92 resultados para Force balance system


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the tensile strength of orthodontic wires bonded onto the enamel with cyanoacrylate ester. To obtain the specimens, 120 human premolars (extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons) were included in acrylic blocks of rapid polymerization with three teeth each. Four groups were formed with ten specimens each. In the specimens, a dental splint model was made with cyanoacrylate ester and round stainless steel wire. In groups I, II and III, cyanoacrylate ester was used with round steel wires, with variation in diameter: 0.014 inches; 0.016 inches and 0.018 inches, respectively. In group IV, round steel wire 0.018 inches was used with photo polymerizing resin composite with previous acid etching. The adhesive force of the materials was measured in two points under the action of the tensiometer (ETM-USA). The number of loose wires was counted along with those that remained fixed according to the different levels of force applied because of the direction of the tensile force (vertical or horizontal) and the diameter of the wire used. The data obtained were first submitted to a descriptive analysis and then submitted to a statistical analysis (Friedman's Test and Dunn's Test of Multiple Comparison - Epi-info 3.2). Within the limitations of the experimental conditions presented, the cyanoacrylate ester or 'Super Bonder (R)' maintained bonded to enamel and steel wires (0.016 and 0.018 inches) during the tensile strength tests under different levels of applied forces.


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This in vitro study evaluated the marginal gap at the composite tooth/resin interface in class V cavities under the influence of two insertion techniques and a curing system by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM). Forty enamel and dentin cavities were prepared on the buccal surface in bovine teeth with quadratic forms measuring 2 mm X 2 mm and depth of 1.5 mm. The teeth were then divided into four groups: group A, 10 cavities were restored in one increment, light cured by halogen light; group B, 10 cavities filled with bulk filling, light cured by the light emitting diodes (LED); group C, 10 cavities were restored by the incremental technique, light cured by halogen light; group D, 10 cavities were restored by the incremental technique, light cured by the LED. The teeth underwent the polishing procedure and were analyzed by AFM for tooth/restoration interface evaluation. The data were compared between groups using the nonparametric Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p < 0.05). The results showed a statistically significant difference between groups A and B and groups A and C. It was concluded that no insertion and polymerization technique was able to completely seal the cavity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Diseases. such as cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, are related to disruption of the mechanism regulating the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis in prostatic cells. Since castration and vasectomy might alter that balance, this study evaluates the cell proliferation, apoptosis and height of the secretory epithelium of the ventral-prostate ductal system post-castration and vasectomy. Immunohistochemical (PCNA and Ki67), cytochemical (Fuelgen reaction) and morphometric investigation have been carried out. Cell proliferation indices decreased significantly in both regions of the ventral-prostate ductal system after castration compared to the sham-operated group. The apoptotic index increased significantly after 48 h, declining 7 days post-castration. The cell proliferation indices did not differ after 48 h significantly; however, they increased 7 days post-vasectomy in both regions. The apoptotic index did not differ significantly in either time post-vasectomy. Castration caused an imbalance in favor of apoptosis, whereas vasectomy caused an imbalance in favor of cell proliferation. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Aims. We study trajectories of planetesimals whose orbits decay due to gas drag in a primordial solar nebula and are perturbed by the gravity of the secondary body on an eccentric orbit whose mass ratio takes values from mu(2) = 10(-7) to mu(2) = 10(-3) increasing ten times at each step. Each planetesimal ultimately suffers one of the three possible fates: (1) trapping in a mean motion resonance with the secondary body; (2) collision with the secondary body and consequent increase of its mass; or (3) diffusion after crossing the orbit of the secondary body.Methods. We take the Burlirsh-Stoer numerical algorithm in order to integrate the Newtonian equations of the planar, elliptical restricted three-body problem with the secondary body and the planetesimal orbiting the primary. It is assumed that there is no interaction among planetesimals, and also that the gas does not affect the orbit of the secondary body.Results. The results show that the optimal value of the gas drag constant k for the 1: 1 resonance is between 0.9 and 1.25, representing a meter size planetesimal for each AU of orbital radius. In this study, the conditions of the gas drag are such that in theory, L4 no longer exists in the circular case for a critical value of k that defines a limit size of the planetesimal, but for a secondary body with an eccentricity larger than 0.05 when mu(2) = 10(-6), it reappears. The decrease of the cutoff collision radius increase the difusions but does not affect the distribution of trapping. The contribution to the mass accretion of the secondary body is over 40% with a collision radius 0.05R(Hill) and less than 15% with 0.005R(Hill) for mu(2) = 10(-7). The trappings no longer occur when the drag constant k reachs 30. That means that the size limit of planetesimal trapping is 0.2 m per AU of orbital radius. In most cases, this accretion occurs for a weak gas drag and small secondary eccentricity. The diffusions represent most of the simulations showing that gas drag is an efficient process in scattering planetesimals and that the trapping of planetesimals in the 1: 1 resonance is a less probable fate. These results depend on the specific drag force chosen.


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In this work a switching feedback controller for stick-slip compensation of a 2-DOF mass-spring-belt system which interacts with an energy source of limited power supply (non-ideal case) is developed. The system presents an oscillatory behavior due to the stick-slip friction. As the system equilibrium for a conventional feedback controller is not the origin, a switching control law combining a state feedback term and a discontinuous term is proposed to regulate the position of the mass. The problem of tracking a desired periodic trajectory is also considered. The feedback system is robust with respect to the friction force that is assumed to be within known upper and lower bounds.


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The dynamical properties of a classical particle bouncing between two rigid walls, in the presence of a drag force, are studied for the case where one wall is fixed and the other one moves periodically in time. The system is described in terms of a two-dimensional nonlinear map obtained by solution of the relevant differential equations. It is shown that the structure of the KAM curves and the chaotic sea is destroyed as the drag force is introduced. At high energy, the velocity of the particle decreases linearly with increasing iteration number, but with a small superimposed sinusoidal modulation. If the motion passes near enough to a fixed point, the particle approaches it exponentially as the iteration number evolves, with a speed of approach that depends on the strength of the drag force. For a simplified version of the model it is shown that, at low energies corresponding to the region of the chaotic sea in the non-dissipative model, the particle wanders in a chaotic transient that depends on the strength of the drag coefficient. However, the KAM islands survive in the presence of dissipation. It is confirmed that the fixed points and periodic orbits go over smoothly into the orbits of the well-known (non-dissipative) Fermi-Ulam model as the drag force goes to zero.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Some dynamical properties of a particle suffering the action of a generic drag force are obtained for a dissipative Fermi Acceleration model. The dissipation is introduced via a viscous drag force, like a gas, and is assumed to be proportional to a power of the velocity: F alpha -nu(gamma). The dynamics is described by a two-dimensional nonlinear area-contracting mapping obtained via the solution of Newton's second law of motion. We prove analytically that the decay of high energy is given by a continued fraction which recovers the following expressions: (i) linear for gamma = 1; (ii) exponential for gamma = 2; and (iii) second-degree polynomial type for gamma = 1.5. Our results are discussed for both the complete version and the simplified version. The procedure used in the present paper can be extended to many different kinds of system, including a class of billiards problems.


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We present a new strategy for the label-free electrochemical detection of DNA hybridization for detecting hepatitis C virus based on electrostatic modulation of the ion-exchange kinetics of a polypyrrole film deposited at microelectrodes. Synthetic single-stranded 18-mer HCV genotype-1-specific probe DNA has been immobilized at a 2,5-bis(2-thienyl)-N-(3-phosphoryl-n-alkyl)pyrrole film established by electropolymerization at the previously formed polypyrrole layer. HCV DNA sequences (244-mer) resulting from the reverse transcriptase-linked polymerase chain reaction amplification of the original viral RNA were monitored by affecting the ion-exchange properties of the polypyrrole film. The performance of this miniaturized DNA sensor system was studied in respect to selectivity, sensitivity, and reproducibility. The limit of detection was determined at 1.82 x 10(-21) mol L-1. Control experiments were performed with cDNA from HCV genotypes 2a/c, 2b, and 3 and did not show any unspecific binding. Additionally, the influence of the spacer length of 2,5-bis(2-thienyl)-N-(3-phosphoryl-n-alkyl)pyrrole on the behavior of the DNA sensor was investigated. This biosensing scheme was finally extended to the electrochemical detection of DNA at submicrometer-sized DNA biosensors integrated into bifunctional atomic force scanning electrochemical microscopy probes. The 18-mer DNA target was again monitored by following the ion-exchange properties of the polypyrrole film. Control experiments were performed with 12-base pair mismatched sequences.


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INTRODUÇÃO: a Ortodontia passa, atualmente, por um momento de importantes inovações e grande efervescência criativa. Somente para citar algumas mudanças introduzidas ou aprimoradas nos últimos anos, nós podemos relembrar a popularização dos braquetes autoligáveis e o surgimento da ancoragem absoluta com a utilização de implantes ortodônticos. No final da década de 1990, a adoção dos mini-implantes como ancoragem permitiu uma mudança de paradigma que tem influenciado até mesmo a forma de pensar a mecânica ortodôntica. A imbricação das especialidades de Ortodontia e Implantodontia, cujo início se deu com os preparos ortodônticos para posterior inserção de implantes protéticos, floresceu com o uso de implantes palatinos e, posteriormente, com a introdução de mini-implantes. O aprimoramento da técnica de inserção de mini-implantes com a introdução de parafusos autoperfurantes tem permitido, inclusive, o requinte do ortodontista concentrar em suas mãos o planejamento e a colocação dessa preciosa peça de ancoragem. Levando em consideração a versatilidade de posicionamento desses pequenos parafusos, foi desenvolvido um conceito que possibilita a construção de linhas de ação de força que buscam otimizar o planejamento e a previsibilidade da movimentação ortodôntica. OBJETIVO: apresentar alguns resultados clínicos de tratamentos conduzidos com o uso de um sistema de tratamento ortodôntico, o Centrex System, que aproxima a linha de ação da força do centro de resistência das unidades a serem movimentadas. O caminho trilhado até o seu desenvolvimento, cuja teoria mecânica foi apresentada anteriormente nesse periódico, será detalhado para uma melhor compreensão de seu funcionamento.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a demanda energética de uma semeadora-adubadora, em função do tipo e manejo da cultura de cobertura vegetal e da profundidade da haste de deposição de adubo. Foi utilizado um trator Valtra BM100, instrumentado, para tracionar uma semeadora-adubadora de precisão equipada com quatro fileiras de semeadura espaçadas de 0,9 m para cultura de milho. O experimento foi conduzido em parcelas subsubdivididas, na área experimental do Laboratório de Máquinas e Mecanização Agrícola (LAMMA) da UNESP-Jaboticabal, utilizando duas culturas de cobertura (mucuna-preta e crotalária), três manejos dessas coberturas, sendo dois mecânicos (triturador de palhas e rolo-faca) e um químico (pulverização com herbicida), realizados 120 dias após a semeadura das culturas de cobertura e três profundidades da haste de deposição do adubo (0,11; 0,14 e 0,17 m), perfazendo 18 tratamentos, com quatro repetições, totalizando 72 observações. Foram avaliados os parâmetros velocidade de deslocamento, patinagem, força na barra de tração, força de pico, potência na barra de tração, potência de pico e consumo de combustível. Pôde-se concluir que a força na barra de tração foi menor para as profundidades de 0,11 e 0,14 m da haste sulcadora de adubo, o mesmo ocorrendo para força de pico, potência na barra de tração e consumo volumétrico. O consumo específico foi menor na profundidade de 0,17 m da haste sulcadora de adubo. As culturas de cobertura e seus manejos não interferiram no desempenho das máquinas estudadas.


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We describe a numerical procedure for plotting the force-versus-time curves in elastic collisions between identical conducting balls. A system of parametric equations relating the force and the time to a dimensionless parameter is derived from the assumption of a force compatible with Hertz's theory of collision. A simple experimental arrangement consisting of a mechanical system of colliding balls and an electrical circuit containing a crystal oscillator and an electronic counter is used to measure the collision time as a function of the energy of impact. From the data we can determine the relevant parameters. The calculated results agree very well with the expected values and are consistent with the assumption that the collisions are elastic. (C) 2006 American Association of Physics Teachers.