40 resultados para Violação


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This article analyzes the case of the proceedings against Argentina’s Military Juntas that led to jail those responsible for heinous crimes committed during the military dictatorship. The said proceeding has a high symbolic value in the struggle for human rights in Latin America and is relevant and timely in Brazil where the right to the truth regarding the missing people during the military dictatorship is in debate, as well as the invalidation of the Amnesty Act regarding the common crimes of torture, rape and / or kidnapping, among others. In the case of Argentina, following Roxin’s doctrine of mediate authorship, the Court held that the crimes were committed by the military through the use of an organized power apparatus and emphatically dismissed allegations that such crimes were justified in the so-called “dirty war”. Thus, the case against the Military Juntas has become a paradigmatic one, not only in Argentina, where many military leaders had to respond to criminal actions, but for all countries in the region that faced similar situations in recent history.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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This paper presents the main achievements in the field of children and youngsters social rights and provides some data on Brazilian education that show the discrepancy between the legal guidelines and the educational situation of children and youngsters within public schools. It presents a critical approach to the ways production and attendance of school problems have been interpreted and shows the dimension in which social facilities established to provide protection to children and adolescents have not been able to ensure a good quality schooling. It highlights the Guardian Council as addressee of school demands and stands out the urgency of debating the violation of fundamental rights such as the lack of quality in education, the repeated situations of failure, and dropping out experienced by a significant number of poor students. The analyzes developed point to the fragility of the relationship between school and Guardian Council revealing an institutional dynamic that individualize social issues. The analyzes developed also suggest the possibility of including Psychology mediation to school, family and Guardian Council. These aim to break the hegemony of the gaze individualizing approach that blame individual and / or family for school failures. This all present to professionals the urgenct for a critical attitude, based on theoretical and practical approaches able to research and propose critical interventions in order to overcome the production of educational exclusion.


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O problema da violência doméstica, infelizmente, se naturalizou em nossa sociedade, o que significa que culturalmente sofrer violência em casa é de certa forma, considerado comum. Todavia, a violência doméstica não deve ser encarada desta maneira, já que constitui uma violação das Normas Internacionais e da Legislação Brasileira que a protege. Esta idéia torna-se premissa básica para que sejam desenvolvidas estratégias de planejamentos de ações e serviços, pois a violência contra a mulher é um problema social e de saúde pública, consistindo num fenômeno mundial que não respeita fronteiras de classe social, raça/etnia, religião, idade e grau de escolaridade. Diante desta realidade, o Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia do Campus de Araçatuba se preocupa em diagnosticar as lesões faciais de mulheres vítimas da violência doméstica, levar ao seu conhecimento seus direitos e proporcionar um atendimento integral e humanizado.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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In which refers to statistical process control, the analysis of univariate cases is not enough for many types of company, being necessary to resort to multivariate cases. Besides, it is usually supposed that the observations are independent. However, the violation of this hypothesis indicates the existence of autocorrelation in the process. In this work, by a basic quantitative approach for an exploratory and experimental research, the study target are the multivariate autocorrelated control charts, using Hotteling T². The ARL values were collected by simulations of a computational program on FORTRAN language, with objective of studying the charts properties, in addition to compare with the