47 resultados para Cultural formation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este artigo tem por finalidade discutir a organização do trabalho pedagógico nas salas de aula do PEJA (Programa de Educação de Jovens e Adultos – Unesp – Marília) por meio de Projetos de Trabalho, que subentendem ações interdisciplinares na perspectiva da Teoria Histórico-Cultual. Aponta-se para as implicações pedagógicas dessa concepção de ensino, considerando-se a formação do educando jovem e adulto diante da utilização do tempo e do espaço de ensino, da produção do conhecimento, do procedimento dado à informação, às disciplinas escolares, da elaboração/ implementação/ desenvolvimento/ avaliação dos projetos de trabalho interdisciplinarmente à luz do enfoque vygotiskiano. Portanto, nosso olhar é teórico-metodológico e volta-se para um contexto específico: as classes de EJA em suas ações interdisciplinares. Abordaremos tal temática da seguinte maneira: numa primeira parte, tentaremos apresentar os preceitos gerais da teoria, discutindo conceitos-chave como mediação, atividade, aprendizagem, desenvolvimento, estando aí inseridas as ações de educandos e de educadores de EJA. Numa segunda parte, tentaremos retirar algumas lições dessa teoria, para (re)apresentar e (re)pensar os projetos em EJA, ressignificando e redimensionando-os pelo viés vygotiskiano.


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This text has the objective of reflecting and socializing the educa- tional practices and experiences of formation in service carried out in cities of the states of Paraná and São Paulo, as deployment of researches, projects and extension courses. The present elaboration contemplates studies on the organization of teaching and it is gui- ded according to the Historical-Cultural Theory, which sustains the pedagogical interventions to Children Education and Basic Educa- tion. The Historical-Cultural Theory is presented as a theoretical reference for a purpose of acting in a humanization and emancipa- tion perspective. Therefore, so that the didactic procedures be rich in meaning, the communication, the affection and the choice of the resources and procedures must act as essential characteristics in the teaching process.


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During the first years of the military dictatorship, established in Brazil through a coup d'État, a number of institutions which repression had left unarticulated began a process of resistance and opposition to the military government. Cultural resistance was one of the consecrated forms of resistance that was exercised by intellectuals, artists, professors and cultural producers, among others, and that became an unprecedented political and cultural phenomenon in the country's history. Political, insofar as it aided in the process of re-organizing left-wing political parties and in the revision of the ideological postulates of its preeminent party, the PCB (Partido Comunista Brasileiro - Brazilian Communist Party). Cultural, because this re-organization occurred, frequently, within the ambit of cultural productions, in which the left created a space for contestation and engagement through the arts and intellectual activities. Within this process, between the years 1965 and 1968. The journal Civilização Brasileira became an important space for the building of leftist cultural resistance against the military dictatorship. The journal was able to impose its political legitimacy while at the same time participating actively in a market o cultural goods sustained by the so-called cultural hegemony of the left.


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This research focuses on methods and strategies for educational-based digital tools, aimed at the public school. Thus, we present possibilities, and the main actions of the national museum institutions in several online educational services that exemplify some forms of virtual mediation in order to verify the relevance of using these tools. The study discusses the need for museums to follow the advance of new technologies to engage and retain the public school, consisting of a highly connected generation with new technologies. It also brings a brief overview of the evolution of the museum in the Western world and presents the formation and nature of art collections that comprise the Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces of the State of São Paulo, focusing on the management policy of each period, highlighting the educational program and the relationship with the website. As a practical exercise, the research presented suggests applying a form of mediation for the virtual site of Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces to extend relations sector educational institution for the virtual context


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The culture is embedded in all social and especially those aimed at the formation of the citizen as a whole. So the school is a major means of training and is not neutral on the influence of culture on student learning. The social milieu in which it is inserted or not contributing to great learning and shapes the human being as the pre-existing norms in society. Link education with the culture of the student from considering it as a whole helps to understand how this builds your knowledge and see how the world around them. The production of new knowledge through what we see is also part of the cultural and social practices. In a society where looks are extremely exploited and relate it to the formation of knowledge through social helps in understanding the culture as a learning process and identify the individual as having a cultural identity with social significance. This research addresses how school culture has treated the various existing and possible means of study such as art, treatment of the curriculum and within the classroom, emphasizing its importance in the educational context


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This text is aimed at disseminating cultural and environmental wealth of a region little known of major tour operators - which is strongly marked by historical traditions, in a bucolic rural still and by the hospitality of its residents. The Historic Valley of Rio Paraíba do Sul, although located in the Rio - Sao Paulo road lives in the shadow of the remarkable progress of the industrial cities in the main Valley. This paper presents results of research that deepened the knowledge of this region, with notable findings from the standpoint of culture and tourism, regional and national history. Isolated by considerable geographical barriers, this region has two aspects: the rebirth of nature after the decline of coffee plantations, with ecological sanctuaries that can now point toward environmental sustainability, and the formation of a culture with two historical times - refinement inherited from the barons coffee, paradoxically linked to the rustic countryside and modernity derived of its proximity to major centers. The results presented here are part of exploratory research, but were presented at different events, emphasizing the baroque character of practices derived from these two historical times and tourist potential related to the “cultura tropeira” and to hospitality that marks this countryside.


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This article aims to show elements based on historical-cultural psychology, which are reiterative of historically systematized scientific knowledge transmission as condition of human development and essential function of school education. In that way, it points the sign appropriation as decisive mark in the natural psychic basis overcoming towards to culturally established psychophysical properties formation, characterizing the psychism as an interfuncional system answerable for the constitution of the subjective image of objective reality. In the face of such presuppositions, it firms the role of school education in the mentioned image formation, highlighting the qualitative differences resultant of education based to quotidian and spontaneous concepts, as well as scientific ones. It pleads that the defense of sign quality offered to appropriation by school education is the main intersection point between the historical-cultural psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy.


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Cultural-Historical Psychology alleges the thesis of social experience as the basis of human formation and points the affective-cognitive unity as the intermediate in subject relations with the knowledge on the development of psychological functions. This article presents some elements that indicate the constitution of affective processes from the relations the subject maintains with human objectifications. Part of the critics to the organismic and subjectivist thought that, both in Psychology and in Education, separates emotions from other functions of human consciousness – treating them as deterrents in the teaching and school learning processes – and signs the importance of (re) thinking the relations the subject establishes with reality, the role of knowledge and of the concrete conditions of life and education that produce the affective processes. It defends that thinking and feeling are psychological processes developed from history of appropriation and objectification of signs and instruments that each subject realizes and affirms in scholar education, and the intentional character of teaching – in the organizational and pedagogical practice – as determinant elements in the transformation of the ways of thinking and feeling.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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This article highlights the theoretical and methodological unity existing between the culturalhistorical psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy, taking the category of mediation as a central element of analysis. This fact is justified since that category is emerging as an essential premise of the historical-materialist dialectical method; and this method, in turn, is the foundation of both the historicalcultural psychology and the pedagogy historical-critical. For achieving the stated aim, the text is organized around two themes. The first goes back to the historical-cultural conception of psychism, highlighting of internalization of signs as a condition for the development of that psychism; the second brings into focus the relationship between internalization of signs and concept formation, in order to demonstrate that the quality of the concepts in the training school is the intervening variable in the psychological development. By the way of concluding remarks, it is said the internalization of signs as a central element of mediation between historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy.