445 resultados para Preparador físico


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This study aimed to evaluate the physico-mechanical performance of three PVA adhesive formulations according to the Brazilian standards for plywood testing and to evaluate the results with those presented in the technical literature and specified in normative documents. The study presents the production process of the panels, the obtaining of samples and, finally, the implementation of physico-mechanical characterization tests based on plywood Brazilian standards. For the panels production it was used a gramature of 120 g / m² and applied a pressure of 15 bars and two temperature combinations and pressing time for each adhesive. The commercial adhesives used were PVA 1810, PVA 1060 and Vinyltec 239. The physical tests conducted were thickness swelling, density, moisture content and water absorption. The mechanical tests were static flexion, for the determination of elasticity modulus (MOE) and rupture modulus (MOR), and shear in the glue line. Among the three formulations studied none showed good performance in the presence of water. However, other trials in the adhesive showed better results and closer to the commercially equivalent used, in the case the urea-formaldehyde, was the PVA 1810, that can be applied in non-structural uses and in environments without the presence of moisture


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The aim of this study was to investigate whether aerobic capacity (VO2max) would be modified by antihypertensive therapy in elderly and middle-age women after 12 weeks of exercise training. The volunteers were divided in two groups: normotensive (n=14) and hypertensive (n=14). Aerobic exercise was performed for 3 days/week, during 60 minutes, for 12 weeks with an intensity of 50-70% rest heart hate. Anthropometric parameters (weight and height), body fat index, % of fat mass, cardiopulmonary evaluation to calculated VO2max and a cardiovascular evaluation with blood pressure and rest heart hate were evaluated at baseline and after training program. At the end of study abdominal circumference and Borg scale were also evaluated. Our findings showed the aerobic program of 12 weeks was effective to reduce diastolic blood pressure in both groups. Systolic blood pressure was reduced only hypertensive group. No evidences were found the aerobic capacity was affected by hypertensive therapies. In conclusion, the aerobic program for 12 weeks was effective to reduce blood pressure and there was no influence of antihypertensive therapy on the aerobic capacity in this particular population.


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Os hormônios esteróides anabólico-androgênicos (EAA) compreendem a testosterona e seus derivados. Atletas e não atletas interessados em aumentar o desempenho esportivo, a força, a aparência física e a massa muscular têm utilizado esteróides anabólico-androgênicos sintéticos (EAAs) sem indicação médica. O uso de EAAs pode causar câncer de próstata, doença coronariana e esterilidade. No presente trabalho, avaliou-se os efeitos de altas doses de decanoato de nandrolona, do exercício físico resistido e da interação desses fatores sobre os lobos prostáticos de ratos machos adultos. Vinte ratos foram divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos experimentais e tratados e pesados por oito semanas: Esteróide + Exercício (EE), Sedentário + Esteróide (ES), Veículo + Exercício (VE) e Veículo + Sedentário (VS). Eles receberam injeção i.m de decanoato de nandrolona (5mg/Kg) e veículo (propilenoglicol) (0,2 mL/Kg). O peso absoluto corpóreo e do lobo ventral da próstata foi aferido. Os lobos prostáticos foram coletados, dissecados e processados, empregando-se técnicas microscópicas (histológicas, histoquímicas e imunohistoquímicas) e morfométricas. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA bifatorial e Tukey (p<0,05). Alterações estatisticamente significativas nas massas corpórea, do lobo ventral, no índice de proliferação celular, na população de células basais e na análise dos volumes relativos dos componentes prostáticos (epitélio, estroma e lúmen) foram observadas. O decanoato de nandrolona determinou o aumento da proliferação celular, sugerindo o desenvolvimento da hiperplasia hormonal. De modo geral, as respostas não foram homogêneas para os parâmetros analisados, visto que os tecidos apresentam níveis de expressão de receptores de andrógenos, afinidade de ligação e vias metabólicas de conversão... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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As influências do exercício físico crônico sobre o tecido ósseo e hematológico de ratos Wistar têm sido investigados na literatura, porém são raros os trabalhos que abordam tais aspectos numa faixa etária mais precoce, na qual os efeitos podem ser benéficos ou até prejudiciais ao desenvolvimento. Assim, os principais objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os efeitos do treinamento físico regular e predominantemente aeróbio sobre aspectos endócrinos e metabólicos, sobre o tecido ósseo e sistema imunológico. Foram utilizados ratos machos, da linhagem Wistar, recém-desmamados (30 dias), mantidos no Biotério do Laboratório de Biodinâmica do Departamento de Educação Física, sob condições controladas (temperatura ambiente controlada de 25ºC e fotoperíodo de 12h claro/12h escuro). Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo sedentário (GS) e grupo treinado (GT). Os animais treinados foram submetidos a um protocolo de natação, 5 vezes/semana, 1 hora/dia, com carga de 5% em relação ao peso corporal, durante 6 semanas consecutivas, em água com temperatura controlada (32±2ºC). Ao final do período experimental, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos e hematócrito. Após o sacrifício, foram coletadas amostras de soro para dosagem de glicose, proteínas totais, triglicérides, colesterol e amostras do fígado e músculo para a determinação dos teores de glicogênio, e tíbia para determinação do comprimento e área ósseas. Os dados foram apresentados como média ± desvio padrão. Para identificar diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos utilizou-se teste-t de Student para amostras independentes. O nível de significância foi pré-estabelecido em 5%. Pôde-se constatar que o treinamento físico regular realizado ...(Resumo completo clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Geophysics studies in areas impacted by petroleum derivatives describe abnormalities of both low and high electrical resistivity (the opposite of electrical conductivity), confirmed as contaminant phase by chemical analysis: this contradiction can be explained by degrading processes that naturally occur and create sub products that can change the environment conductivity. Monitoring the variation of the parameters mentioned serves as a comparative basis to the variation in geoelectrical parameters, which identified the correlation between the same contaminant parameters and the difference between their behavior studied apart, as well as its relations with the biodegradation process. The results are applied to the fuel distribution and storage sectors, leading to the diagnosis and monitoring of possible groundwater contamination scenarios, and the knowledge of the area exposure time to the contaminant, besides the better remediation alternative and impacts control. Among some conclusions, the most significant are the decrease in conductivity over time, so as the increase in Eh value in the gasoline contaminated tank, as well as the decrease in the pH value in the second tank with ethanol, which can be attributed to its degradation. Comparing the variations in both tanks, it is evident that Eh, pH and electrical conductivity do not behave temporally in a similar way, although some correlations between Eh and pH can be related.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fibers are non-digestible materials by human organism, and they are insoluble in specific conditions. The corn fiber has been used as an alternative to enrich the food products for human consumption, in order to add nutritious value to this co-product. This study aimed at determining the chemical and fractions components of corn fiber, extracted by semi-wet milling in laboratory (LabF), and by semi-humid milling in industrial process (IndF); and microbiological analyses were perform in the last fraction. The fiber composition differed significantly among these two products as to moisture, ash, lipids, proteins, insoluble dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose and lignin contents. The sample IndF showed microbiological parameters in compliance with the specifications for consumption. The investigated corn fiber may effectively contribute to increase the fiber intake in the diet. As the industrially processed fiber (IndF) showed compliant microbiological parameters with the specifications for food, this component might be incorporated into the food products formulation.


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Brazilian wines are appreciated by consumers for having fruity odor and taste which are typical from Vitis labrusca cultivars. The rusticity of these cultivars, the winemaking and the physicochemical properties are some of the key factors to obtain a quality beverage. In this context, the aim of this article was to analyze the quality of three white wines from wineries located in northwest region of São Paulo state by determining physicochemical properties and sensory profile. Data were analyzed by statistical tests and by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It was possible to observe statistical differences (P<0,05) in most physicochemical properties. Furthermore, the PCA showed that the attributes body and color significantly explained the variance of the first and second component, respectively, higlighting the Vitis vinifera wine. Thus the connection between the physicochemical and sensory properties of white wines was important for characterization of these beverages produced in the northwest of São Paulo.


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Brazilian red wines are very appreciated by consumers from tropical regions, because they typically have aromatic and fruity taste. Thus, the aim of this article is to verify the quality of red wines from wineries located in Northwest region of São Paulo, based on the relationship between physicochemical properties and sensory attributes. Three red wines from this region was evaluated by sensory and analytical methods and it was possible to observe significant differences in the fixed acidity, alcoholic content, total phenolic content and total dry extract. Multidimensional Scaling showed relationship between total phenolic content and astringency, total dry extract and body and the relationship of volatile acidity in the assessment of odor samples. It was possible to see the physicochemical influence in sensory evaluation, indicating the importance of the chemical profile in the elucidation of possible sensory alterations in red wines.


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The present literature review aimed to describe biodisel’s physicochemical properties obtained from different raw materials. Were studied data concerning viscosity, density, cetane number, fl ash point, pour point and calorifi c power of biodiesel produced from soybean oil, coconut, rice bran, cotton, pequi, babassu, mamona, palm, castor, sunfl ower, corn, canola, jatropha and karanja. Considering the diversity of vegetal and animal sources that can be used on the biodiesel production, it is noteworthy the lack of data concerning physicochemical properties of unexplored raw materials. This work may contribute for the creation of database about physicochemical properties of oil and biodiesel from different sources which will allow design and scale-up, both the necessary equipment to the production line and reciprocating engines.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)