61 resultados para SAÚDE OCUPACIONAL


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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever, através de estratégias metodológicas quantitativas e qualitativas, os acidentes do trabalho ocorridos em três anos numa indústria metalúrgica do interior de São Paulo para compreender suas possíveis causas. Trata-se de um estudo de casos de uma indústria; foram estudados 336 acidentes em três anos, utilizando-se três procedimentos: análise dos registros dos acidentes, entrevistas (166 acidentados) e realização de grupos focais (111 trabalhadores). A proporção de incidência anual dos acidentes foi de 16,9%; 75 casos com afastamento superior a 15 dias; 51,2% ocorreram pela manhã, afetando caldeireiros (48,2%). Entre os entrevistados, escolaridade média de 8,8 anos e idade de 31 a 50 anos (55,4%); 64,5% já haviam sofrido outros acidentes e com maior ocorrência naqueles expostos ao ruído intenso (mais 90 dBA) (53%). Nos grupos focais, identificaram-se percepções e sentimentos dos trabalhadores a respeito dos acidentes que não apareceram nas etapas anteriores. Através dos grupos focais pode-se identificar melhor os fatores que contribuem para os acidentes, como: pressões, realização de horas extras, baixos salários, condições de trabalho precárias e organização do trabalho.


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Parte-se de uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre as LER/DORT (Lesões por Esforços Repetitivos/Doenças Osteomusculares Relacionadas ao Trabalho), analisando os fatores etiológicos envolvidos e os modelos explicativos vigentes. Discute-se a proposta de uma abordagem integradora de fatores biopsicossociais envolvidos na gênese e evolução das LER/DORT. Considera-se que a transição do estudo dos fatores isolados para a consideração de formas dinâmicas de interação desses fatores possibilitará a evolução da atual abordagem multidisciplinar para um modelo transdisciplinar.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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The purpose of this study envisaged the quantification of skin and respiratory exposures occasioned by work conditions during pesticide spraying of citrus fruits using hand gun sprayers; the evaluation of the efficiency of individual and group protection measures for the workers; the determination of workers' most exposed body regions; and the classification of work conditions, with and without the tested work-safety protection measures as recommended for the registered pesticides used to control the main pests and diseases that attack these types of trees and fruits. The AZR protection equipment proved to be the most efficient for the tractor driver, when spraying using pistol sprayers. The two sets of individual protection equipment that were checked also proved to be efficient. The most exposed regions of the tractor driver's body were the thighs, the front of the legs, the feet and hands. The most exposed regions of the individual sprayer working on foot were the hands and feet.


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The objectives of this study were: a) to quantify dermal and respiratory exposure resulting from work conditions in the application of pesticides on citrus crops using a air-assisted sprayer and by preparing the spray in a tank with a capacity of2.000 L; b) to evaluate the measures of individual protection for these workers; c) to determine the areas of the worker's body most exposed; and d) to classify the work conditions with and without the protective measures tested, with regard to the occupational safety of the recommendations for the pesticides used in controlling the main pests and diseases of this crop. It was shown that for the tractor driver and sprayer operator applyng pesticides on citrus trees, the most efficient protective measures were the AZR ensemble and the Real cabin. The AZR ensemble was effective in controlling exposure of the spray preparer, because it was sufficient to turn work conditions from unsafe to safe. The area of the body most exposed under the two work conditions studied was the hands of the workers.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of the present study was to identify previous and current vocal symptoms and to verify the behaviors ahead of the symptoms. Moreover, the gotten relations between the professional profile and data had been searched. 78 teachers had participated of the research, being two men and 76 women. Questionnaire was applied. In this questionnaire was elaborated on the basis of previous research and it contained questions on vocal health. The results to indicate that were evidenced one high (48%) frequency of the teachers had makes intense use of the voice at least has ten years. This study it allowed to conclude that it is necessary to modify the focus of interventions directed toward these professionals therefore has some factors in the work routine that intervene with its general and vocal health. Therefore interventions in the individual field are only insufficient to decide the problem.


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Aim: This study assessed the risk factors of undergraduate students to develop musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the upper limbs, regarding gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouth region treated, and the four-handed dentistry practice. Methods: Dental students enrolled in the 8th semester in the Araraquara School of Dentistry, UNESP, Brazil, were photographed while practicing 283 dental procedures. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method was used to evaluate the working postures of each student. The photographs were evaluated and a final risk score was attributed to each analyzed procedure. The prevalence of risk factors of developing MSD was estimated by point and by 95% confidence interval. The association between the risk factor of developing disorders and variables of interest were assessed by the chi-square test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The risk factors of developing MSD were high, regarding most dental procedures performed by the undergraduate students (score 5: 7.07%, CI95%: 4.08- 10.06%; score 6: 62.54%, CI95%: 56.90-68.18%). There was no significant association between the RULA final score and gender (p=0.559), and type of dental procedure (p=0.205), and mouth regions by arch (p=0.110) or hemi-arch (p=0.560), and the use of four-handed dentistry (p=0.366). Conclusions: It can be concluded that gender, type of dental clinical procedure, mouth region treated, and practice of four-handed dentistry did not influence the risk of developing MSD in the upper limbs among the dental students evaluated; however, they are at a high risk of developing such disorders.


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The Burnout Syndrome is considered a psychosocial problem to which teachers are routinely exposed. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of burnout in Dentistry teachers and its relation to relevant socio-demographic variables. The participants were 70 teachers from the undergraduate Dentistry Course, Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara – UNESP. Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OLBI) was used. The prevalence of burnout was estimated. In order to compare performed. Mean age of participants was 46.0 ± 6.1 and teaching experience was 19.6±7.6 years. The prevalence of burnout was 17.1%. Low mean scores for Exhaustion (2.11±0.61) and Disengagement (1.73±0.50) were observed. There reported taking medication due to work (p=0.008) and for those who have thought about quit teaching (p=0.001). There scores according to the habit of taking medication, the experience as a teacher and gender


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The introducing of new technologies at work contexts forces the contemporary organizations to search new structures and productive processes, as well as new management models, mainly personnel management. A strong pressure by positive results can favour health problems concerning to stress, which is caused by a highly competitive environment; studies reveals that stress is a present reality at organizations nowadays. The presence of stress on workers cause harm to organizations (due to absenteeism increasing, turnover, interpersonal conflicts, etc.) and individuals, whose life quality can be decreased. This text intends to highlight the importance of identifying stress presence on workers and eventual stressors at workplaces, with the objective of, through management strategies, propose interventions guided to promote occupational health and welfare. Identifying eventual stressors at workplaces becomes an essential task, because those signs predispose the stress presence on workers. Therefore, discovering them is a strategic way to preventing and managing of occupational stress. This text also proposes to show some personnel management strategies which can favour the prevention of occupational stressors, as well as interventions on them.


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A assistência psiquiátrica brasileira, desde seu início, era baseada na internação dos doentes mentais em hospitais psiquiátricos e em sua exclusão social. Desde o final do regime militar, na década de oitenta, esta assistência vem passando por transformações que propõem o tratamento dos doentes mentais em serviços comunitários substitutivos ao hospital psiquiátrico. A profissão terapia ocupacional cuja prática voltava-se para a ocupação dos pacientes no interior dos hospitais, diante das transformações da assistência psiquiátrica, vem buscando um aprimoramento teórico técnico e político para a atuação nos serviços substitutivos, em nível de prevenção, promoção de saúde, tratamento, reabilitação e inclusão social. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas práticas de terapia ocupacional baseadas em paradigmas que enfatizam a importância do tratamento e da inclusão do doente mental na sociedade, destacando-se uma experiência que vem sendo realizada em Botucatu-SP (Brasil), por uma organização não governamental. Conclui-se que a profissão, por congregar conhecimento interdisciplinar, e se ocupar das necessidades e dificuldades dos pacientes no cotidiano, apresenta um instrumental condizente com a assistência comunitária.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: Investigating the indicators of stress, anxiety, depression and the cognitive changes in members of the nursing team at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Assis - SP. Methods: 66 nursing professionals participated in the study, evaluated by psychological and cognitive tracking instruments. Results: The stress experience was not homogenous in the nursing team; high scores in the depression tracking were associated to low cognitive scores. Conclusion: Nursing auxiliaries and technicians were affected by stress. Therefore, workers healthcare should be provided for the whole nursing team.