378 resultados para Pessoal – Treinamento


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The motivation in the sport has been one of the most studied subjects nowadays, as much that some authors say that the motivation is the base for the success of an athlete, that is, the psychological part must also well be stimulated so that if it reaches the maximum level of concentration during a game it will obtains the expected result. Tennis is one of the sports that more grew in recent years, and together with this fast ascension also increased the number of interested in researching in this area of the Psychology of the Sport. The present study has as objective to begin the adaptation and validation of the interest scale and to analyze the influence of the motivational orientation of the athletes in the sportive performance of the Tennis through the application of scale Teosq Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (DUDA, 1992), translated, adapted and validated by Hirota and De Marco (2006), where we can identify if the individual is guided for a task or an ego’s goal. This research was carried through in a situated academy of Tennis in the City of Cotia SP Brazil, counting on the participation of 20 citizens with age between 09 and 18 years of both the practicing sexes of Tennis. The calculation of the Alpha Coefficient of Cronbach was adopted as statistical method, in order to identify the trust worthy and validity of the instrument beyond the average of each orientation, to be able to verify the athlete’s motivational orientation. For the analysis of the results, the Alpha Coefficient was observed high, compared with previous studies, reaching values of orientation for the ego of 0,90, and 0,70 of orientation for task. They had been registered the following averages, 4,20 (+0,93) and 2,42 (+0,85), respectively of orientation for task and ego. With those results we can point that, the scale applied with the proposal to identify the motivational orientation of the athletes of Tennis, revealed efficiency, and trust worthy in its application, and in accordance with the results, the athletes are guided for task, revealing self-determination, selfconfident, more creative and they judge its success for the quality of the carried through work.


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Objective and closed questions were applied to 15 - 21 years old individuals under regular resistance exercise practice and self-reported nutritional supplements users, approaching training practices, type of substance feed and socioeconomic characteristics. The data were treated by frequency around the mean value. Major difference was observed to the goal of improvement in physical fitness (Guaruja 21% and Bauru 9.6%), close to the muscle hypertrophic enhancements (Guaruja 22% and Bauru 19.2%), and health proposes (17.3%), which was only reported in the country city. The monthly employment with supplements was observed to be close to one hundred Real, in both regions (Guaruja 79% and Bauru 80%). Even, based on different purposes, the supplements feed practice was closed to the goals, showing a reliable referential of use, but done without appropriated professional care.


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The main function of the immune system is the defense against infection, being composed by the leukocytes that modulate the immune response, which can be innate or adaptive. The physical exercise can causes positive or negative alterations in the total or relative number of leukocytes. When the exercise has a low or moderate intensity it`s considered beneficial for improving the function of the cells responsible for the defense and to reduce the risk of infectious illnesses. The type 2 diabetes is related to an incapacity of the body in rightly respond to insulin, associated to an resistance to its actions. The purpose of this research was to make a study of the immune system characteristics, as well as the type 2 diabetes and the relation among both and the physical exercise. So, it was analyzed a group of type 2 diabetics coming from Diabetics House of Franca -SP, treated through a program of mix physical training. Two collections of blood were pre and post training program for the pair comparable of the participants. It was found positive alterations of the subpopulations of leukocytes that show a probable improvement of the immunological state what allows us to suggest about a possible improvement of the immunological activity, what would be measured by the activation of these cells forward to an inflammatory/infectious condition. So, we suggest that future studies involving diabetes, immune system and physical exercise be encouraged.


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The objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of a training program of physical exercises mixed (aerobic / anaerobic conditioning circuit-break with active), including exercises, walking, weight training and Swiss ball, caused about possible changes in their metabolic system, as changes acute and chronic, individuals bearers of DM2. The methodology used is a model of experimented design of pretest and post-test applied to the group. The blood glucose levels were analyzed in fasting pre-test and post-test, and capillary glycemia in three periods of physical exercise: pre, during and post training, and the statistical processing done by the use of Statistical Software for PC-For SPSS ® Windows ®, V. 12.0 .. With the result has been a drop in the values significant glucometers between 6 weeks of training, with a negative delta average of 68 mg / dl. Furthermore, similar results were also found variations in the daily glycemic between the moments before and after the training session acute. Thus we find that, regardless of the biological mechanism responsible, the program mixed aerobic and anaerobic conditioning circuit-break with active was effective in reducing and controlling chronic and acute glycemic of subjects type 2 diabetic.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões tem como principal objetivo classificar um conjunto de amostras, sendo o processo de aprendizado a fase de maior consumo de tempo. O problema pode piorar em ferramentas de classificação interativas, o que pode ser inaceitável para grandes bases de dados. Um exemplo de classificador é o baseado em Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos [8] - OPF. Dado que muitos trabalhos tem sido orientados à implementação de algoritmos de reconhecimento de padrões em ambiente General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit - GPGPU, o presente estudo objetivou a implementação da etapa de treinamento do classificador Floresta de Caminhos Ótimos em CUDA, visando aumentar a sua eficiência. A otimização do classificador em CUDA demonstrou uma fase de treinamento mais rápida que a versão original.


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This study assessed the effects of Water training on the lipid profile and left ventricular structures in hyperlipidemic mice. Twenty-eight male LDLr-/- mice were randomly separated into 4 groups: sedentary, fed a standard diet (C); exercising, fed a standard diet (C+TRE); sedentary, fed a hyperlipidic diet (C+HL); and exercising, fed a hyperlipidic diet (E+HL). The exercising mice trained daily for 60 minutes during 60 days. After 48 hours of the end of the training period and 12 hours of rest fasting the animals were underwent euthanasia and the blood was collected for measuring the plasma levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and its fractions (LDL, HDL, VLDL). The heart was removed and the left ventricle was weighed fresh to calculate the ratio left-ventricle weight (mg)/body weight (g). The results showed that the training was more effective in improving lipid plasma levels when combined with a balanced diet, thereby confirming that it is essential to associate physical exercise and diet. The training protocol resulted in eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy in the standard-diet group and decreased interstitial collagen deposition in the myocardium of the high-fat-diet animals, which may indicate an improved diastolic function with consequent improvement in the systolic function. It was concluded that regular moderate aerobic exercise induce beneficial and prophylactic adaptations to heart which promoted a better health condition and prevention to diseases.


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Diabetes is a chronic disease that currently affects 171 million individuals approximately worldwide, with projection to reach 366 million people in 2030, increasing the prevalence of 2.8% in 2000 to 4.4%. The dyslipidemia is certainly one of the associated metabolic alterations most important, if we consider the main cause of death in Diabetes - the cardiovascular disease (CVD). One of the prevention and help factors in the Diabetes treatment and in the fall of associated complications is the physical exercise, which contributes to a better life quality to the diabetic. The main objective of the work was to evaluate the effect of a mixed physical exercises training program (aerobic/anaerobic with pause-active), including walking exercises, weightlifting and swiss ball, about possible changes in the blood lipid profile of adult individuals type 2 diabetics. The methodology used an experimental model of pre-test and post-test applied to the group. The data were first analyzed in a descriptive way for the normalization and the elaboration of averages and sample diversions. The sample was subdivided in two moments, being one pre and other post then weeks of training. After these procedures, the results of the values of the lipidic profile and glycemia were compared between the pairs pre and post training (test T Student, pair data), non-parametric. With the study, we can conclude that in despite of the low uptake of participants in the search, for reasons already cited, and the great age difference between them, the found results were partially satisfactory, because we achieved significant changes only in the glycemic variables, but we suggest future studies in the molds here proposed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research investigated the process of personal sense attribution to the study activity of students in Elementary School. The theoretical reference is the Historical-Cultural Psychology. It was conducted with students from 4th grade in a public school. The methodological procedures were: observation the daily life of a classroom; learning oriented situations; focus groups; interviews. As a result, we sought to define the analysis unit: the relation between the study activity motives and the objectives of study actions. It is defended the thesis that for the scholar learning to happen, the study actions of the students must have a personal sense correspondent to the motives and to the social meanings of the study activity, towards the human development promotion.


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Although the use of countertransference is a controversial topic and the debate on the participation of the analyst’s mind may go back to the old conception of aptness for the analytical task based on personality or psychological makeup, the fact is that the psychoanalyst’s education involves the elaboration of his unconscious conflicts, turning conscious the pathways of his desire and his symptoms through a process of personal analysis and a long theoretical and technical training in the field of psychoanalysis. This study is a literature review based on studies about the maternal function, which aims at showing the path of recovery of countertransference in psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implication of the analyst’s abilities in the analytical process. This development is tributary of the appreciation of maternal function as a model for interpersonal and therapeutic relationship in Psychoanalysis, due to the paradigm of object relations in the British psychoanalytic tradition, being Donald W. Winnicott and Wilfred R. Bion two of its main authors.


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The objective of this paper is to analyze the role of pedagogical activity in the formation of attention. first, we present critically the concept of adhd analyzing the criteria used for its diagnosis. analyze, then, the process of constitution of attention as higher psychological function by examining their relationship with the structure of pedagogical activity. finally, we focus on the relationships between the motives of activity and the formacion of attention, presenting the concept of actions that generate motives for learning as an important theoretical tool that can put the teacher in the active role of producer new motives to bring students to develop psychological functions superiors, including attention. as conclusion, we criticize the medicalization process, bringing the challenge of to develop attention for its real locus, school education.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The study is intended to portray the experiment of mechanical engineering course academicians’ that work on health and labor security field, at the project “Primary Training of Operation and Operational Security of Agricultural Machines”, by practical and theoretical content for workers of a rural community, aiming operational security orientation on their work activities.


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Este trabalho aborda a natação para a pessoa com deficiência (PCD), tendo como objetivo verificar o nível de desempenho aquático de participantes do projeto de ensino de natação adaptada. Destacamos o intuito de avaliar a perspectiva de início de um treinamento paralímpico em natação. Foram analisados 14 usuá- rios da Sorri-Bauru, vinculados a um programa de iniciação, quanto ao seu nível de desempenho na água. Verificamos que a grande maioria ainda encontra-se em fase inicial da aprendizagem dos estilos, onde a respiração e a autonomia no meio líquido ainda necessitam ser amplamente dominadas. Porém, a partir dos resultados é possível propor o início do processo de treinamento criando um vínculo entre a PCD e o professor/técnico e que sejam respeitadas as limitações e potencialidades dos participantes.