39 resultados para Arte do bem dizer
This paper intends to discuss the relationship between psychoanalysis and aesthetic thinking under the prism of the “unbinding” theory – earlier conceived by the psychoanalyst Andre Green –, linking it to some theories proposed by Hal Foster, art historian and art critic, where we can find the lacanian “real” as the linking concept. One could say, in this linkage made here, that both authors are dealing, in a very particular way, with a question that refers to the theory of the real (as it was conceived by Jacques Lacan), even in the case of Green it is not referred directly; Green’s theory, however, seems to discuss some kind of a regredience that could be linked to the death drive. Accessing the psychoanalytical dispositive, and using it as it is appropriated to the (art) object to be interpreted, Foster, for example, advances in both the field of aesthetic reflection and in the more specific field of psychoanalysis. It should be noted that Foster’s reflection refers strictly to the post-pop images, observed mainly in the 1990’s photography. Thus, I think that this intersection between aesthetics and psychoanalysis might allow us to shed some light on a new art reading possibility towards a “non-applied” psychoanalytical paradigm, which, in my opinion, seems to be an appropriate way to understand some of the contemporary art production.
Construímos a partir do acompanhamento terapêutico em saúde mental pública possibilidades de atenções psicossociais voltadas para ressocialização e inclusão em redes sociais emancipatórias de pessoas atravessadas pela exclusão, e, colocadas como frágeis. Ao criticar as referências que associam pessoas cegas como dependentes, privilegiamos a emergência das estilísticas da existência, ou seja, estilos de viver referimo–nos a um cuidado de si orientado por uma ética. Pretendemos colocar novas questões quanto à prática da Psicologia em seus atendimentos, reabilitação e possibilidades de transformação no modo de suas vivências, bem como elevar sua auto–estima pela potencialidade para desejar outros possíveis a fim de proporcionar independência e autonomia.
This paper proposes an extension of the personal experience of the listener through radio. The radio, because it is a medium of reaching, disseminating and having considerable accessibilities towards the production of its contents, and if exploited, could very well combine functionality with aesthetics in the production and broadcasting of programs, something that makes the radio not only a means for transmission of information. In the production of dramatic art, for example, the use of other elements, such as sound effects, may suggest form and consistency to the object described during the practice of radio utterance. The proper combination of function and aesthetic in music, sound effects and voiceover radio can change the mood of the listener and even promote their creativity.
Damage to health caused by excess body fat also generating a negative economic impact, with significant increase in public spending. The metabolic syndrome, which also gets several other names, such as plurimetabolic syndrome or syndrome X, is nothing more than the combined incidence of some diseases or metabolic disorders in which obesity, besides being one of them, seems to promote parallel effects that contribute to the development of other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Researchers agree that hyper caloric diets associated with a sedentary lifestyle are the main triggers of disease, including the increasing on genetic predisposition to this disease in children and adolescents. In the case of children and adolescents the diagnosis is complicated by the lack of a consensus accepted by the scientific community. In addition to behavioral and environmental factors unfavorable to health, in a more detailed analysis also found hereditary aspects or simply genetic, such as hepatic enzyme Butyrylcholinesterase. When compared to eutrophic, obese adolescents, like adults obese, have higher serum concentration values as well as major activity for this enzyme. Increasing evidence suggests that excess body weight assumes an important role in the variation of metabolic functions in adolescents, favoring the emergence of early diagnostic indicators of metabolic syndrome.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Nesta pesquisa apresentamos resultados de nossas análises das concepções de corpo e movimento presentes na experiência do Grupo Dzi Croquettes, Brasil, década de 1970. Ao estudar esta experiência perguntamos o que podemos compreender sobre o funcionamento de dispositivos de poder que operam na captura da capacidade de criação, bem como, o que podemos inventar como formas de resistência no contexto do capitalismo neoliberal. Delimitamos nosso objeto de estudo na experiência artística do Grupo Dzi Croquettes para analisar as implicações entre política e corpo, identificando aí um território estabelecido pelas fronteiras entre o desejo e o poder. Estudamos as relações entre corpo e cultura apoiados na hipótese de que os processos de subjetivação estão implicados, de um modo mais intenso, nos processos educacionais na sociedade contemporânea, e que ambos se produzem na materialidade da cultura. Através da cartografia desenhamos os territórios existenciais emergentes na experiência artística delimitada, em um contexto específico da sociedade brasileira, para ampliarmos nossas reflexões e compreendermos os dispositivos de captura e de controle impostos sobre nós. Apoiamos nossas análises em categorias estabelecidas a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche, bem como das elaborações de Michel Foucault sobre biopolítica e biopoder
There has been a lot of advance in genomics since 1975 when the possibility to determine the nucleotide sequence of a genome was described. In the 90’s the human genome sequencing was started and it was greatly favored by advances in computer technologies. In the last ten years the development of next generation sequencing technologies allowed the sequencing of millions of bases at low cost and in a shorter time compared to the previous technologies. After the conclusion of the human genome project, several initiatives to sequence the genome of domestic animal species were taken, resulting in a large amount of data that is redirecting the goals of genetic studies in domestic animals. The aim of this review was to describe the present situation of the sequencing initiatives on the main domestic animal species of economical interest as well as to list the most important tools available to access the genomic information.
A Biologia e a arte compõem dois campos distintos, porém com pontos de contato: o corpo humano, a organicidade, a natureza, a criatividade presente tanto no campo artístico quanto no campo científico. Onde arte e Biologia se encontram e se desencontram? As articulações entre uma prática científica e a arte podem contribuir para melhor compreensão e maior produção dos sujeitos aí envolvidos? Esse trabalho tem como objetivo estudar possíveis relações entre a arte e a Biologia, em um esforço por explorar e entender os pontos de contato e de afastamento entre esses dois campos situados no plano de nossa formação realizada no curso de graduação. A partir do contato com objetos artísticos bem como o contato com alguns modos de expressão de sensibilidade por parte de alguns cientistas em suas práticas de ciência, exploramos as relações entre os dois campos mencionados. Fazemos o acompanhamento de percursos de sentidos pelos territórios da ciência e da arte, fazendo uma espécie de cartografia, de tal modo que desenhamos as paisagens emergentes no movimento dos sentidos
Comic books, graphic narrative and sequential art, had their origin in newspapers, in the period of the Industrial Revolution. First published weekly in the comic strip format, with the passage of time, the new form of literature has gained more and more public and comic strips became complete stories in the format of comic books and later, graphic novels. This course's final paper aims to present the main components of comics: the picture and the text; and to examine the way in which these two elements overlap and complement each other in the configuration of comics as a whole. As the object of analysis, it was chosen the graphic novel Spider-Man: Blue, first published in 2002 as part of a project composed by three other titles from the double winning cartoonists of the Eisner Award, Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale. For theoretical background, was chosen the book Os Quadrinhos - Linguagem e Semiótica: Um Estudo Abrangente da Arte Sequencial written by the researcher Antonio Luiz Cagnin, which presents a study of all components found in the sequential art and treated in this work: the narrative time, visual plans, balloons, caption, and onomatopoeia