92 resultados para GENTLE ALGEBRAS


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A systematic construction for an action describing a class of supersymmetric integrable models as well as for pure fermionic theories is discussed in terms of the gauged WZNW model associated to half integer graded affine Kac-Moody algebras. Explicit examples of the N = 1. 2 super-sinh(sine)-Gordon models are discussed in detail. Pure fermionic theories arises for cosets sl(p, 1)/sl(p) circle times u(1) when a maximal kernel condition is fulfilled. The integrability condition for such models is discussed and it is shown that the simplest example when p = 2 (cads to the constrained Bukhvostov-Lipatov, Thirring, scalar massive and pseudo-scalar massless Gross-Neveu models. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A formação Aquidauana é constituída por um conjunto de sedimentos com até 500 m de espessura, predominando arenito de granulometria fina a média, intercalado com conglomerado arenoso. Nesse ambiente, o relevo é um dos principais fatores condicionantes na formação de solos. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, caracterizar e classificar os solos desenvolvidos desses arenitos. Para isso, foram estudados quatro perfis ao longo de uma topossequência, de uma pendente representativa das colinas suaves onduladas verificadas na área de estudo. Os perfis localizavam-se no terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2), terço inferior (P3) e sopé de encosta (P4). Eles foram morfologicamente descritos, e os horizontes, caracterizados quanto às propriedades físicas e químicas. Os solos estudados apresentaram predomínio da fração areia (> 680 g kg-1), com textura variando de franco-arenosa (P4) a franco-argiloarenosa. Os valores de pH em água variaram de 4,2 a 6,5. Os valores de capacidade de troca catiônica variaram de 1,6 cmol c kg-1 no P4 a 10,3 cmol c kg-1 no P2, com predomínio dos íons H+ no P1 e P4 e Ca2+ no P2 e P3. Os horizontes subsuperficiais do P1 e P4 são distróficos, enquanto em P2 e P3 verificou-se elevada saturação por bases, evidenciando caráter eutrófico. À exceção do P2, os demais apresentaram argila de baixa atividade. em todos os perfis verificaram-se atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos e mineralógicos condicionados pelo material de origem e relevo, demonstrando a influência desses fatores na pedogênese.


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We derive the current algebra of supersymmetric principal chiral models with a Wess-Zumino term. At the critical point one obtains two commuting super-affine Lie algebras as expected, but, in general, them are intertwining fields connecting both right and left sectors, analogously to the bosonic case. Moreover, in the present supersymmetric extension we have a quadratic algebra, rather than an affine Lie algebra, due to the mixing between bosonic and fermionic fields; the purely fermionic sector displays an affine Lie algebra as well.


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Toda lattice hierarchy and the associated matrix formulation of the 2M-boson KP hierarchies provide a framework for the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction scheme realized through Hamiltonian action within the second KP Poisson bracket. By working with free currents, which Abelianize the second KP Hamiltonian structure, we are able to obtain a unified formalism for the reduced SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV hierarchies interpolating between the ordinary KP and KdV hierarchies. The corresponding Lax operators are given as superdeterminants of graded SL(M + 1, M - k) matrices in the diagonal gauge and we describe their bracket structure and field content. In particular, we provide explicit free field representations of the associated W(M, M - k) Poisson bracket algebras generalising the familiar nonlinear W-M+1 algebra. Discrete Backlund transformations for SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV are generated naturally from lattice translations in the underlying Toda-like hierarchy. As an application we demonstrate the equivalence of the two-matrix string model to the SL(M + 1, 1) KdV hierarchy.


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We obtain the exact classical algebra obeyed by the conserved non-local charges in bosonic non-linear sigma models. Part of the computation is specialized for a symmetry group O(N). As it turns out the algebra corresponds to a cubic deformation of the Kac-Moody algebra. We generalize the results for the presence of a Wess-Zumino term. The algebra is very similar to the previous one, now containing a calculable correction of order one unit lower. The relation with Yangians and the role of the results in the context of Lie-Poisson algebras are also discussed.


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Recently, minimum and non-minimum delay perfect codes were proposed for any channel of dimension n. Their construction appears in the literature as a subset of cyclic division algebras over Q(zeta(3)) only for the dimension n = 2(s)n(1), where s is an element of {0,1}, n(1) is odd and the signal constellations are isomorphic to Z[zeta(3)](n) In this work, we propose an innovative methodology to extend the construction of minimum and non-minimum delay perfect codes as a subset of cyclic division algebras over Q(zeta(3)), where the signal constellations are isomorphic to the hexagonal A(2)(n)-rotated lattice, for any channel of any dimension n such that gcd(n,3) = 1. (C) 2012 The Franklin Institute. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The construction of Lie algebras in terms of Jordan algebra generators is discussed. The key to the construction is the triality relation already incorporated into matrix products. A generalisation to Kac-Moody algebras in terms of vertex operators is proposed and may provide a clue for the construction of new representations of Kac-Moody algebras in terms of Jordan fields. © 1988.


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In this paper we investigate the behaviour of the Moukowski model within the mnten of quantum algebras. The Moszkwski Hamiltonian is diagonalized aractly for different numbers of panicles and for various values of the deformalion parameter of the quanlum algebra involved. We also include ranking in our system and observe its variation as a function of the deformation parameters. © 1992 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We comment on the off-critical perturbations of WZNW models by a mass term as well as by another descendent operator, when we can compare the results with further algebra obtained from the Dirac quantization of the model, in such a way that a more general class of models be included. We discover, in both cases, hidden Kac-Moody algebras obeyed by some currents in the off-critical case, which in several cases are enough to completely fix the correlation functions.


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We review two-dimensional QCD. We start with the field theory aspects since 't Hooft's 1/N expansion, arriving at the non-Abelian bosonization formula, coset construction and gauge-fixing procedure. Then we consider the string interpretation, phase structure and the collective coordinate approach. Adjoint matter is coupled to the theory, and the Landau-Ginzburg generalization is analysed. We end with considerations concerning higher algebras, integrability, constraint structure, and the relation of high-energy scattering of hadrons with two-dimensional (integrable) field theories.


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The Weyl-Wigner prescription for quantization on Euclidean phase spaces makes essential use of Fourier duality. The extension of this property to more general phase spaces requires the use of Kac algebras, which provide the necessary background for the implementation of Fourier duality on general locally compact groups. Kac algebras - and the duality they incorporate - are consequently examined as candidates for a general quantization framework extending the usual formalism. Using as a test case the simplest nontrivial phase space, the half-plane, it is shown how the structures present in the complete-plane case must be modified. Traces, for example, must be replaced by their noncommutative generalizations - weights - and the correspondence embodied in the Weyl-Wigner formalism is no longer complete. Provided the underlying algebraic structure is suitably adapted to each case, Fourier duality is shown to be indeed a very powerful guide to the quantization of general physical systems.


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The solutions of a large class of hierarchies of zero-curvature equations that includes Toda- and KdV-type hierarchies are investigated. All these hierarchies are constructed from affine (twisted or untwisted) Kac-Moody algebras g. Their common feature is that they have some special vacuum solutions corresponding to Lax operators lying in some Abelian (up to the central term) subalgebra of g; in some interesting cases such subalgebras are of the Heisenberg type. Using the dressing transformation method, the solutions in the orbit of those vacuum solutions are constructed in a uniform way. Then, the generalized tau-functions for those hierarchies are defined as an alternative set of variables corresponding to certain matrix elements evaluated in the integrable highest-weight representations of g. Such definition of tau-functions applies for any level of the representation, and it is independent of its realization (vertex operator or not). The particular important cases of generalized mKdV and KdV hierarchies as well as the Abelian and non-Abelian affine Toda theories are discussed in detail. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The Weyl-Wigner correspondence prescription, which makes great use of Fourier duality, is reexamined from the point of view of Kac algebras, the most general background for noncommutative Fourier analysis allowing for that property. It is shown how the standard Kac structure has to be extended in order to accommodate the physical requirements. Both an Abelian and a symmetric projective Kac algebra are shown to provide, in close parallel to the standard case, a new dual framework and a well-defined notion of projective Fourier duality for the group of translations on the plane. The Weyl formula arises naturally as an irreducible component of the duality mapping between these projective algebras.


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The interplay between temperature and q-deformation in the phase transition properties of many-body systems is studied in the particular framework of the collective q-deformed fermionic Lipkin model. It is shown that in phase transitions occuring in many-fermion systems described by su(2)q-like models are strongly influenced by the q-deformation.


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This paper presents the identification of tectonic deformation through the application of the stream-gradient index (slope x length) method in the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin, located in western State of Sã o Paulo. The main principle used is that river valleys are the best tools for this type of analysis because of their fast adjustment to even the most gentle crustal deformations. This type of analysis for structural studies is extremely useful in the western region of the State of São Paulo, where deep chemical weathering results in a thick regolith and scarce outcrops. The stream length index is the ratio of the altimetric amplitude of each drainage and the natural logarithm of its length. The value obtained is plotted on maps at the median point of each drainage, allowing the drawings of lines with the same values (isodefs). Three anomalies (A, B and C) were identified along the Rio do Peixe valley representing uplift sectors indicated by the formation and distribution of Upper Quaternary deposits in terraces and modern fluvial plains and alluvial fans. In correlation with known tectonic data for this region it is possible to attribute the A and B anomalies to the Ribeirão Preto and Presidente Prudente crustal sutures, respectively. The smaller C anomaly needs further field investigation, but it could be associated with the Três Lagoas crustal suture. It must be emphasised that these sutures are inherited from the Precambrian Basement which had a strong influence on the Phanerozoic evolution in the whole sedimentary and volcanic stratigraphic pile of the Paraná Basin and on the dominant structural lineaments directions developed therein .The A, Band C anomalies are suggestive of renewed uplift as a result of neotectonic action in modern times.