389 resultados para Modalidade deôntica


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The use of stabilizer bracelet is a frequent treatment for movement disorders to strengthen muscles and adjust coordination. Still questions remain regarding the benefi t of using loads to decrease involuntary movements and the best load and placement. Objective: To measure the infl uence of the stabilizer bracelet on the kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters in planar movements performed by the upper limb. Method: One child, who has the spastic diplegy type of cerebral palsy with choreoathetoid component, and a control child without cerebral palsy, both female and 7 years old, were subjected to analysis of movements in relation to displacement, velocity, linear acceleration, and the calculation of mean square error (MSE) with and without use of stabilizer bracelet with loads of 25, 50, and 75% of the supported maximum load. Results: After comparing data between subjects, a difference was found between patient and control in all situations and variables. An inter-individual comparison using 25% of the maximum load showed the smallest difference with the NDE. Discussion and Conclusion: This therapeutic option is low cost, easy to apply, and does not signifi cantly interfere in the aesthetic of the individual. Therefore, physiotherapists may prescribe this for activities that require greater control of the upper limb because for the case studied the upper limb movement was more effi cient with the use of the stabilizer bracelet.


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This article analyzes the data resultant of the accomplishment, between 2008 and 2009, of an extension and research project on the international exchange of letters between teachers and students from elementary schools in the towns of Garça and Marília, São Paulo State, Brazil, with a school in the city of Azaruja, Portugal and another in the city of Luanda, Angola. It was developed by a team of students and teachers, UNESP, Marília, in order to promote the exchange via personal letters for that students, between 8 and 9 years old, could take possession of the written language, in this case Portuguese, and understand it as an instrument steeped in culture. The choice of this kind in the world of the epistolary genre was made because it promotes the participation of the Other in the configuration of dialogic relations in the elaboration of the statements, taken as a reference in a Bakhtinian conception of language. It aimed to (1) point, in the letters exchanged between teachers and students between the Portuguese, Brazilians and Angolans in the early years, the evidence of authorship linguistic behavior that could signal the beginning of autonomy in the use of the written modality of language, or signs of submissive behavior; (2) reveal the cultural content of language tools used to construct indicators listed on the customs of each people, including those constituting school doings. For the generation of data were used principles of action research, which enabled direct action, along with Brazilian teachers, and indirectly, in the case of the foreign teachers. From the analysis of the corpus of research - letters exchanged between teachers and students - it is clear that the appropriation of language as a speech act realized in human relations makes the old personal correspondence a powerful instrument of development in the area of the written language.


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Taekwondo practice has been associated with physical and biomechanical overloads, which are related to occurrence of sports injuries (SI). However, etiological and nosographic information about SI are limited and conflicting. This study analyzed and characterized the SI in Taekwondo athletes, according to gender. Casuistic integrated 22 athletes, 12 men and 10 women, athletes from São Paulo State Team of Taekwondo, adult category, with 23,6±6,8 years, body weight of 66,0±13,1 kg and 1,72±0,09 m of height. Reported morbidity survey was used to obtain retroactive information to 2009 season. Nosographic variables were analyzed using Goodman’s Test for contrasts among multinomial populations. All athletes reported injuries in the season; 56 cases were registered, determining an injury rate of 2.54 SI/athlete; 26 events (46.4%) occurred in males (2.17 SI/athlete), and 30 (53.6%) were related to women (3.00 SI/athlete). There were predominance of injuries in joints (35,7%) and muscles (39,3%); both genders presented injuries in lower members (82.1%, p<0.01), predominant in combat situations (80.4%, p<0.05), during the preparatory period of training (73.2%). There was a higher treatment request among male athletes (73.1%), which showed high asymptomatic return (69.2%); the female group referred similar proportions of absence and presence of treatment request, collaborating for the greater symptomatic return of these athletes (70.0%). In conclusion, the results support predominance of muscles and joints injuries in lower segments, derived from fighting, involving female athletes.


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This research was developed during four years, in different regions of the country. Its purpose was to better understand the possible influences that handicapped siblings have on the development of non- handicapped siblings. Participated in the study 80 siblings, with ages ranging between 14 and 26 years. There were 20 siblings of physical handicapped (PH), 20 siblings of auditory handicapped (AH), 20 of mental handicapped (MH), and 20 of non handicapped, in number and ages equivalent.The participants answered a questionnaire containing “characteristics of handicapped person”, “characteristics of respondent sibling”, “characteristics of family”, a questionnaire with eleven closed questions and one open, but for the control group there was on less question. The phenomena studied in this research in some situations present themselves differently for each group of respondent sibling (ex: greater concern of the parents with the MH sibling, calling attention more for siblings of PH and MH, more responsibility in the family, taking care of the handicapped sibling, fear of having handicapped children, and the perception of (in) dependency of the handicapped sibling) and in others present themselves in similar manner (ex: more concern of the parents with the brother with PH, nature of the relationship, to feel or not ashamed of the sibling, talking about the sibling development). In conclusion, some phenomena, so far socially perceived as causing differences in sibling relations and attributed to de presence of a handicap are not, since between siblings of non handicapped these same phenomena present themselves in a similar way. Differently from the control group, siblings of handicapped need correct information, as well as therapeutic support to elaborate feelings of fear, anger, shame that they may have due to their condition. It is important to stress, also, the need that these siblings have to be themselves without the stigma of sibling of handicapped.


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This review is intended to gather together recent studies that explore the effects of different types of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) on the autonomic nervous system, assessed through heart rate variability (HRV). A search for papers was conducted in the PubMed, PEDro, SciELO and Lilacs databases with the following descriptors: noninvasive ventilation, CPAP ventilation, intermittent positive pressure breathing and autonomic nervous system, for the period between 2008 and 2012. After eliminating papers not addressing the topic, we selected six studies, of which five applied NIV in CPAP mode and one used biphasic positive airway pressure. In general, the findings suggest that NIV promotes changes in autonomic modulation that are dependent on the conditions of the subjects analyzed and the time when these rates are assessed, meaning acute or long-term effects.


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The process of inclusion of deaf students at regular and specialized educational institution is a complex issue, which has the main point of discussion its specificity linguistic represented by Brazilian Sign Language. Whereupon, this research analyzed how the discourses of young students with deafness on this type of education at regular and specialized educational institution from a city situated in the State of São Paulo. The aim of this study was analyze the relations between the discourses of deaf students and their production conditionals, using the dimension of Discourse Analysis and the historical-cultural psychology. As parts of this research, were used four deaf students enrolled in schools belong in the city of São Paulo, which two schools are regular and two are specialized to deaf people. The collection instruments build themselves in observation of dialogue situations in classroom and interview semistructured. The interviews were made by video recording, researcher and an interpreter. The results showed that discourse of the student enrolled in the specialized school differs in relation to the ideals of bilingual education, in this case defended by users of the Brazilian Sign Language, fact not observed in the context of the regular school.


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This research presents an analysis of the profile of participants in the second edition of the Extension Course “Libras by distance: a proposal for continuing education of teachers in inclusive educational settings”, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers in Special Education, the SEESP / MEC and the support of the UAB, whose goal was to promote a theoretical-practical-discourse on the importance of Libras in deaf education. The course was developed by the School of Philosophy and Science of UNESP / Marília, in distance mode. practicing teachers in public schools, linked to 19 Departments and / or Directors of Education in several regions of Brazil took the course. The information was collected from the questionnaire responses of the diagnostic evaluation performed in the pre-registration course. In general, the information was about place of residence, marital status, family constitution, educational training and professional experience in special education. We performed quantitative analysis and descriptive statistics on the data. The information presented refers to a summary of results for the total sample investigated. With the release of the profile of participants we expect to contribute towards the organization of new extension courses in the area of deafness, in distance mode, aimed at the in-service training of teachers with a view to Inclusive Education.


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Introduction: This paper considers that information science (IS) literature covers a diversity of thematics with low emphasis on researches about conducting research. The study analyzes the scientific production of authors who investigate about research methodology in the information science (IS) literature, and the references used to lay the foundation of the methodological issues regarding the area. It discusses the methodological and epistemological positions of the leading researchers highlighted as the most productive investigators on the subject in the country. Method: The research adopts the content analysis coupled with metric studies to contextualize the indicators related to productivity, to the types of authorship and citation analysis. The bibliographic coupling method is considered an analysis mode which analyzes concomitant citations. It develops a theoretical framework about the importance of scientific production analysis in different knowledge fields. The study investigates, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts about research methodology and the complementarity between methodology and epistemology in conducting research. Results: The results of the analysis showed that the production of the highlighted authors presents the methodology as a thematic focus to be applied to IS contexts, as well as a research object in the field. The prominent productivity of the authors is justified especially by deepening the meta studies about the ways to conduct research in IS. This study also identifies a trend to single-authored studies about the theme. Conclusions: The research considers that meta studies and applied and methodological studies are important to recognize a consistent theoretical and practical core in the IS area. Regarding the epistemological influences identified by the citation analysis, the study observes that the critical rationalist epistemology and the social and political epistemology are highlighted in the construction of the theoretical framework of the most productive authors.


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BACKGROUND: Previous studies suggested that some interactive video games induce cardiovascular responses. However, some different styles of video games have not been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate cardiovascular responses induced by video game boxing performance in healthy women. METHOD: We evaluated ten female sedentary volunteers, aged 20.9 ± 1.4 years, weight 58.7 ± 8.0 kg, height 163.2 ± 5.4cm. All subjects were weighed and measured. Their heart rate, blood pressure and lactate levels were recorded before and after video game performance. The volunteers played a Sony video game (Nintendo® Wii) by using the boxing method, in which all volunteers played for 10 minutes without interruption. At the end of the game the volunteers were reassessed using the same parameters mentioned above. RESULTS: At the end of the video game boxing performance we observed highly significant increases of lactate production (p < 0.0035) and the double product (heart rate vs. systolic blood pressure) was also higher (p < 0.0001). Both parameters indicate that the performance increased demands of the cardiovascular system. CONCLUSION: We conclude that a ten-minute video game boxing performance induces cardiovascular responses similar to aerobic exercise. This may be a practical form of exercise, but care should be exercised concerning subjects with cardiovascular disorders.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)