95 resultados para STEPPING-STONES


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Intestinal obstruction occurs in chelonian mainly due parasitism and foreign bodies, as stones and sand. An intestinal compaction was described in a five year-old male d'orbigny's slider which was taken to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the UNICASTELO, at Fernandopolis, SP, Brazil, presenting anorexia for a week, severe dehydration and stupor. Definitive diagnostic was performed by radiographic exam and great amount of intestinal radiopac substance was detected. The animal went through emergency celiotomy for removing the intestinal foreign bodies. Inhalatory anesthesia with isofluorane was used for anesthesia induction and manutention. After local antisepsy, a 4cm(2) oblique opening was conducted on plastron by using a vibratory saw. Peritoneum was cut, intestines exteriorized and enterotomy performed. During the surgery, the animal was radiographed to confirm the complete taken out of the foreign bodies. Mononylon 4-0 strand was applied for intestinal suture in two planes. The plastron piece that was taken out was replaced and set with epoxy resine and gaze on the surgical window, making it waterproof. In the postoperative time, animal was medicated with analgesics for two days and pentabiotics for five days. Oral creamy diet was used with oral tube from the second to tenth day, what provided a great clinicosurgical recovering.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A method for improving the accuracy of surface shape measurement by multiwavelength holography is presented. In our holographic setup, a Bi12TiO20 photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium, and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. on employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered with interference fringes corresponding to the object relief, and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser's free spectral range (FSR). Our method consists in increasing the effective free spectral range of the laser by positioning a Fabry-Perot etalon at the laser output for mode selection. As larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, higher-spatial-frequency interferograms were obtained and therefore more sensitive and accurate measurements were performed. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was made through the phase-stepping technique, and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the cellular-automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared with respect to measurement noise and visual inspection. (c) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Profilometry by electronic speckle pattern interferometry with multimode diode lasers is both theoretically and experimentally studied. The multiwavelength character of the laser emission provides speckled images covered with interference fringes corresponding to the surface relief in single-exposure processes. For fringe pattern evaluation, variations of the phase-stepping technique are investigated for phase mapping as a function of the number of laser modes. Expressions for two, three, and four modes in four and eight stepping are presented, and the performances of those techniques are compared in the experiments through the surface shaping of a flat bar. The surface analysis of a peach points out the possibility of applying the technique in the quality control of food production and agricultural research. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A novel method for surface profilometry by holography is presented. We used a diode laser emitting at many wavelengths simultaneously as the light source and a Bi12TiO20 (BTO) crystal as the holographic medium in single exposure processes. The employ of multi-wavelength, large free spectral range (FSR) lasers leads to holographic images covered of interference fringes corresponding to the contour lines of the studied surface. In order to obtain the relief of the studied surface, the fringe analysis was performed by the phase stepping technique (PST) and the phase unwrapping was carried out by the Cellular-automata method. We analysed the relief of a tilted flat metallic bar and a tooth prosthesis.


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Physical parameters of different types of lenses were measured through digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) using a multimode diode laser as light source. When such lasers emit two or more longitudinal modes simultaneously the speckle image of an object appears covered of contour fringes. By performing the quantitative fringe evaluation the radii of curvature as well as the refractive indexes of the lenses were determined. The fringe quantitative evaluation was carried out through the four- and the eight-stepping techniques and the branch-cut method was employed for phase unwrapping. With all these parameters the focal length was calculated. This whole-field multi-wavelength method does enable the characterization of spherical and aspherical lenses and of positive and negative ones as well. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the prevention and self-inspection behavior of diabetic subjects with foot at ulcer risk, no previous episode, who participated in the routine visits and standardized education provided by the service and who received prescribed footwear. This evaluation was carried out using a questionnaire scoring from 0-10 (high scores reflect worse practice compliance).Results: 60 patients were studied (30 of each sex); mean age was 62 years, mean duration of the disease was 17 years. As for compliance, 90% showed a total score <= 5, only 8.7% regularly wore the footwear supplied; self foot inspection 65%, 28,3% with additional familiar inspection; creaming 77%; proper washing and drying 88%; proper cutting of toe nails 83%; no cuticle cutting 83%; routine shoe inspection 77%; no use of pumice stones or similar abrasive 70%; no barefoot walking 95%.Conclusion: the planned and multidisciplinary educational approach enabled high compliance of the ulcer prevention care needed in diabetic patients at risk for complications. In contrast, compliance observed for the use of footwear provided was extremely low, demonstrating that the issue of its acceptability should be further and carefully addressed. In countries of such vast dimensions as Brazil multidisciplinary educational approaches can and should be performed by the services providing care for patients with foot at risk for complications according to the reality of local scenarios. Furthermore, every educational program should assess the learning, results obtained and efficacy in the target population by use of an adequate evaluation system.


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Populational biology of Imparfinis minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin, eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, São Paulo State. The aim of the work was to analyze biological aspects and distribution of Imparfinis minutus in the Ribeirao Grande microbasin (22[degree]4708[minute]''S, 45[degree]28[minute]17''W), in eastern Mantiqueira mountain range, from July 2001 to April 2002. Among the 37 species sampled, I. minutus (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae), was distributed from the piedmont to the plains of the Vale do Paraiba. The occurrence of this species was associated with the environments of small water volume, bottom with stones and gravel. The amplitude length of I. minutus was 4.75 to 12.75 cm. The length-weight relationship of the population was estimated at W = 0.0052 L3,13. Analyzing the alometric (Ka) and relative (Kr) condition factors, both indexes presented similar values. The lowest value was obtained in July, increasing gradually in October and January, and peaking in April. The analysis of the gonadossomatic relationship (GSR) of females showed higher values in July and January. The reproductive period of I. minutus occurred on spring/summer (October to January), as suggested by the gonadossomatic relationship and condition factor results. Feeding activity was constant, with fat visceral deposition concentrated in April and July. Imparfinis minutus is an aquatic insectivore opportunist species, consuming Diptera and Trichoptera larvae as secondary items. Most ingested food items were autochthonous resources.


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Prototypes A (bidin + broken stones + gravel stones + gross sand + activated coal) and B (bidin + broken stones + gravel stones + gross sand) under hydraulic charge of 35 cm presented outlets that, when extrapolated for larger filters, are sufficient to supply small and medium irrigation projects for vegetables and fruits. (bidin = Rhodia polyester for drainage). Under a charge of 35 cm, filtrate of both prototypes presented a reduction of fecal coliforms, being this reduction higher for A prototypes, but, even in this case, the coliform quantities were superior to the legal limit. Under a decrease of the biochemical oxygen demand an increase of the available oxygen rate; pH and hardness did not present significant changes.


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Primary intrahepatic lithiasis is an entity defined by intrahepatic stones exclusively located in the IH ducts above the emergence of the common bile duct. The disease is classified in two types: Eastern type (stones formed primarily in intrahepatic ducts; frequent in Japan) and Western type (stones formed in the extrahepatic bile system, usually in gallbladder, which migrate up to the intra-hepatic ducts). The mechanisms of lithogenesis in the entity are as yet not fully understood; multiple factors seem to operate synergistically: anatomical changes of the intrahepatic ducts, metabolic disorders, infections, idiopathic alteration. All these factors may facilitate biliary stasis leading ultimately to stone formation. We report on a case of and review the literature on primary intrahepatic lithiasis, which is a rare occurrence in the West and a disease of difficult surgical approach and high mortality.


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The Paraná Basin is a Western Gondwanan cratonic basin that is better defined as the Paraná depositional site, since it has a diverse history as a basin. Sedimentation started in the Ordovician-Silurian, followed by extensive marine Devonian deposition. A Late Paleozoic/ Triassic facies cycle wedge was clearly built during Pangean time. The Early Cretaceous was characterized by extensive basaltic lava flows immediately before the break-up of Pangea. Following these rifting and drifting processes, the basin's structural framework was totally rebuilt, generating new depositional sites in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Based on more recent data, at least two different basins may be defined during the evolution of what was once considered a unique basin. Nevertheless, even if considered as a single basin, the sedimentary pile of the Paraná Basin has considerable economic potential, until now exploited only rudimentarily, except for its groundwater resources. Aggregates, limestones, clays, industrial sands, gems, dimension stones, hydrocarbons, coal, peat, and uranium are some of the potential mineral resources of this basin. Copyright © 1997 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Rhinoliths are rares and, in general, develop in response to foreign body lodged in the nose. This study briefly comments the clinics features of one case of rhinolithiasis that occurred during two years period. The etiology of rinoliths, differencial diagnosis and a review of the literature are also included. The authors concluded that the presence of calcified stones must be considered in cases of sinusitis or rhinitis not responding to medical therapy.


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The application of multi-wavelength holography for surface shape measurement is presented. In our holographic setup a Bi12TiO 20 (BTO) photorefractive crystal was the holographic recording medium and a multimode diode laser emitting in the red region was the light source in a two-wave mixing scheme. The holographic imaging with multimode lasers results in multiple holograms in the BTO. By employing such lasers the resulting holographic image appears covered of interference fringes corresponding to the object relief and the interferogram spatial frequency is proportional to the diode laser free spectral range (FSR). We used a Fabry-Perot étalon at the laser output for laser mode selection. Thus, larger effective values of the laser FSR were achieved, leading to higher-spatial frequency interferograms and therefore to more sensitive and accurate measurements. The quantitative evaluation of the interferograms was performed through the phase stepping technique (PST) and the phase map unwrapping was carried out through the Cellular-Automata method. For a given surface, shape measurements with different interferogram spatial frequencies were performed and compared, concerning measurement noise and visual inspection.


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We studied the shape measurement of semiconductor components by holography with photorefractive Bi12TiO20 crystal as holographic medium and two diode lasers emitting in the red region as light sources. By properly tuning and aligning the lasers a synthetic wavelength was generated and the resulting holographic image of the studied object appears modulated by cos2-contour fringes which correspond to the intersection of the object surface with planes of constant elevation. The position of such planes as a function of the illuminating beam angle and the tuning of the lasers was studied, as well as the fringe visibility. The fringe evaluation was performed by the four stepping technique for phase mapping and through the branch-cut method for phase unwrapping. A damage in an integrated circuit was analysed as well as the relief of a coin was measured, and a precision up to 10 μm was estimated. © 2009 SPIE.