48 resultados para Cartes pastorals-València-S.XVIII


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A elaboração de um dicionário requer, evidentemente, obediência às teorias e técnicas lexicográficas tais como critérios para a entrada de verbetes, classificação gramatical e definição dos itens léxicos, tipos de definição e exemplificação, etc. Em se tratando de um dicionário de valência verbal, alguns parâmetros específicos devem nortear o trabalho, como, por exemplo, embasamento teórico que orientará a apresentação de matrizes indicativas da taxionomia e da estrutura morfossintática da oração. A presente proposta baseiase na teoria da argumentação, na gramática de valências e na gramática de casos. Como se trata de um dicionário que busca retratar a realidade da língua escrita contemporânea, há que se trabalhar com um “corpus” que seja representativo de uma época e dos vários gêneros da produção escrita. Propõe-se, pois, o registro exaustivo dos verbos ocorrentes no português escrito contemporâneo do Brasil nos últimos cinqüenta anos, em textos de ficção, de oratória, de linguagem técnica e jornalística.


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Em À procura da música sem sombra, Lia Tomás analisa o trabalho do pensador francês Michel-Paul-Guy de Chabanon (1730-92), cujo livro Da música em si e suas relações com a palavra, as línguas, a poesia e o teatro foi uma espécie de manifesto erudito a favor da música instrumental enquanto gênero autônomo, conceito que teria tido fundamental importância para o romantismo do século XIX e os movimentos que o sucederam. Tomás disseca a obra de Chabanon mantendo o autor no seu contexto. Violinista, amigo de Voltaire, Chabanon era um ativo participante das discussões sobre arte e música do seu tempo. Opôs-se às ideias musicais de Rousseau e outros enciclopedistas, como a origem unitária da música e da palavra, o papel subalterno da música na ópera e a não diferenciação entre linguagem verbal e musical. A autora discorre com precisão sobre os subsídios estéticos e filosóficos fornecidos por Chabanon para a reflexão sobre a música instrumental, e que foram elaborados com o objetivo explícito de delimitar as características desta e demonstrar suas diferenças e autonomia: a música sem sombra a que se refere Lia Tomás. O trabalho traz na íntegra a primeira parte do livro de Chabanon, escrito de maneira deliciosamente coloquial e por isso praticamente ignorado em sua época.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the addition of discharge standard illustrated cards improves understanding of patients in the emergency room. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, randomized, interventional study with 228 patients discharged from the emergency department. All patients were interviewed and tested for the level of understanding of discharge instructions. Some of them received the intervention, with the standard cards, and another did not, constituting the control group. RESULTS: The average of followed discharge guidelines of the group that received the cards was higher than the control group, with statistical significance (p=0.009). When segregated by age, the group between 16 and 35 years of both sexes had the best average of followed guidelines, statistically, than the average of the control group (p=0.01). The difference between the mean orientations between the control group and the card for patients undergoing procedures was statistically significant (p=0.02); as for the stratification according to the number of procedures, the significance increases when that is equal to 1 (p=0.001) and decreased the more procedures were carried out. CONCLUSION: The introduction of discharge standard orientation cards was associated with improvement in the understanding of patients. Without replacing the verbal directions, which establishes dialogue and doctor-patient bonding, cards appear as auxiliary elements, facilitating understanding and care guidelines.


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The chemical control of the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS) has been highlighted for the excessive required number of sprayings, considerably increasing citrus production costs. Improvements in the spray efficiency and reductions in the quantity of phytosanitary products have already been searched, but the results of that practice are not consistent yet for its use at commercial scale. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the interference of reduced spray volumes in black spot control in citrus fruits. The experiment was carried out in commercial citrus orchard with 16-year-old plants of 'Valencia' variety, during 2007 agricultural season. Treatments consisted of three spray volumes: 3.5; 4.5 and 8.5 liters.plant-1, applied with Arbus 2000/Export airblast sprayer with special manifold of hydraulic nozzles, using fungicides and periods recommended for the disease control, totaling four sprayings plus a control treatment (without spray). The disease incidence and severity were evaluated by visual diagrammatic scale of notes in two different periods (preharvest and harvest), at three plant heights (low, middle and top) and three horizontal sections (entrance, frontal and exit) in two sides of the plant. The fallen fruits were counted every fifteen days, for previously selected plants, from the beginning of maturation to harvest, and the production was quantified (kg.plant-1). The disease incidence and severity were significantly lower when sprayings were done with 8.5 liters.plant-1 in the first evaluation period (pre-harvest), but in the harvest period there were not differences between the same parameters when 4.5 or 8.5 liters.plant-1 were sprayed. None of those treatments reduced the disease on the top section of plants, compared to control. The plant sections with fruits more exposed to sun rays, top and right side of the plant, demonstrated higher disease incidence and severity. The volume reduction from 8.5 to 4.5 liters.plant-1 can be adopted for citrus orchards without damaging the CBS control level.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Diplomatics rises as a study field in the 17th century with a juridical purpose related to the verification of authenticity of “diplomas”. Along the 18th and 19th centuries, Diplomatics is deeply influenced by the European scientific and historiographical movements and gets the status of a scientific discipline devoted to the study of the authenticity of documents as a basis for historical research. This article characterizes Diplomatics during the mentioned period in order to point out the main historical factors which have contributed to the development of the discipline, especially in terms of the author that have been responsible for the theoretical foundation of Diplomatics.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA