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The female prostate has aroused scientific interest because it is subjected to the same diseases compromising the male prostate during aging. The objective of this work was to characterize structurally, cytochemically, and ultrastructurally the tissue compartments of the normal adult female prostate of Meriones unguiculatus gerbils. The morphological analyses showed that the gerbil's female prostate is constituted of a cluster of glands and ducts inserted in a musculofibrous stroma. The alveolar epithelium is differentiated and consisted of basal proliferating cells, intermediary cells, and secretory cells. The secretory cells are the most numerous cell type and continuously secrete glycoproteins. The basal cells are the source of the secretory cells and they are then responsible for the alveolus renovation. The prostatic stroma is abundant and rich in elastic and collagen fibers, which are closely associated with smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts. The results showed that the gerbil's female prostate shows morphological and ultrastructural homology to the human female prostate (Skene's gland), and despite being a small organ, it is a mature and physiologically active gland. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.1 fb(-1) collected by the D phi detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider was analyzed to search for squarks and gluinos produced in p (p) over bar collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. No evidence for the production of such particles was observed in topologies involving jets and missing transverse energy, and 95% C.L. lower limits of 379 GeV and 308 GeV were set on the squark and gluino masses, respectively, within the framework of minimal supergravity with tan beta = 3, A(0) = 0, and mu < 0. The corresponding previous limits are improved by 54 GeV and 67 GeV. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O objetivo deste estudo foi adequar o modelo geral de determinação do tempo de vaporização de toras, proposto por Steinhagen et al. (1980), para a madeira de Eucalyptus grandis. Para tanto, foram coletadas toras de 20 a <25, de 25 a <30 e de 30 a <35 cm de diâmetro de 14 árvores de E. grandis provenientes do Horto Florestal de Mandurí, SP, pertencente ao Instituto Florestal de São Paulo. em cada uma das toras foi inserido um termopar próximo ao seu centro. Posteriormente, as toras foram vaporizadas a 90 ºC e 100% de umidade relativa, durante 20 horas. Um coletor de dados registrou as temperaturas, no interior do material, durante o tratamento térmico. Conclui-se que o modelo de Steinhagen et al. (1980) não pode ser diretamente aplicado à espécie em estudo, e propõem-se fatores de correções para a utilização do modelo geral de determinação do tempo de vaporização de toras, desenvolvido por Steinhagen et al. (1980), para a madeira de Eucalyptus grandis.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A parada cardíaca per-operatória é um evento grave, e sua incidência em nosso serviço é de 31:10.000 anestesias. O objetivo deste relato é apresentar um caso de parada cardíaca durante anestesia geral em uma paciente submetida a colecistectomia. RELATO do CASO: Paciente feminina, 16 anos, 62 kg, estado físico ASA I, submetida à colecistectomia por via aberta. Midazolam (15 mg) por via oral foi a medicação pré-anestésica. Foi realizadas indução anestésica com sufentanil (50 µg), propofol (150 mg) e atracúrio (30 mg). A anestesia foi mantida com isoflurano e N2O. Após trinta minutos de cirurgia ocorreu bradicardia sinusal revertida com atropina (0,5 mg). Vinte minutos depois, ocorreu outra bradicardia com bloqueio átrio-ventricular de 3º grau evoluindo rapidamente para parada cardíaca (PCR) em assistolia, apesar da administração de atropina (1 mg). As manobras de reanimação foram iniciadas imediatamente, juntamente com a administração de adrenalina (1 mg), com retorno dos batimentos cardíacos espontâneos após aproximadamente cinco minutos da PCR. A cirurgia foi concluída e a paciente manteve-se estável hemodinami- camente. A paciente foi extubada duas horas após o término da cirurgia apresentando-se sonolenta, não contactante, com bom padrão ventilatório e hemodinâmico. Após doze horas de observação na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) a paciente apresentava-se agitada e desconexa. Vinte e quatro horas após a PCR a paciente recebeu alta da UTI consciente, orientada, sem queixas e sem déficit neurológico. Recebeu alta hospitalar no 4º dia do pós-operatório. CONCLUSÕES: Diversos fatores podem contribuir para a ocorrência de disritmias e parada cardíaca no per-operatório, destacando-se a estimulação vagal secundária às manobras cirúrgicas. O diagnóstico precoce e o rápido início das manobras de reanimação são de fundamental importância para a boa evolução neurológica desses pacientes
OBJETIVO: Acompanhar o processo de consolidação óssea de ulnas osteotomizadas de coelhos tratados com cetoprofeno, por meio de programas computacionais. MÉTODOS: Os coelhos foram submetidos a osteotomia da ulna e divididos em dois grupos. No grupo A (n=10) os animais foram tratados com cetoprofeno (2mg.kg-1) durante cinco dias. O grupo B (n=5) serviu como controle. Os animais foram radiografados um dia após a operação e a cada 7 dias até perfazer 28 dias. No ato da tomada radiográfica, junto à região a ser estudada, foram colocadas uma escada e uma cunha de alumínio que serviram como referencial de densidade óptica. As imagens radiográficas foram digitalizadas através de um scanner. O programa ODR forneceu imagens tridimensionais e coloridas. Outro programa, CROMOX, avaliou a densidade mineral óssea da região da ostetotomia. RESULTADOS: As imagens fornecidas pelo ODR proporcionaram melhor visualização da lesão e do processo de consolidação óssea. O programa CROMOX forneceu uma análise quantitativa ao calcular a densidade mineral do calo ósseo formado ao longo dos 28 dias de observação. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os valores de densidade mineral óssea das ulnas osteotomizadas dos coelhos tratados com cetoprofeno e do grupo controle, nas radiografias realizadas ao longo de 28 dias de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO: O cetoprofeno não interferiu no processo de formação do calo ósseo de ulnas osteotomizadas de coelhos.
PURPOSE:To assess whether late introduction of a specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) can treat and/or prevent the progression of tumors in the stomach of rats submitted to duodenogastric reflux. METHODS: Seventy five male Wistar rats, weighing 150 grams, were submitted to the induction of duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus. At 36 weeks of follow-up were established three experimental groups: DGR36 sacrificed immediately, DGR54 and DGR54MLX both sacrificed at 54th week of follow-up . The animals of the latter group were fed with a rat chow premixed with Meloxicam (2.0 mg/ kg feed; 0.3 mg / kg bw / day) and the other two with standard rat chow. The lesions found in the pyloric mucosa and gastrojejunal anastomosis were analyzed macroscopically and histologically. For statistical analysis was adjusted a generalized linear model assuming a binomial distribution with LOGIT link function. RESULTS: No significant differences were found when comparing the incidences of benign tumor lesions (Adenomatous Hyperplasia), p=0.4915, or malignant (Mucinous Adenocarcinoma), p=0.2731, among groups. CONCLUSION: Late introduction of specific COX-2 inhibitor (Meloxicam) did not treat and was not able to prevent the progression of tumoral lesions induced by duodenogastric reflux in the rat stomachs.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this study I propose an epistemological discussion of multiple spatio-temporal scales in neuroscience. Are such scales merely convenient levels of description of structure and function, or do they correspond to irreducible levels of brain organization? What criteria should we employ in order to reduce one level to another, or to identify levels that are not reducible to others? Should we think of these criteria as based on empirical and/or theoretical reasons? Beginning with an empirical criterion - the necessity of different experimental methodologies for the measurement of different phenomena in the same system - I summarize spatial and temporal scales currently used in neuroscience and discuss the possibility of a more general theoretical criterion. I conclude that multiscaling should be recognized as a central concept in the epistemology of neuroscience.
Two lines of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that exhibit divergent endocrine responsiveness to stressors also display disparate behavioral traits. To investigate whether the high-responding (HR) and low-responding (LR) fish also differ in cognitive function, the rate of extinction of a conditioned response was compared between the two lines. Groups of HR and LR fish were exposed to a paired conditioned stimulus (CS- water off) and unconditioned stimulus (US; confinement stressor). After exposure to 18 CS-US pairings, at least 70% of individuals of both lines acquired a conditioned response (CR) manifested as an elevation of blood cortisol levels on presentation of the CS only. Post-conditioning, the fish were tested by presentation of the CS at weekly intervals, for 4 weeks, with no further reinforcement, and the extinction of the CR in the two lines was compared. The decline in mean plasma cortisol levels after exposure to the CS over successive tests suggested that the CR was retained for a shorter period among the HR (<14 days) than LR fish (<21 days). The frequency of individuals within each line whose plasma cortisol levels indicated a stress response when exposed to the CS was significantly greater among the LR than HR fish at 14 and 21 days with no HR fish falling into this category at 21 days. At 28 days post-conditioning, there were no HR fish and only three LR fish were categorized as stressed. These results suggest that there are differences in cognitive function between the two lines. Possible mechanisms underlying these differences are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We studied the statistical distribution of student's performance, which is measured through their marks, in university entrance examination (Vestibular) of UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) with respect to (i) period of study - day versus night period (ii) teaching conditions - private versus public school (iii) economical conditions - high versus low family income. We observed long ubiquitous power law tails in physical and biological sciences in all cases. The mean value increases with better study conditions followed by better teaching and economical conditions. In humanities, the distribution is close to normal distribution with very small tail. This indicates that these power law tails in science subjects axe due to the nature of the subjects themselves. Further and better study, teaching and economical conditions axe more important for physical and biological sciences in comparison to humanities at this level of study. We explain these statistical distributions through Gradually Truncated Power law distributions. We discuss the possible reason for this peculiar behavior.
Ferroelectric Pb1-xCaxTiO3 (x = 0.24) thin films were formed on a Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate by the polymeric precursor method using the dip-coating technique for their deposition. Characterization of the films bq X-ray diffraction showed a perovskite single phase with a tetragonal structure after annealing at 700 degreesC. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed that the film had a smooth and crack-free surface with low surface roughness. In addition, the PCT thin film had a granular structure with an 80 nm grain size. The thickness of the films observed by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is 550 nm and there is a good adhesion between the film and substrate. For the electrical measurements metal-ferroelectric-metal of the type capacitors were obtained, where the thin films showed good dielectric and ferroelectric properties. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor at 1 kHz and measured at room temperature were found to be 457 and 0.03. respectively. The remanent polarization and coercive field for the: deposited films were P-r = 17 muC/cm(2) and E-c = 75 kV/cm, respectively. Moreover. The 550-nm-thick film showed a current density in the order of 10(-8) A/cm(2) at the applied voltage of 2 V. The high values of the thin film's dielectric properties are attributed to its excellent microstructural quality and the chemical homogeneity obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2001 Elsevier science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The superposition of optical interference patterns in a photoresist film can produce a rich variety of diffractive structures. In particular, a periodic non-sinusoidal surface relief profile can be synthesized by adding the Fourier components (sinusoidal gratings) of the desired profile. In order to control the shape of the grooves it is very important an accurate adjustment of the relative spatial shift between the recorded sinusoidal components. We describe the implementation of an opto-electronic feedback loop to select and lock such spatial shift at any desired position, thus allowing the synthesis of structures varying from symmetrical to asymmetrical relief profiles in a continuous range. To demonstrate the feasibility of the technique, the Fourier synthesis of two spatial harmonics is accomplished. The superposed sinusoidal gratings were recorded in positive photoresist films using a holographic setup operating at the line lambda = 457.9 run of an argon-ion laser. A detailed description of the procedure as well as the resulting profiles recorded in the photoresist is presented. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.