39 resultados para Galileu, 1564-1642


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The belief in the existence of an ecological crisis that would affect the future of the planet, is one of the factors that causes the appearance of ecological concern, resulting in the adoption of non-predatory consumer practices and more respectful relationships with non-humans beings. This study starts from the assumption of the existence of an environmental question, and aims to investigate some of the cultural causes of human predation and identify possible ways in which environmental question can be treated critically to search overcomes. Follows the reasoning that western society as a complex of social relations, the capitalism, as a mode of production utilities and rational right, are all consequences of the modern rationality, cognitive and moral logic that transforms people and nature in satisfaction instruments of individual interests. However, despite being identified as the causative root of environmental question, modern rationality takes with it enough to promote the development of ecological respect, necessary in confronting and overcoming the environmental question, as it will be applied as a principle in redefinition of the relationship of human beings with themselves and with nature. And modern rationality can also make capitalism more efficient in the use and reuse of materials so as to consume fewer resources on the planet to satisfy human needs.


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According to data published on the World Drug Report 2012 by Unodc - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -, the world consumes nowadays the same amount of illicit drugs that it has always consumed. Contrary to this stable consumption, discussions surrounding the issue of drugs have intensified. The greatest controversies and the largest repercussion in the Brazilian media relate to marijuana use. This paper was developed in the context of polemic issues and its general goal is to analyze the conflict of ideologies present in the discourses about drugs on printed articles released by the Brazilian media, represented here by the magazines Veja, Carta Capital and Galileu. This study is carried out based on a dialogic approach, supported by the Bakhtinian researches on discourse


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No século XX, os famosos manifestos futuristas inauguraram, polemicamente e com muito ruído, as relações entre as artes (não apenas a literatura, portanto) e a ciência. Mas é sobretudo à tecnologia que os futuristas queriam atrelar as artes. Ao tentar transpor a velocidade das máquinas ao ritmo poético, Marinetti e outros futuristas realizaram operação que, por um lado, inegavelmente “dinamizou” a estrutura poética, por outro, atrelou mecanicamente, sem distanciamento crítico, o que era da esfera exclusiva da ciência e da tecnologia. Para os futuristas, exceção feita para as artes plásticas, o choque diante do advento do automóvel, do avião e dos demais produtos tecnológicos, frutos de um paciente e constante desenvolvimento da ciência a partir de Galileu, implicou em adequação mecânica e meramente estrutural, pelo menos no que diz respeito à poesia.


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The increased interest in orthodontics by adults has led companies to develop new treatment alternatives that use less visible and more aesthetic orthodontic appliances. The aesthetic aligners stand out among the treatment options that attend these expectations. This paper presented some relevant aspects of these devices, as well as two cases treated with Essix MTM (Dentsply) system, in which all aesthetic and functional objectives proposed treatment have been achieved. The results of this study support the idea that, when properly indicated, aesthetic aligners are a viable treatment option within the clinical routine of the orthodontist.


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This article presents an analysis of the book Amenina, o cofrinho e a vovó, by Cora Coralina (2009), as subsidy to relate intergenerational relationships between grandparents and grandchildren. Qualitative methodological path is formed by the use of some psychoanalytic concepts as reference for analyzing symbolic components present in the work. With the construction of a psychoanalytical study, the article highlights the importance of the construction of the symbolic links and intangible heritages transmitted between generations.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)