude de surtos de pielonefnte e insuficiência renal aguda. Dentre outras medidas terapêuticas, recebeu transfusão de sangue. Cerca de dois dias após a última transfusão (sangue oriundo de doador, posteriormente identificado como chagásico) encontraram-se formas tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma cruzi em lâmina preparada para execução de hemograma. Iniciou-se tratamento com Benzonidazol. A paciente cursou para, pleuropneumonia e de secreção purulenta cirúrgica isolou-se Klebsiella spp. A septicemia conduziu a paciente ao êxito letal. Nenhuma lesão tecidual foi observada no miocárdio, no sistema nervoso central, adrenal ou nos demais órgãos examinados.