118 resultados para ISOPROTEIC TREATMENTS
Microwave-assisted acid decomposition, direct dilution in kerosene, and oil-in-water emulsion were evaluated as lubricating oil pretreatment procedures for Cu, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn determination by High-Resolution Continuum Source Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (HR-CS FAAS). For wet digestion, results were compared with those obtained by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The ultrasound probe used in emulsions sonication contaminated samples with Cr, although better results have been observed for the other six elements in this condition. In general, recovery percentages ranging from 81-106%(Cu), 80-107%(Cr), 85-114%(Fe), 82-116%(Ni), 86-117%(Pb), 85-115%(Sb), and 81-114%(Zn) were obtained. The HR-CS FAAS showed to be faster and more sensitive than FAAS.
Conduziu-se um experimento com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de diferentes níveis de sódio e fósforo (P) sobre o desempenho e a qualidade da casca dos ovos e de determinados constituintes sangüíneos, em 144 galinhas Hy-Line W36, com 60 semanas de idade, distribuídas em 36 unidades experimentais com quatro aves cada. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso em arranjo fatorial (3 x 3), níveis de sódio (0,16; 0,20; e 0,24%) e níveis de fósforo total (0,35; 0,45; e 0,55%), totalizando nove tratamentos, dois blocos com duas repetições em cada bloco. As rações experimentais foram isoprotéicas (16,0% de PB), isocalóricas (2800 kcal de EM/kg) e isocálcicas (4,0% de Ca). Consumo de ração, produção e massa de ovos, conversão alimentar, porcentagem e espessura da casca e densidade aparente dos ovos não foram alteradas pelos níveis de sódio. Entretanto, quando as galinhas foram alimentadas com dietas contendo 0,35% de P total, verificou-se comprometimento da produção e massa de ovos e conversão alimentar, sem alteração das características de qualidade da casca. Houve interação entre os fatores para o peso dos ovos. Baixos níveis de P total não foram efetivos em melhorar a qualidade da casca dos ovos, mas prejudicaram o desempenho das galinhas.
RESUMO - Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar a influência de diferentes níveis de energia, vitamina D3 e relação sódio:cloro sobre o desempenho e a qualidade da casca dos ovos e de determinados constituintes sangüíneos, em 192 galinhas Hy-Line W36, com 72 semanas de idade, distribuídas em 48 unidades experimentais com quatro aves cada. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso em arranjo fatorial (3 x 2 x 2), níveis de energia metabolizável (2900, 3000 e 3100 kcal/kg), níveis de vitamina D3 (500 e 2500 UI/kg) e relação sódio:cloro (0,74:1 e 1,2:1), totalizando 12 tratamentos com quatro repetições cada. As rações experimentais foram isoprotéicas (17% PB), isocálcicas (4,4% Ca), isofosfóricas (0,5% P total) e isosódicas (0,16% Na). Os resultados evidenciaram que o peso dos ovos foi reduzido com o nível de 3100 kcal de EM/kg; a porcentagem de casca e a densidade aparente foram melhoradas com a utilização da relação sódio:cloro 1,2:1; e as características de desempenho e qualidade de casca não foram influenciadas pelos níveis de vitamina D3. Os níveis mais elevados de em não melhoraram a qualidade da casca dos ovos de poedeiras, na fase final de produção; a relação sódio:cloro 1,2:1 se mostrou efetiva em melhorar essa característica.
Cinco éguas mestiças (idade e peso corporal médios de seis anos e 480 kg PV) foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino para se e avaliar a utilização de dietas contendo grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados) em substituição ao milho na alimentação de eqüinos, por meio do ensaio de avaliação do trânsito gastrintestinal e da digestibilidade. Os tratamentos consistiram de três níveis de grãos de triticale em substituição aos grãos de milho (0, 50 e 100%) e duas formas de conservação dos grãos de triticale (secos ou ensilados). As dietas foram isoprotéicas (12,5% PB), com ingestão diária de MS pelos animais de 2,0% PV (relação volumoso : concentrado de 50:50). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa) da MS, MO, PB e FDN foram determinados indiretamente. Os parâmetros de trânsito gastrintestinal avaliados foram: k1 (taxa de passagem pelo intestino grosso), k2 (taxa de passagem pelo estômago), TT (tempo de trânsito), TMR (tempo médio de retenção) e TMRT (tempo médio de retenção total). Não houve diferença para os CDa da MS, MO, PB e FDN entre as dietas experimentais, observando-se valores médios de 64,31; 65,14; 74,13 e 57,25%, respectivamente. Considerando-se a cinética das fases sólida e líquida, notou-se efeito somente para k2 na fase sólida da digesta, cujo valor nas rações contendo 100% de triticale (seco ou ensilado) foi de 19,63%/h e na dieta controle (0% de triticale), de 23,72%/h. Observou-se efeito linear crescente para o TT na fase sólida da digesta, com a elevação dos níveis de substituição dos grãos de milho pelos grãos de triticale ensilados. Concluiu-se que os concentrados para eqüinos podem ser formulados com grãos de triticale secos ou ensilados em substituição total ao milho. A inclusão de grãos de triticale na alimentação desta espécie animal promoveu trânsito lento da fase sólida da digesta.
Statement of the Problem: the ceramic composition and surface microstructure of all-ceramic restorations are important components of an effective bonding substrate. Hydrofluoric acid and sandblasting are well-known procedures for surface treatment; however, surface treatment for high alumina-containing and lithium disilicate ceramics have not been fully investigated.Purpose: This in vitro study evaluated the tensile bond strength of resin cement to two types of ceramic systems with different surface treatments.Methods and Materials: Thirty specimens of each ceramic system were made according to the manufacturer's instructions and embedded in polyester resin. Specimens of In-Ceram Alumina [1] and IPS Empress 2 [E] were distributed to three groups with differing surface treatments (n=10): sandblasting with 50 jam aluminum oxide (APA); sandblasting with 110 pm aluminum oxide modified with silica particles (ROCATEC System-RS); a combination of sandblasting with APA and 10% hydrofluoric acid etching (HA) for two minutes on In-Ceram and for 20 seconds for IPS Empress 2. After the respective surface treatments, all the specimens were silanated, and Rely-X resin cement was injected onto the ceramic surface and light polymerized. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours and thermally cycled 1,100 times (5 degrees C/55 degrees C). The tensile bond strength test was performed in a universal testing machine at a 0.5 mm/minute crosshead speed.Results: the mean bond strength values (AWa) for IPS Empress 2 were 12.01 +/- 5.93 (EAPA), 10.34 +/- 1.77 (ERS) and 14.49 +/- 3.04 (EHA). The mean bond strength values for In-Ceram Alumina were 9.87 +/- 2.40 JAPA) and 20.40 +/- 6.27 (IRS). All In-Ceram specimens treated with 10% hydrofluoric acid failed during thermal cycling.Conclusion: the Rocatec system was the most effective surface treatment for In-Ceram Alumina ceramics; whereas, the combination of aluminum oxide sandblasting and hydrofluoric acid etching for 20 seconds worked more effectively for Empress 2 ceramics.
Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two post-polymerisation treatments and different cycles of polymerisation on the cytotoxicity of two denture base resins.Materials and methods: the resins tested were Lucitone 550 and QC 20. Discs of resins were fabricated following the manufacturer's instructions. Lucitone 550 was processed by long cycle or short cycle. The resin QC 20 was processed by reverse cycle or normal cycle. The specimens were divided into groups: (i) post-polymerised in microwave for 3 min at 500 W; (ii) post-polymerised in water-bath at 55 degrees C for 60 min and (iii) without post-polymerisation. Eluates were prepared by placing three discs into a sterile glass vial with 9 ml of Eagle's medium and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. L929 cells were seeded into 96 3 well culture plates and DNA synthesis was assessed by H-thymidine incorporation assay.Results: the results were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test. QC 20 specimens polymerised by the normal cycle and submitted to microwave post-polymerisation were graded as moderately cytotoxic. Similar results were observed for Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle without post-polymerisation. The other experimental groups were graded as not cytotoxic. After water-bath post-polymerisation, specimens of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle produced significantly lower inhibition of DNA synthesis than the other groups.Conclusion: the long cycle increased the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 and water-bath post-polymerisation reduced the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle.
Objectives. This study compared the residual monomer (RM) in four hard chair-side reline resins (Duraliner II-D, Kooliner-K, Tokuso Rebase Fast-TRF and Ufi Gel hard-UGH) and one heat-polymerized denture base resin (Lucitone 550-L), which was processed using two polymerization cycles (short-LS and long-LL). It was also investigated the effect of two after polymerization treatments on this RM content.Methods. Specimens (n = 18) of each material were produced following the manufacturers' instructions and then divided into three groups. Group I specimens were left untreated (GI-control). Specimens of group II (GII) were given post-polymerization treatment by microwave irradiation. In group III (GIII), specimens were submitted to immersion in water at 55 degrees C (reline resins-10 min; denture base resin L-60min). The RM was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and expressed as a percentage of RM. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results. Comparing control specimens, statistical differences were found among all materials (p < 0.05), and the results can be arranged as K (1.52%) > D (0.85%) > UGH (0.45%) > LL (0.24%) > TRF (0.14%) > LS (0.08%). Immersion in hot water (GIII) promoted a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the RM for all materials evaluated compared to control (GI), with the exception of LL specimens. Materials K, UGH and TRF exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) lower values of RM after microwave irradiation (GII) than in the control specimens.Significance. The reduction in RM promoted by water-bath and microwave post-polymerization treatments could improve the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of the relining and denture base materials. (c) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We present a fast procedure for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in which hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) solvent, instead of the critical point drying, is used to remove liquids from a microbiological specimen. The results indicate that the HMDS solvent is suitable for drying samples of anaerobic cells for examination by SEM and does not cause cell structure disruption.