393 resultados para professores educadoras - educação infantil relações de poder conflitos estabelecidos e outsiders.


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A proposta deste livro - desenvolvido dentro do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincias da Motricidade do Instituto de Biocincias da Unesp, campus de Rio Claro - discutir o currculo da formao inicial de professores da rea de Educação Fsica. Os autores tambm procuraram averiguar como os processos de avaliao esto presentes nas perspectivas dos professores e nos currculos de cada curso de licenciatura, como Cincias Biolgicas, Educação Fsica, Fsica, Geografia, Matemtica e Pedagogia, assim como nas salas de aula. Na busca dessas respostas, o caminho escolhido foi a pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, maneira do construcionismo social, usando como tcnicas de coleta de dados a anlise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada. O texto foi dividido em trs partes, complementadas por uma seo de consideraes finais. No primeiro bloco contemplada principalmente a origem do problema investigado - a formao bsica dos professores de Educação Fsica - e as razes de ele ter sido colocado em discusso. O segundo bloco dedicado montagem de um quadro terico e conceitual da questo e no terceiro so elucidados e debatidos os resultados encontrados


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Sero problematizadas as relações entre literatura e ensino, com nfase na histria recente do ensino da literatura (infantil) na educação escolar brasileira. O objetivo discutir a importncia da leitura (literria) da configurao de textos literrios para o processo de formao de leitores, assim como as implicaes para a formao de professores para a educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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The duality care-education is an aspect to be considered in the routine of childhood education institutions that have a nursery. The concepts of professionals who work in the nursery interfere with the developed practice, and require great concern regarding the continuing education. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of educational procedures on the concepts related to functions and benefi ts of the nursery for the child from the professionals who work in a childhood education institution. These professionals were teachers and development assistants from municipal nurseries of Marlia, interviewed four times initially, after each of the two rearing procedures, and six months after the procedures. These procedures consisted of educational workshops, once a week, for one month, and 15 hours of supervised practices in the nursery. Both practices focused on the activities and their benefi ts to the childs development. We found that the educators knowledge comes from common sense, and that educational workshops provided changes on their information levels, which were strengthened by supervised practice. The analysis indicates that the initial and continuing education of professionals need to consider specifi c aspects of child development, so more adequate concepts are built.


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This article portrays pathways and studies, arising from research already completed on relationships that constitute the process of appropriation-objectification of the world of human culture by the child at the School for Children, under the gaze of Historical-Cultural Approach. The studies had been configured in accord with a theoretical look that understands the relations as propeller of the humanization process and the child as capable to learn since very small. Initially, there is deepening of theoretical issues concerning the regularities of human development between three and six years old, based on the propositions of the Historical-Cultural Approach. Subsequently, it presents results of the routes methodological that integrated observation sessions of educational practice in schools in early childhood education, involving the relationship between children, adults and objects, as well as sessions of designs and semi-structured interviews with the children. These results show the resulting analysis of the pedagogical implications of the propositions of the HistoricalCultural Approach about the humanization process, mediation and activity.


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O atletismo pode ser considerado como um esporte de base, j que est relacionado aos movimentos de correr, marchar, lanar, arremessar e saltar. Mas, logo percebemos que, apesar da importncia do atletismo, no tivemos aulas dessa modalidade esportiva na escola. Por ser uma prova do atletismo, o arremesso do peso, tambm pouco conhecido, cabendo aos professores de Educação Fsica se aprimorarem, buscando conhecimentos na rea, a fim de poder ensin-lo na escola. Para auxili-los, procuramos resgatar a histria do arremesso do peso, identificando as principais modificaes que ocorreram nessa prova desde sua origem at os dias atuais. Aps intensa pesquisa bibliogrfica, reunimos, nesse trabalho, dados referentes origem da prova, resultados de competies internacionais, histria nos Jogos Olmpicos, tcnicas do arremesso do peso etc, a fim de subsidiar seu ensino na escola, onde deveria ser trabalhada como parte do contedo do atletismo desenvolvido nas aulas de Educação Fsica. Pautando-nos nas dimenses dos contedos: conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal, procuramos, ainda, evidenciar diferentes possibilidades de ensino do arremesso do peso voltado formao do aluno, em especial, no que se refere ao que ele deve saber, ao que ele deve fazer e s atitudes que ele deve tomar diante s situaes por ele vivenciadas ao longo da vida


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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This project was grounded in public policy for inclusive education in the city of Bauru / Brazil. Its objective was to examine the struture of these public policies aimed at inclusive education, which are in place and their effectiveness from the viewpoint of specialist teachers in municipal schools in Bauru/ Brazil. Subjects were 20 teachers of special education specialists who work with students from kindergarten and elementary school in the city of Bauru. To collect data were questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical studies carried out showed that the legislation today was the result of many years of changes in structure and design on the figure of people with disabilities and their integration into society. As a result it was possible to draw a profile of specialist teachers, their training, and that has knowledge about the specific legislation. As the profile of the specialist teacher noticed that they have good training, but this should be a continuous process, during his performance.Public policy for Special Education but there are geared towards a macro-structure, which makes them often decontextualized from everyday classroom, and often not enforced because of lack of policies in other areas of basic needs that are constitutional law as well as education


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This article discusses the import o clock work and child sexuality for the overall development of children. To them as individuals socially and historically constitutional. Of that uses this instrument to express vivences and sensation. Es often unnoticed by adults look. We seek to ensnare a set of reflex. Its fundamental about the multiples management possibilities you Rich and practical knowledge of the obvious sexuality analyzing brands present in the cartoons that are part of everyday life and education. The child to speak about the body of knowledge that the child to have, and what their relations with the same body, weaving some notes on sexuality and space the discovery, demonstrating the sensitivity surrounding the object of our study. During the course of this research, we remain based on studies of the reference you? Rich presented by: Freud (1997), Camargo and Ribeiro (1999), La Taille (2002) and Souza (1997). Where the main purpose for analyze the educational development of children having as a basis for an Dialysis cartoon that can serve as subside s difficulties in practice teacher, immersing ourselves in the gap left by the way deficit of educators regarding spec. I now proposed to issue, contributing, at least in part, to the improvement of Education and the professionals who work in it.