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Cet article propose, à travers une expérience pratique, présenter et discuter le groupe psychothérapeutique dans le référentiel psychanalytique théorique et éthique de Jacques Lacan en mettant l'accent sur la question de l'interprétation. Nous proposons une réflexion et la redéfinition des possibilités et des modes d'accueil dans le contexte de la Santé Collective. Le groupe psychothérapeutique proposé ici, qui applique la psychanalyse, correspond à une possibilité parmi les dispositifs de production de sens pour les impasses de subjectivation de la clinique contemporaine, surtout dans la Santé Publique. La pratique présentée et analysée dans cet article est une petite contribution à une proposition de psychothérapie de groupe fondée sur la théorie de Jacques Lacan, dont le but est de repenser et redéfinir les formes d'accueil de groupe en Santé Collective.
O conceito de risco vem tendo uso crescente no entendimento das relações entre saúde e ambiente. Uma revisão recente do seu emprego¹ mostrou que o risco é próprio da condição humana e que a exclusão da incerteza promove a manutenção do status quo. O problema que se coloca é como propor ações de melhoria na saúde ambiental sob os pressupostos da dúvida e da incerteza que caracterizam a condição de risco. Como proposta de solução, a obra de H. Arendt² prestou-se ao exame dos significados e das implicações da incerteza no campo do pensamento e no campo da ação. Os resultados mostram que o risco se insere na lacuna construída entre o passado e o futuro. Quando esta lacuna passa a ser entendida como espaço de possibilidades, a incerteza, produzida no campo do pensamento fomenta a liberdade e a participação no campo da ação. A valorização da subjetividade e o exercício do juízo promovem a configuração de novos contextos e de novas possibilidades de ação, tanto em relação à natureza como em relação aos homens. Este conhecimento novo se insere na lacuna entre passado e futuro e realimenta o processo. Conclui-se que as ações de promoção da saúde devem estar aptas a aceitar resultados não necessariamente idealizados. Na ação livre não existem certezas e a sua relevância não está nos fins que se possa estabelecer, mas no processo do seu exercício.
The objective of the present article is to identify and discuss the possibilities of using qualitative data analysis software in the framework of procedures proposed by SDI (socio-discursive interactionism), emphasizing free distribuited software or free versions of commercial software. A literature review of software for qualitative data analysis in the area of social sciences and humanities, focusing on language studies is presented. Some tools, such as: Wef-tQDA, MLCT, Yoshikoder and Tropes are examined with their respective features and functions. The software called Tropes is examined in more detail because of its particular relation with language and semantic analysis, as well as its embeded classification of linguistic elements such as, types of verbs, adjectives, modalizations, etc. Although trying to completely automate an SDI based analysis is not feasible, the programs appear to be powerful helpers in analyzing specific questions. Still, it seems important to be familiar with software options and use different applications in order to obtain a more diversified vision of the data. It is up to the researcher to be critical of the analysis provided by the machine.
The focus of our research is on how teachers construct their knowledge. We also intend to depth our understanding of the factors that regulate teachers' action - either to maintain, either to modify their professional practice. In order to investigate the means by which teachers learn and the reasons that make them change or resist transforming their practice, we accomplished a task aiming teachers' formation, in a manner similar to a collaborative research design, which involved part of the staff of a school chosen among others which were part of a sample of a previous exploratory study. The subjects were ten teachers of elementary teaching (first stage) and three school administrators. The intervention occurred through our constant presence in the school's daily life, for we believe that empowerment and professional development must be a choice of teachers themselves, based on their own expressed needs toward the construction of their autonomy. A preliminary analysis of data shows that teachers sometimes resist to changes; so these are slow and difficult. Nevertheless, our intervention based on a collaborative research design enabled us to deal with these difficulties, contributing to form a kind of teacher who investigates its own practice.
The media through images, sounds and information influences the way students interpret reality. This way, there is the need for the school to reflect on these issues and create teaching strategies to take advantage of this apparatus. The objective of this research was to analyze some possibilities of a proposal that addressed the content body culture through reports published by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo in Physical Education classes. The data indicated the media as a good teaching resource for classes of this course, since the students considered enriching classes for learning.
The goal of this experiment was to study the latent and sensible heat variation determined by Bowen ratio from an irrigated soybean crop. A micrometeorological station with vertical displacement was constructed to maintain the same level of all measures over the canopy. The station was installed in the center of the crop, and it was over 130 m away from the main edge of the predominant wind direction. Fluxes were calculated by vertical temperature gradient determined at 0.15 and 1.15 m over the canopy. The latent heat flux was the mean energy consumer when the canopy covered the soil totally, and there were good soil water conditions. The sensible heat flux was greater when the soil was not totally covered by the canopy. The canopy was essential on the amount of latent heat dissipated by the crop.
The present study applies a method of prevalence analysis to data obtained in two nationwide household surveys on alcohol use during life and dependence, for each of the sexes. The ratios of prevalences (R), for the lifetime alcohol use and dependence rates, between the two genders in the various Brazilian macro-regions, were calculated together with their respective 95% confidence intervals. It was found that lifetime use, both in 2001 and in 2005, was significantly greater in Brazilian males in all geographical regions. In 2001, the population of the North (male and female) had a higher rate of alcohol consumption than that in the Brazilian population as a whole and that in the Southeast. Dependence on the consumption of alcoholic drinks in 2001 and in 2005 was greater in the male sex, but similar among the various regions studied. It can be concluded that this method of analyzing the data on alcoholism could be of great use in assessing its magnitude and importance in terms of public health.
Introduction: Calculated indexes from laboratory measurements and the determination of plasma markers are commonly used in cardiovascular risk assessment. Objective: To use triglycerides/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) ratio, estimate of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle size and high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) levels to the clinical and laboratorial assessment of coronary risk among patients with coronary disease. Material and methods: Sixty patients were chosen accordingly, 36 female (F) (65 ± 9 years of age) and 24 male (M) (55 ± 10 years of age) diagnosed with stable ischemic cardiopathy at Ana Neri Hospital, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The investigation was carried out at the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory of the College of Pharmacy at Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). Blood samples were collected after a 12-hour fast to determine hs-CRP, lipid profile and risk indicators. All data were assessed through Syncron LX®20 Beckman Coulter. The inferential analysis results were considered significant when p ≤ 5%. Data analysis was carried out with GraphPad Prism® (4.03 version) software. Results: Data analysis showed a positive correlation between hs-CRP and triglycerides/HDL-C ratio only among women (r = 0.4; p = 0.0442), n = 36. The analysis of other parameters did not show any significance. Conclusion: The triglycerides/HDL-C ratio and hs-CRP may be used as indicators of increase in cardiovascular risk among women with coronary artery disease (CAD).
The present text has the objective of presenting theoretical considerations regarding two types of strategy of research: phenomenology and ethnography. Based on a hermeneutic approach, the two conceptual propositions are presented, the first being dealt with in the sociological context, and the second presented as an anthropological basis. Their similar uses in an organizational context - as well as their differences - are highligthed according to the theoretical contributions of authors belonging to the qualitative universe of organizational research. The text reveals, by the presentations of reported theoretical assumptions, the relevance of the interpretative perspective for the conduction of research that has the organization as object of study, in the pursuit of the identification of ways of constructing the social reality that is the result of the analysis of meanings and experiences lived by the participants, highlighting the importance of the bond between researcher and the research object The theoretical discussion regarding the two perspectives allows to observe the competence of the phenomenological and ethnographic research practice within the field of organizational studies, showing their methodological possibilities to identify dynamics that relate to the experience of life, favoring the analysis of the human being as a phenomenon of interpretation. © FECAP.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Estimating equations of global radiation based on the sunshine duration were proposed for horizontal surface and with inclination of 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85° facing the North in Botucatu, SP, Brazil, in monthly, seasonal and annual groupings of data. Simple linear correlations were applied (for definition of the linear and angular coefficients of Angstrom-Prescott model), in a database measured in all three inclinations in different periods (22.85°: 04/1998 to 07/2001; 12.85°: 08/2011 to 02/2003; and 32.85°: 03/2003 to 12/2007) concomitant with horizontal measures and sunshine duration. The statistical performance of the model was analysed by the means absolute error (MBE), the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) and the index adjustment (d). The minimum global radiation transmissivity varied from 14.35% in August (12.85°) to 27.86% in December (32.85°) and the maximum transmissivity ranged between 62.10% and 78.90%, for June (32.85°) and December (12.85°). Increasing the angle of inclination surface increased the scattering and decreased the index of adjustment and performance. The worst results were found for application of the seasonal and annual models in the months of autumn and winter for 32.85° (RMSE below 42.93% and adjustment superior to 0.4693).
Statistical equations were obtained and evaluated with annual, seasonal and monthly data groupings for estimates of direct and diffuse components of solar radiation based on the sunshine duration (ratio of sunshine and photoperiod) incident on horizontal and inclined surfaces to 12.85, 22.85 and 32.85° with facing to North, in Botucatu, SP. The ratios between the two components and radiation at the top of the atmosphere were used, in a database whose inclinations were measured in three different periods (22.85°: 04/1998 to 07/2001; 12.85°: 08/2011 to 02/2003; and 32.85°: 03/2003 to 12/2007) and concomitant with horizontal measures and sunshine duration. The correlations showed a linear and second degree polynomial behavior for the direct and diffuse radiation, with higher coefficients of determination in periods of low variation in the coverage of the sky (cloudiness). The highest values of the direct and diffuse radiation were found in winter and summer, respectively for all surfaces evaluated. The increase in the inclination angle decreased the performance of equations in all groups of data with increase in scattering and decrease in index of the adjustment, however, the monthly equations allowed better performance for the two components.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)