46 resultados para Escolha intercultural


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Considerando os conceitos de senciência e bem-estar animal, os testes de escolha e preferência são das alternativas interessantes para se discutir o bem-estar em peixes. Assim, avaliamos a escolha da tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) em manter-se em isolamento ou próxima a coespecíficos não-familiares de diferentes tamanhos (menores, similares ou maiores que o peixe-foco). O tamanho foi estudado por ser um fator determinante da dominância. Admitindo que o grau de atenção dos indivíduos possa ter flutuação circadiana, testamos também se o período do dia (manhã e tarde) afeta essa escolha. A escolha foi determinada pela maior freqüência do animal junto ao respectivo estímulo. Nesse estudo vimos que a tilápia-do-Nilo apresenta dois perfis de escolha: “decididos”, onde os animais escolhem uma posição em número significativamente maior de vezes; e os “indecisos”, que escolhem igualmente no mínimo duas opções de estímulos. No período da manhã há maior proporção de animais “decididos” do que à tarde. Portanto, embora não tenhamos detectado uma nítida escolha por tamanho de coespecífico o período do dia influenciou o número de indivíduos em cada um dos perfis. Assim, concluímos que a tomada de decisão na tilápia-do-Nilo varia em função do período do dia


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Several aspects interfere when it comes to choose a career. Some of which are family and cultural influence; and even lack of opportunities. Such aspects were greatly taken into consideration for defining the subject of this research which is to analyze the reasoning Pedagogy students from UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista – University of São Paulo State) used when choosing their academic career, and to assess the students’ profile who were taking this course in 2011 as well as the influence of students’ socioeconomic conditions. An empiric approach with a qualitative survey was chosen to develop this research which was conducted with a questionnaire appliance and with a semi-structured interview with randomly selected students. A theoretical study about the specifics of the academic career and a fully comprehension of the legal / regulatory aspects of this profession in Brazil were also conducted. The survey results showed that most students were women, supporting the fact that this career has become a female profession. Characteristics such as vocation and mission, presented on literatures as the specifics of this profession were clearly seen in the survey results. Several students went to public schools and are labeled into the classes C and D in social economical status; furthermore almost 50% had not chosen Pedagogy as a first choice for a major. However, most of the students do not think that their social economical status had influence in their choice. Nevertheless some students claimed that their options were not their first wish and their choice was made by the easier possibility of entering and concluding the course besides the prompt need of these professionals after graduating in the job market. The students’ education background were also discussed in the research... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The large flow of businesses going abroad generates an ever more diverse internal multicultural organizational scenario. Different national cultures inside an organization can directly influence the management of people. Human values, languages, customs, work modes/routines and different habits can create conflicts among parties. This study deals with the role of Public Relations as a tool/strategy to deal with conflicting intercultural communication inside business organizations. The analysis is grounded on theoretical principles concerning the roles of communication professionals as the individuals responsible for the relationship between an institution and the internal public. The study introduces intercultural communication as a growing area to be explored by the Public Relations professional and highlights the possibility of emerging innovative solutions for organizational problems. It also brings reports by professionals that have intercultural experience concerning Brazil and Germany in an attempt to illustrate conflicts that might have been prevented by actions taken by a specialist in Communication in order to promote mutual understanding


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This text, supported by the Social Representations Theory (SRT), reports some results of a research with students from the 1st/4th years of the College of Sciences and Technology from the State University of São Paulo (FCT-Unesp) on the teacher’s work/identity. We applied 278 questionnaires (free association questions on the teacher’s work and profile). Two groups with former students (five with teaching degrees and four with degrees in Education) were organized. We analyzed issues regarding the choice for the teaching profession (Geography - 3; Math - 04; Physical Education - 01 and Pedagogy – 10). Partial results: 1. There are differences between the social representations of students enrolled in Teaching and Education courses; 2. These people say the profession requires dedication and commitment; 3. They establish a strong relationship between career choice and the “taste” for the profession; 4. They believe that their role is greatly challenging: it involves helping prospective students and commitment to the school.


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Wind power is a type of energy that is still not too explored in Brazil and, because of the lack of experience in projects of this size, there are still some problems during the stages of planning and execution of wind farms projects. One of these problems is related with the parts’ transportation logistics, since these parts are difficult to transport, because of their length, weight or shape. Furthermore, another aggravating factor is the lack of options regarding to the transportation modals that are available to do the route between the manufacture place and the project site. To help in the decision-making process about the ideal transportation configuration, aiming to reduce the dependence of the logistics’ coordinator, it was chosen to use he AHP method to compare some criteria that have influence in the modal’s choice process. The criteria, determined by the members of the company’s logistics’ department, are: transportation costs, transportation time and the risk of causing damages to the cargo. The results shown by this model, using theoretical background, that standardize the processes related to the modal’s choice


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O cenário atual de globalização e comunicação intercultural traz impacto significativo para a maneira como entendemos a relação entre língua e sociedade. Gera, também, para o ensino de línguas, a necessidade de o professor compreender suas crenças, pressupostos e conhecimentos (WOODS, 1996) em relação à língua que ensina, uma vez que ele é um importante agente na orquestração da interação de várias histórias de vida e horizontes de entendimento por meio de sua prática pedagógica. Neste artigo, apresentamos e discutimos os resultados de duas pesquisas de doutorado (SALOMÃO, 2012; MENEGHINI, 2013), conduzidas em um mesmo contexto de um curso híbrido (presencial/virtual) de formação continuada, em relação às crenças dos professores sobre as variedades geolinguísticas do espanhol. Ponderamos que a questão da escolha por uma variedade está muitas vezes relacionada às concepções estruturais de língua, assim como está imbricada por uma tessitura de fatores que demonstram falta de consciência das vozes das quais os professores se apropriam para justificar suas opções teórico-metodológicas. O desafio que se coloca para a formação de professores, então, nos parece ser o de auxiliá-los no desenvolvimento de consciência crítica, promovida pela reflexão sobre suas crenças sobre língua(gem), a partir de experiências que possam levá-los a (re)conhecer suas escolhas por determinada variedade linguística. Palavras-chave: Crenças de professores de línguas. Variedades linguísticas. Reflexão.


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Pode-se observar nos últimos anos o crescente uso do termo intercultural(idade) nos discursos educacionais, sobretudo os que tratam da língua estrangeira. Esse termo vem ganhando espaço nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), nas Orientações Curriculares, no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), nos prefácios dos livros didáticos e nas inúmeras investigações acadêmicas publicadas sobre educação. Longe de ser um ensino focado exclusivamente nas estruturas formais, metalinguísticas, nas habilidades comunicativas, na preparação para o mercado de trabalho ou vestibulares, o ensino intercultural tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de outros aspectos no sujeito aprendiz, como citado nas Orientações Curriculares do ensino médio de 2006: “ter consciência, entender e aceitar esses novos valores e crenças presentes em diferentes grupos sociais”. Se combater esses fatores por si só não é uma tarefa fácil para o professor de línguas, este ainda conta não raras vezes com a falta de formação adequada sobre o assunto, com a influência homogeneizante da mídia, e muitas vezes somente pode recorrer aos materiais didáticos, previamente selecionados pela instituição escolar. Nesse sentido, o objetivo de nosso trabalho é descrever e analisar de que maneira os livros de espanhol do ensino médio escolhidos pelo PNLD-2012, a saber, Síntesis, El arte de leer español e Enlaces, tratam a questão da interculturalidade. A fim de limitarmos o nosso corpus, optamos por analisá-los por um tema comum – o tema alimentação. Essa escolha justifica-se, pois os três livros didáticos escolhidos apresentam uma lição exclusiva para essa temática e acreditamos ser um valioso objeto de reflexões culturais, uma vez que a alimentação de cada comunidade nos remete aos contextos geográfico, econômico, histórico e às necessidades físicas dos habitantes de cada região.


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This article aims to approach, under a critical perspective, images about German language and their speakers, presented by Brazilian university students interested in or engaged in learning this language in the first stage of studies. The purpose is to deal with evidences of the occurrence of stereotypical images and to discuss their implications in/for the teaching-learning process, aiming with this study to show the importance of considering and establishing as a relevant goal in the teaching of German, the necessity of a destrangement route or period, through a methodological approach aimed at helping the students in the process of developing intercultural competence. Such discussions are founded in theoretical conceptions related to the notions of other and self, intercultural competence, intercultural approach, as well as in results obtained through an investigation conducted within the field of foreign language (German) learning.


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The following dissertation aims to propose an institutional and intercultural projecy of reception and integration of foreign students from academic mobility programs for the campus unit of Bauru. Such action is necessary because of the absence of a reception program of these students, the reception and integration into the social and cultural reality of the place in which they live is a fundamental part of international experience. As an example for this institutional proposal, we discuss the extension of project experience Brasil de Todo Mundo, which aims to deepen the reflections on the Brazilian cultural universe for foreign students who are in Brazil over a period, while taking academic mobility in the Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru campus. Student leadership project, Brasil de Todo Mundo emerged from the international experience in mobility programs offered by UNESP, from students of campus Bauru, when in the back of their experiences, they realized that they could continue being tourists your own country with the reception of foreign students. In addition, the identification of expectations in social and intercultural skills, in addition to reasons connected with the increase academic and language skills are a form of very strong approach, which helps in creating intercultural dialogue spaces between the students, the main objective of the project


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The evolution of techniques and materials applied to adhesive ceramic restorations resulted in the intensification of its use, proving to be an excellent method of aesthetic restoration. Some important features of this technique are its conservative preparation, which avoids an excessive loss of tooth structure and its high aesthetic value provided by the ceramic even when utilized under different color of dental substrates. The aim of this paper was to report a clinical case with full crowns, porcelain veneers and non-prep veneers, enhancing peculiarities related to the material used, tooth preparation techniques, cementing, indications and contraindications.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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The frequent distortion of the teacher education in Physical Education, associating it with technical and sporting aspects, motivated us to initiate a study aimed at understanding the reasons for this misperception. For this, we performed a theoretical study, based on professional formation in Physical Education in Brazil, together with empirical research, located in the lived experience in a training course for teachers of Physical Education. Thus, the views of the students about the reasons for the choice of course, collected in on a questionnaire and literature review, we show the context of lack of choice, rather than a professional identification.


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This article aims to present the Botuafrica Project and graphism generated by the stencil printing process. We will address the issue of valuing African-Brazilian aesthetics by producing symbols created by the participants of the project and fashion as a vehicle for social inclusion in the context of Botucatu Municipality of state of São Paulo. The study proposes a reflection on the work of professionals that contributed on practices of technical and concept development in order to promote the creation of local fashion and production. This research will verify the implications of act of drawing, printing and wearing the textiles designed by the participants of the project. Botucatu Institute collected and archived photos and drawings during the project between years 2010 and 2012 and provided this material for this research.